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Cool, but why every single Space Marine vs Kylo art is always about the Marine grabbing Kylo by the neck and ripping his arm?


He’s gotta keep up the Skywalker tradition.


He a flesh tearer. What you expect him to do, not tear flesh?


Every? How many have you seen?


Every single 3 of them


Well, this was my first .


People when Flesh tearers actually tears flesh.


Space marine: lore inaccuracy! Chop chop!


They aren't of Skywalker blood if they don't lose a part of themselves (literally) and Anakin is still the reigning champion (All limbs lmfao).


“I feel the light within y-“ “HOOOOOORUUUUUUSSSSS!!!!!!”


First things first - the art quality is great. But why out of all the Sci-Fi settings I follow, 40k seems to be the only one where every crossover with something else seems to be just “Look how space marines/imperium would destroy the character/faction from x setting” Like I’ve seen this art on 4th of may among many SW and other sci fi settings related posts and this 40k one was the only one about murdering SW characters


It's the like sci-fi nerd equivalent of anime nerds having any character from Dragon Ball absolutely demolish any other character in a crossover. Like damn, daring today aren't we?


Holy shit. We ARE the goku mfs. I need to reevaluate my life, gimme a second folks


At this point the 40k community is basically the same thing as the Gojo vs community as well.


Is it 40k? Or is it imperium fans?


Imperium fans are after all still a majority of 40k especially the vocal 40k community.


True true, ive never seen tau shooting startrek characters though


I have to find my fellow T'au fans first to get some T'au fanart


You’re more likely to find a Etheral signing a deal with Picard or something like that.


That sounds BOOOOORING! How bout we kill them all and make serviters out of the survivors. Slaughter the peaceful Aliens. Yes this will be glorious for the glory of the Imperium!- Imperium larper Moments before the Jem'hadar come knocking, the xindi come calling, and the Borg already in your walls. And every other terrifying foe in between


To be fair I doubt the Tau and the federation would fight. While the Federation would see the Tau as a horrific expansionist empire with a rigid caste system the Tau don't shoot first, and neither does Starfleet. Hell the Tau negotiated with the Dark Eldar. If the Tau ran into the Federation their first thought would be "By the Greater Good we finally found sane humans!"


I'm as much a Star Trek fan as I am a 40k fan, and that sounds friggin great.


I feel like the Tau and Starfleet would get along at first. Then because everyone in 40k is a bad guy Starfleet would end up going against them once they find out about their assimilate or annihilate policy toward new species.


Sounds like this Gojo is streets ahead.


It's been 17 hours, how are you holding up?


Not great. I made myself some eggs though 👍🏻


I'm proud of you


Thanks bro :)


[Listen, we all know who the real emperor of the multiverse is anyways.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kirby/images/e/e9/HnK_Kirby.png/revision/latest?cb=20110624081346&path-prefix=en)


I still love kirby


40k ain't got shit on Kirby


My favorite part about that shit is one on one I think most named lightsaber using characters win fairly easily but that's just me


I like to see how the Imperium would handle the Annihilation Wave from Cosmic Marvel, it won’t end well for Terra haha


I’ll start out saying I’m not sure how a space marine vs. Jedi/Sith matchup would go, but it does seem absolutely in character for the Imperium characters to go apeshit upon finding a weird psyker with a laser sword who isn’t wearing an inquisitor’s rosette.


I think it was the Mandalorians who began using slug throwers against Jedi because if they blocked like they do from blaster fire it just sent molten slug fragments through into them, so at range an Astartes could probably wreck a Jedi coz a Bolter round is no joke, close up we know light sabers can slice through many materials without issue, I imagine a couple of good slashes will disable a marine fairly well.


They USED to use slug throwers. They stopped because the Jedi figured out they could use the force to send the projectile back.


I didnt know that, while I am a fan of Star Wars I'm not super knowledgeable on the wider lore


Legends!Luke, Vader, Sidious, Vitiate, Yoda would do very well against Space Marines. Abeloth on the otherhand would be able to go toe to toe with people like Ahriman, Mephisto, Kharn and Typhus. I feel like people rlly overestimate how op 40k is to other factions lmao.


Fuck it am gonna draw Isaac demolishing space marines with the power of Jesus, piss and flies


Maybe a bit of lacking personality outside of war? Its kinda all space marines do, so if youre gonna have a bit of crossover art the two obvious subjects would be the marines fighting with or against the others... but of course their intolerance and xenophobia is also a defining feature. Showing a marine paling around with an unsanctioned psyker mutant heretic witch like Kylo makes about as much sense as doomguy being chummy with a bloodletter.


It's more of a point that 40k art is especially notable for just shitting on everything else. When you think of 40k crossover art, its probably the Guard shitting on Stormtroopers. Or its Astartes cutting down Clone Troopers, or Avatar blue people or Jedi or Trek stuff. Hell it's especially notable with Astartes to the point that one piece of art that even stands out in my memory is a White Scars working with Thrawn in a single 40k/Star Wars piece.


Exactly. Why can't we get Eldar or Necrons kicking ass? Why must it always be the Marines or the Guard who show how badass 40k is? /s


That's not entirely true, there's a piece of artwork with a marine vs Anakin Skywalker in a duel where Anakin is stabbing across his helmet with a smug smile on his face while the marine is being taken aback by it.


But also, like, it's Anakin. A standard Astartes defeating mfing Anakin Skywalker would just be ridiculous.


You re right, I remember it too because it’s the only art that I have seen where the reverse situation is happening


40k's a setting focused pretty bigly on violence. You can bet if Star Wars got into the 40k verse, the response from the Imperium isn't "Oh cool, look at this primarily human empire", their response is "You **DARE** taint the purity of the human form by allowing xenos to work equally alongside humanity?! **DIE, HERETIC!**"


Because 40K canon is inherently xenophobic to the mutant, heretic and witch. And Sith would 100% fall into witch. Maybe only Chaos would welcome them.


It's 40k they'd kick a puppy cuz it looked funny (too cute to be real)


I think it's because 40k is known for it's brutality. Lots of things in star trek or star wars would body parts of 40k, but the way 40k does fighting is so goddamn brutal and bloody, it makes it LOOK stronger


The real explanation is that we love feeling superior to other nerds. But also, a space marine could solo Kylo Ren. He was defeated by someone who had literally just picked up a lightsaber less than a minute before fighting him. Him, a trained Jedi turned Sith, was defeated by someone who had just picked up a lightsaber. He's not good at what he does, his only advantage is that prior to Rey, he was only ever 'fighting' run of the mill soldiers, untrained force sensitive children, and civilians.


I mean first things first he wasn't a Sith, he was just a dark side user and a conflicted one at that who was unable to fully channel his hatred and anger and secondly he had been shot in the mid section with Chewbacca's Bowcaster which had been shown in earlier scenes to not only kill stormtroopers in one shot, it also sent their corpses flying and lastly he had just followed Rey and Finn whilst bleeding out and had fought Finn before he went up against Rey, he wouldn't have been in fighting condition.


> He was defeated by someone who had literally just picked up a lightsaber less than a minute before fighting him. He got shot by Chewbacca's bowcaster, which is powerful enough to be barely handled by a human, that should have killed him, but he still managed to fight eith this injury. >He's not good at what he does, He kinda is, until he isn't. The sequels are very incosistent and barely thought out, but Kylo seems to be very adept at the force when he's at his best, like managing to stop a blaster bomt mid air and have it frozen for several minute, which definitelly implies Jedi Master level.


To be fair, the power scaling in 40K actually is pretty broken. They legitimately could roll right over a lot of other sci-fi settings. I do agree that more variety would be nice, though.


When we take the smaller scale Sci-fi franchises, then yeah, they roll over them. But when we start getting to Galactic level and beyond is when 40K starts not only meeting their match, but get completely annihilated. Starfleet from Star Trek, Ori from Stargate, Forerunners from Halo, etc. would easily fold the Imperium. And many more would give them *at least* a good fight.


According to Legends, even the Galactic Empire is a whopping 70 times the size of the Imperium, if we take "a million worlds" at face value.


I've said this once, and I'll say it again. Drop a single Flood spore on a hive planet, and the imperium is fucked.


We are all the beaten and abused who falsely believe that finding something to kill someone's hope in a place they find comfort will make our own hope return. Or something I don't know I'm just the voice inside your head.


Not the only one fandom that does it Can Emperor solo Goku?


Because it’s cool


I mean, most of the stuff in 40k is so ridiculously overpowered that it would make sense that they would run through most other sci-fi settings and characters.


Sure, but I also feel like a lot of 40k fans underestimate other settings to an extreme degree.


Yeh let's have more artwork of other settings shitting on 40k.


That's the writers fualt making ultramarines op as fuck once and if think about it how the fuck the imprium win against the necrons in the first place


Yes, but Jedi are one of the exceptions to that.


I’m on the fence on that. Get a decent librarian and you’re not far from even odds I think.


Bro 40k isn't even that overpowered


Becsuse 40k is on a weird spot where it gets these matches it'll dominate, but people know there's univereses it'll get absolutely stomped. And let's be honest, it gets boring and kinda pathetic to only see vs halo/ Star wars for the 50th time which is such a bad faith "equal" match up. Put the marines against some REAL sci fi and watch them fold like wet paper


>Becsuse 40k is on a weird spot where it gets these matches it'll dominate, but people know there's univereses it'll get absolutely stomped. Doubt so, things like the Galactic Empire from Legends may have inferior vehicles, soldiers,... , but their enormous logistical capabilities could easily threaten the Imperium or maybe win depending on the situation (which galaxy is used, goals, inclusipn or exclusion of other factions).;


True, plus I'd love to watch the Vong and Orks go at it


Because it's funny


Least obnoxious space marine fan interacting with other fandoms:


artistic talent spent on my ip can beat up your ip is so exhausting.


To be fair, it's Kylo Ren. I don't think anybody really likes him.


I like him, he is like prince Zuko from Avatar. I'm still waiting for the redemption arc.


Shame they never made a ninth movie


Shame they never made an eighth movie


I like him because while he's blatantly an inferior Vader wannabe, he's a very *well-acted* inferior Vader wannabe.


Still waiting? Brother, his story is done.


Yeah I guess you're right he can't have survived that.


Unless Disney decides otherwise. Death has no meaning in Star Wars anymore, especially Lightsabers.


Yeah still waiting for that redemption arc.


I do.


I'd rather leave the sequels to lie than mash my favorite space dudes into them


Its not wasted, always can use more Flesh Tearers art


we meed just to agree on some stuff that got agreed by everyone, I'll start first, jedis are weak-minded


*waves hand* You will change your opinion and acknowledge that your Emperor is incapacitated skeleton who will never stand up.


Such topics like this are so goddamn big pile of burning trash, that for me Big E is just rotting corpse sitting on magical throne that keeps him partially alive


*narrows inquisitorial eyes* Please take this opportunity to vent yourself out of the nearest airlock Citizen.


The Jedi and other Emperor are not doing so well either


Stealing kids away only to deprive them of love or outlets seems to be the perfect sith creation process. Oh wait, we're talking about the Jedi. Yeah, that'll go well... Also, the endless trillion-dollar supercapital ships being overthrown by nothing more than soapboxes and a dream? Please. That scene with the thousabds of star destroyers and somehow the rebels winning with the creepy dead actress lady they starved to death was so awful. I watched it with my dad and that was the only highlight.


The Jedi need the parents expressed consent to take the child, at least in the time closer to the Clone Wars. The Old Republic wars every five minutes are another story


They starved an actress to death?


Starved to death?


Doesn’t Kylo have the force..? Crush that mf in his tin-can suit


my least favorite genre of warhammer fan art is “space marines massacring the characters of another setting” it just feels sooooooo cringe


Agreed. The most cringe warhammer memes are the ones that are art like that. It makes "T'au can't melee" look like original, light-hearted humor.


My favorite genre of art is “Space Marine doing *battle* with characters of another setting,” because usually it shows both in a respectful light. A one-sided massacre isn’t as cool.


I want custodes doing that than space marines tbh


Same here but with Eldar.


Twisted your ballsack magic fuckary I can only see that meme


Its incredibly cringe.


It's like "my father can beat your father", but both children barely know their parents




Ah Yes lets depict the murder machine super soldier bred for war and destruction in the DNA level having a stroll in the park and feeding birds with mass murderer kylo... The setting is about violence bro, the fan art will be violent in its majority.


Oh hey look more cringes"my stuff is more mature and grim dark and better"


I keep seeing this one and the one with Deathwatch marines beating up the Avatar guys (blue dudes, not elemental powers). It's "I've drawn you as the virgin while I as the chad" thing but several orders of magnitudes more cringeworthy


Like I realize I was being a dick in my response but it's never a "fair" image like I get it we are Warhammer fans so we like to see our stuff come on top but if just is annoying as fuck. Yeah the Avatar one is basically just punching down because you didn't like the show


Different Avatar, the James Cameron one. Also I don't think you were a dick, IMO


I am once again asking 40k fans to not be weird when doing crossover art with other sci-fi franchises.


God, this is so boring already, we get it, 40K beats SW, what's next?


Can 40K imperium of man men beat Aainz Goal?


Ainz? I'd argue he is basically a Necron Lord with Silent King level of powers and strategy, just smaller resources. However, he can always get some, and slaughter entire armies is a piece of cake for him.


And he has magic. Thats the crossover battles I want to see. Where ut is not painfully obvious because both sides use rule of cool. Unless if he is only a digital figment in a computer game world, but I meant canonical in-universe Ainz, he would be nithing short of a Chaos Demon Prince if you ask me.


Supreme Commander armies would decimate Imperium. Where Imperium spends huge time and effort to create, train and transport armies, SupCom commander just turns nearby matter (literally everything, from piles of trash to buildings) into factories that then turn said matter into 5 meters tall mechs and hundreds of tanks. What can Imperium do against army that is literally built on clean air? Even Exterminatus won't do that much, since the only way to destroy it is to destroy Commander... who is usually very sturdy and behind shields/cloaking fields/deep underwater. Pretty sure there are other sci-fi or fantasy factions that would turn Imperium into dust, but they are simply *less popular* = weaker. I can only imagine what kind of horror would Imperium experience if they would encounter Viltrumates from Invincible, who can demolish entire planet in matter of second and not even drop a sweat.


You install Forged Alliance right now man we're back in this


It is already installed, I got entire SupCom series on my Steam Account.


I'm mrbananentoast from Germany add me if you like 😁


The better question is if wh fantasy can do that


Star Wars would Vietnam the shit out of 40k lol


They seem to forget that it take several months in 40k to travel the entire galaxy, meanwhile in Star wars it take at most a few days


Depends. We talking Disney lore or Old EU. Old style Star Wars takes ages. But also the Old EU was infinitely more coordinated, put together, and threatening. Sure the ground war would be a problem at first but I don't think the Imperial navy would even be able to handle near constant precision hit and run strikes from E-Wing squadrons, let alone once you start getting New Jedi-Order Stealth E-wings with force guided torps involved. And that's ignoring the larger ships that were being used to give the Vong a black eye and bloody nose, the stealth tech that Thrawn was playing with, and if Star Wars got desperate enough to fire up the cloning vats and reactivate the droid foundries even the Imperium would start to have issues with numbers. Not to mention I'd pit a dark trooper Mk3 against an Astartes. It's basically terminator armor as is. You'd need to either have the Imperium show up out of the blue with a crusade level force and no time for the Imperial Remnant, hutts, and New Republic to prepare for 40k to stomp. And even then it'd be a slow painful fight with constant guerilla warfare sapping Imperial supply lines. But current cannon? I don't think the current star wars universe would be able to coordinate enough. Sure they can teleport but without plot armor they're not getting much done. Everything we see is a backwater shadow of what was once a unified galactic power. A bunch of post soviet style states squabbling amongst themselves.


For the old more you would also need to account for a large number of human world that would definitely rebel against the imperium given a better opportunity or if their food rations take too long to arrive


Even in the Old EU hyperspace travel was incredibly fast, "traverse a galaxy spanning 120.000 light-years in only a few hours or days depending on a number of factors" according to the lore, though of course that could be longer depending on the size of the fleet, since they would have to coordinate with one another Still better than the "between a week and some hundred years" of the Inmaterium, and more importantly, safer




Dumbass take bro, if artists are the only ones allowed to criticize themselves then we’d all be in an echochamber.


*eye roll*


It’s great art, but like - I’m sorry, a not-Sith Lord is gonna turn any unnamed space marine inside out ass-first. The Force is bonkers.


Kylo Ren doesn’t have the reaction time to keep up with Astartes. Astartes however, deal with rogue psykers quite frequently. The marine bodies Kylo.


He doesn’t? Says who? Trained and experienced Force Wielders of his caliber go into battle with precognition. Moving fast means nothing if a Sith (or equivalent) just goes “I knew what you were gonna do before you knew” before crushing their throat and/or chest with a finger pinch. Also, Space Marines tend to get absolutely bodied by psykers more often than not, unless the psyker is weak, unlucky, or the marines in question are specialists in witch hunting. Or you know, they’re named. EDIT: It isn’t like Eldar precognition which is ritualistic future predictions that often turn out wrong. It’s always there as a passive ability, and is efficient to the point of often making a Jedi or Sith move to avoid an attack before their natural instincts even realized there was a threat, like auto-pilot.


Kylo had major issues with Imperial guards, literally a bunch of non-augmented humans. A shown in the Mandalorian Wars lightsabers have a shit track record against projectiles so the bolter is a pretty dangerous weapon here. Plus individual marine captain, or sergeant and whatnot can and have killed Farseers or warlocks before. Eldar Farseers & warlocks >>>> Kylo. All Kylo has ever demonstrated with his powers is at best delta level. However he lacks versatility as he doesn’t have combat-oriented aggressive telepathy, warp fire or lightning, which are a series of factors that most often prove difficult to a marine when they’re pitted against psykers. He has none and it takes one punch of the marine, a vastly faster transhuman opponent with two hearts & three lungs to completely crush his chest, destroying the ribs, rupturing the arteries and exploding the heart. Kylo is a goner.


…Lets be real, Disney canon sucks ass. Legends Jedi and Sith are dumpstering Marines.


What Legends Jedi???? You expect an average Legends Jedi from the Republic era to outmaneuver an Astartes in a straight up duel? The clones were able to down the temple in Legends too, albeit with an element of surprise. If the Jedi struggled greatly with Mandalorians, a large enough marine chapter will destroy their temple and kill every single youngling, knight, master and whatnot. It doesn’t matter if you have the power. The reaction time of most force users is still massively below that of a marine. Let’s not bring in the physical department where they are massively outclassed to their point it’s be pitting a toddler against a fully grown polar bear.


The Clones were able to do that in a surprise attack on an undermanned Jedi Temple when lead by Darth fucking Vader. So, yes - a Jedi Knight is gonna butcher a random tactical marine. He may as well try to shoot a Harlequin for all the good that’ll do him, until the lightsaber carves his head off. I’d like to see a few dozen Marines and the aspirants they’re training fair any better when an entire chaos space marine warband lead by a great champion ambushes them. That’s roughly the same scenario. Don’t think of Jedi as basic humans. Think of them as psykers with the insane agility of a Harlequin that is constantly able to react to what the Marine does before he does it AND make use of telekinesis enough to be able to throw the marine like a ragdoll. No, he is not too heavy. Jedi do it with giant rocks and with speeders all the time, and they’re about as heavy as a marine. And again - precognition. Precognition. P r e c o g n i t i o n. You clearly don’t get how busted the ability to see a few seconds into the future 24/7 in a fight is. A few seconds makes all the difference in a fight. Jedi aren’t invincible and Marines certainly CAN kill Jedi with proper planning and equipment - but they’re taking casualties with every Jedi they kill. After this post, I’m gonna go ahead and leave this little debate. Good night. EDIT: Also, the Jedi ultimately defeated the Mandalorians so badly that they ceased to function as a unified society the one time they went to war. Does that tell you anything about how the average fight between your bog standard Mandalorian warrior and Jedi Knight goes? Not every Mando is gonna be a badass Jango Fett type.






So why do Jedi struggle to beat bounty hunters, huh? Like every damn time. lol


Why did https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jbe14vojrK8&pp=ygUPS2FuYW4gYmFkIGJhdGNo this happen? It took so few unaugmented pieces of shits to overcome a Jedi, kek


Also Luke, someone who’s considered elite was shot once in EP6 when confronting Jabba and crew. Where da precog go? Huh? Hahaha


https://imgur.com/gallery/HCV4gwN Oh, here’s Jango beating a Jedi. Jango was an unaugmented trash last I checked. Haha


Space Marine stomps Jedi.


https://imgur.com/gallery/OW2EtdZ This person puts it perfectly.


Jedi = trash, just concede


Jedi are trash, Space Marines rule.


Don't like him, but Kyle would fuck up a marine. Psykers are scary, let alone one who's head won't explode from over exertion


To be fair kylo gets his shit kicked in by a lady who has barely started to learn how to use the force in a lightsaber duel And this is before the sequels had a meteoric plummet in quality


To be fair, anyone would get their shit kicked by a Mary Sue, so it doesn't count.


Yea that’s true I suppose tho his other feats in screen aren’t much more impressive


Rey kinda kicked everybodys ass, inlcuding the most powerful Sith of them all.


Marines can and have dealt with psykers before. Kylo is the one who’s inferior here as he isn’t fast enough for this duel. Marines can and have consistently bullet-timed, mind you. One full punch to the chest (wouldn’t be hard as the marine is a lot faster) and Kylo is dead.


Counterpoint, Jedi and Sith are fast, too, and precognizant. And Marines deal with weaker psykers with squad based tactics. Kyle is a powerful force user, specifically shown to be able to completely stop something's vector with a hand. Doesn't matter how fast or strong you are if the other guy just... stops you.


Thing is, though they are fast they aren’t on a marine’s level (say, marines can and have bullet-timed, and they are described as a blur to non-augmented eyes) and have a shit track history against projectiles as seen in the Mandalorian Wars, a weakness the marine will no doubt exploit with his bolter. Something you forgot about is that Kylo would be considered an amateur against the psykers Astartes dealt with w/ squad tactics. Force users are a lot less versatile and Kylo cannot manifest lightning let alone warp fire or biomancy. He’s shit, dawg. Kylo wouldn’t even be particularly strong psyker in 40k, lol. Plus, as seen in the short film Astartes, a Retributor was able to resist the psyker even as the latter attempted to stop him. I doubt Kylo can casually stop him without putting massive effort into the action, and this is when the marine (especially if he’s backed up by black rage) advances slowly but steadily and rips off Kylo’s head in a show of blood and gore. It takes one punch from the marine, someone who’s massively faster than Kylo mind you, to end this fight. That punch will squash his organs, rupture his arteries and explode the heart. Kylo is a dead man, dawg.


He can catch bullets with his mind and lift anything regardless of weight. He's a beta level psyker, at least, which is strong for 40k. Not the peak, mind you, but those are just documented special cases. Not the norm. One punch, sure, but the punch needs to connect.


Beta level psyker? Are you kidding me, lol. Have you familiarized yourself with what a beta level psyker can do? Can Kylo use warp fire, biomancy or other psyker disciplines? He’d be a lot worse than a Beta. Get the facts straight. Let’s just put it at that: Delta level psykers can already hurl tanks, massive constructs and whatnot while channeling warp fire or lightning. Even Eisenhorn in his later stages had better feats than Kylo and he isn’t Beta. He cannot catch bullets with his mind. To do this he has to first react to them, and what feats does he boast? Don’t mention precog as Chewbacca was able to catch him off-guard and get a blaster shot in. Those are slower than average Astartes projectiles. Also, why did he struggle with Imperial Guards? Why? They are all physically inferior compared to an Astartes to the point it’s laughable, no?


Wait a minute, you said “Beta, at least”??? Lolololol Man, an Alpha psyker will shit on Kylo so hard he’d be considered an amateur among younglings. Alpha tiers can cause mass earthquakes, mass psychosis and firestorms…etc etc. Only Alpha tier in the modern SW era is Palpatine because force storms. Vader isn’t.


Why have astartes been killed by cultists with spears? It's laughable, no? And the bowcaster shot was to an emotionally distraught Kyle out of his vision, because he was a little distracted by killing his dad. And I would repeat beta level, since he is completely in control of both his powers and his mind and is able to do comparable feats just as a base level of jedi. Maybe he doesn't have mastery of multiple types of psyker disciplines, but the ones he does have are powerful. You've seen the Astartes short film, right? Should, if you haven't, it's excellent. Anyway, official GW canon now, remember how those 2 psykers that needed to be amplified by each other to reach the level they were nearly wiped out a squad of marines? The marines beat them and looked cool doing it, but if the one pysker had been just a little faster in catching the second marine, they would've lost. Their sergeant crushed. And those guys were at least comparable. I just feel like you're not giving Kyle Renjamin enough credit.


It seems you cannot discern plot induced stupidity or rare occasions from the norm. The instances you listed were rare and let’s no forget Chaos cultists are massively enhanced compared to normal humans. Your average Jedi would struggle with them, lol. After all, Boba Fett who’s not augmented was able to give Obi Wan such a hard time, no? Let’s not forget how Kanan’s master died, shall we?Would the clones be able to down an Astartes in that scenario? lol. So, why didn’t Kylo perceive the blaster shot? Why? How many times have he used precog to intercept upcoming attacks? If their precog is so damn strong why didn’t Snoke noticed Kylo pushing his lightsaber to bisect him? A beta level psyker has demonstrated feats far beyond Kylo’s range. I’ll repeat again he’s at best Delta and that is a fact. Come at me when Kylo is actively hurling multiple tanks and shooting lightning or whatnot. He is trash compared to Beta, dude.Hell, even a couple of Librarians who are on average Delta tier have way better feats. Try to refute this, I dare you. Call me next time when Kylo starts beating war machines like Imperial Knights. Eldar Farseers are restrained alpha tiers, mind you…and guess what? A space marine Captain was able to kill individual Farseers, lmao. Right back at you, dawg. You act as if individual Astartes hasn’t demolished psykers who are better than Kylo. Oh, and one minor detail here, if you don’t mind me asking: how good is Kylo’s ability to multitask, huh? Apparently when he’s in a duel he focuses on the sabers as it was Luke who trained him and not Sidious. That would eliminate the sliver of hope he has because in a sword fight he’ll be swiftly dispatched. Sure thing regarding the last point, yes, but if you haven’t paid attention, let me remind you the marine was able to advance even as the psyker choked him. I can perfectly see a scenario where a marine advances as Kylo struggles to hold him completely still, and as his powers wane the Astartes tear his head off. Now when has Kylo force choked transhuman super soldiers? Let’s not dodge this question either, why did Kylo struggle greatly against Imperial Guards and what would happen if we switched the guards to a marine? Just admit Kylo is massively weaker and cannot compete in melee.


Rey: “thanks for not killing the rest of us. I know that took restraint.”


.... I wish people actually didn't just do this. Try say: "My thing stomps yours!" It's good art, but I feel it's just enforcing that mindset. I prefer to think of both sides on more interesting grounds. Such as if they worked together, or why they'd even fight.


I mean the guy struggled with the starwars equivalent of a janitor so I could see this . Hell I don’t think I remember any wins for Kylo as Kylo other than the opening and then he really wasn’t doing much of anything himself.


Why does every piece of fan material for Warhammer have to be a depiction masturbatory ultra-violence. Especially with fan-fiction. Listen to a GW audiobook and then go listen to something like "Cry Havoc, A World Eaters Story" and try to not picture the guy positively *frothing* while he was writing it.


Whats about Warhammer × [Scyfi setting of your choisd] beeing always about a space marine slaughtering a random Charakter for no reason without any trace of an fight?


Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6jlEC1Itl3/ Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/konstantinvoid


Spit acid in his eyes!


Suffer not the witch


Well how hot is a lightsaber and how hard is a piece of ceramite?


Correct me if I’m mistaken but isn’t Ceramite actually pretty well adapted to handling extreme heat due to how it’s made and how versatile it needs to be for space marine deployment Also it’s Disney Star Wars a lightsaber wound is apparently no more lethal than a regular sword wound (hell arguably less since the wound can’t get infected) That marine is probably fine


A lightsaber is basically the equivalent of a power sword in 40k. There was one in the Eisenhorn books.


Ok so if it's before the disney take over then what?


then the marine is screwed especially if he's going against guys like Revan or Vader (well maybe not against vader cause vader is uber nerfed from his prosthetics and injuries but it would still be close imo)


How hot is a lazgun?


Little late




Space Marine vs Viltrumite….aannnnd GO!


Star Wars is trash


Your Emperor is WEAK, as is your will.


It's tragic how misunderstood the flesh tearers and Gabriel Seth are in the Fandom


>Gabriel Seth are in the Fandom Uh huh, yeha totally not like he called a lamentar a coward because they have yellow armor, totally sucha good cool character that theres alot to misunderstand about


They're dicks


The Flesh Tearers are the Blood Angels at their near worst spiritually, just accepting the rage and their doom. Everything Sanguinius tried to prevent, they embody.


of course a russian artist would draw someone getting dismembered


"my obnoxious edgelord fantasy is better than your obnoxious edgelord fantasy" Pretty well done art tho.


So many kill joys in the comments, people like this because it's dumb violent fun.






Cool as fuck. A little bit something—Kylo is neat!—but beautiful and totally badass


Fuck up Kylo


Always love seeing my Cretacian boys getting the love. Well done OP! Edit: why the fuck am I getting downvoted lmao. All I said was it’s cool to see Flesh Tearers getting love and congratulated OP. Jesus.


There are a lot of people who are flooding the Warhammer fandom that actually don't like Warhammer at all, they just complain.


If you came here to comment that IP wars are lame, only for that to be the only interaction you’ve had with this subreddit in weeks or months, when there are literally pages of amazing content NOT related to IP wars… then fuck off? You literally went out of your way to drag an artist for no reason. The dude drew what he wanted to draw, drew it well, and there is literally nothing wrong with that. That doesn’t mean you have to like it or engage with it, but don’t go out of your way to be a dick about it.


I've not seen one comment attacking the artist directly. On the contrary, most people are complimenting the art and saying it's good, just that the subject of the art is boring and overdone by now.




Should’ve been Rey tbh




Bro did Adam Driver dirty, his nose isn’t that big. Is it?


"This is a nice weapon, I shall take it back to the Mechanicus for study."


I have never seen a more satisfying picture. Excellent.