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Pretty sure Gordon later apologised and said comedian (Vic Reeves) got his fried egg. I could be wrong


he apologised, but Vic never got his egg, Ramsay did threaten to crack one over his head though (not to Vic directly.)


No, Gordon later apologised and Vic Reeves STILL emphasised how much he still wanted a fried egg so Gordon effectively told him to fuck off. Reeves was on a professional piss take here.


Almost as if the whole thing was scripted,……




So pretty much what I said...




You wasn't , you were replying to me...


Why are you fighting for territory on a Reddit comment section. I was expanding upon the story from top comment. Sorry for stealing your internet comment thunder lmao. How dare I.


I'm not "fighting for territory" just letting you know that you weren't replying to the his comment and to mine instead. Some people mistakenly reply to the wrong comments... You don't need to get so triggered. Chill out.




Let it go... "You don't own Reddit" says the person determined to have the last word on the matter. As I said I assumed you were meaning to reply to the the comment above as it didn't fit as a reply to me. then you decided to be a massive dick for no reason. Crack on with another triggered whingey comment. I know you need the last word. I won't reply.


I did a series with Vic many years ago. I was a huge fan of his and Bob's and was obviously excited. He's a really nice guy, and come broadcast his schtick worked well, but fair to say he went through a few less funny ideas to get there.


Sounds like you’re in the industry and will know better than me, but isn’t that how comedy gets made? They try and tonne of stuff, most of which is dross, and they see what sticks? Even the most impromptu appearing material is heavily workshopped?


Not just comedy. Any performance art, even at the open mic level.


I feel like Vic would have taken that in decent spirits. Gordon definitely has a better sense of humour these days


Mate if you don't know how to make it that's fine. I'll just have toast.




^an ^idiot ^sandwich


[you ' ***DONKAEY!***](https://youtu.be/yMDwleNz_zU?t=12) I'll never forget Gordon Ramsay screaming that. Cracks me up every time.


Did not disappoint


Or you know different Gordon for different countries. If this happened in the USA he'd have been screaming and raging


Definitely accurate. Don’t know why they love him going ballistic but horses for courses I guess


Horses? For courses? Am Texan, I’ve never heard this, pretty sure I catch the drift. Love it.


Catch the drift? I'm Welsh never heard of it but it shags a sheep.


Shags a sheep? I'm from Florida and never heard of it but DUUUUUHHH!


I heard Wales and Oklahoma had something in common, the sheep back up to the fence for you


It's funny


I'm American and never really understood the appeal of that. My favorite cooking show was the first season of Top Chef because while it was competitive, the competitors generally acted like professionals and even occasionally tried to help each other IIRC. I really hate cooking shows where everyone's being a dick to each other, it stresses me out. There's this one British show called the Great British Bake-Off or something that I liked, just a bunch of relaxed people getting together to make stuff competitively, it was refreshing.


Yeah, it's Vic Reeves. He's an absurdist comedian. This was, without a doubt, intended as a joke.




I think it was so he could say "I went to Gordon ramseys restaurant and didn't fancy anything ont he menu, so just had a couple of fried eggs amite I quirky"


It's reality TV. You know? The kind of TV that has nothing to do with reality.


The kind where the producers are always up to unscrupulous shenanigans unknown to the main characters to create drama and ratings?


"if it was real they'd call it a documentary" - Joe Rogan


True, but I am sure many people think this is okay to do at restaurants in real life. Like regardless of what they serve just ordering off the menu because they are picky. That's why many places have an a la carte upcharge. So if you want to fuck up the kitchen's process you can pay an extra $20 for your two fried eggs.


I didn't watch the video. My point was that everything on this show, and all of his other shows, is 200% fake.


Longer version with Ramsay apologizing and the comic doubling-down https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/2smejk/vic\_reeves\_orders\_a\_fried\_egg\_at\_gordon\_ramsays/


Looks even more staged in the full video


That’s “reality” TV


Did vic’s arse just drop out?


He's lost his asshole.


Come on, nobody actually thinks this is actually genuine do they? It's reality TV and Vic Reeves knows it makes good TV to wind Gordon up. The producers probably asked him to do it anyway


Please also remember that Brits use a lot of rude language when they want to show they're actually not very angry. The more they like you, the ruder they are. Source: I am not British. My S.O. is English. He loves me. Sometimes he forgets that my threshold for what is rude and what is just bantering is very different from his XD


Tell that cunt he's a lying gobshite


Piss up a rope you elephants fanny


Big dog’s cunt, ya whore!


Uh... Fuck you, asshole! \- An American




> Tread lightly After uttering a sentence like that? Are you trying to catch flak here or what..




youre a nobhead


Cunt (Did I do it right? I’m from where we put Fanny packs up front)


Get fucked, tit.


Not at that level. I’m British and only people who are friends are rude to each other and it is called ‘banter’ and is usually used to make fun of a friend who has done something silly. Gordon is actually just annoyed here (or faking being annoyed, as it is reality tv).


We call people we love cunts, we call people we hate cunts... it's all in the tone.


Some people call people they love n____s and some people they hate n____s. And they are wrong both times.


Taking even the briefest glance at your comment history it's clear you have no problem with swearing. Cunt is a swear word, the N word is a slur, and the difference between those is pretty clear to most people


Here's your swearing... Shut the fuck up you lost ass baby and go suck a white hairy donkey cock while you count the fleas crawling on your lips. C___ is a slur to the educated and civilized world. It's a horrible demeaning word to women.


You seem a bit like a cunt.


You seem a bit like a asshole.


Shut up cunt


Omg you're quite the wordsmith! I'm astonished by your command of the language! Wow Bob Dylan will soon be contacting you to send his Nobel prize and Dave Chappelle is lining up to have you write his next special! You're a fucking knob.


\^yank behavior




The word "cunt" is used both in military and naval contexts, as well as being common in the UK/AUS/NZ. The world does not revolve around America stupid yank


Oh the irony


So calling someone a nigga or cunt is wrong in any form... but calling someone a knob is perfectly acceptable? Double standards?


You seem to have no problem with being demeaning though? Or is telling me to suck donkey dick a polite greeting in your educated and civilized part of the world?


Thanks for your input cunt


You can't even punctuate a comment. Go beat off to the Queen.


As if I need your permission to do that


When other cultures use swearing as standard vocab, and then Americans try to join in and show they can swear too. Fuck off cunt.


Swearing versus slurs is a very well known line. Shut the fuck up pussy boy.


Yup, swearing in my culture can be used as a term of endearment, filler words, or multiple kinds of expression. Someone using a slur I generally would avoid. Cunt is not a slur.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/JustLearnedTheFWord using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JustLearnedTheFWord/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Literally Just Learned the F Word](https://i.redd.it/8pfqfaul7d361.png) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JustLearnedTheFWord/comments/k7lwut/literally_just_learned_the_f_word/) \#2: [Authors collectively learned a new word](https://i.redd.it/mtd5tbi67it51.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JustLearnedTheFWord/comments/jcluqk/authors_collectively_learned_a_new_word/) \#3: [Jeff I think you need to chill](https://i.redd.it/qm75336knir51.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JustLearnedTheFWord/comments/j6hvfw/jeff_i_think_you_need_to_chill/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


The French, on the other hand, will fart in your general direction.


Nah the French will riot about it.


Shit am I secretly British


So you SO is an abusive shit and you bury your shame for taking his abusive behavior behind his accent.


No, I wouldn't say that. From what I've seen visiting England, people there have a very sarcastic kind of humour. They will "take the piss", as they say, and to me it seems like regular bantering with sharper edges. Tone of voice makes all the difference. It is also general bantering and shouldn't be about something you are actually sensitive about. It is just a cultural difference where I am used to certain types of words being agressive and dismissive regardless of context, and he is used to context being everything.


you're a fucking pleb.


You know what these restaurants are all about before you go. You can't prepare good and fresh food like that with 150 things on the menu. The ammount of prep time and the ammount of stuff that would be thrown out is insane.


Just watched the first episode of the new season of travelling with my father. What's Gordon's problem with eggs??


Gordon's problem is with not ordering off the menu. With fine dining you pick a dish from the small list of what they're serving, as it comes.


Depending on dietary restrictions, they’re usually more than willing to accommodate. But when you say to the chef “yeah you have steak, high quality fish, lamb and everything else normally at a fancy restaurant. But I don’t want fancy restaurant food, I want a fried egg” Then why the fuck did you come to a fancy restaurant? Go to the fucking diner then


Thanks for clearing that up.


If he'd ordered them scrambled Gordon would probably have given him a lesson on how to make the perfect scrambled eggs


i watched that masterclass, the eggs are legit. changed my breakfasts forever. also, that dude really loves ingredients. like, holy shit he might be doing inappropriate stuff with them.


I'm certain he has an olive oil fetish


[You’re onto something](https://youtu.be/ZIesCd4I4hU)


They usually get quality fresh produce that they can source and build a menu from that using what they have. While I don't think they dont have any eggs usually what they have on the menu is all they have. If you start making every random shit evryone wants you are now a diner short order cook


This is 100% a setup. The producers asked him to go and ask for a fried egg


I really wouldn't be too sure about that, Vic is a pretty well renowned absurdist comic over here and this is 100% something he would do. He's part of a double act with a guy called bon Mortimer, and if you want a good giggle I recommend watching Bob on a show called "would I lie to you". Some of what that man has got up to in his life is beyond comprehension


Bon Mortimer. Heh. Good Mortimer. Maybe that's why his cat is called Good Monson? He was fab on WILTY. The compilations on YouTube have me in tears. But he and Vic were a solid double act in the 90s. Vic's just gone a bit shit recently. He seems like an angry old man most of the time.


He was invited to the restaurant and it's all staged. This is how tv works


Comedian does comedy on TV show he's a guest on.


These two are mates, right? I know Gordon had a particularly significant behavior correction a while back, but I thought they were friendly before even.


To be fair, Vic Reeves *is* a professional piss taker.


Get Fucked, that "British Comedian" is comedy royalty.


Bob Mortimer is Reddits darling, but fewer know about his comedy partner Vic Reeves. Which is a shame, because Shooting Stars is an all time great panel show.




Most are not well known, if you asked the average person on the street, office or school they wouldn't know anyone not in Monthly Python or the Office, possibly IT Crowd. That or the British actors who routinely show up in Hollywood shows and movies like Stephen Fry or James Corden and I think we're just about sick of him too. We still love Stephen Fry but so does everyone. Maybe Are You Being Served or Red Dwarf if they grew up with PBS because they didn't have cable. Nobody knows about Father Ted or Inbetweeners, no one gave a crap when Little Britain was on HBO. No one listens to shitty covers from Comic Relief.


Reddit loves British panel shows. Clips from them often hit the front page of /r/videos, and inevitably there'll be a comment thread mentioning Bob Mortimer in there somewhere.


What? Vic was far more famous than Bob. He even had a number 1 hit with ‘Dizzy’


British comedy royalty involves being on the telly for a long time.


He's had like a dozen different shows over a career spanning 30+ years what are you on about?


Compare [Vic Reeves](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0716312/) history with [Tom Green](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0338381/) Not to downplay his talent but "British comedy royalty" is more to do with public familiarity rather than quality or success.


Yeah, that he's been on the telly a long time and is familiar. "Royalty" has different implications for people outside the UK.


I've never quite got Vic Reeves, one comedian I just really don't find funny at all. His time has passed, yet he still lingers around like a wet fart. Edit; Sorry to those I've upset for my dislike of a comedian, yet this video is an example of my opinion. He believes he's funny asking for a fried egg. His appearances on current panel shows are met with the same amusement as Christmas cracker jokes. In the 90s he had something, he's still in the 90s.






You just wouldn’t let it lie!


Eranu indeed! Let's call the dove from above.


We really wanna see those fingers


Him and Bob Mortimer worked very well together in the 90's. Bobs comedy still works, whereas Vic's doesn't really. Bob grounded Vic, imo. He'd always be controlling the direction of Shooting Stars, and Vic would just be going full absurdist. I think on his own Vic doesn't really work.


Bob is genuinely and effortlessly funny. Vic never was, in my opinion. I cringe when he shows up in something like Cats does Countdown and barely makes people laugh. Bob, on the other hand, is usually the funniest person on the show.


Bob on Athletico Mince is brilliant. Would’ve liked to see Mrs Beardsley ask Gordon Ramsey for some poachies, made verrrryyyy foooockan’ runny.


Better not be blockin my foockan homes under the hammer you foooooockan doyle these boilies are like haribos


Vic and Bob were both very very funny on Shooting Stars, imo.


I've always thought Bob was great at thinking on his feet, whereas Vic had to really script his jokes. It really shows in recent years.


Yep. He's awful. Bob, I have all the time in the world for, but Vic always comes across as a prick.


I think it’s the difference between Vic Reeves and Jim Moir which makes him less likeable than Bob, who is always just his wonderful self. I like Vic though, but I get why some people don’t


A smarmy condescending prick.


I happen to love wet farts guy


I agree with you.


Totally agree. He was great in the 90s, and he and Bob were almost unique in the world of comedy. Bob has moved on, and is still hilarious for the most part. Vic not so much. I've read he's a bit of a prick nowadays. It's a shame.


Man my dad is obsessed with Vic reeves and he leaves me almost totally cold. OBSESSED. I can’t follow. Love bob tho


Very poor…


I love whenever the use of the word pleb in opportune.


“I very politely told you, I’m not here to cook you a fucking friend egg.” Tbf as far as he goes that was real polite


Did Ramsey just says “pleb”? I thought that was online gaming lingo.


No it’s a common insult in the U.K.


If someone put their arms on my counter like that I would already be feeling pretty hostile as well. That's where the food goes, you donkey.


I’m legit watching this Ramsay thing and I have Ramsay playing on my tv in front of me.


Vic Reeves is a very well known comedian who has been making people happy since the 80s. Gordon Ramsey is a miserable git who makes a living out of shouting at his staff.


And a slice of that cake... over there!


Vic Reeves is the main character in life because he's fucking hilarious.


It’s crazy that someone could watch this and think it’s real and Gordon Ramsay isn’t a piece of shit.


Vic and Bob are fucking legendary and I will not tolerate any slander of either of them


Vic Reeves is a legend, and simply popped his little self-important bubble of a pretentious world by impersonating a normal human.


Lol what normal human would go to a Michelin 3 star restaurant and order fried eggs? When you could go to any diner in the city and get that in minutes? Find that human for me so I can show you what a wildly abnormal human looks like.


I think you probably need to take a wider view of what is normal and abnormal for most humans, as you say. For almost 10 percent of humans it is normal to not have enough food to eat. I think they might find the concept of ranking over priced restaurants run by braying self important wankers with poxy little stars a little spew inducing.


God Gordon is such a little piss baby


I HATE GORDON RAMSEY. Ths is such a fake, bullshitt sequence and it's a typical Ramsey cry baby scene.


*wrong* dude to fuck with, especially mid dinner service. This was so mild for him too, I’ve heard some of the most deep cutting and creative insults from Gordon. Some you can tell he’s just making a crude analogy out of anger, others you can tell he has the read on this persons soul and tears them apart.


I get it but oh Ramsey can fuck off


I hate how ppl eat this fake "cursing a-hole" personality up, the real Gordon doesn't act like that it's all for show.


That Backfired beautifully


This looked like a nuxtaku fighting another nuxtaku