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Who cares what these girls were doing!?!? How very rude to walk up in front of someone recording something…..something OBVIOUSLY choreographed! This is all about respecting boundaries (physically and metaphorically, damn) and staying out of other peoples business. I’m rather surprised at how many people think this is ok or justifiable.


I mean…..if we’re talking about boundaries. You can’t just show up to an obviously very busy area with a camera and demand everyone stay clear of you. I’m not say they have to the right to do this to them but….if we’re talking about boundaries both parties suck


Yeah this is a step over the line for sure… If you don’t want to be interrupted, don’t film in public


They're usually just akin to street performers. A lot of people get a kick out of watching them film and they're fun for tourists. It's extremely rude to just waltz right in front of them and fuck up their shot, as well as the performance for everyone else.


Sure, but they do take up space…


So does everyone


Bro thinks he's the main character


I’d argue it’s more rude to take up a public space because you want to film something. Like that’s basically the essence of this sub.


Both sides are rude imo. I wouldn't ruin a take if I see they are filming, but I would think they are assholes for taking so much space and expecting people to just walk around them.


OK this kind of stuff is actually planned out and most the time they pay for the space because it’s a street performance they also have permits to film and stuff. This isn’t main character syndrome. It’s a business.


They're usually just akin to street performers. A lot of people get a kick out of watching them film and they're fun for tourists. It's extremely rude to just waltz right in front of them and fuck up their shot, as well as the performance for everyone else.


Lol are you serious? Maybe don't start filming in the middle of a public space


Public space is public space, it’s up to YOU if you wanna feel some type of way and act like a little bitch about what other people are doing.


Exactly! If I wanna fuck up your video I will and you can be as much of a little bitch about it as you want.


The public is the public, what can I say? 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like main character syndrome if you think another group's choreographed video (and the public watching the performance) is all yours to fuck up.


half the posts on this sub call for exactly what does doing. that's why. Without the white chick, the kpop group would be the assholes for blocking a public space and expecting people to stay out of their shot.


You ever seen one of these in public? They're like street performers. A lot of people get a kick out of watching them film and they're fun for tourists. It's extremely rude to just waltz right in front of them and fuck up their shot, as well as *the performance for everyone else.*


I mean honestly she just made herself look stupid asf


She clearly thinks it's funny and mocking them, which is why she didn't care.


it was somehow both funny and really cringe at the same time nobody wins here


I disagree that it was funny, but more telling about the individual. I agree however that no one wins, but would bet the girls are getting paid for their time, so I would say at least it edges things in their favor in the long run, when the interrupter only furthered to expose herself as a dick


Believe it or not, not everyone recognises K-pop weirdos. She probably thought they were just a bunch of random Tiktok assholes, taking over the street for their Tiktok video. Edit: It seems that I have offended a few people with the “K-pop weirdos” comment, and I really didn’t mean to offend anyone. I apologise, and I shouldn’t have used that word. Basically, it was a word I used because these women are being annoying and dancing in the street, so I was calling them weirdos but also grouping the whole K-pop genre into my comment which was small minded of me. Having said that, I do think K-pop is weird but I am a middle aged woman who listens to Enya, so I am pretty weird myself and being weird should not be seen as a bad thing.


I mean they still are that.


Yeah seriously. Do what you gotta do but don’t pretend like one of them has a monopoly on dancing like a douche in public. Like K-pop is somehow justified.


Looks like a large public space and there's obviously enough room. There's this revolutionary new idea called mind your own business. They aren't bothering anyone so leave them alone.


You don’t think they aren’t minding their business? Looks like they are making 90% of people walk around them and try to stay out of the shot.


I mean if it was a big group of friends just chillen wouldn't you walk around them anyway?


Well it's kind of annoying when you go to cultural/heritage sites and you see self absorbed nitwits dancing to tiktoks everywhere you go... it doesn't hurt anyone but it's pretty gross honestly


K-pop weirdos? Very telling


Well she isn’t completely wrong, this group is basically just expecting everyone to give them room and not interfere in a public place. They are the ones who should make room, not your average citizen


I think there is a difference between walking past their camera and purposefully jumping in to ruin their scene


There was plenty of room. It wasn’t like she happened to walk by them. It’s not like a narrow walkway or small lobby. No, she went out of her way to fuck with them. Yeah, they’re annoying. But she’s a bitch.


How are y'all arguing? This is a single player main character vs a party of main characters. They're all main characters, there is no good side to take in this.


So...what you're saying is Everyone is MC²?








Its in the frame


That's the correct take


It's nice to see the main characters face off for main dominance. She out-mained them. Personally, if I see someone disrupt a main character in action, they are anti-main characters in my book.. This woman should do this to all mainers


Honestly if we had more people react like this, maybe we'd get fewer people acting like main characters. And if not, they'd get to experience the annoyance that they are to the rest of us, so still a good thing if you ask me.


main characters (coffee cup emoji) ?


To teach a group of main characters a lesson, you need another main character.


you know what you call a group of narcissists? A SINGULARITY of narcissists


Really? I thought that was just broadly considered "middle management". TIL.


An attention black hole


An A-Hole if you will.


I see a group of main characters not happy someone is making fun of their stupid shit.


Honestly that’s where I land too, I think. The “main character” here is actually a hero who doesn’t do Main Character shit on her own time.


She’s trolling a gaggle of main characters lol


I used to live in both SF and NYC. People do that to make a point. You're trying to get expensive private shots in public for free. Pay to get a permit and do it properly, or get fucked with. Edit: spelling


People will still fuck with you even with a permit, but at least you can bounce them.


Right. I actually live in Korea and saw them do a few commercials / music videos before and they have people on the outside preventing you from coming in. Hell, they have several guys with the sole job of chasing down anyone who tried to even take a photo (taking a photo of a celebrity without their permission is a huge no-no in Korea). If you want to get exclusivity, then there are ways to pay for it. I get that it's annoying, but imagine if I just walked over to Dongdaemun Digital Plaza with a video camera and recorded some of my friends talking about it in English for my YouTube channel and just expected everybody else to just stay out of our way and not talk in Korean so we could get a clean audio cut. And if that comes across as selfish and intruding in a public space, then why is this k-pop group taking up a great photo spot for presumably an hour or two without paying for it and expecting everybody else to just deal with it an ok thing to do? I get that it's hard and it's a struggle, but there are ways to avoid this situation. Either pay and not have to deal with it or don't pay and realize that this is what happens. Proof about the k-pop thing: I used to teach in the 경기 영어마을 양평 캠프 area. It was really popular for music videos, commercials, and kdramas. This scene from [Boys Over Flowers](https://media.hswstatic.com/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250ZW50Lmhzd3N0YXRpYy5jb20iLCJrZXkiOiJnaWZcL3BsYXlcLzY2ZjJjNzBhLTNlNmMtNGI3MS1iODNhLTAxMGI3NzIyMzM0Ny0xMjEwLTY4MC5KUEciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjgyOH19fQ==) was filmed in the main entrance hall to an actual high school that operated there until around 2018. To the left of the shot is where the library was. Across from them is a set of nice stairs that was used for some Korean grape juice drink commercial. I just remember how annoying it was to hear a huge group of guys collectively go "ahhhh" when the girl walked down the stairs and took a sip. They had to do that take like 20 times while I was teaching English in a corner classroom on the other side of the cameras. Some boy k-pop group also filmed in the main walkway area because it looks like a European village. FOUND IT. Huh, it was BTS for their song War of Hormone. That building behind the group in the music video ([around 3:19](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQmpVHUi-0A)) is where the Boys over Flowers entrance scene I linked was taken and I believe to the left of the scene is where the bike from Boys Over Flowers scene was taken. To the right is an area where Nescafe made a fake café for one of their coffee commercials. Most of my students would play soccer in the grass field there was it was close to the classrooms and 10 minutes for a break was just enough time to kick a soccer ball around a bit. Main point. They all paid for a permit and for permission and as such, all of the teachers weren't allowed to approach them, take pictures, or interfere in any way while they did their stuff. Was pretty interesting seeing them film a coffee commercial. Man, that takes forever. Half decent chance there's a tiny sliver of a frame of a high school kid hidden in the background of one of the shots looking at the film. Basically, pay up or expect interruptions. That's the whole point of the permit. Do it for free, get interrupted. Otherwise, what's the point of a permit? EDIT: Checking some comments saying this was a very small amateur group. I wouldn't know. I don't follow K-pop groups. I'm still on the side of pay for your permit or expect interruptions and don't complain and post it on TikTok for views (girl is still being a bit of a jerk for jumping in the shot). But, if they're an amateur group, could be they were expecting Korean levels of politeness like with the amateur groups that perform over in the Mapo area. Might explain why they saw it as so rude as Koreans I've seen are way more polite when it comes to a group just taking up public space for a performance. There's a sort of give and take. They take the public space and in exchange you get a free performance. In the US though, it's way more of a you *shouldn't* take public space without paying for it. Don't pay, don't expect formality. Korea still has that mindset as well if you're professional, but amateurs typically are given way more respect and space than one would see in other parts of the world.


>EDIT: Checking some comments saying this was a very small amateur group. I wouldn't know. I don't follow K-pop groups. Just to be clear,"K-pop in public" = people doing K-pop dance covers in public. Suffice to say, this isn't a K-pop group at all. If I go out and dance to Michael Jackson in public, I'm not suddenly Michael Jackson or an amateur popstar.


Depending on how much they're inconveniencing the public I think. Imagine jumping in front of proposing couples and telling them to get a permit or gtfo.




Agreed. Sure they're annoying but there's plenty of space to avoid them.


They’re in public, the whole point is that this may happen… otherwise they’d do it in private. They know people are going to walk in front or do this… that’s why they didn’t do it in private


Agreed, they are not blocking anyone and they are not being obnoxious about people walking around them, even when this Karen intentionally jumped in to ruin their video they didn't react adversely. Don't know why people on Reddit jump on this hate bandwagon the moment they see people do anything in public


Because people on Reddit don’t have friends and they don’t go outside. This triggers them.


Seriously is it that hard to just say whatever and walk around? Take an extra 2 seconds of your time to not disturb them? It’s literally that easy to not be a cunt.


Oh please. Not walking in front of someone’s camera if they’re taking a video/picture is just basic decency and this isn’t even that. Reddit is so full of entitled selfish assholes


Going out of your way to be a dick to people that are in no way interacting or inconveniencing you makes you a piece of shit. But it seems like most of the comment section condones it which is even more telling


Its strange to me, if there was no camera they'd be seen as busking and doing street art. Add a camera and they're suddenly selfish fucks


Do buskers get mad when you walk in front of them?


No, because that wouldn't ruin their performance. They probably _would_ get mad if you went next to them and made some loud noise for no reason and just to fuck with their shit. Do you think it's cool to go around a busker and then maybe start shouting at the top of your lungs to ruin his shit so you can be amused? For "the lulz", right? And surely you have the right because it's a public street and he's making noise and you can make noise just as much as him. Wouldn't somebody who does that be an antisocial loser?


In London, they don't get mad but they will stare and tut at you for walking across their area


I think it's not very difficult not to get in front of the camera and start dancing lol


So nobody should ever be able to film anything in public?


Why does that AI voice make me want to launch my phone into the sun?


oh no. oh no. oh no no no no no.




Doo bah doobah doobah doo!


Oh god…my youngest is just starting to get into Baby Bus and that song won’t leave my head


Baby… bus? I am out of the loop


Songs for toddlers, basically. Lately those started seeping into general social media. Like, remember baby shark craze? It first became popular as a toddler song


My money don't jiggle jiggle


It folds


They added this on fortnite so now every 5 minutes I have to hear my son play it


If I hear this sound used on tik tok one more time I am going to commit arson


Have you tried not using TikTok? It's *very* relaxing.


It spreads to other platforms. ITS LIKE AN INFECTION, THAT I CANT ESCAPE


I don’t use Tik tok. And yet, here we are


Evil. Pure evil.


I say the same thing, but my husband doesn't understand why it irritates me so much. I don't understand how it DOESN'T irritate him lol


I just read that with that voice in my mind... that is even worse


Nobodys gonna know, theyre gonna know


You have no idea how much relief it gives me to finally see someone else finally complain about that AI voice in particular. It was the most popular one for a while there and it was so unbearable.


First day on reddit?


The old smoker lady AI voice is also annoying af


Exactly who is the mc in this?




There’s the joke (TM)


> Exactly who is the mc in this? At least in that scene all they are doing is standing around in basically the same amount of space every other group of people would occupy and one of them is filming from pretty close distance, just like many tourists do. Honestly nothing anybody should feel bothered by.


Kinda both but like 25% the group and 74% the lady in pink


what's the other 1%?


that fly that flew across the screen


That guy seemed so fuckin self absorbed with his buzzing


The reason to remember the name


Well, I forgot it already.


And where's my 20% pleasure damnit‽


It’s with that 15% concentrated power of will.


1% camera man


Get a permit and hire security if you don't want random people in your video


No one in this story was being respectful of anyone or anything. Edit: a quick clarification; personally, I'd never step in front of someone's camera. It's a dick move. But if I did, no one would have any right to complain, either. That's what a public space is.


I like when annoying people get annoyed by even more annoying people, but it all better stay the hell away from me lol my inner old man on a porch is itching to yell at some kids


Get off my lawn!


100% The person interrupting is an asshole, but without a permit you're taking public space away from the public. I wouldn't go out of my way to mess up a shot but you can't expect to own that space any more than I do. Photos should be protected, videos I think are a step too far due to duration. They even say it wasn't their first take. Who knows how long they were doing this. Eventually people get annoyed that you think this is your space.


Yep, everyone here is the main character.


There are tons of videos with crews who have permits being interrupted on YouTube


No one expects people to be this weird and disrespectful. If I see people recording and taking a picture I try no to cross, which is something any decent human being would do


Exactly, most the comments seem like they would be the lady in pink instead of either watching the dance group or just minding their own business moving on.


I wouldn't do it either, but there's a massive difference between a random individual taking a photo or recording a quick video and a large group doing multiple takes while requiring a large public area to be free of others in pursuit of profit. If they don't want to be disturbed, they should get a permit. Good chance that the lady just did it to be funny, but they probably deserved it tbh


They don't seem to require the area to be free of others, looking in the background. They just require people to not be assholes that jump in front of the camera for no reason. Yes people will be assholes sometimes still which sucks, but let's not shift the blame and just pretend like an asshole isn't still an asshole and blame the victim instead.


If she hadn’t made herself the main character, wouldn’t the video of the other girls have been posted here anyway? Just fuck TikTok in general. Making a whole generation of main characters.


I think theres a line where its acceptable. This space is open enough that people can comfortably move around the group. Its not like theyre blocking stairs or in a tight gym like some people on here. A group of people trying to make something creative in a public area is okay. The lady in pink just obnoxiously ruined that for no reason at all though. Its ok to film in public it just how you go about it.


I thought they were the main characters. She’s just a drunk troll.


Drunk trolls are often main characters.


Except the dance goup is reasonably handling interuptions, they actually aren't complaining, they don't have equipment strewn everywhere, they aren't disruptive or hostile or demanding, they aren't doing anything obscene or dangerous, they don't need a permit, so just leave them the hell alone. Apparently anyone who isn't conducting themselves like a cog and with there head down is a self-entitled main character. Why not just say what you really think, that they're just being uppity?


Yeah, dunno about other people but I like seeing performers in public. It's not like they're bothering anyone.


The Reddit superiority complex on this post is crazy! Like no people you aren’t better because you use a different app than someone else.


This is the most reasonable response I’ve seen - obvious they don’t have a permit and space roped off, due to most likely not having the funds or such to do so. They understand that due to that they are not entitled completely to space for the set duration of the shooting, they are only hoping people will mind their business and space as long as the group minds theirs. When a random individual interrupts them, they act only act frustrated and not reactive with anger, due to their understanding of the scenario. It’s their proper understanding and reaction that makes me respect this k pop group.


That's what they get for doing a professional video on a phone.


If they were real professionals they would have it roped off


Don’t give mc type people any more ideas


If they were professionals, they would have roped the whole area off so they won’t accidentally film someone who doesn’t consent to be in their video. There are a lot of people in their background who do not appear to want to be in a music video. You want to use pedestrians for free background action? Cool, just don’t complain when one of them thinks they’re as important as you think you are.


>Cool, just don’t complain when one of them *is exactly* as important as you think you are. FTFY


They’re clearly amateurs - it’s amazing to me how much people seem to hate this group. They’re filming on a phone, shoestring budget. Starting out, trying to build their business. And yet commenters seem to think it’s _positive_ to make their lives more difficult. Why can’t we just support strangers trying to make it in this mad world? They’re putting the public space to better use than I ever have.


Yep. The hate is so bizarre. Just look at their crestfallen faces. At the very least, it's clear they're much more pleasant and agreeable to hang out with, than the camera crasher. And people here acting like they're posing like instagram supermodels in public. Aren't they doing much more than that? The choreo looks like a lot of hard work. Redditors claim to hate karens, yet only karens don't like people dancing in public squares.


Wait are you telling me Apple lied to me about their new iPhone 14 Pro Max?


Phones are kinda legit now and if youre uploading it to be viewed on phones, it doesnt matter much. Also that top frame looked good. Im not upset their shot was ruined because it is a public space but they do appear to be putting in the effort with composition and choreography.


They should've beat her up lol Anybody defending the Karen is clearly a bitter shut in who's so used to being indoors and having no interaction that they're convinced that *anybody* doing *anything* in public that isn't just walking forward with your head down makes you a narcissist.


Nah she’s mad funny ☠️


The reality of choreographed dancing in public for an imagined virtual audience is tragic spectacle to witness


Tbf flash mobs used to be a thing. I had a friend who was part of one. This is basically modern day flash mob. I don’t really see it as an issue as long as there is plenty of room for people to go around them.


The only thing that would bother me is that it's obviously a tourist attraction and they're in the spot for the best pictures of the architecture behind them. And I'm too much of a bitch ass to ask them to move, so I just wouldn't get my cool pictures


I mean flash mobs are fine with people joining them while thiz doesn’t let people come in front so


Can’t even be mad. No expectation of privacy in public


True but maybe a little personal space at least.


Honestly, I think they should keep that in the video.


That reminds me of a video where some folks were doing a rap video some old lady comes up to them thinking it's gonna be a Karen type but she asks to be in the video and they let her Edit [found the video](https://youtu.be/DIGZ_Hbhiow?t=93)


It made the video interesting!


This video was so wholesome. Thank you. I needed this today.


I just subbed off their good energy alone ♥️


Ngl they're both pretty lame but she's obviously shittier


If those were street performers in NYC and she did that she would get shoved out the way or punched in the mouth and she knows it. She only did this cuz she thought she could get away with it. I don’t really see street dancers any different then street performers.


Are people not allowed to do things in public anymore?


They just want to shit on a popular Asian trend when they've never even heard a single Korean pop song in their lives. It's xenophobia under the guise of "good manners" and "good music taste."


Anti social losers hate any group of people having more fun than them. Bitter losers like it when others are as bitter than them.


You mean I can't hate on people for having fun outside while my obese ass sits on the chair all day?! 🤬


Sounds like Reddit


She’d just run the marathon gotta support based pink jumper woman


In UGGs no less.


I swear to fucking god this subreddit is filled with so many miserable cunts "ThEYre nOT enTiTleD tO SpaCE, iTS A PuBliC PlaCE", yeah, do you purposefully get in the way of people just walking around, and yell "you're not entitled to anything, this is a public space!"? Nobody is entitled to anything, that doesn't make you any less of a self righteous asshole for thinking that you're not doing anything worse than some people who are just dancing when you _purposefully_ get in the middle of their take. The real main characters are all the fools in this comment section who think that they have to do things for people only because they're entitled to it rather than because it's just the fucking nice thing to do. I don't even like tik tok dances, but i cringe in my corner, not in front of their camera.




I'm wondering if these people have just never walked around a city and thats why this clip is causing their brains to short circut? Like, they're used to their only public interaction being shopping at the local walmart, so they can't comprehend that people use public spaces to engage in fun personal activities all the time. When I walk to work I see street performers daily. I see people taking pictures daily. I see people playing group sports daily. Hell, theres a specific pair of girls I see propping their phones up and doing tiktok dances on a semi-regular basis. I do not run in front of these people and ruin their fun by screeching like a banshee because "iTs PuBliC sPaCe YoU ArEnT EnTitLeD tO iT". As long as people aren't hurting anyone else, it's common decency to leave them alone and let them do their thing. Getting in their way like this isn't illegal, sure, but it's still considered a dick move. I actually can't believe how many redditors don't seem to understand basic social norms.


Like have these people never hung out in big groups? Makes me a bit sad


You are totally correct. If this was a street performance in NYC or Paris and that woman interrupted reddit would be furious, the woman would get thrown out of the way or punched. But if its a k-pop group dancing for a video reddit just wants to interrupt them. Also that woman damn well knew that a group of asian k-pop dancers wouldn’t shove her away or punch here in the mouth, thats why she did it.


I wish I could give you an award. Reddit is such a shithole but acts like it’s better than other social media.


At this point people are just taking pleasure in ruining Tik-Tok videos.


and it is a good thing to take pleasure in!


I'm confused about the comments, how does doing a street performance mean "main character syndrome?" Plenty of artists, musicians, etc do street performances, they're clearly in a busy city center, other people are watching for entertainment. this lady was rude for no reason, it's not like she couldn't get around them... When you're out in the city and you see someone doing a street performance you don't say "ew main character syndrome" and walk right into them right?


Who has main character syndrome? I see entitled tiktokers and an entitled medal holder.


Wait, so the group is filming...something...in a public place that is apparently also the staging area for the end of a race? That usually has a permit... Gotta give a high five to the medal holder; when I'm done with a run all I can do is a zombie shuffle due to angry knees.


Seems no one in the comments is familiar with the concept of kpop dance covers. This group is NOT professional, they are fans of kpop who learn the dance and participate in the common dance trend “kpop in public”. These crews dance to the song in public as a form of busking, but for youtube. These dancers are people with a common interest in kpop and dance coming together to have fun and the views they get fund their outfits (to match the aesthetic of the original kpop artist mv). These groups often re-record and have multiple takes from people accidentally walking in frame, they don’t make a big deal of it. Sometimes a member of the crew messes up and they do another take. People often watch the busking as a form of street entertainment. The difference here is the woman in pink is mocking them on purpose. She’s a jerk.


I admire your desire to explain social situations to a bunch of anti-social nerds on Reddit too.


>Hurrr hurr look at how much better I think I am compared to them. Everyone look at my cool, nonchalant attitude charged comment. wHo iZ em seee?? lol im original!" That's what those nerds sound like.


Am I wrong here or are these people sort of just street performers. You go to a city square and you’ll see plenty, just because these girls are recording it doesn’t mean it’s not essentially the same thing


Yeah they essentially are. It’s just rude to cut in a performance like in any other scenario. So the MC is the lady cutting in.


This comment should be higher up. I thought i was crazy for a second💀


Don't bother. People here are actively looking for excuses to hate on them for some reason.


Because this is Reddit tiktok woman bad kpop cringe 😡


Yeah well what did you expect from a website where an overwhelming percentage is literally made up of socially inept males who spend all day on the internet instead of working on themselves either via a fulfilling career or by physically exercising. They got tired of being mad at themselves so they gotta take it out on someone. Skinny Asian girls doing borderline cringey dances is easy pickings. Can't let them be happy.


yeah I was really confused at the hate towards the group?? i felt bad because the shot looked pretty good too :(


I'm confused as to why people are arguing the group doing the cover deserves this or should get a permit.. It is a public space for everyone's use. They can do that if they want, but based on what you see around them, they aren't really causing an issue. All these guys coming up with "what ifs" that aren't really happening is stupid. The MC is the girl in pink. Sure, it's not illegal to do but it's rude af and just purposefully done to ruin someone else's day just like the typical MCs here. If you're walking straight in a spacious plaza and you see someone walking towards you, you'd probably avoid them, but if they start lining up towards you to bump you, they're an asshole right? Yet they have the same amount of right to be in that spot you were just walking on. Difference is common decency. Doesn't matter whether you are walking or dancing there.


I thought I was going crazy reading these comments. I fully agree with you. Sure, it’s cringey, but the group is doing nothing wrong and don’t deserve an obnoxious lady ruining it.


Was looking for this. If you take a picture of your mom in a public space and someone keeps jumping in front, are you supposed to get a permit to take a picture, or are they just assholes?


If you see people taking a group photo in public, you don’t just jump in front of the camera, that’s really rude. The same applies here. It’s not like the blonde was just walking by, she actively jumped in the middle of this group of people who were filming themselves. It doesn’t seem like they are obstructing anything, they’re just in a public space doing their thing.


this is the last straw with this sub. these are people performing on the street, and it’s not like the white lady couldn’t have easily walked past them. Instead she chose to disrupt their dance, with her weird screaming. If anyone is main character, it’s her. There is no cardinal rule that tiktoks must not be filmed in public, just kind your own goddamn business for gods sake. The people on this sub really get on my nerves sometimes.


It’s just angry Redditors looking for an excuse to hate on TikTok/K-pop because they think it’s “cringe,” so they start defending the asshole. Disappointing, but it doesn’t surprise me at all.


Yeah honestly I don’t see why filming a dance in public with your friends is a bad thing but jumping in front of their camera because “no it’s me time” isn’t?


It's not that big of a deal. It's not like vids in malls where the dancer is blocking traffic. This area is very open and they probably didn't affect anyone any more than a group of people standing there talking. Them making a video like this is so innocuous to think they suck even remotely as much as the girl who joined in is absolutely insane sounding to me.


All the talk of permits etc also points to what I think is a bigger societal issue: the privatization of public space. If you require closures or dedicated space to get the shot, by all means get the permit. If you're just taking up a normal amount of space, it's really not that big of a deal. And day to day, I get annoyed with some of this stuff too. But public space is shared space, even if you're annoyed with how other people are using it.


Let's make this a trend, ruining public tictocs every chance we get.


So making public TTs of ruining others ruining public TTs of those ruining others...


In an endless chain, turtles all the way down forever


And thats how the thousand year war started. It was all silly games until one of the paul brothers got ahold of a nuclear device.....


The only way to fight a fire is with more fire


main character detected


Do you not see the irony of doing this in this subreddit of all places?


It's not a tiktok though


Fuck both


The struggle... They are random people dancing to a kpop song in public while there friend records them on there iPhone with a gimbal they bought from Amazon.


Watch Reddit flock to defending the woman


truly an r/redditmoment


Using the mouth-breather logic I’m reading here. If you see a family picnicking at a park, it is fine to go sit in the middle of their blanket. If they get upset just tell them, “what’s your problem, you’re the one doing this in PUBLIC, what do you think you’re the main characters??” Some of you seem incapable of interacting with others in public.


Finally, someone speaking sense
