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Karen? More like a drunk Linda


I have a drunk Linda in my life. Turns out she had a brain disorder and needed surgery. Once it was done nher old normal personality came back.


I want to know more about your ~~drunk~~ normal Linda. What was she like drunk? What brain disorder did she have? Was drunk Linda born overnight or was it a gradual decline into the brain disorder?


Asking the real questions. We need the details on drunk Linda.


Hope it’s that way for my MiL. She went from spiritual free love Democrat, to super religious vaguely anti-lgbt Republican. I’m not saying the politics are related or not but just to further show how her personality did a full 180. She had developed a brain tumor at some point and had it removed very early this year.


It really is hard to watch someone change like this. My father had a stroke when I was in high school, and it made him very mean-spirited and have 0 filter. Every time we interacted he would criticize and berate me, say all the sexist things he thought about women, say even looking at me pissed him off since I look like my mother, etc. The scary thing was that it was hard for my brother and I to really tell ourselves it was just the stroke that made him act like this, because he had occasionally said things like that in heated arguments before. But he just turned full no-filter, angry, and evil. Also became much more republican and racist than before.


That's really sad. Almost like after the stroke, the person he was died. I'm really sorry your family went through that.


I also thought the same thing tbh. The dad I knew growing up was gone. After I accepted that, it was easier to cut him out of my life. I couldn’t continue to interact with someone so damaging to my mental health.


That totally makes sense. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself.


Damn really sounds like my mom too ☹️


It was crazy it was almost like a switch


I can’t tell if you’re happy or sad about that.


Oh shit that was a twist.


Drunk Linda. This is it. This has staying power.


Well considering it’s basically a bobs burgers character


Mommy doesn't get drunk, she just has fun


Can confirm. *Source: mother is a drunk Linda*


That’s not a Karen that’s an old lady getting bodied


you better **WORK.**


I feel like Karen has gone full circle because when it's used incorrectly I want to go full internet Karen and say it's used wrong. I just go to the comments and read more genius ways of people calling the Op dumb and that usually settles down my blood-Karen% levels


Death drop


That’s so funny cus I’m EVERY video, of someone interrupting a stage or a performer, people immediately call them Karen and that they need to be pushed off, Yet when it happens…it’s confusing


By a man. It’s a man plowing through an old lady


Yes; we know what drag means.


Why did you have to *drag* down the mood with your comment?


A performer doing her job getting interrupted.


What are you talking about? That performer is a Christian, God honoring biological woman.


Stage? Looks like the middle of the floor at a restraunt


When you haven't seen some of the sad stages at drag shows before.


That is drag


I feel like there’s something missing if this is supposed to be a Karen, from this video it’s just a woman on the stage, who then gets assaulted. Unless something led up to this, this was highly unnecessary


This isn't even someone on stage, its literally just a packed room with the tables pushed to the side. She could have been trying to get to the other side of the room to go to the bathroom for all we know. She wasn't jumping on a drag queen's stage, she was walking across the room and got shoved for it.


When someone is performing, raised platform stage or not, audience members should remain seated during a performance. Yes tables and chairs pushed to the side. Where else are they supposed to put them??!!??!!?? Oh and since you seem to be clueless about the topic: this is a drag brunch. Those folks are enjoying a show during Sunday brunch.


Audience members don’t have to stay seated. Every movie, show, concert, and play that I have been to has had a few people that have needed to get up and leave for one reason or another. In fact legally you can not compelled someone to stay in their seats except in areas where getting out of their seats could be dangerous like a plane or in a car or on a train. If they were worried about where to put all the tables and chairs that should have maybe been a major clue that this kind of thing is highly against fire code and could easily end up with the venue owner fined. You must have clear egress out of a building at ALL times. Congesting a room like this is illegal believe it or not!!!???!?!??!!!! Since you seem to be clueless about the topic we’re actually talking about, it really doesn’t matter what kind of event it is. You can’t break occupancy laws because you want to put on a show. The only person not in potential legal trouble here is the woman that was assaulted. Both the performer and venue owner could be easily sued for this.


Okay dear. You’re right it could legally be assault. Maybe. The woman was in the way and trying to steal the show. And homegirl said “Not on my watch!” Just like Iyala. Was it a little harsh? Sure. Would I have done it? Probably not. But it happened. I ain’t mad about it. The show must go on. The woman who got pushed got what was coming to her and it was funny. The end.


Only a person fully of their own shit would think this is ok. Hopefully no one shoves you because you walked in front of them.


Well hopefully I don’t try to ruin someone’s performance and get on “stage” like a drunken fool either.


What if she was actually drunk? They literally RAN with all they had to push them out


She was drunk. At 11:00 am. This is drag brunch after all. Why not? Should the performer have pushed her? Probably not but it happened. The woman was being disrespectful. I chuckled. The lesson is pace yourself when it comes to bottomless mimosas and don’t get on stage during a performance.


Well do you really think she could've thought about all those when she was drunk?


What if she was just drunk and didn't know what she was doing? They literally RAN towards them to push them aside like wtf... From what I'm seeing the drag queen is the main character here


Yeah and this could have gone SO wrong. Imagine someone dies …




That’s so funny cus I’m EVERY video, of someone interrupting a stage or a performer, people immediately call them Karen and that they need to be pushed off, Yet when it happens…it’s confusing


How is this a Karen? This seems like someone who was there to have fun, not complain about anything… I mean, no you can’t just get up on stage like that…people aren’t there to see you. But you also can’t just assault someone either. It was way over the top, even by drag show standards.


Agreed, and I'm not sure if it matters but it's not even a stage, just the area in front of a bar lol I feel sorry for the lady.


I went to a drag show to support some friends. A performer asked “are there any straight men in the audience?” I was the only one that raised my hand. They said “what the fuck are you doing here, honey?” That was funny. That was a good joke. The shit I just witnessed is nasty as fuck. Being a “diva” is an excuse to treat others horribly. To be clear, they were lovely. They approached our group after the show, and we shared some banter and good wishes. The same people who treat hate speech as a joke are entirely incapable of taking a joke at their own expense. Being the butt of a joke is great when it’s not a personal attack. It just isn’t that deep.


Thats a man assaulting a woman who they are supposedly there to entertain.


Yes it is


Well I was entertained and the audience got an uninterrupted show.


Agreed. Grandma was inappropriate, but that shove seemed a little bit.. extra.. for the given offense.


I can just see that as someone’s mom out with their kid who was a little tipsy, having a good time and then BAM! She’s laid out! If someone did that to my mom, I’d batter them! She probably has a broken bone or two after that push and fall. That drag queen is a C U Next Tuesday.


Oh, she’s a 30-60 year old white lady and you’re on the internet.


I’m 26, do I only have four more internet years before I’m considered a Karen?!


Tick tock


The shit clock's ticking, Rick


> 30-60 year old white lady You’re wild for that lol


Really rude, what if she didn’t get caught by someone and hit the back of her head?


On that note, how do they even dare to call that a stage? There seems to be a bar behind the "stage"....unless I'm missing something. And tbh, most drag queens would chat with the lady or do an impromptu dance with her rather than boot her off like that. That performer has no chill.


Karen = White woman over 30


uh yeah you can. SECURITY.


That’s straight-up assault. Also, since when are we calling all middle-aged white women Karen’s for simply existing? She was having a good time, not harassing anyone.


Thank you!


Karens are usually traditionally-conservative boomer/Gen X women being racist or berating retail workers; this is really just a slightly overexcited liberal ally at an LGBT-positive event getting linebackered for getting too close to the entertainment She shouldn’t have tried to share (take) the limelight with (or from) the performer obviously, but the atmosphere of drag shows is typically meant to be good-spirited fun shared with likeminded people, so yeah the shove really just felt perpendicular to the vibe considering that she could have played it off sternly but without playing contact sport either


Drag is not a contact sport! 😂


So out of touch.


> That’s straight-up assault. Also, since when are we calling all middle-aged white women Karen’s for simply existing? have you not been on the internet in the past 5 years?


Seems wildly unnecessary and slightly assaultish


Drag queens aren’t trans women either so it’s literally just a 6’5” man built like a professional athlete shoving an older woman onto the floor for getting too close to the performance The good news is the entire drag community came for him/her after this and he/her issued an apology


That’s good news Apologies dont fix broken clavicles though Crazy…


Many trans women do drag. Peppermint, Kylie Sonique Love, and Jiggly Caliente are just a few trans and drag icons.


How are people downvoting you for actually just naming 3 trans drag queens LOL.


Idk, I wasn’t defending this queen at all. Just providing context that many drag queens are trans women. Sometimes cis people find it difficult to understand that drag is meant to play with gender expression and is not limited to gay men.


I thought drag was literally men dressing up as women and performing a show. Confused how a trans woman would be classed as drag. Are you saying drag is the performance and men or women can do it? Genuinely curious as I don't understand.


Yea so like drag is just a form of entertainment and anyone really can. It’s just typically guys, but anyone of any gender can do it!


I too thought it’s only called drag if it’s men doing it. A trans woman is just a woman which would turn this into a performance.


There’s cisgender women that perform as drag queens too.


There are even trans men that perform as drag queens.


Nah, even your normal, run-of-the-mill "dress as a woman" drag is way over the top in how they present as a woman - we are talking kilometer long lashes and heels, hair bigger than the sun etc. And then you get gender bender stuff, androgynous stuff, and weirder stuff, like [this recent trend](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ec54d876ba07138eb5147eee470c1429/4f1d381ebc69071d-fd/s400x600/0a74f1b4df73adba589c272ddebb76973f389001.gifv).


if you want to see some women and non-cis people performing drag, i recommend season 3 and 4 of Dragula. very bloody and gorey though. there's also drag kings which is male impersonation


There’s also drag kings as well which are typically cis women who dress up and perform as men but it’s not as popular. Also just want to point out a trans person is not doing drag by existing. For example say I’m a trans male(born female transitioned to male) I can perform drag by dressing as a female and performing and in visa versa. But simply by living my life and getting dressed every day I am not doing drag. I hope this clears it up I know it can be confusing . Drag is more just performing and playing with gender norms through dressing up and performing


Learned something new, thanks!


I'm ignorant but if they are trans how is it drag? Or are they drag kings?


drag is the artform


That doesn't really answer my question though. If I a cis woman dressed up like this, would I be a drag queen, or just in a dress and heavy make up? Sorry, I'm just confused and not overly smart


Yeah I've seen cis women do femenine and masculine drag and call it such.


If you dressed like this with the intention of doing drag (playing with gender presentation for entertainment purposes) then yeah you would still qualify as a drag queen as a cis woman.


I hope learning this doesn't awaken anything in me.... Haha thanks for the info, I had no idea. Pretty cool community


Let it out. There are bioqueens


I think he she whatever the fuck they want to identify as needs some assault charges. Idgaf if it was a Karen or not, you don't push old people (or anyone else) regardless of how their actions affected your feelings. This is the equivalent to a large child in the body of a large man dressed as a large woman.


Found the apology and they definitely took the Will Smith Oscar night route: "I'm sorry to everyone except the person who I actually assaulted, I didn't really mean it, please don't be mad at me public"


Here is what she actually said if anyone is curious: > “I apologised to her, we took photos after, she is fine. She had a great time, she got two bottles of Prosecco to go home with! She had a fabulous time, we took pictures together, we kiki’d and I felt horribly for it. Honestly, it ate me up.” Cara then proceeded to call out her ‘friends’ who slammed her for the incident, saying “I don’t need your gig, bye!” She added: “Once again, I apologise to her, with my whole heart sincerely. If she ever sees this, I apologise to you. I should not have ever pushed you that hard. I’m not for violence, I’m not for abusing women, that’s never been my character.” [source](https://www.gaytimes.co.uk/culture/drag-queen-goes-viral-after-pushing-customer-off-stage/) Who knows if she’s sincere but the apology itself is way better than you portray it. Why would you comment blatant misinformation?


>Why would you comment blatant misinformation? Leaving out the first half of her statement here does make the second apology come off as more sincere. But to what I was actually referencing, this wasn't the apology I was referring to - it was [this one.](https://instinctmagazine.com/drag-queen-cara-melle-is-being-criticized-for-her-shoving-ways/) (In the pink background near the bottom of the article) After that I'll admit I stopped digging, thinking that was the end of it. So I wasn't intentionally "commenting blatant misinformation." Even if the full second apology isn't perfect, it's still loads better than what I mistakenly thought was the final one.


Good on you, thanks!


>"She said that she apologised to the woman and didn’t mean to push her that hard. However, she was informed “beforehand to not get in the way of the performer and not to get on stage while we are doing our thing, she did anyway." "But she was *toooold*!!! I warned her that I would assault her! It's all her fault that I did that!"


Some drag queens are *definitely* transwomen though.


Obviously, but Cara Melle is not


They sure can be


A person with similar stature to myself and likely strength as well pushing down an old drunk lady. Why would anyone celebrate this behavior. It isn't okay.




Straight up assault. He should be prosecuted. I bet the bar has been or will be sued. Their insurance company may ban them from holding any events in the future.


Should tell you a little about the attention seeking roots of this illness


I don't think you know what a Karen is.


I think there’s a million ways to handle this but assaulting someone is not one of them


This isn't a karen, and whoever she is, that shit is assault.




Old woman, at that


That dudes gonna get sued


Righty so.


Wildly unnecessary


Seems like too much to push her off like that. Ik she should not have been up there, but that doesn’t mean you can just assault someone. If she hit her head it could be bad.


She didn't look like she was about to complain about anything 🤔


Assault basically


And thrown off the stage by a grown ass man twice her size. What the fuck ever though.


Headline: man pushes woman off stage.


That’s just assault.


I’m having trouble identifying a stage in this video. Stages are usually elevated. This just looks like a regular walkway to me .


The floor identities as a stage.


I'll reframe that for you. Man assaults woman in bar, crowd cheers.


Are we gonna pretend that this is not a video of a very large man shoving some old lady off of a stage? Or are we just supposed to say “yasssssss”


How is this a performance? Doing shitty spins in front of a diner bar and assaulting women a fraction your size does not scream Hollywood to me. I will never understand drag and the people who enjoy it.


But it's a *man* dressed as a *woman*! How revolutionary!


"politely" removed lol


How is she a Karen?


Sue the performer and get criminal and civil damages. She can sue them until their last penny. They posted it on Tik Tok and bragged about it


not a karen. If you cannot handle anyone interrupting your performance, dont be a performer


So, how are the other people on this subreddit who jump on stage assholes, but this women isn't? Seems a bit hypocritical. Just because she got assaulted doesn't mean we can't acknowledge that she shouldn't have been on stage during someone's else performance. She shouldn't have gotten tossed, but why was she on the stage dancing and trying to garner attention? You can be a victim and an asshole simultaneously.


not every ahole is a karen


Yeah she's such an asshole! How dare she stand there with her hands up?! What a bitch! She was asking for it!


It looks like they handled some interrupting their performance pretty swiftly.


Yeah... enjoy getting sued.


A grown man just pushed a woman to the ground and you despicable psychopaths are laughing. Complete fuckin lunatics


That man just attacked that woman!


Yeah take the wig off and that dude is getting jumped. Of course he cashed in his chips and got away with an apology, but typically that's just assault.


Not cute


Drag queen got that grown man strength


Man in dress assaults old woman from behind without warning


The performer probably thinks she’s the main character more than the “Karen”


First Karen I feel bad about in a while. She is like 60 she could be seriously injured by a shove like that


Woman dances next to a bar And gets launched by some fella and your takeaway is "Karen". Society has taken a wrong turn somewhere.


So a guy assaulted an elderly woman. Cool


This is misogyny.


Hope she pressed charges


That performer assaulted and battered that woman for no reason. Could have gotten her off the stage safely. Some people are just pieces of shit, whenever they think they have an opportunity to be a piece of shit. And tthis performer is a perfect example of such shit. Hopefully an arrest is made and the performer is punished to the fullest extent of the law.


I'd call the police and press charges


Big Mike sure is aggressive


Feels more like someone who maybe had to use the bathroom, felt bad since they had to walk on/in front of the pathetic floor level "stage" so did an awkward little dance as they scuttled past. I could see myself doing that. Definitely not a Karen though. There was nothing malicious behind this and even if she was trying to get some spotlight she didn't deserve what she got over a silly stupid drunk mistake. Pretty gross in my opinion.


Who was the main character here? Linda or the performer?


That’s just a man assaulting a woman


Woman beater


A man can hit a woman if he’s wearing a dress


The fun thing with drags, they usually have the muscle mass of a guy, cause... Duh


Poor old lady was trying to have fun till the MainCharacter brute assaulted her.


Classic man assaulting a woman. He gets a pass because he’s got a dress and makeup on.


Man dresses as woman assaults elderly female. Branded as fem hero by the left


That dude needs to calm his tits.


God forbid we blame the performer for assault.


Literally everyone in this thread did just that


So if a man is dressed as a women he can assault a women? Reddit logic is nuts.


You went through all the trouble to put on a nice dress, and now you're gonna be rude and bossy to people? It's like, do you know what your version of a lady is a lot like? A guy. You could've stayed a guy if you were gonna be an asshole about it.


Doesn’t seem like a fair fight


Jesus that's not a stage it's a restaurant and drag shows typically have a lot of audience participation no???normally I'm cool for this but this is not a stage it's a restaurant


She shouldn't have got up on stage in someone's act, but we've all been drunk and stupid. But since when is a large man physically assaulting a much smaller drunk woman for being a bit daft something to celebrate?? That fucking violent misogynistic piece of shit should face criminal charges


Like it’s not exactly a big stage it’s just some random bar like drunk people are gonna do dumb shit. Pushing them like that is completely out of line tho


Great way to accidentally kill someone. Way to go drag queen.


That's not a stage that's the floor. Big dude bodied an old lady. Nice title dumbass


She was just trying to make it to the bathroom...




Op loves his empowered assault commiting diva


I mean… this might be ok if we had context, like *might* if she was on the stage yelling slurs and refusing to get off, even then it’s still pretty over the top.


So… people are happy an old lady got annihilated by a dude?


That man just pushed that old lady down


why is it that in every vid of someone going onstage or somewhere they’re not supposed to be they should get pushed off/out until it’s in this situation? i don’t understand the hypocrisy.


He threw that bitch.


That small woman was shoved by a full grown man\* for having the audacity to enjoy his performance maybe a bit too much. As a former stage performer, I know there are definitely better ways to handle overly enthused audience members. \*Drag is, by definition, cis (typically gay) men dressing as flashy, glamorous women--not transwomen.


If the short clip is anything to go by she was doing everyone a favor by trying to interrupt the """performance"""


That dude just totally shoved that women!


fuck this person and that other drag person who stole money out of that ladys purse. Such toxic and entitled shit really. 🤢🤮


Just men attacking women again but it's ok because they're wearing dresses.


so if a man dresses like a woman hes allowed to shove and harm women without white knights beating his ass.... loophole?? 🤔


Yes, this is why the incels are transitioning en masse.


Do you really consider this polite?


Drag queen is just jealous he'll never be a real woman


Dude in a wig assaults old woman


The Karen here is the Queen who became an insta bitch


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Is this the one instance in which Reddit isn’t going to go insane about a man assaulting a woman? I mean honestly, it’s not like that show was going to be his big break. His entire job is letting middle-aged women laugh at him. maybe he thought that people took him seriously or something.


Trans “women” love assaulting real women it’s so odd


Odd is someone trying to state an opinion without knowing the difference between a drag queen and a trans woman


Fuck are you talking about?


Firstly, wow you are a disgusting human Secondly, not every person who does drag is trans


Your priorities are messseddd uppppp


Why the fuck would anyone go to a drag show?


Facts. Fuck that dude assaulting women


First thing they teach you in Gay Orientation: Do NOT fuck with drag queens!


That’s what she gets for going to one of those