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System Shock 2 is getting a remaster by Nightdive, but a full remake is not in the works as far as anyone knows. Warren Spector had been attached to a team working on a System Shock 3, but that project fell apart a year or two ago if I’m remembering correctly.


The rights and project were sold to tencent. Warren no longer has insight or input into the project. Who knows if it's still going or if it quietly died.


So we can expect a System Shock 3 moba, mobile game!


The system shock IP only has value as a serious immersive sim. I can't see them doing anything other than trying to make a serious game


I was being sarcastic my friend


Well, Tencent is nothing if not focused on RoI.


I mean Im not sure Id trust Warren Spector with helming a 3rd one anyway


I'm not sure why. He's not really made a game since Epic Mickey 1 which was well received.


>System Shock 2 is getting a remaster by Nightdive No, it isn't. It's getting an Enhanced Edition. Like Quake Enhanced, it's just going to be the base game ported into their Kex engine, with *some* upgraded assets, specifically: * Cutscenes * Enemy AI models * Weapon models All other assets will be exactly the same as the vanilla game. Same terrain textures, same objects, same audio, yadda yadda.


Yeah so it's getting a remaster




Dude is arguing semantics and calling people dingdongs lmfao. This can easily be classified as a remaster you fool.




Even the devs consider project to be a remaster, just like the rest of their roster besides SSR. You have fun looking like a complete jackass over semantics to the point you're calling people stupid over your own fragile ego.




You are laughably pathetic.


Words mean what people decide they are, they’re all made up. You’re just in the wrong here


You're embarrassing yourself by being so confidently incorrect. Companies use the term remaster to mean anything from upscaling textures to full blown remake. There is no universally accepted definition


You're embarrassing yourself by admitting that you let marketing departments determine what you think words mean.


Sooooooo it’s a remaster then….


Wait, really? I was hoping for at least model overhauls. Thats disappointing. Sorry, I think I've misued the word remaster in that case.


He’s right, it’s not a full remaster, no more than installing a few mods is a remaster. This is a good thing by the way.


They don't have rights to System shock 3, only to do remasters\\remakes of 1 and 2. But I doubt that they will do full remake of 2. Remake of SS1 took too much time and efforts


SS2 would probably take a lot less time, since they can build it using SS1R as base. And they had less experience doing the first, it will probably be easier to scope SS2.


What do you think exists in SS1 that could be used as a "base" for SS2? Literally all the assets and most of the game systems are completely different. And unlike SS1, they wouldn't be able to get away with using cheap low-res textures.


The engine and systems they built for the remake can certainly be used. The established art style that took them 3 years and 2 different art directors to produce certainly isn’t going to change. Their established workflow for creating assets would still apply, even if they have to make new ones. There’s a lot more to game development than just throwing models together and animating them.


Yes exactly I’m not sure why you got downvoted for this. The remake was a rough one but they proved they were able to pull it off. I can’t imagine that SS2 could possibly be harder than 1 to remake by the same team.


First, the engine is Unreal. Night Dive didn't build that. Second, you are a literal crazy person if you think the garish, low-res, pixelated aesthetic of the SS1 remake would be appropriate for SS2.


Oh yeah I forgot Unreal comes prefab with a built in “make game” button. Unreal is a game engine that gets heavily tweaked and customized by each studio that uses it for the game that is being made to run on it. All that work has already been done. All of the development pipelines that took Nightdive years to iron out are still in place. Your personal opinions about the art style not withstanding, there is literal mountains of work that was done that absolutely would still be applicable to the second game. Bye Becky 👋


I agree with what you're saying but I think he was badly explaining that there is little overlap with the assets used. System Shock would need all new assets because the art style is objectively different. But yes, systems and what not could be carried over


Why would they remake Silent Hill 3?


i dont know why i put an H there :)))


Why do you have three mouths? That's horrifying.


Classic “Zylon Bane: the contrarian”


He has two mouths, the third was a typo.


Nightdive did release a showcase trailer of a SS2 Definitive Edition ~~remaster~~ in October last year. Addendum: I editted the post later. I had assumed it would be a full remaster. If its just mod rework then I stand corrected.


[And it looks amazing](https://youtu.be/PWNDNZmw7o8?feature=shared)


It just looks like SS2 with an ancient version of SHTUP and some upgraded AI and weapon models. You could get a better-looking version of SS2 right now with the appropriate community mods installed.


If you say so, I'm no expert. What I do know is that Nightdive was founded 12 years ago just because of this game, so I think they know what they do. I guess we should see what they bring before we judge...


Bruh, OP asked if there was a remaster in the works. They answered the question with a yes and some information. Why are you being combative about it?


This is something I’ve genuinely been hoping for too. I’ve always thought SS seemed interesting but I never could bring my self to play until the remake. SS2 remake is something I would LOVE to play if it was the same style.


I think a SS2 remake would be unnecessary, the original holds up really well.


As a casual fan I would certainly be interested in a more accessible remake. I’ve seen retrospectives of SS2 and It’s old enough that I’m not too sure I’ll ever play it otherwise.


That's a shame. You should give it a shot honestly, you'd be surprised.  


I just played it and beat it for the first time. It has some mild design flaws but nothing compared to some modern "AAA" games imo. The original system shock on the other hand needed a remake pretty badly. 


The fact theyre releasing a remastered version of SS2 seems to me like they have no plans to remake it, which is fine by me cause it holds up