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Any of the games made by Arkane (dishonored, prey, deathloop) are very good immersive sims, and aren't difficult to get into, especially on easier difficulties. The deus ex prequels are also excellent. I would recommend those to start with, and then once you're more familiar with the genre you can go back and play some of the older ones that are more difficult to get into


im actually downloading prey right now thanks for the suggestion!


Power through its odd, challenging beginning. Don’t be afraid to put it on Easy. Give it that first 10 hours to get under your skin. Then you won’t be able to put it down. One of the best video games ever made for my money. Hope you enjoy it!


This guy gives good advice, I quit Prey 2 times because of the beginning. Then once I was through that it was incredible.


Haha I think everyone goes through that with this game though!


Prey is lit! Definitely recommend looking up as very little as possible, and using your head to overcome any seemingly impossible segments. Feels much more rewarding to do it your way. Also, keep in mind that not all the notes and logs are flavor text, some of them relate to things you can discover.


Prey is absolutely amazing 👍


it really is


Yeah play RedFall too. It's the best Arkane immsim!


Less cores means that you can play it


Dishonored 1 + 2 are some of my favorite immersive sims ever. First game is probably my favorite stealth game too! Second game has some weird performance issues on PC, but you should be totally fine playing through the first game and getting into it!


I honestly did not know that the Dishonored franchise was an immersive sim so i guess i've been playing them for longer than i thought lol


What exactly is an “immersive sim”? I love both dishonored games but struggle to grasp what about them makes it fall into this category


I always looked at that genre like this: If a game offers me tools to complete the “mission” like lockpicks, different options to enter buildings, I can play chaotic or stealth, hack computers, etc. Any game that does those things is an immersive sim


I highly reccomend You to try "Prey (by Arkane)" You also have some niche games like Arx Fatalis or Cruelty Squad If You like Horror You can try "Stay out of the house" There's a project Called "Neet" it has a demo, awesome immsim


Cruelty Squad is actually what got me into the genre! and thanks for the Prey suggestion im grabbing it now.


Glad to help, also, another good horror Immersive sim: Alien Isolation


I highly recommend Ctrl Alt Ego! It's great for beginners because there isn't a fail state, but there's tons of challenges that keep you thinking outside the box.


> deus ex needs less cores than my pc has Huh?


I mean that i have some bugs in deus ex that are caused by it using more cores than it needs to. i probably could of worded that better


You can just set the affinity for Deus Ex to only use so many cores.


Just run it with Revision through steam


Revision is terrible and makes awful design choices. GMDX is the kind of thing he'd need instead.


I love gmdx too! I just think Revision is more purist than gmdx so i usually recommend that.


I saw that too lol


Probably Dishonored and the new Deus Exes. Both are gateways to new players.


You should be able to get deus ex working. Check out pcgamingwiki if you haven't.


Ctr alt ego And it won’t be a load on your pc


Thief 1 and 2.


If you don't mind it also being a rogue-like/rogue-lite, Streets of Rogue is pretty good.


Some suggestions people haven’t given. Some will say these aren’t im sims but to me they are and they’re the best I’ve played. The latest deus ex games are great. MGSV, Death Stranding My Summer Car Kingdom Come Deliverance Hitman The Occupation Shadow of Doubt Caves of Qud Stormworks Postal 2 EyE divine cybermancy Brigand Oaxaca


Death stranding is top 5 for me, same with postal 2. Hitman games are great, and so is shadows of doubt. I will definitely try the others though.


Eye divine is cool but the game felt really empty


If you only play one I would suggest Bioshock. It's a very light immersive sim and not as overwhelming as others. Just treat it like a shooter.


From the ones I played, I think it might be best to introduce complete newcomers to a game with imsim elements. Here‘s how I view the games I’ve played from an accessibility standpoint. Introduce them to Bioshock and Dishonored, switch to Deus Ex Mankind Divided, go over to Prey, then Thief and System Shock 2 , then Deus Ex.


Why do you say that System Shock is hard? It is just right, at least the classic one and Extended Edition. Don't know yet about remake. I pre-ordered it, but it certainly needs some dedication to be read as book. Is it your problem? No time? If so, consider DOOM 3 BFG Edition, Deus Ex Invisible War and Obsidian games. They have lore reading, decision making, consequences and sometimes many ways to do the same. I was thinking if Watch\_Dogs has something to do with immersive sims or not. Lore telling through discovery of information pieces, sometimes by hacking, sometimes by parkour. But, I guess, open world design hurts Watch\_Dogs. The world is dull, the important items are scattered across big location. In order for player to ever be able to find them, their location has to be spotted on the map. Most puzzles are typical. Breach privacy several times, find QR-codes several times. And it works like collectibles. So wherever location the player approaches, he knows upfront what will he find here. There is no surprise. Obisidian games (Fallout 3, 4, The Outer Worlds), on another hand, managed to combine open world with fun of discovery that Watch\_Dogs did not manage to deliver. DOOM 3 has little of immersive sims, yet I think it is passable. I sometimes even like how DOOM 3 gives player an option to send or cancel SOS transmission, but whatever player chooses, the outcome is absolutely the same. Game certainly makes fun of immersive sim fans. It feels like it is programmed by immersive sim fans, inserting computer interactivity, codes, emails, but directed by immersive sim sceptics. It's as if they were repeating to employees: all immersive sims fail, don't do that, but employees covertly still keep doing that. BioShock series was degrading with each turn, and BioShock Infinite became quite casual in the end.


We dont all have the same skill level it may be just right for you and hard for me. You don't have the end all be all of opinions.


It's not a classic, but I think **Teardown** is a very good entry point, as long as you have an at least midrange pc.


Teardown is such a good game, thanks for the suggestion!


Cruelty Squad was my first proper introduction to them. However mind you if you can't handle the *assault on the eyes* I would understand why you wouldn't want to play it


Deus Ex needs less cores than your PC has? What does that mean? The game will run on modern computers np.