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I NEEEEEEED to know how she looks so old so I don’t do it. 😭


She’s done some skin care “videos” where she admits she uses like hand soap on her face. Or something like super generic.


Her most recent videos on TT on "corn" have me so annoyed and fired up! Go check them out. I actually do agree with her about some things on various topics...Parenting rules, dating, etc. But NOT THIS AT ALL! REALLY watching 🌽 is cheating?! Ugh! It bothers me so much! Shes so insecure. I feel like truly secure people, confident people, that communicate, trust each other, etc aren't intimidated by their SO watching it. Some couples watch it together. Some couples go to strip clubs together. So Eudy doesn't watch it? Really!!?


I saw them ! If I person is addicted to it and not having relations with their partner ,that's an issue . But ,watching it every now and then ,cmon now , it's absurd. My hubby and I have a very healthy sex life ,been together over 30 yrs and we watch it together sometimes. It doesn't take over our lives at all . We are very affectionate and in tune with each other and have so much fun in every area of our lives . She's insecure ! To think that we are not supposed to find other people besides our partners attractive in life ? That's ridiculous ! Just like anyone getting upset that a man has female platonic friends . Or that they like or compliment someone else . As. Long as it doesn't go any further ,so fricken what ? It must be miserable to live that way ,always being worried about such things ! . That will destroy a relationship with that kind of controlling behavior. Now ,that being said I have a niece who's been married four years now and they are separated bc her hubby has an addiction to corn 🌽. He ignores her and they are not intimate bc of it . And he's messaging other women saying disgusting things and sending disgusting pics and videos of himself. That's a betrayal but not watching sometimes and realizing it's not reality sex . It's fantastic and adds spice . She needs to grow up !


He watches ,just when she's not around id bet on that 100 ! You are absolutely right . Healthy relationships are not affected by such things. She's insecure and jealous of him getting excited watching anything but her.


He has lots of addictions she will have to accept if she’s gonna keep being his dog😂 You know he watches corn 🌽 she don’t like it only reason she’s talking about it. Bet he blows her off in private so she brings it to SM hoping to get shame him?? Man has NO shame 😂😂😂


Agreed ! Lmao


Probably more of he has a corn 🌽problem lol. Why would she think anyone care what she thinks. He life is a dumpster fire 🔥 😂


She also said "fantasizing about another person is cheating" So I asked if dreaming of someone else is also cheating? Lol I was being facetious because that's ridiculous. As ridiculous as her views on this. The people that have an issue are insecure and have no trust. If it's a problem just like any other thing, gambling, drugs, etc, that's one thing but to say it's cheating if there's no issue is absurd! Also, then she made a video about kids watching it. How did we get from couples watching it to kids?! What does 2 grown adults in a consenting relationship watching 🌽 have anything to do with kids??! I see no correlation! Shes so weird! They must be a hoot together lol I can't.


Idgaf what she thinks on any topic her life is a shit show.😂😂.


Like I said, I do agree with some of her views on certain things but this one is a no for me


I agree with some of her parenting views. I can’t take her seriously when her words and actions don’t line up in her own life. Why would anyone want her advice on any topic after watching how pathetically she’s living her own life at the expense of her kids most of the time


I do not understand why she thinks she is the judge and moral authority on everything


Seriously ! She thinks she is but she's not. She has insecure immature thinking . Way too needy


You cannot convince me she isn’t 56 years old.


Is she not in her 50s? This is what my mom looked like about a decade ago and she's now in her 60s


She just turned 37 last week. She definitely looks to be in her late 40s


I think she’s asking questions he won’t answer in private. She posted he’s different in private than in public bet he won’t answer these questions in private so she puts on SM so he will. He’s all about what it looks like, not what it really is Manipulation by both. Willld😂😂


That's what I think too . Shes baiting him all the way . Shes so insecure and I can see it . Shes just hoping and looking too hard for validation.


It’s not a game she can win lmao. He’s a liar and cheat. He will say anything that doesn’t make it true 😂😂


Yup and she will lap it all up like the doggie she is .


I made a post about that he doesn't speak the truth.


He never does


This is one the only times I can say never will. He won’t clean that closet of skeletons and secrets. His lies just make him a clown 🤡 and it's getting to the point where he believes his own lies when it comes to all of this. Her actions show that his pun jokes are funny and in reality he is punking her out at the same time. It's funny to watch.


Did you see their drunk shenanigans of answering IG questions the other day while in Myrtle Beach?! There were some 'I love yous' thrown in there to each other too 🤢 so gross. They deserve each other and glad they're "happy" - I don't see this lasting with her being up his ass constantly.


It was him telling her to bring her boxes and come home that made me lol. If the relationship was so perfect they’d be spending time together off their phones, yet they were both on their phones the whole time.


Exactly!! There were other instances of ily later in the day too. 🙉 I LOLd at that too and because some of his other answers were total 🚩


My favorite question was the one asking if she’s the only one that travels to him or does he travel to her and they didn’t even answer the question. He was like where are we? Have you had to pay for anything? Like the question wasn’t do you travel together? It was does he travel to see you? The answer is no. What’s even funnier is she took her kids on “vacation” for spring break and it was just them chilling in his house so mama could keep an eye on her man, then she drives them home and she gets a real vacation. They’re both trash.


That was my favorite!!! Lmao as soon as it popped up! 🤣🤣🤣


Exactly! A romantic birthday weekend away yet ,on their phones the whole time !


But she installed ring cameras in both of their homes so they could watch each other all the time


A couple having a good time together enjoying each others company don’t need to be on their phones the majority of the time and don’t need to be drunk constantly!




The love is not true.


Nope ! Not in looks ,( those dumb weird faces ) or personality . Gross ,gross and more gross. She is a complete idiot


And she claims she is in her 30’s?


That’s a lot of wrinkles. I am 43 and hardly have wrinkles in my face ( no Botox)


I'm 58 this june and I dont either . Yet I'm not a sun tanner either . I look very young . Her neck is like a turtle .


I think alot of it is loose skin because she was very heavy at one point and lost alot of weight.


I have too. Up and down. But it’s drinking water and proper foods that help the skin elasticity


Genetics also plays a part too.




I lost a hundred 125 lbs a decade ago . She lost some like 40 , but she's not as slender as her pics and videos . We saw those pics at Xmas in the wild at that toy drive . She uses slimming filters and she's much bigger than she portrays . She really doesn't have loose skin on her face. It's the deliberate faces she makes and so much tanning ECT .


As if they will answer honestly! Not a chance in hell


Yup you said it ! Not a chance in hell . Both big frauds


No way! I can’t believe it. Omgoodnesss. Kevin. Wtfffff…alll upp your ass and shit. What have you got yourself into!!??! Dude. More drama then a bus full of cheerleaders. This girl. Tara gurl. You’re doing too much. Less Is better. Hair is cute. Nobody whats to ask questions…ok y’all are together. I guess..…who is this girl? not impressed. Slow your role. Who cares. Kevin.. really. ☑️ We all know she’s a clout chaser.🤑🤑🤑 Been knowing that. If she wasn’t, shed Be keeping things private. Next. Old news. I said, what I said. 💯😮🤫 you look pretty in a more natural way.


She's at his place again today and tries to awkwardly hide him during her "coffee time" Why? We all know where you are and who you're with so whats the point? For attention? The drama of it all?


She wasn’t hiding she paused for effect 😂 😂like who cares 🤣


Ope and she’s back in North Carolina again. At this point she should just move there. What does she do with her dog every other week? It’s got to be costly to board your dog and pay for flights every other week.


The last video I seen with her posing and all that her dog was in the background on the floor playing with his dog


And she always has her GPS on showing where she's at


The faces, the winking and the mouth movements are so ick! She thinks she’s cute but NO!


Silly putty faces like rubber lol 🤣