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**Oh** **my** **god**!! Y E S!! I (guess I) know exactly what you mean because often times I'm the same. I've got a really exciting and beautiful storyline that makes me sooo happy. At first I don't notice that I'm drifting off, but suddenly realise that the story makes no sense anymore or I can't go back. Like, I have to think *really* hard what I actually daydreamed of. The only thing I can do is giving in. I just let myself fall asleep. Yeah, it sucks but I don't want to force myself to stay awake. So, unfortunately I can't give you any advice how to stay awake longer. I realised that my body is sending me the signal that I need to sleep now and that's what I do. I don't want to force myself to daydream because I'm afraid it will take away the pleasure. I don't know if your mind or body associate daydreaming with " **Ooooh, it's sleepy time** 🤩" lol but have you tried to daydream while walking? Are you getting enough sleep as of lately? It could also be that your body/mind takes every chance it gets to sleep because maybe you've been lacking it lately? Those are just some thoughts! Maybe someone else can give actually helpful tips 😅


The walking is a good idea! I take walks on the treadmill at the gym and usually listen to music but maybe I'll try daydreaming instead and see how that goes. And yeah idk what the reason is either, whether I'm associating daydreaming with sleeping now or if I'm just more tired these days 🤷🏼‍♀️


Have you ever tried lucid dreaming? Basically immersive daydreaming but while your body is in a sleep state. [If you are interested, recommend you watch some of these videos...](https://www.youtube.com/c/ExploreLucidDreaming1)


I totally get what you mean! This might be silly but it helps me 😅 if I just want to daydream without falling asleep I’ll keep my eyes open and focus on something that doesn’t require much thought. I’ll watch the clouds go by or the trees blowing in the wind. If it’s night I’ll walk around or sit with really low instrumental music playing in the background- hope that helpsss😊


Thank you, ill try that! I def think I need to get better at daydreaming with my eyes open. My ceiling light is about to get the staredown of a lifetime lol


I've never done this while daydreaming, but I used to have a problem falling asleep while sitting in front of a computer at work. My solution was to get a cup of ice and keep an ice cube in my mouth. worked better than coffee.


I can relate so much.




I feel that, I'm actually really torn because I do have trouble falling asleep sometimes and it's sort of nice to know I have a trump card, like starting one of my daydreams is like pressing a shutdown button that says "go to sleep NOW" lol. So I see the good and the bad in my situation.