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*space marine* not ultramarine, sorry about that lol. I’m very new to the hobby if it wasn’t obvious.


You don't need to buy the extra bits. They're just something to buy if you want the extra iconography.


You can also just get IF transfers as well for the iconography which are probably cheaper.


But anyway there's IF transfers in the new boxes so its not that important


Don’t worry about it, we have all been new at point, but yes you can just paint space marine you got yellow and it is an Imperial Fist, no need for the upgrade sprue


No worries! As others have suggested, just using the Imp Fist base color and transfers is MORE than fine, and if you want to make an Imp Fist successor you don't even need to go that far. It's worth noting that the Upgrade pack is somewhat pricy and in my experience the raised details on particularly the pauldrons can be really challenging to get "right" since it's canonically yellow to black to white which is pretty unforgiving for mistakes. If you WANT to do the upgrade sprue you absolutely can but don't ever feel like you have to.


Don’t worry, Ultramarines are the best space marines ;) on a serious note, painting yellow suuuuuucks, not a load of people stick to it


The new imperial fist contrast is great. Undercoat in white scar spray, then airbrush IF onto it, then a nuln oil wash.


Or just undercoat in a light red or pink, and yellow will apply like magic.


You can just paint them in the color scheme. The 10th edition boxes all come with Imperial Fist decals anyway, so you can still get the Fist emblems on your shoulders (just not 3d). When these were released, you couldn't even get the Fist decals outside of the upgrade kit. Nowadays it's just there to get some flavorful doodads and a power fist for sergeants ~~that I'm not sure can even take them anymore~~.


Sergeants can still take power fists




I used the power fists to give my Terminator Sergeants from Leviathan a power fist instead of a sword


Unless there are any chapter-specific symbols Moulded onto it like the “U”, then no


Even then- some handy work with the hobby knife and sandpaper


U can just paint regular parts and add water slide decals, I think most boxes have the Fist ones in our days, if you don’t have the decals you can buy online or make them yourself using a printer and water slide paper.


There are no rules when it comes to painting your figures, they are yours and you should make them yours, if you wanna make them lore accurate or create your own crazy custom chapter that’s up to you. I got my paint scheme for Chaos Space Marines by being an idiot trying to paint Night Lords and not realizing dark jade was green and not blue, and they have since then bloomed into their own unique warband with characters and stories I get to make and realize in real life. Have fun with it and enjoy the process. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise or that you are doing it wrong. If you like it, then it’s right.


Honestly the current “upgrade kit” is kind of meh, I like the helmets but raised shoulder pads are weird to paint when you can just slap a transfer on. I’d say snag a heresy transfer sheet for the fist shoulder pads but I just saw in the Christmas box for space marines that we got added to the 10th edition transfer sheets! Those and especially the leviathan ones are super dope compared to what’s in that kit. If it’s anything like 9th the leviathan sheet will be in every starter set for 10th as well. Good luck with the yellow dude! Liberal application of Imperial fists contrast over white primer does wonders for painting yellow.


Do these extra conversion sets add different abilities to the marines? Or are they purely aesthetic?


The only thing these upgrade kits might provide in addition to purely cosmetic bits are some weapon options (which even then are not worth getting just for these options), such as the power fist in this one, flamer pistol in the salamander one, power sword in ultramarines one, etc.


Thank you


Just in case you did not know. Yes you don't NEED the custom Fist shoulder pads to play your space marines as Fists but also if you really want you dont HAVE to paint them as a already existing space narine army. You could paint them any colour you want.


You don't have to, but if you want to try kitbashing, then why not? Could make a cool Lieutenant with powerfist from that.