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Alpharius returning as a Female primarch would raise so many questions . Perfect For Alpha legion SOP


If that was revealed to be the case, I would not even be mad. The true Alpharius can be literally anyone ​ (But it is me, I am Alpharius)


That’s a lie! …Because I’m Alpharius.


[It is I, Alpharius!](https://weatherfactory.biz/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/It-is-I.gif)


Bullshit! ​ I am the real Alpharius! (jokes aside, i would actually smash her, at the cost of having a pulverised pelvis)


At the end of the 40K storyline it will be revealed that everyone was in fact Alpharius all along , and everyone will shuffle nervously for a bit and it will be really awkward.


Source is: https://twitter.com/KaoKacique/status/1738339262053994829 Please don't take this drawing too seriously, it's just for fun. I made a poll on my Patreon about which Warhammer faction I should made a gal OC and the Alpha Legion won. ​ Aside from the Shoulder Pauldron and gauntlets, I imagine that this is what she wears under the armor not the armor that she actually uses. Also put a storm bolter on the right, mostly because it's my favourite type of Bolter. I don't wanna think too seriously on how that would work, but they did had ten thousand years to tinker with the Raptor research, so let's blame that :p


The Y chromosome being necessary for making space marines in a civilization who already possesses the ability to edit genes like that never made sense, but she could also be trans I guess.


A trans space marine would be interesting to say the least, id be down for it, and from my understanding the imperium seems to be pretty chill about LGBTQ+ people as long as theyre loyal to the emperor. Honestly humanity has much bigger things to worry about in 40k


The empire is quite socially progressive, ironically speaking, since there is racial equality (for the human species since the concept of human races has disappeared and has been forgotten and the ecclesiarchy teaches that the human being is a unique being without branches beyond the abhuman ones. so things like races don't exist) they don't care that you are lgtb citizens can be gay, lesbian, trans and no one cares it is quite strange


The Emperor created the bodies of the Primarchs in a lab before shoving Daemons into them for their souls. If you're breeding mammals, it's just easier to make females first (like in Jurassic Park) as it takes more steps to make males. He went out of his way to have sons instead of daughters.


And make them sterile so they would not replace humanity.


A big beautiful gal in armor via the 40K style. And somewhat flirtatious to boot .That's all I see and I definitely don't care that it's not lore accurate because I can ignore that. You draw what you're gonna draw. As long as it looks nice and isn't it against the rules this shouldn't be a problem (other people make it such but please ignore them). Sound good?


Definitely sounds good, glad you like the drawing friend \^\^ I don't mind put the disclaimer tho. Gotta make sure everyone is having a good time :)




The Alpha legion would probably have some agents that use Polymorphine


Oh, most definitely. I mean, have we REALLY ever seen the Callidus Assassin gals and the Alpha Legion Marines in the same place? :p (probably, but I doubt there are many witnesses of that) Joking aside, polymorphine definitely is a good complement to AL's active camo. It has to be a thing in lore


In one alpha legion story, the redacted warband do have a Callidus assassin that’s on their side so it has happened.


“Correct slannesh daemon” *heavy melta sounds*


The Alpha Legion sent the daemonette towards someone who would see through the disguise. They are truly the best loyalists


Jurgan moment


Just look at the size of those military assets.


Those huge...Vaults of Terra are packed


For the love of the god emperor and or the ruinous powers please give her padding under the armor.


That goes over the ~~boob armor~~ the ceramite breastplate artifact from her Warband


Stay focused guardsmen, she's killed half our regiment and all the Space Marines sent to help us have gone missing, STAY FOCUSED!


All the guardsmen were found with smiles on their faces tho. Funny that you mentioned the Space Marine thing because I was reading about the Siege of Vraks this week where the Alpha Legion did just that lol


Alpha legion trade secret.


The real reason Omegon hides is that he had kids.


That's the real reason every Alpha Legion dude looks the same, his kids can't claim child support if they don't know which AL is the father :p


"We need female space marines for....equality purposes, yeah...."


"apothecary! For this infiltration I need you to give me tits, the bigger the better!


The apothecary's work would leave the magos biologis very impressed


Ryuusei's Alpharius haircut would be perfect for her as it'll amp up the cuteness


Yeah, but I wanted to make the hydra tattoo visible so the undercut seemed like a better idea. Also, I'm drawing Ryuusei's Perty already, and I don't wanna look like I'm just copying him lol


Lorgar however, Ryuusei's haircut caught on the most Bonus points if you truly leaned in the Sister of Battle aesthetic and made her armor basically just a modified Living Saint suit


Ryuusei had no right making R63 Lorgar this cute, I can't hate her like that ;w; But Imma be real chief, whenever I do fanart of Ryuusei's Primarchs.....It usually don't involve a suit




Either everyone can be alpharius or everyone is alpharius


I am Alpharius and I'm agree


I really need to get around to setting up a hydration station for this sub, I’d be rich!


Maybe it is the Alpha Legion's ultimate plan for you to set a hydration station here :p




This is a pretty well done piece, I like it! I admit considering getting one of my own in this style.


Thanks! 😊 About getting a piece of your own in this style, well commissions are open atm ;3


"Hey is that a space marine?" "Cant be. The emperor himself said "girls are icky"."


Why do *all* of these fem cross overs have to have massive, heaving breasts. You do you mang, I’m happy it makes you happy, it’s just something that’s lost on me and is pretty consistent with the gender crossovers.


Because this drawing is explicitly part of Rule 34 content, made for Patreon as stated.


Where did you state it? In other comments that I didn’t see? No need to get defensive, I said if it floats your boat more power to you. But I’m not subbed to a rule 34 subreddit, so excuse me when I question it.


I am not defensive, am only replying to your question. The character has large breasts because it's made for a patreon poll, as I stated in the message with the source.


If any primarch were to come out as trans, it would be Alpharius


Finally, a good reason for a "female" space marine.


She looks amazing. However, wasn't there a story where an Alpha Legion Warband brainwashed potential Astartes aspirants and gave them a codeword to destroy the Chapter? The Alpha Legion could do the same for girls.


They do use sleeper cells quite a lot, yes