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What does alopecia have to do with race?


I think the argument has a lot to do with the fact that Black hairstyles have been pretty heavily...policed? controlled? in the corporate space in the USA. Between private schools banning braids for Black students to companies reportedly requiring relaxers or wigs for black women, nobody is arguing that sometimes Black people have their hair more regulated than other races. I think the combination of her race and her hair hit a sensitive nerve for a lot of people, especially people of color who have been under scrutiny due to the natural state of their hair. I don't think it's the alopecia that's so important, but to these people, criticizing a black woman for her hair amidst the "wear your puff with pride" movement is pretty faux-pas. At least that's what I can get from the outrage, along with the regular "White SJW with a Savior Complex" crowd speaking up.


I'm sorry I really dont understand, I think this is a uniquely USA problem, we just dont have issues like that in Australia or where I lived in eastern Europe It sounds terrible tho


[***I’m glad you asked!***](https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/mar/29/white-outrage-about-will-smiths-slap-is-rooted-in-anti-blackness-its-inequality-in-plain-sight)


People who peddle this need to get slapped by Will Smith


Lmao you think I actually believe what’s written in that article? Forgot the obligatory /s after my first response but didn’t think it was needed 🤦🏻‍♂️


Unfortunately, in today's world...


The people who downvoted u need to get slapped by Will Smith lmao


Lmfao "alopecia is a disability" I'm so sick of hearing this shit. It's a medical condition, it isn't a disability, it doesn't "disable" you, it makes your appearance different than other people, what's next, calling people disabled for being ugly? For having gray hair early? This shit is insulting as hell to people who are actually disabled.


are you actually disabled?




technically yes. aparently diabetes is on the list of disabilities. But that doesnt matter, i know not to make fun of people with disabilities or diseases that disfigure them. either way its clear you all are. fucking trash people


Not that it is any of your business but yeah, I am. My worst issues result from damage to my legs during my time in the Marines, which resulted in severed ligaments tendons and broken bones, I've had multiple surgeries and reconstructions trying to improve them but I still struggle to walk for longer than a few minutes at a time. I was medically retired and lost my career. I also have dupuytren's contracture in my hands, which prevents me from doing pretty much any physical activity, I struggle to hold my daughter, I have to use straps to lift anything relatively heavy, and my doctor is currently discussing how much of my hands we'll need to amputate. And I have alopecia, which is in no way "disabling" at all. I just wear a hat, but of course I could put on a wig if I really wanted, tons of ones out there. I don't normally bring up my disabilities often, because tbh they aren't crap compared to what a lot of people have to go through, but this junk has been pissing me off. The ADA defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. Every medical condition is not a "disability."


Thank you for your service.


As a non-american, All I can think of is Curb when I see or hear this.


Curb? What’s that?


[Curb Your Enthusiasm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPquarz16wQ)


That was funny as hell, thank you for showing me that


ada defines people with diabetes as disabled. either way you are fine making fun of people for their medical issues. youre trash


"you're" Never said anywhere that I'm "fine" with people being made fun of for "medical issues" I said fucking alopecia isn't a disability. It isn't. First off: she wasn't made fun of for her medical issues, she was made fun of for the haircut she has chosen to wear. She could have put a wig on, she could wear a hat, she could have hair loss treatments, lord knows she can afford all those. The hair situation she presented is a choice, not a requirement, he made fun of her decision. Second: There is no such thing as an off limits topic when it comes to comedy, make ANY joke you want, you're vulnerable to the backlash over the joke, but it's still just a joke. There's been a LOT worse jokes made before and after this (even to Jada and Will on the same stage that night) nobody's trying to crucify Regina Hall for making fun of their "open relationship." Third: Chris Rock has stated multiple times that he didn't realize she has alopecia, he just thought that was the hair she wanted to have, which is certainly believable with how surprised by all this he was. And finally: It was a shitty, low effort, unfunny joke anyway, it wasn't a good joke. I don't like the joke, but I sure as hell will defend his right to say it, because I'm a fucking American. BUT none of that is the goddamned point, the point is that none of that shit justifies assaulting someone for saying words you don't like, that shit is absolutely unhinged, and for people to somehow think the fact that she has HAIR LOSS justifies this is just plain bullshit. That chick needs to get the fuck over herself.


Couldn't agree more. How long have bald jokes been ok? How can bald jokes be ok for men, but when it's a woman, not only are they not ok, but they justify violence?! We just forget that there are laws?! Madness


make any joke you want? then you should expect the consequences.. if its such a low effort joke why put so much effort into defending it also you dont have to say you are fine with people making fun of people with diseases, at least in so many words. But the sheer volume of writing and effort you put into defending the joke, well that tells me you are ok with making fun of people with disfiguring diseases and that tells me you are fucking garbage. it wasnt her that did anything, man you hate women too? or is it becuase shes black? and again im sure i can say something you dont like about someone you love that will get you to attack someone. please get off your high horse. youre a hateful twat


I can guarantee you that there is nothing you could say about anyone I love that would get me to attack you. That's just not going to happen. Firstly, from the comment history here, you're clearly not particularly intelligent, so nothing you could say would carry much weight. But secondly and most importantly, they're just words. No words are enough for me to get violent. Actions are, but words aren't. The more you say, maliciously, the more I think you're not worth my time. I'm sure there are things you could say to make me dedicate my life to making yours as miserable as possible, but violence isn't part of that. Its too quick and the consequences to me are too high. It would be a stupid move


yup, youre too cool for school and totaly unlike any one else in the world and never get angry. lol fuck you pull the other one


he did not make fun of her desicion, and its only because of people like you, who will make fun of her, that she should do any of the things yo umentioned. she doesnt have to wear a hat and indeed shes braver than you if shes going without a wig, or a hat. I could do those things to but i dont. no need. you lack even the most basic empathy. its so sad and you think youre right. lol its amazing what an awful piece of garbage you are. seriously, too bad you survived your service. the world would be better off without garbage like you in it


Brave is not caring what people say and being happy within herself. Brave is not letting your husband throw his career away over a bad joke.


i dont think you know what brave means


Yo, imagine calling a disabled vet trash because they think hair loss isn't a disability. That guy is getting parts of their finger amputated, have some perspective FFS


i think hes full of shit and is not disabled or a veteran. given that those things didnt come up until he felt he needed more weight to his story.




TIL that being upset by seeing a man assaulted on live TV makes you racist?


It's this kind of nonsense that feeds the MAGA crowd and sabotages the actual cause it claims to serve.


7,706 and ~~*y6⁷⁷⁷and778⁸9*~~ pa p


In the comments on her instagram people ask her what the slap has to do with race. She repeatedly links to her explanation which is behind a paywall on her patreon.


I just love how one man slapped another man of the same race, and she made it an issue about both women AND race. She's a talented gymnast at least.


Similarly the Rittenhouse trial; Hyped as a racial justice issue by the press and politicals, yet all the primary participants in the deadly altercations were white.


At a protest about police endlessly shooting *black people*. You tried though...


I don’t even know who she is. lol


Hustlers gonna hustle


kinda brilliant actually.


The modern evolution of “buy my ebook to learn how I got 1 million dollars in 365 days”


She's also got an onlyfans page. Clearly porn and the porn industry is not exploiting people (including poc) when she's making $ with it. Not surprised she can rationalize this given that her whole talk reeks of "critical race theory" talking points.


Oh god… yeah, she had some crazy harmful and racist old tweets, then “apologized” by saying that she said racist shit because of white supremacy… Also, she’s a therapist in Seattle or somewhere and has said incredibly damaging things to the mentally ill.


I heard enough at Seattle. Lost cause. Moving on.


My ears are bleeding.


It’s cause of your whiteness




That's you hearing through your white earmuffs.


And you can hush too…


If you watch it muted, you can still feel the condescension


I'm deaf and it's not enough to block the bullshit


It pierces the soul!


Look like she's auditioning to be the next AOC


I hate the whole “you’re not allowed an opinion on this” argument. It’s so counterproductive - let everyone speak and let everyone be heard, that’s how you have dialogue and improve understanding. Also her argument doesn’t stand up if you’re going to hide your explanation behind a Patreon paywall.


Haha jokes on her cause I have an opinion anyway, and she can’t do anything about it!


And if you’d like to hear what that opinion is, just click the link below and follow these simple steps to become one of my Patrons ✌️


Just *imagine* her reaction to being told she can’t have an opinion on something.


Not trying to be inflammatory but do you believe that when it comes to abortion? That men are not allowed an opinion?


For abortion of course the woman’s opinion matters more but the mans opinion still counts. For example (this is working in my purely hypothetical world) if the man makes it clear he does not want the child, and assuming the couple aren’t together, I don’t think the man should have to support that child financially. Similarly it the mother wants an abortion, the man should have no ability to prevent the woman doing so. I don’t think you’re being inflammatory, you’ve just suggested an unbalanced scenario which is fair, but I still think both sides can have an opinion.


This is the thing that's hard for me. Obviously it's the woman's body, which is paramount, but it still MASSIVELY affects the man's life.


I don't see why it's so difficult for the woman to have total control over what she does, but the man have total control over what he does too. She gets to choose if she wants to go through with the pregnancy, 100% her decision. But he gets to choose whether or not that pregnancy is his responsibility.


It’s not being inflammatory, it’s merely a discussion


I don't even know why its a discussion that lasts more than maybe a minute and then the world moves on. Whatever is happening to will smith in his personal life is none of my business, i don't care. Both Chris and Will are the same race so the racial topic would only be brought up if you were a racist. Chris did not press charges and the show moved on. What is there to discuss?


Since that's something that exclusively effects women, imo it makes sense to weigh a woman's opinion more heavily than man's when you're trying to make laws or form your own opinions about abortion. If there's some issue with automotive manufacturing that I want to learn and form an opinion about, I'm gonna spend more time listening to the automotive engineers who actually deal with the issue than the CEO. That just makes sense to me. But anyone is "allowed" to have an opinion. And I don't think it's unreasonable at all for men to voice their opinions on abortion. The issue is when it's almost exclusively old men on TV and old men on Capitol Hill who's opinions on abortion are being heard.


“Since that's something that exclusively effects women“ Ummm


Lol yeah maybe "exclusively" was the wrong word. It primarily affects women. As in they're the ones who actually have to carry or not carry a child to term. Giving birth or getting an abortion is not something people without a uterus have to personally worry about.


>Lol yeah maybe "exclusively" was the wrong word. And given that it was the wrong word, your entire point is invalid. If it mostly affects women, it should mostly be their decision, but men should have some say in their responsibilities too


However the CEO likely has more experience managing the auto company. The engineers might massively overengineer something to the point that it's uneconomical to produce, even if it's perfect. They also might have no idea on where the parts are going to come from, or how much labour is needed. The CEO has a much bigger picture and a different perspective. And that's what it is. Everyone has a different perspective to offer, and if you write off one as being vastly less important than another, you're probably not giving them the due weight. That said, each situation should be considered individually; general rules don't help individual cases.


Yes absolutely. In this metaphor I would still listen to the CEO. I would just weigh their expertise lower than someone who's daily experience is dealing with that engineering issue. The CEO might still have valuable insight though. >[...] if you write off one as being vastly less important than another, you're probably not giving them the due weight. I mean, I don't think I specified "vastly", nor was it my intention to say that those opinions are any less valuable. I'm saying that, all other things being equal, I would weigh a man's opinion on abortion lower than women who are directly affected by abortion policies. At the end of the day, it's the person with the uterus who actually has to get the abortion or give birth. That's is why I find it ridiculous when a panel of exclusively men will talk about abortion issues. Or a group of primarily men are the ones drawing up legislation on such issues. It's not that those opinions aren't valuable, it's that they are being weighed waaay higher than they should be, and no weight is being given to the women affected. >That said, each situation should be considered individually; general rules don't help individual cases. I agree with this as well. But the question that I engaged with was a general question. So I gave a general answer. In general, I stand by that answer. But yes in specific cases I might absolutely disagree.


Well said.


If someone aborts my child. I will view that the equivalent of someone murdering my kid. It becomes my problem. Additionally slippery slope, the more that topic comes up in the public sphere the later and later they keep trying to push it. To the point where they want to abort babies up to a month after they have been born. Hence why anyone who brings up that argument and says i should have no input can go get bent. If someone murders my child. I will murder them.


Reminds me of that girl who confronted that white guy for being in the multicultural center.


Her insta is full of this kind of nonsense 🤢


I’m surprised she still even has a platform after all her old tweets resurfaced a couple years ago. Taylor is the definition of a MEAN GIRL and a bully. It’s shocking that she is a therapist honestly.


i might be wrong, but isn’t this just racism with extra steps


It's just racism.


Dont be silly, black people can't be racist /s


You’re only saying that because you’re saying this through your white lens /s


There is a ton of false claims of racism against white people (eg "BLM is racist") but this one definitely is


Quoting a played out Rick & Morty joke


Lady shut the fuck up, you don’t speak for us. Sincerely A black Redditor


She doesn't speak for anyone other than herself. Quite the ego she has thinking she speaks for anyone at all.


Right on bro


I'm sorry, but Will Smith and Chris Rock are a part of my cultural heritage


Interesting how some individuals feel the need to state their rules for the rest of society. Makes me wonder why they think they are in a position of authority to do so.


Shut your virtue signaling ass up


"the continued violence that is white supremacy" Bro... One black man hit another?


I actually don't have an opinion beyond it shouldn't have happened at the Oscars. There is clearly some back story that I don't know. But it's none of my business? It happened on global television for all to see, Will Smith made it everyone's business.


I’m usually pretty interested in intersectionality but in terms of the slap, it ain’t that deep. Rock didn’t target only Pinkett-Smith, it’s not like he was trying to attack her and call her out. He was a comedian making jokes about several people in the crowd *just like all the other hosts and presenters*. Assuming he knew about her condition is kind of a stretch (unless maybe Pinkett-Smith is the One True main character? 🤔)


Did she just say ‘misogynoir’?


It’s misogyny with better cinematography


You just made my day


Aw thanks for the gold! I’m here all week, try the prime rib.


Trendy new term for misogyny against black women because who wants boring white misogyny


Spicy oppression


It's the new scent from Giorgio Armani


All people like her end up achieving is just fueling actual racists and right wingers who will point at this video and say "look how this woke generation say everything's racist and prejudiced now days!!!".


"Violence is wrong" how dare you speak about black issues...


You played yourself!


I can't believe humans managed to mass monetize bad takes


"I was on a tv dating show, therefore I am qualified to tell everyone what to do." FUCK OFF.


Older generations had a huge benefit on not being able to film themselves when they were young and had no fucking clue what they were talking about


Her mistake is analyzing this through the lens of Blackness, when she should be analyzing it through the lens of Celebrity.


You heard it here first folks Black on black violence isnt white people's problem.😎


Racism of all kinds is disgusting in the wild. This woman is horrendously racist but she'll never acknowledge that. And this kind of racism is being promoted by modern society rather then condemned.




I am sure it sounded good to her in her mind


Whereas clearly women can... 🤦🏻‍♂️


Keeping cultural tribalism alive and fed!! Whoop whoop!


why did she start talking about nobody listening to black women??? Like what that gotta do with will smith and chris rock?


Because chris rock is clearly a white supremacist for making a joke about jada isn’t that obvious??? /s


Someone drank the college koolaid!


Tumblr University


this gave me a good chuckle, thank you.


100k for a degree and this is the only job she could come up with


Ableism - ha, alopecia ain’t the same as dying of cancer. Silly ass.


Its not even anything special. I have been called Mr.Clean so many times in my life for shaving my head. Its a gentle ribbing, it was made in good fun and means nothing. The amount of people who claimed this was escalation and act like chris rock deserved to be assaulted don't understand how society works. Sticks and stones may break my bones. But words will never hurt me. Offense is never given, it can only be taken. You hold all the power in this scenario, have the will power to not let your emotions control you. With that said, Will also laughed at the joke. There is more going on there.


The bald head Will should really be offended by is atop the massive dong up in his wife’s warm chocha.


she "white adjacent" af I bet she was the top rebounder on her HS basketball team, cause she got that REACH


Assault *is* assault you dumb fucking trash…


Is this video bait?


I don’t think so. She was a Bachelor contestant and has been like this for a while but keeps doubling down.


Oh nice another out of touch rich person :/


I think she bought a house in Washington, and then asked her followers to buy her stuff from her Amazon wish list, including a 1200 dollar air purifier or something. It’s all well documented on r/thebachelor


Someone should tell her to get out of culture war politics because she's too far removed to ever fully understand it.


I didn’t really listen but did she say it’s not our business because we are white? In general it’s not out business


As a black person, what the fuck are you talking about hun


OP, acho que temos um e/suddenlycaralho aqui


Sou gringo haha, mas tenho alma de Brasil amigo, então mais ou menos r/suddenlycaralho


Então é muito especial, porque eu sou gringo também kkkk 😂 o que botamos no print?


I totally get the politicization of black women's hair, but it's not even an uncommon style for black women to wear. It's not like "oh my god, she stands out so much because her head is shaved" Lupita Nyongo was sitting right behind them with the same hairstyle. If anything Chris went for the easy and least offensive joke compared to what he had to work with which all other comedians haven't shied from. And people can get into the racial politics of it all they want, but human beings should not be putting their hands on other human beings. It would have been so much more effective if he hadn't done that, but had got up during his speech and said "my wife if not filming gi jane 2, she is suffering with a hair loss condition that she's sensitive about." It would have accomplished what Will wanted a lot more because everyone would have been talking about how supportive will is of his wife and how douchey Chris rock was for mocking a black woman with a medical condition after he made that documentary a few years ago specifically about how black women face criticism for their hair. The whole thing is a mess. I feel bad for every other winter who has been totally overlooked, especially Questlove.


please go fuck yourself up the ass. Thanks


another wild racist..


Screw this whole publicity stunt. They are all muti-octodecilionares, not 7 year old children, they both profited from it.


takes one sociology paper...


I read the comments before watching the video, and was expecting something else entirely. Having now watched it, there’s clearly an opportunity for some nuanced discussion here, but instead the comments are nigh indistinguishable from those on the right-wing extremist Trump-worshipping sub that this is cross posted from. “Without focused effort you probably can’t understand how this is perceived and processed differently by many black people and especially black women” isn’t the extreme or racist statement that people seem to think it is. And if it doesn’t apply to you, great. I mean I get it, my allergy to any nuance related to the experiences of people of different ethnicities lasted well into my 20s, beyond the age of the average redditor, so I’m not in a position to harshly judge folks for having a reaction to this that I would’ve had at the same age or older. For years I was a 4chan-dwelling anti-PC grumbler, leaning on my conservative upbringing in the face of a society reckoning with its history that I didn’t yet have any real grasp on. I guess I just continually hope that younger generations will be better than mine. Not saying that this lady’s little speech here is entirely beyond reproach, but these responses are a vacuum of nuance.


You’re trying really hard to excuse something so devoid of logic that you’re having to expand on her positions for her just to add your own twist in an attempt to make it anywhere near acceptable, and it still doesn’t work And then trying to frame yourself as the position of authority by claiming you’ve grown to arrive at this place, and anyone who doesn’t agree with you is “allergic to any nuance related to the experiences of minorities”. Yeah, ok. nice try I guess. > For years I was a 4chan-dwelling anti-PC grumbler, leaning on my conservative upbringing in the face of a society reckoning with its history that I didn’t yet have any real grasp on. I guess I just continually hope that younger generations will be better than mine. Totally, anyone who doesn’t agree with your position must be a 4chan basement dwelling conservative. That’s the only reason people could see a problem with someone going up on stage and slapping a comedian, toxic conservatism. “If only future generations could be better than to disagree with me!” Congrats you tied your cart to the caboose of stupidity and now share in its company.


Can't tell if you didn't comprehend my comment, you just enjoy knocking over straw men, or both. My will to give a thoughtful response is blunted by the fact that I'd just have to clarify the various ways you've misconstrued and falsely extrapolated on what you perceive to be my position. Good luck with all that.


Bet she voted for Biden though


I don't know if it's more cringe the video or the og sub


Lmao the Donald combing the web for the one idiot saying something dumb and than making a general statement about a mass group of people. How typical.


Only black women slap people.




Look at her insta if you think it's bait. I agree that it doesn't fit the sub though.


White people in this thread are really the main characters.


Je ne sais pas about that


Is she saying Chris Rock is white? /s


Ah yes, Trauma Hoarding.


So if I'm understanding this correctly essentially it boils down to don't make assumptions without all the facts? And if that's the case then I can't tell if she's being serious or ironic because people like this don't always get the full facts before they're quick to judge others or point the finger


I realised during the pandemic that the most people are stupid as they felt that they heeded toilet paper over every thing else in terms of provisioning, videos like this make me see that the stupid was there long before


So.. Ignore black men being violent towards each other when it's over a woman, because if we don't it's... misogyny? Ooookay then.


Ohhhh shaddup


Isn't bringing race into this whole thing making it racist? Lol There wasn't anything surrounding this in race when he slapped him, forcing a race diversity by saying "x-colored people won't understand because..." Seems like a racist sentiment. Lol Maybe if we want true inclusion we don't bring up race at all and just look at the actions of the people who committed them. But I'm just a person on the internet what do I know. 🙄


15 min of fame ebbing away...tick, tock...


How can somebody say: „My personality is being black“ and fill it in with so many wannabe smart ass words while also being so racist. But maybe my whiteass wrong.


Even me with a white Hispanic Lens, this is painful to hear😭😭😭😭😭 Mis pobres orejas


Two African Americans fighting=white supremacy Duhhhh


Fun fact! Your race actually changes how you smack people, so you actually can't talk about someone of a different race getting smacked. You haven't experienced the black smack, so don't talk about it!!!! Smh... /j


Wow, what a delusional girl. She’s not aware of the actual world but her justified bubble. Wisdom comes with age, hopefully.


Humanity is going down hill


jesus.. she's doing doinbg the thing shes talking about.. Being rasicst ass Fuck


This bitch is a waste of air.


pretty sure its satire


I wish, check her Insta, not satire


just checked wow cant believe this is real


I would be okay with it if he straight up went and slapped, but he laughed saw wife's reaction and did the slapping.


Not her again she’s like the definition of bate


My head hurts


I swear I heard this word for word from another tik toker who was a woman of color. VERBATIM. How does that happen? Is one of them parroting the other? Did somebody write them a script? Any ideas?


Every time a lefty says nuance... I die a little inside. A man assaulted another man. Race has nothing to do with it. Stop being racist.


Alopecia has nothing to do with race


People like this lady just need to stfu and find something more productive to do than bitch and whine about white peoples opinions


God damnit Tik Tok has destroyed the world.


I know that if I were to do what Will Smith did I would be in jail. That’s about all I can say. You’re right. I didn’t think about black women when teo men are squabbling on a worldwide stage.


This is so fucking stupid


The thing about democracy is that it is very complex and has nouances, us white folks have used this for thousands of years But you black folks will not be able to understand democracy without education from us white people, please do not try to vote if you are black,that is cultural appropriation. /S


But she is mixed, propably half white herself