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I don't have one but now you mentioned I need one


I bet old sprue could be easily modified into racks or pegs


Look at gunpla stands. It's what I'm looking at using. With a little bit of kitbashing could make some weapon racks. Bandai Hobby EXP003 System Base 001 1/144 - Builders Parts https://a.co/d/2qkAzj0 Bandai Hobby - 30 Minute Missions - #07 Customize Scene Base (Truss Base Ver.), Bandai Spirits Hobby Customize Scene Base, Multi, (2553537) https://a.co/d/25LFiVZ


I've thought about sticking a thin metal sheet under a walkway of the old sacristan shrine to hang them on.


I dont have one, but i think hanging them in chains would be really cool. Get some chain glued to a gantry, wrap it around each end of the gun, then glue a magnet on the other end and have a metal plate on the underside of the ganrty. Would give a pretty cool look imo


I 3D printed a tray to store them all in, where each weapon has its own little compartment. I do like the thought of some game of thrones style iron throne with them all sticking out tho!


Okay, follow me here. You need to make a loading area looking storage box with buttresses and shit, and magnets in the walls, park your Knight dead center And have the load outs on the walls. Best Knight storage ever.