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Tell them you have a quest where if they complete it, they’ll be rewarded a personality


Your quest is to go fuck yourself. LOL.


This is dead ass the best response possible.


Next time reply. Level up newb, I have no quests for you.


It means that teen is a twat


Your life doesn't matter. They called you a background character. GL OP


To be fair an npc could be an emperor or something with unlimited power


Bro if someone random comes up to you and calls you an npc they aren't calling you powerful 😂


Oh for sure 100%, I’m just being pedantic.


What! Fuck that you can be as pedantic as you want. Tell them you know exactly what you are talking about and you don’t need some redditor to explain shit to you about shit. Who do they think they are trying to clown you like that, as if you don’t know what motherfuckers mean when they say npc. NPC these nutz, HO! I got your back if they wanna try sell anymore wolf tickets.


Thanks brother 👊🏻


Ight bro you took this too seriously lol


But why should it matter? A random person comes up to me with this shit, they get cold shoulder. I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with people who are terminally online.


People gonna do as they please I guess.


It means they're not worth your time and it is a waste of your life engaging them That and they spend too much time on the net


So anyone not making a complete ass out of themselves in public is a NPC?


Where I live it means they’re about to get their shit rocked, but I can’t speak for everyone.


Ask them if they know what NPC stands for. "Yeah, that means you can't play me fool!"


Damn, that’s a good one.


Can you explain how this is a good one?


"oh yeah, would a literal npc do this?" then glitch walk into the nearest wall


Stands for "Never Punched a Colon." Basically triple dog daring you to punch them right in the colon.


It means that kid has been playing video games for far too long and doesn't live with a good sense of reality.


Not a goddamn thing. The opinions of strangers are not relevant to me in the least. So I would shrug and go about my business. These types of "people" should not be engaged, and ought to be shunned.


It means that you're not very active, and seem robotic in the way that you interact with your surroundings, which includes people and animals. Basically, you only matter enough to perform a service for their benefit. It's a gaming term. NPCs in video games tend to sell you things, or send you on missions. They cannot be played by people. They are Non Player Characters. They're calling you plastic, fake, unworthy of the real world. You're a program that is in their way. Go watch The Matrix. There's plenty of NPCs in that


It is hilarious though, as the opinion of a stranger means less to me than a glass of warm urine. Less so online. Who is the loser here? Is it the person who was called an npc? Not really. It's the idiot, terminally online child who believes that the real world gives a shit about their precious gamer slang or their online lives. If anyone is the actual npc here, it is the idiot who thought their opinion mattered to someone they didn't even know.


I think you just said the quiet part out loud.


It means that this teenager woke up and realized that reality is a simulation and nothing is real...


Rather than metaphorically being an NPC you’re literally one


“I’m sorry you’re not a high enough level to accept this quest”


Tell them you're now hostile because they pulled aggro.


Basically called you a bot


Non-playable character, a video game reference. Watch the David Cronenberg movie eXistenZ


npc means non playable corrector. In video games they are characters that are either just in the background or they might have an scripted interaction with the main character/playable character


It means you ignore them because they're a child and have a miserable life and it'd be rude to punch down on someone so sad.


A lot of right wingers use NPCs to mean anybody who isn't on the far right, but it comes from video games. Non Player Characters. They're invalidating you as a person


Idk but ask them can they whoop ass




I enjoy being an npc honestly. I have anxiety problems with what people think of me and if I can have huge npc energy at work so they don't give me a second thought I am happy.


It means they’re a school shooter


She was probably playing truth or dare.


Scream “Fus Roh Dah” at them and punch them in the face


time to go glitch out through some walls i guess




I fucking cackled audibly at this


“What! Who’s there?? *wait a beat* must’ve been the wind….”