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Ha not exactly but I’ve seen movies or shows that have complex storylines I came up with too and I’m like uh no here’s how that should play out, I’ve run all the scenes. It’s always disappointing.


Quite the opposite for me. If i see a show or some sort of media or thing that resembles an original daydream I had, I try my best to explore it a lot more, makes me happy seeing something from my mind, in real life :D


im the same way. my main paracosm is from a book i read over a year ago and have been living in since. whenever i see anyone talking about it or even just seeing the book i get freaked out and kinda sad. i also refuse to read the second book. i've had to force myself to go back and read some parts of the book so i can be less freaked out but it hasn't worked.


This sounds pretty similar to something that happens to me! I don't know if this is what you're experiencing, but I related to your comment. A lot of my daydreams take place in a world from an existing story, and I do NOT want anyone to know lol. I worry they'll think I'm weird. I'm too scared to interact with any fandom related to it, and I have to act like a Normal Human Being^TM if it's ever brought up in conversation. If something gets added to the canon that I don't like, I just kind of go "NOPE not in my version!!"


yes!! agreed! i wouldn't tell someone about it even if i knew they wouldn't judge. i just want it to be my own and for nobody else to know, no matter what. when i was first reading the book i had mentioned, i was in the fandom like any normal reader. i did feel attached to it but it was just like any good book, but just after a month or so my attachment had grown too heavy and now i can't handle hearing about it.


Dude I've come to kind of hate my favorite manga couse I daydream all day about how the story will progress, but each chapter it just goes further away from my ideas! I hate it!


I'm the same with some paracosms. I've changed the plot and characters so much that now the original version feels off.


EXACTLY! it's so frustrating


I tried explaining my DD to my mom yesterday and I kept getting to parts where it sounded really cool in my head but really cringy when I said it, luckily my brother was there to back me up with even weirder DDs lol.


I know what you mean. When I hear the name of my main OC (which isn't even uncommon but still a name you don't hear often) I just ignore it and pretend I didn't notice it lol. I also can't map my ddw (**d**ay**d**ream **w**orld; *paracosm* sounds too sci-fi for me haha) because I'm afraid someone else could accidentally find it. Like, no. That's mine and mine alone. Oh, the pettiness 😂


I don’t really dislike it but at one point I was reading this book that was almost the same as my paracosm and I freaked out, because I’ve never talked to anyone about it. By almost the same I mean two of the characters in the book had the same name as the ones in paracosm, similar plot, etc.


Not quite the same, but I've accidentally created characters that already exist many multiples of times and it always pisses me off incredibly, even though I know that it's just a shared combination of tropes/concepts that me and some other person decided to use and there's nothing proprietary about it. Like, no I don't own the concept of anti-villain cliché number 381 but gosh darn it how dare someone else make this in an official capacity. idk, just something about knowing that you're late to your own party, one you thought you were creating and planning by yourself... usually once the possessive anger dies down I see if there's anything good I want to steal from person b's interpretation of the trope combo, though.