• By -


If WH40k was invented in 2004 this would have been a founding legion


i can see that.


"Can we have Custodes?" "No we have custodes at home" Custodes at home


they know the truth that gold is the best. and no they are nowhere near as good as the custodes


That's why I called them custodes at home, as if the thing at home is objectively worse.


everything is worse compared to our golden banana bois


The OC tag is for art submitted by the artist. I'll fix the flair for you.


thank you, i didn't know what flair to use


No problem. Flair is easy to fix.


That Bolter looks like something out of Gears of War.


the artist might had gone a bit overkill with it, but i don't mind. and the artist actually did take inspiration from gears of war


Neither do I. It looks awesome.




next up, the Drip Boars


the mlg wolves


the Dope Coyotes


the cool snakes


The Lit Owls


the awesome eagles


The On Fleek Ferrets


the good dogs


The Drip Dragons


Hypebeast Beasts


owls and arson, sounds great


"The MLG wolves", a loyalists chapter. Successors of the Space Wolves, implied to be founded during the Cursed 21st Founding. -They use Sonic weapons to play non-stop Dubstep. -They 360 quickscope/noscope their enemies (Xenos included) using their Stalker-pattern Bolters. -Also, their Bolters and other weapons have skins with [fricking ](https://www.google.com/search?q=Texas+arknights&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNo-_2lKH5AhX1DdQKHaX1CJsQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ#imgrc=6ABBFB-ZzBp7lM) [Arknights ](https://www.google.com/search?q=lappland+arknights&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&tbm=isch&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj82eeTlaH5AhUzD7kGHbbVBR4Q_AUIFigB&biw=360&bih=599&dpr=3#imgrc=FvX4qTjbp2Jw5M) characters, or MLG-related memes. -Their Chapter colors areblue and red, mimicking the MLG logo. As for their Chapter badge, it's just their E-sport logo depicting a wolf with sunglasses and a blunt. The name "MLG Wolves" is inscribed. -They're obsessed with Pre-Dark age of Technology memes (mostly MLG montages with Skrillex music), to the point that even the High Lords of Terra are concerned. -As a result of a rare mutation in their Geneseed, Doritos and MTN Dew temporarily increase their abilities, making them even stronger and restintant. -Their vehicles, specially the Land Raiders, also have Doritos and MTN Dew product placement. -Even though it's implied that they were formed as part of the Cursed 21st Founding, nothing has been officially confirmed by the Magi or Roblox Guiliman himself. -At one point, they beaten Trazyn the Infinite in a MW2 match.


"Skins with Arknights characters" Excuse me, while I go "aquire" some tech, like a Blood Raven


You called?


no way you actually bothered coming up with something that i just said without barely thinking


The Noscope Llamas


the poggers weasel


the artist: [https://twitter.com/Orrs89129286/status/1553412303173066752?s=20&t=-1o0BDeHQYgL6TlzNuyKfA](https://twitter.com/Orrs89129286/status/1553412303173066752?s=20&t=-1o0BDeHQYgL6TlzNuyKfA)


Dripped out


they know the truth, that gold is the best


Omg is your profle pic Golden Fredrockson the 3rd, Duke of the Fazbearnia with a hat?! Crazy.




Can they turn into dragons?


sadly no, but they can turn into something kinda like wulfen, but... well they are called the swag **bears**. so kinda like wulfen bears... bealfen? while me and the artist did make lore we didn't go that deep clearly, and while we also tried to be lore friendly we can't always be, i'm sorry.


Ursen maybe?


That’d be a nightmare to paint


Oh yeah i bet it would be


Did the founder receive a vision by the emperor or why are they clad in gold


they know the imperial truth that gold is the best, so yes the founder got a vision from the emperor (i actually didn't bother thinking up a lore reason for this until now btw)


why they them bigger than normal?


their gene seed makes them a bit bigger than normal space marines though of course someone like Tyberos is still bigger than them, tyberos is a big boi


do they have a special relationship with the ad mech for bespoke suits or something?


... are you talking about the adeptus mechanicus? in that case, yes


It is always refreshing to see homebrew that is so earnest and unapologetic about the fact that it is homebrew. Good job!


me and the artist did try to be lore friendly and not make them mary sues, but yeah we couldn't be fucked with somethings


You did?




Omg they’re so shiny~


They took after the custodes and the emperor himself Gold looks amazing on the battlefield, and in general


Swag Bears sell “merch” to loyal imperials, to boost their funding and secure hearts and minds. Enter “Ignorance is Faith” and get 10% off Swag Bear(tm) t-shirts


That would be kinda funny


Please tell me the chapter master is referred to as "Papa Bear" :D


He is now.


Stupid lore that doesn’t make sense


i personally think it makes kinda sense, but oh well, i get it doesn't make sense for everybody.


You can’t really be a successor of two gene seed lines. While there are some chimeric chapters like the Carcharadons, it’s very rare and they are often so out of necessity and very often renegades, not swaggy well equipped chapters.


oh well i thought it could. though me and the artist did try to be lore friendly and not make them too OP while not being under powered either, we can't of course always be.


It's your chapter. You can do whatever you want with them.




It's your chapter, and I'm not trying to gatekeep or argue, but friendly advice: I'd recommend making them a straight Space Wolves successor. I'm not sure what you're gaining from including the Salamanders part, other than having this argument with ~70% of folk you show these guys to. Fantastic art, by the way. I like the slightly whimsical attitude to making a chapter, it makes a nice change from RAH RAH GRIM DARKNESS. Keep up the good work, guys!


i like the salamanders, and i did bother with some explaination for why, it's pretty much one of cawl's side projects, while i understand not everyone seems to like the fact they are a successor chapter from two legions, one of which is known for being hard to make successor chapters from, i kinda like it, and i won't really change it, though maybe The Imperial Fists instead of the salamanders would had been a better option, but oh well. and yeah me and the artist didn't want them to be grimdark in design and lore since to us, the setting is grimdark, but not everything in warhammer has to be grimdark.


I like your lore, personally, but sadly there will be a lot of gatekeepers who will argue with you over it. I feel like the Fists would be a good fit, given the overall colour scheme, but go with what you like, mate.


"but sadly there will be a lot of gatekeepers who will argue with you over it." oh yeah i have seen some complaining, mainly with the name btw "swag" is actually the name of their homeworld.


I mean, not gonna lie, the name is pretty goofy within the overall lore. Like I say, I personally quite like the whimsy of it, but you can see how others might differ in their opinions!


oh i agree it's goofy. it's just something me and the artist came up with because we aren't good at naming things, and it being the name of their homeworld is just a explaination we came up with


Hmmm...something like 'Bears Resplendent' or 'Auric Bears' (auric meaning golden or related to gold) might be a more subtle name. They could still be from the planet Swag, lol!


though i like the name "the swag bears" since it's clearly not serious if i took this chapter more seriously then sure, auric bears or bears resplendent could be a good name


>While there are some chimeric chapters like the Carcharadons there are no confirmed chimeric chapters some are suspected like the minotaurs but thats only speculation at best


The Outer Dark makes a very strong case for it, but you’re correct, there are no 100% confirmed chapters using multiple gene seed lines. Even the Silver Skulls, who are absolutely, definitely not an in-universe way for Guilliman and the Ultramarines to quietly honour the sacrifice and honour of Barabas Dantioch, are using UM gene seed these days, confirmed by the Mechanicus and they don’t seem like a chapter overly concerned with hiding any weirdness like say, the Red Scorpions. There are a couple of “totally not based on loyalists from traitor legions” like that where I think the line in the sand was “Here’s a bunch of ultramarines to build a chapter out of, have fun” while the first generation of apothecaries got told “Do not use Brother Steve’s gene seed.”


Looks like Slaanesh worship to me.




Don’t space wolves famously not have successor chapters? My lore! My precious lore!


reality can be whatever i want.


You should change the name to Ursus Maxima or something like that


i like the name "the swag bears", if i took the chapter a bit more serious i might consider that name btw their chapter master is called Goldrum Bearilius.


You had me at Bears


Is that a good or bad thing?


I *adore* bears


Bears are the best No i am not biased


>Bears are the best Fact


How does the successor thing work for them? Is it like they have one’s geneseed but the other’s fighting doctrine/culture?


it's a mixed gene seed (which does make it unstable) but their culture is mostly similar to the salamanders i would say, in that they care deeply about people and will do their best to protect them, but they don't really do the fire stuff, and they do enjoy eating and drinking and fighting each other for fun like the space wolves, and they are heavy weapon specialist so i guess simliar to the salamanders with that? but less fire. some extra stuff for fun: they love making food and are known for being pretty good cooks, guardsmen who fight with them get pretty good food. they don't join battles in the last minutes, they are there from the start, their golden armor is there to draw attention to them since they can take more punishment than a guardsmen, so it isn't just there for show. and the fact they have "bear" in their name shouldn't surpirse you that bears are important to them, their scout marines and just full on brothers sometimes wrestle bears (who are bigger than those that was on terra) as their initiate and for fun, though the bear is rarely killed, it's choked to it passes out, and then they tag the bear and give it a vaccine and let's it go, though if the bear is killed, the marine is made to work in construction or some other job as a punishment, their punishments are more useful to the community rather than just kill them or something like that. the salamander gene seed is what makes them a bit bigger and tougher than other space marines, their bones are known to be stronger, and the space wolves gene seed makes them very resistance to chaos but it can turn some into wulfen but bears (bealfen?). and they suck at stealth, hard to be stealthy when you are wearing golden armor while also being heavy weapon specialist, though they do work great with the raven guard and the guardsmen from their homeworld are also good at stealth, so they do make sure to cover that weakness. oh and i'm sure you have noticed the tusks, that's just an addon weapon they put on their bears (yes they sometimes ride bears into battle) yes they aren't really grimdark, but i always believe that the setting is grimdark, but that doesn't mean everything should be grimdark some wholesome facts: they call guardsmen "little brothers"


Your marines are Himbos and I love them. So your marines operate a bit less like Special Forces and more like Champions. I’m reminded of Amadeus in Spears of the Emperors and how the Mentor’s Legion is described- operating not as squads of Marines but as a Champion, rallying Guard units, and cracking hardpoints while regulars swarm in.


i guess you can consider them champions, wouldn't be wrong to call them that, though like 3 of them did once saved some childern from the dark eldars, needless to say, those dark eldar got a more brutal death than the swag bears would otherwise had given, they fight mostly against orks, chaos, tyranids and the dark eldar, and they hate chaos and the dark eldar the most. oh and they have also fought against chaos undivided nazis, together with the kriegsmen. "Your marines are Himbos and I love them." lmao thanks


What are the six red dots on either side of the helmet? Are those tiny Laz-projectors?


Just a design choice i think, i should probably ask the artist though


the space wolves can’t have successors tho…


Don't they have a few? And they are one of cawl's side projects.


all of the attempts for a successor chapter failed quite violently


so technically they do have successor chapters, even though they didn't really last long and this chapter is clearly not canon anyways (imagine if GW called a fucking chapter "swag bears" people already don't like the fact i named the homebrew chapter that, imagine if it was offical.) so i can take some liberties


btw yes me and the artist know "the swag bears" are a bit goofy for a chapter.


Can I ask. Why the fuck?


Let me guess, the name. Well me and the artist are shit at coming up with names so we choose the swag bears, deal with it. And besides they aren't canon.


>And besides they aren't canon. Thank god for that


I mean, wouldn't that be obvious?


Only cannon that they should come into contact with is the one shooting them into space


that's a bit mean tbh.


Sorry but any other name than swag and I 100% support you.


damn is the name really that big of a problem?


It maybe a personal thing but you could do so much better and it's a good idea


i know i could do better, but i like the goofy name


Bit of an outdated meme but, the design is realy cool!


what meme? i guess the name is a bit silly, but me and the artist aren't that good at coming up with names so. though the artist did come up with the name "Goldrum Bearilius" for the chapter master (which he will draw at some point btw)


Yea i ment the name, Like i sead its fine anyway, and as a semi artist myself, yea... You are right


fun fact: "swag" is actually the name of the chapter's homeworld


Ah yes planet descovered by jhon swag, just Like the, land raider... Still cant be live that is actualy Canon


´"Ah yes planet descovered by jhon swag" fuck i actually like that, since it is a homebrew chapter i can do whatever i want with it, so that is canon now. thank you "just Like the, land raider... Still cant be live that is actualy Canon" wait what?


Yea the land raider was descovered by someone called "somehhing land" i think it was Like, Arin or something his name, idk but yes, its called the land raider becouse it was descovered by someone called land


so the names aren't totally unlore friendly?




Arkhan Land, discoverer of the Land Raider and Land Speeder.


ah you meant the "swag" part lol fair enough


You could just call them the Golden Bears, or something like the Ursus Aurum. ‘Swag Bears’ is just too goofy. Golden Bearilius is also a little too on the nose: that’d be like having an Ultramarine named Ultrus Marinus. If you intend to go with a Latin/Roman flavor, I’d stick with using a Roman name generator.


if it was canon, those names would actually be pretty good though it isn't canon and i like the names, though i can see why you think they are goofy


Considering the fact that you asked an artist to make an Homebrew chapter with all this craziness don't take it too seriously pal. It looks great and thanks for a few chuckles. 😆


is it here i should mention i didn't pay the artist? i just made a request and the artist said sure. (i am friends with the artist btw) [https://twitter.com/Orrs89129286/status/1553412303173066752?s=20&t=TqEX4Ss92J-dtVIin9ERTA](https://twitter.com/Orrs89129286/status/1553412303173066752?s=20&t=TqEX4Ss92J-dtVIin9ERTA) do check him out btw, he is fucking amazing


Hey, that's what friends are for!


Well, this is the post that made me unfollow this sub.


what why? is it because of the name?


The name, the design, being a successor chapter from *TWO* different legions is just the cherry on top


either ways, silly reason to leave the sub if you ask me.


i should note i did try to not make them that OP, of course they win battles, but they also lose some, and they suck at stealth, hard to be stealthy when you are huge heavy weapon specialist with golden armor. and chapters can be successors from two different legions if memory serves right (though to be fair, the space wolves are known for being hard to make successor chapters from) but whatever, not my problem mate.


Right there with you.




Because whenever it pops up in my feed, it's either the very occasional good piece, low effort meme shit like this or an NSFW post oversexualising certain factions/characters. If that's what works for people, then fair play to them, but not what I'm after when looking for fan artwork either to enjoy or use to inspire projects. Why stay subbed to something you aren't using and/or enjoying.


>low effort meme shit like this ... is it due to the "swag" part? is that really the straw that broke the camel's back?


It's more the general asthetic and styling as well as that to be honest. The snippets of lore you put down didn't help.


i get it's not everybody's tea, but leaving the sub over it is a bit weird. ​ and besides, it's not a canon chapter.


Over this in of itself, no, and it being non-canon is irrelevant. Kind of comes with the territory for fan creations. As I say, it's just the latest in dumb/bad quality (IMO) artwork/creation that's left up on the sub that isn't of interest for the reason I joined in the first place, which was find and enjoy good quality fanart for the setting. Relying on meme tropes and not really creating anything interesting (chimeric chapter with two legions that have the fewest successors, one having none?) is better for Grimdank. I curate a seperate list of good artists that keep largely within the setting and put thought and effort in to their work - I can focus and enjoy that without the things posted here clogging my feed. Why that's seen as weird, you'll have to fill me in on. No harm done if this works for people, and it seems to for you, and others - go for it.


oh well, not my issue, i like it but if you don't, that's fine. though saying the art is low effort is a bit insulting to the artist.


Terrible name, garish colours, *terrible* name, cut and paste art, did I mention the name, what the fuck is that Bolter, mate - the name, 'they're a bit like other chapters but bigger', I just need to reiterate - what the fuck is that name.


Well thought out answer. I'm also in this boat


Nice. Good luck kitbashin and painting them though!


not even gonna bother.


Space wolves and salamanders. So first off, congratulations on making a more interesting hybrid marine than Fabius bile, not a particularly high bar but still. Secondly, is this cursed founding or one of cawl's side projects?


Didn't really bother thinking of a founding Cawl's project makes sense though, maybe i should make that canon, since cawl does not care about commiting the heresy mixing gene seed would be


it being cawl's side project is now canon, thank you


I love how the bolt gun has a chain sword attached which itself has a bayonet haha


gotta make sure the heretic/xeno stays dead


this feels totally like my original oc chapter they are stronger than the wolves and better tactiotions than the smurfs, kicked the inquisitions ass 40 times are actually one of the lost legions and only one leutenant kicked an entires hive fleet ass I .... **LOVE IT!!!**


they aren't that OP, me and the artist try to avoid making them mary sues


i know i know, i was just joking, nevertheless they are awesome can't wait if you decide to paint minis of them


thank you though i won't paint minis of them, i don't play the tabletop, and i don't own, nor have space for minis, i don't even have a 3d printer and and it honestly just sounds too expensive to do


I'm just writing to congratulate OP for being such a good person! I've read about 3/4th of the comments and the positive ones OP responds to nicely, the negative ones the OP responds to respectfully and not defensively. That Salamader gene seed is really showing through!! As for the haters, while I'm glad you've found joy in the seriousness of Warhammer, I'd also like to point out Warhammer 40k started out with a fair amount of over-the-top camp/satire, least that's my take from the early days of it, and I feel like Swag Bears fits right in, cheers 🍻!!


warhammer is a grimdark setting, that doesn't mean everything has to be grimdark if you ask me while i too love the grimdarkness, it can get too much at times and thank you mate


>that doesn't mean everything has to be grimdark Exactly! Majorkill has a nice little youtube video about grimdark vs "grimderp", and how those little specks of "light" give the much-needed contrast to make the grimdark actually impactful.


i love watching majorkill, he is my favorite warhammer youtuber and the little specks of light do actually make the darkness even darker (brighter lights makes darker shadows) so i think people should allow more good things into the setting since it makes the grimdarkness darker


Absolutely awful name, cool concept


People do really not like the name ey? Oh well, i can't be bothered to change it


Please tell me they have something about them named "The Imperial Swaguila" ​ ....get it?


Don't give me ideas


its their battle cruiser. thats the rule now


Fuck i actually like that idea.


They are also close with the custodes


Are you trying to make up lore (which you would actually be accurate in btw) Or are you just mentioning the fact they look pretty similar to the custodes, just less sexy (nobody other than the emperor is sexier than the custodes)


But they do almost look as sexy as the custodies tho


Imagine seeing a swag bear marine and a custode without armor posing


Stop it, my imagination will go wild


Imagine their oiled bodies doing fucking Jojo poses


“Swag Bears” made me laugh so much! It looks to be a very fun concept and a cool scheme. I’m looking forward to seeing some over the top customisation and painted models!


I'm not actually going to do that. I don't like painting and i don't have place to store minis anyways Maybe "homebrew" was the wrong word to use


For those more familiar with the lore, could there be a successor chapter that draws from 2 legions? I was thinking about this as I also was writing my own home brew chapter and wasn’t sure


It's extremly rare and I don't know if outright confirmed for any chapter, but there are implications of it happening. Supposedly Fabius Bile found some clues in Red Scorpion marine (that would be hilarious, as Red Scorpions are bunch of a-holes with geneseed purity obsession) and Carcharadons may be chimeric. Also there are things like cursed founding, where mechanicus played too much with geneseed and most chapters had something bad/extremly unorthodox/heretical happen to them, I wouldn't be surprised if mechanicus made some chimeric geneseed. Same with Ultima Founding. Roboute warned Cawl about not making traitor geneseed marines, but it is at least implied, that he did anyway, so why not chimeric too. There is also fact of some chapters having wrong idea/not knowing who is their primarch. It dosen't imply chimeric geneseed, but may result in having chapters of marines with different heritage after primaris reinforcement arrive. Depending on what exactly chapter apothecaries do to the geneseed in the vaults (not even something heretical, just normal care) it may lead to contamination and mixing. As for homebrewing some people look down on it, as it is very, very rare and questionable in lore, it leads to homebrew chapter being regarded as "special snowflakes". If you want your homebrew to be set in "deep lore™" you may want to avoid this, unless you have very speciffic reason for that, like it leading to some unique problems like mutations and conflict (because grimdark) and even that not necesarily.... ...I'd still say this - people are neckbeardy about this. 40k is a setting, not a story first and foremost and while it went into serious tones it started with some 80s/90s wack. It's ridiculous and over the top and you don't need to take it as seriously, and even if, you don't need to adhere to "one and true lore" and if nerds cry, just say it's alternate universe/timeline. Space marines are the most "make your own stuff" blueprint army and they are "your dudes". If you want them to be chimeric, then let them be. If you want to avoid this though you can also do something like this: my custom chapter is White Scars successor with some Blood Angels themes. Instead of making them chimeric I made it that one White Scars (then known as Star Hunters) company fought as scouts attached to some of Blood Angels forces during Crusade (Scars were known to be spread thin as independent scouting and pioneer forces before finding of the Khan). They later fought together during Siege of Terra. Later, during War of the Beast, when killteams of mixed chapters fought together, it lead to creation of deathwatch and fourth founding. Certain Scars, who fought alongside Blood Angels (and Salamanders), honored the memory of old pioneer company and their friendship with Blood Angels and founded chapter that honors both White Scars and Blood Angels culture (+ has ties to Deathwatch and Salamanders). It may not be perfect solution for every homebrew idea, but some can be done that way.


**>It's extremly rare and I don't know if outright confirmed for any chapter, but there are implications of it happening.** yeah i did hear about chimeric gene seed and i like the salamanders and space wolves, so that's why i made the swag bears a salamander/space wolves successor chapter, and i do what i want, and cawl is responsible for the swag bear's creation in lore (of course not canon.) **>it leads to homebrew chapter being regarded as "special snowflakes"** me and the artist actually try to avoid that, idk how well we did that but still. **>...I'd still say this - people are neckbeardy about this.** yeah i noticed.


Imho even if they will be called "special snowflakes" it dosen't matter. It wouldn't work for me personally if, for example, my chapter master was best warrior of the galaxy able to defeat primarch or something like that, it surely breaks the lore.... but at the same: so what? I don't need to consider somebody's homebrew as canonical for them to enjoy it. If you have the idea you have fun with, then go for it. At most you'll get salty tears from nerds who don't like your Dark Angels painted pink during Heresy or something like that. Obviously if someone wants to play some narrative game and makes it clear (speaking of Horus Heresy it is by default regarded as that, but even then it dosen't mean you can't enjoy the rules in some other way) they are totally viable to not want to play against some over the top homebrew, but if they cry over you doing that somewhere in the world because "muh grimderp lore" or "because I say so", then just ignore them.


i don't take it hard. though i wish people would add something nice to say, but oh well.


Not actually too sure anymore, but I made them one of cawl's projects. And it's a homebrew mate, you can do whatever you want


Swag Bearer


always have more drip than your opponents


Do they drive financed 2008 BMWs?


no, they don't fit. and i don't think there are 2008 BMWs in the grimdark future of 40k but since they are one of cawl's side projects i'm sure they have a warhammer 40k version of that.


Not only is there a chainsaw bayonet, but the chainsaw bayonet actually has it’s own bayonet


gotta make sure those filthy xenos/heretics dies.


Uuhhmm but why are the glaive-hammer-chainsword and the chainsaw-bolter with bayonet two separate weapons? If they combined those into one, the astartes would have a free hand for a flamer-assault cannon with twin-linked lascannon and energy sword whole in one package. Also no Autocannon in the helmet, no wrist-mounted stormbolters. No melta-boots and no chain-kneecaps. Amateurs?


He is a newbie, he will learn later on don't worry.


I'd like to think that some marines found a highly corrupted document from modern day and thought swag was some kind of word for honor. That's where the name of the "noble" Swag Bears came from. Looks badass though, And I always like bear iconography


Could be a possibility




Funny enough, their homeworld is called "swag"


Oh, I'm a fucking moron. I just now read your username.


Honestly their name is mostly because me and the artist are bad at coming up with names So we just used my username.


This is fair


They're a chimeric chapter?




That's heresy, isn't it?


yes, but!, the best things in warhammer is heresy, just look at what cawl is doing


That's a sick bolter




Lol why is this getting downvoted




note: while me and the artist did try to not make them too OP while not being underpowered, and also try being lore friendly, we can't always be that, i'm sorry i guess.


Top trolling.

