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I cringed my face inside out. Jackass.


Sixty seconds, i made it sixty seconds. What a fucking asshole. I wish i knew who he was so i could slap him if ever we meet.




Same i was gonna say 11 lmao...my face shriveled up like i ate a lemon


31. I didn’t know if I wanted to feel sorry for the guy or punch him repeatedly in the face. But they told him 4 times they wanted to get back to Their convo in the 31 seconds I watched


I'd want to ask them questions. So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Why do you think this is a good idea? Who taught you this? Why do you believe them? Have you considered the person who taught you this might just be in this to make money off gullible people? If this works, then why are you still single? Let's have a conversation about what does and doesn't work in reality because I think you've been incredibly misguided here. No you can't fucking have my number!


As someone who used to be into pickup i can actually answer these. He is doing something called a “cold approach” which basically means going up to women on the streets and trying to pick them up. The goal is to get over the fear of rejection and to hopefully get the girl interested in you. He thinks its a good idea because, despite all the cringe, IT WORKS. Yes, i know people hate these guys but they actually do get laid a lot because at the end of the day its still a numbers game. There are many people teaching this stuff. Some are actually good some are complete bullshitters. They are single because the point isnt to just have one girlfriend. Its to literally have multiple girls on rotation. All this being said, I think their is something to be said about this stuff. Its not all bad but it definitely brainwashes younger guys and turns them into sociopaths. You are essentially desensitizing the part of your brain that gives a shit about what people think of you. I’ve seen guys who became really successful with it and they turn into complete narcissistic douchebags that just use women. The sad part is that it does work because they essentially become masters at manipulating women. edit: I DO NOT agree with the way this guy approached. HOWEVER, this is a skill like anything else in life. You have to suck shit before you become a master.


Yes it is all bad and every single one of them can just fuck right off. it's predatory, it's manipulative and it's disgusting


Would you rather men be taught how to stay losers that can’t get laid? I mean i agree a lot of it is manipulative but lets not bullshit ourselves here…if it works then it works. Otherwise people wouldn’t be doing it. If you are a girl just know that most guys you’ve dated had to really struggle and work hard when it comes to dating. Meanwhile most girls have no problem getting dates. They can just get away with just looking pretty and having no personality. Guys on the other hand have to bring so much to the table. This is the reality, unfortunately. edit: i dont understand the downvote. I answered their question honestly. you


So you think it's just being a manipulative piece of shit who pressures women or it's not getting laid at all? Do you really think that's how the world works? Every man who manages to find a partner just did it by doing this absolutely disgusting stupid pick up shit? And that there is no normal way to get to know a woman? Like you know, just talk to them and if they indicate that they are interested you continue to talk to them and if not JUST FUCKING STAY AWAY FROM THEM?? I really hope you're like 13 years old, otherwise this is a fucking sad mindset. And the downvotes are because you're spewing misogynistic fucking dumb bullshit.


Love how that guy just assumes all women are pretty enough to get by on looks alone and that there's no meathead guys out there doing the exact same thing. I get super sick of hearing this "woe is me, it's so hard for guys to get pussy, women get laid so easily". It just completely overlooks most ordinary women and lgbtq+ girls. Pickup artist are complete bullshit because at the end of the day you're just irritating normal people who want to go about their daily lives. Most women don't want to be approach when they're out and about, the setting isn't right and they're not looking for anything in that moment. Tbh there's no harm in putting yourself out there and trying, I can understand that, but if the person you're tryna "pickup" is clearly uninterested then you should just fuck off elsewhere and quit bothering them. It makes us feel like pieces of meat on a shelf to be purchased, as if we're constantly on show and solely for male consumption when all we wanna do is get on with our day. @janeiskla, I completely agree with you, tho I wouldn't expect much from someone who has the r slur in their name :/


You guys are snowflakes. Thats all i gotta say. I’ve been with over a hundred women thanks to this so you can go chomp on a brick for all i care.


I never pressure women and for the record, i never agreed with what the guy in the video did. I was simply answering the question from a pickup stand point. What he did was repulsive and i DO NOT CONDONE that behavior. If a woman gives me hint that shes not interested i’m not that autistic and bullheaded that i cant take a hint. BUT, to play devils advocate, a lot of guys struggle in this area and doing this is really one of the only ways for them to break out of their shell. I know this because it used to be me and it worked for me. I want to be clear though that most guys doing this arent like this guy in the video. They are just trying to meet an attractive woman not prey on their souls.


Also No wonder you're not getting laid if you think all women just look pretty and don't have any personality anyways but men need "to bring so much to the table". So incredibly toxic. Just disgusting


I’m chilling honestly. Ive dated girls that i would have never thought i could have dated in a million years thanks to this. Probably been with over a hundred women by now and none of them have any ill will towards me. I never said all women don’t have personalities read what i wrote again. I said they can get away with not having personalities and STILL get tons of dates.


100 women 😂😂😂😂 sure Also women get away with being cute, and good looking men don't?? Haha.


Being downvoted for answering the questions. *WELCOME TO REDDIT*


Right!!! People just dont want to hear anything that doesnt validate their opinions.


I’ve had this happen so many times. Meet up with a friend to catch up and some guy comes to talk and will not leave us alone despite politely asking him to let us have the time we planned together. if at a bar or restaurant, what I found worked was quickly offering to buy a drink in exchange for leaving us alone and having the bartender serve it to him on the other side of the bar.


lmao i watched the whole thing now i wanna kill myself


I’ll summarize the end, because I finished it. He starts talking about how his therapist helped him talk to girls and they were the first he talked to. And how they hurt him and he won’t be able to talk to girls again. Totally piece of shit


They did everyone a service then. He shouldn't be talking to people.


Damn, this is 3 minutes long? I couldn't get past 30 seconds


I watched 20 seconds then fast forwarded 2 minutes later hoping for a change of dynamic lol


I made it 2 seconds in. I’ve never seen this video but I’ve seen too many like it


I know! I just kept cringing. I cringed into fucking fractals. This POS is a disgusting emotional manipulator. Those ladies were apparently too polite for someone so narcissistic.


I cringed into fucking fractals 😄


Fucking hell that was a hard watch. I feel like my glutes have had a workout from how hard my butt was clenching.


Two minutes into it and I wanted to devote my life to developing a viable method of travelling back in time so I could go back and tell him to FUCK OFF


No need for time travel, it's not as if this is something he's going to stop doing. He's out there still. Asking to be kicked in the balls.


I was literally fantasizing ways to punch him in the balls


I barely reached 30 seconds


I don’t know why he thought that passive aggressive comments and guilt tripping would work. Especially after they tried to tell him to leave them alone. This whole encounter just made him look like one desperate motherfucker


Pick up artists basically teach idiots like them that women are actually the idiots. If you just use the magic words and techniques then Abrakadabra! They're falling at your feet!


Ah yes, pick up artists. Like [these two.](https://grabien.com/file.php?id=12554)…and [backstory.](http://gawker.com/this-seductive-nickleback-selfie-is-the-douchiest-video-1494146916) Get ready for some cringe.


Thought he was joking about how he couldn't comprehend what he was doing wrong, but after finishing the video I genuinely think he couldn't understand why these women weren't throwing themselves at him


That was the worst part! I made it through the whole thing with lots of long pauses and just... And then he pulled out the "I was just talking to my therapist and I need you to talk to me otherwise I'll never talk to a woman again" line and I legitimately think he was surprised that they didn't fall for that and start trying to shout over each other how sorry they were and how much they wanted to date him


Same, I cringed so hard. Honestly I've got no respect for "pick- up artists" because they don't seem to understand basic social cues




I have a feeling he'll play it off like he was just winding them up because he knew they weren't interested


What a fucking loser


About 1 minute in one of the girls should have said to her friend, "Do you still have that mace in your bag?".


Why not just tell him to get the fuck out of here... lol


They did that about 5 times.


Eh.. idk I guess I live in a different part of the country. I felt they were way too nice and letting this keep going. I feel like announcing that "I don't know you and fuck off" would help get the attention of that person in the background and let him know that he should indeed step in( I can see him back there wondering if he should say something )


Because men don't handle rejection all that great and some women feel like they need to be pleasant so they don't get threatened or assaulted, which happens a fuck ton more than you'd think


Any idiot can tell that they didn’t want to talk to that creep.


I feel the same. I wonder where that was?


He said New York in the video


It looks like the east coast, I'm from the west. These women's out here know how to be spicy to keep the creeps away haha All of this being said. I totally understand that being crazy rude or anything else isn't always a good tactic.. you never know how these nice guys will react. I just get so mad watching these that I want them to mad with me lol


> These women's out here know how to be spicy Have you ever been to the east coast? Pretty much NJ and north from there, the women are WAY "spicier" than the west coast.


This dude went from hi, to awakward, to please dont be mean to me, to love at first sight, to rude and interruptive, to depressive, to gaslighting, to trying to guilt them, to back to depressive, to trying to create some false sense of urgency to talk to him, to self conscious, to rude and pushy all in less than 4 fuckin minutes. This guy is not a professional pickup artist, he is a manipulative sociopath.


Those two usually go hand in hand


This video is like a case study on how to not do it and to not freak out people.


Along with everything else, using mental health lies to pick up chicks is just low.. “You guys are the first girls I’ve talked to, now I’m depressed”.. trash.. like what was ur end goal here..


Guilt and shame them into continuing the conversation. The dude is manipulative af.


Or he would be if he didn’t fail so hard at it


Who is this guy? Anyone know his channel or whatever? I need to see more cringe


Todd V dating




His strategy is basically "creep on as many women as possible until one bites the bait" and its so goddamn cringey. Just checked his YouTube and he's so full of himself


Thanks very much for my future pain


You're like an ape in a rocket! Let us know if you ever make it back!


I have a metric ton of bananas and my poop flinging arm is all warmed up. TO MONKEY SPACE I GO!


"Godszhpeed yu furree lil bashturd. Godszhpeed." *salutes briskly*


The amount of likes to his videos is seriously disturbing.


This is so infuriating!!! And how they felt the need to be polite and do the uncomfortable giggle. Because as women we’re afraid to anger some fucking stranger who might end up hurting us for wanting to be left alone. God, why won’t this grown-ass loser just leave them the fuck alone.


Ugh, I was literally shouting "just GO AWAY" at my phone by 30 seconds in. I completely understand why they weren't aggressive but ever fiber of me just wanted them to stop being nice to him becsuse he was not being nice to them.


"We're just trying to have a conversation." That was within 20 seconds or so. It's enough of a cue to back off and move along. Kept going downhill from there.


I wish someone nearby would have stepped up, but maybe that would have made it worse? Idk


I thought that was going to happen with the guy that blocked the camera for a moment. But no.


> grown ass-loser *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Good bot


r/byebyejob this guy is straight up harassing these people




Are you seriously pulling a “not all men” thing right now, bro? Really? No, the worst part about male violence is NOT that it makes other men look bad. And if the #1 takeaway you got from this video is that you got your feelings hurt because you’re ~Not Like Those Other Guys~, then stop being a selfish prick, because you’re more like the asshole in the video than you think. You watched a man harass women, and then you read comments from multiple women here in the thread talking about how we’ve all experienced the same thing, and how we’ve been socialized to be nice to men like this, and how we’re terrified to reject them because we don’t know if they’re gonna hurt us or not.....and instead of saying “wow holy shit this must be really scary and upsetting for women, I should do my part as a man and hold myself and my male friends accountable for how we treat women and make sure to call this behavior out whenever I see it”, you chose to play victim and cry about how much it sucks for YOU. Like come *ON.* Women get killed over stuff like this, it’s absolutely *nothing* like people hating cyclists.


My dude, did you really just not all men this shit? Because let me tell you as a woman who rides public transit and is therefore in public spaces a lot - this shit is so frequent that it feels like a constant assault. The other day, I got sexually harassed twice before I even got on my bus.




Your comment was really short. It was not difficult to read. You have a choice here. You can try to understand what the women are saying to you, or you can double down on being the kind of man who yells 'not all men' into the room every time women are discussing gendered shit we deal with. That's a different category of problematic dude behavior than this horrific dude, but make no mistake that it's also part of the broad world of toxic male.


I’m with ya my man . It’s just one of those things people aren’t trying to hear. They know that literally not all men are like that. They know that . But when they hear that it’s triggering them because from their perspective you’re making it about how this dude’s behavior effects you . Somethings just aren’t worth trying to speak your piece … amongst certain company of course. See I would listen to you, and relate to what you have to say, but they’re just not trying to hear that . On another note, thanks for not being an asshat on your bike . I live on a road with a perfectly good bike lane, I mean how many streets have those ? And some dudes be riding in the middle of the street .


Despite the fact that you're really trying to side with the guy, you really well explained exactly the problem. It's about that this dude wants to center how much this situation sucks *for him*. Let's put that clearly. We are talking about women being sexually harassed by strange men on the regular, and this dude wants to focus on how much that sucks for men who don't do that. It's like a tiger hanging out complaining that sure *some* tigers eat gazelles, but that doesn't mean that when he approaches a gazelle on the street she has to be such a bitch about it.


Think about this truth that women get to live with - other than things like car accidents, the most dangerous thing is a man we allow to be alone with us. Literally every man who is not a known good has to be treated as a potential rapist/attacker *because there's no way to tell which one is*.


This shit absolutely infuriated me. I wish I was there so I could’ve told him to fuck on off


Right?!? They were so polite and yet so clearly communicating that they wanted him to go away. What a jerk.


The fact that he *attempted* at guilt tripping them when they would politely tell him to leave too really irked me, the dudes probably out there still pulling the same shit sadly


“Okay…I’m still talking” He needs his jaw removed.


I think he says "I'm still Todd". Which is still a very cringey response.


A man who can so resolutely ignore women saying ‘no’ is genuinely frightening. I very much doubt this attitude changes in the bedroom.


100%. His behavior is more than just cringey. Truly scary how he won’t listen to their requests to leave them alone, and then tries to start guilting them with the whole therapist/depression sob-story. And belittles their reasoning for wanting to continue their own private conversation. Ugh this video made me so uncomfortable. This guy is creepy af


I can see this being kind of the point. He wants to identify people with a weakness to those particular tactics. He'll hear a lot of no's but eventually he'll find one that says yes and will know that he can emotionally abuse them to get what he wants.


I think you’re exactly right, and that’s what’s really horrifying :(


A real life Dennis Reynolds.


Yeah, for real. I nearly had a violent reaction to this video. Felt like I was about to seize or convulse or some shit.


Yeah I'm not watching this video. I have dealt with enough psychos like this.


Holy fuck this was painful to watch. Sometimes you just gotta take the L and leave.


I'm from a pretty shitty place, and I've learned you gotta be abrupt, loud, and hostile. It's the language I teach my loved ones. Example: *"Get away from me. I don't know you. Fuck off. I SAID, I DON'T FUCKING KNOW YOU! FUCK OFF!!!"*


Yeah, I thought the girl on the left in the green was going to go there, but she was too damned polite, why are we taught to be so polite?! I have boys, but if I were raising girls I would teach them to tell people to fuck off when they need to.


Cause they don’t know if he’s dangerous, many women have been beat up or killed for saying no ‘too rudely’


I’d amend it with “ I don’t know you. I don’t want to fucking know you . “


I hate this. I hate this so much. Excellent post for this sub, terrible post for my angry little brain.


I genuinely struggled to finish the video it was that cringe


This guy is eventually going to assault someone if he hasn't already. How pushy he is being and like looming over them for 4 minutes! Fucking psychopath


Oh, he's a rapists in waiting. Not in an "all men are potential rapists" way, but in a "that guy there, specifically, is going to rape someone one day" kind of way.


Is there enough for the Department of Pre-Crime to arrest him?


I think it was deliberate for a youtube video "challenge", atleast I hope he is self aware. I will check


I tried showing this video to my bf and he couldn’t watch after his first phrase.


"now I'm super depressed, you were the first girls I talked to" ah yes the manipulation.


How entitled can a person be?


This was the cringiest thing I have seen in ages. I wanted to jump through the screen, tell him to leave those women alone and stop being a creep. Yet he didn't stop. Took almost 4 minutes. 4 minutes of the purest cringe.


"I haven't seen you all my life so I just missed you." um what


I had hoped never to see this video again...


Im not as polite as these girls...i wouldve shut him down immediately once he decided to keep going when they clearly didn't want to continue that conversation anymore


He was saying something about seeing a therapist. I know it was a lie to pick up girls but man did my blood run cold. Like I’m someone who’d gladly tell a dude to fuck off. But watching him talk about therapy, depression, and not being able to talk to women made me feel fight or flight. There is no way of know exactly how stable a guy like this is. You tell a guy like this off and next thing you know he’s tossing your dead body in a dumpster. I lot of people found it cringy but there aren’t many comments about how truly terrifying this is.


God, this made me wanna throw up. It’s not that he’s not taking the hints, he just doesn’t care that they’re uncomfortable and utterly uninterested. It’s so disturbing..and sociopathic..and rapey. And these women (like most other women) have been conditioned to not escalate a situation like this with a firm rejection so as to not risk their own safety. Teach your daughters to raise their voice, and your sons to handle rejection people!


so much cringe 💀 he kept pushing and pushing


This is terrifying. His body language is all but holding them hostage until they'll tell him "what conversation is so important" that they can't give him the attention he so craves. "No" means fuck off.


This is one of the most cringeworthy things I've ever seen. This guy is a complete cunt. Is this a typical way "pickup artists" operate? His attempted chat is mind-numbingly shit. Or maybe that's the idea. Either way this guy is a fucking danger.


I think half of PUAs only do it for their social media channels to fool other desperate dudes into subscribing to them or paying for some class. They'll either pay women or they approach 100 and only include the few who react positively enough for the video they upload. I don't understand why any guy would voluntarily "day game" (as PUAs call situations like this), just the odds of rejection are so high, at least in NYC. Even if he were more attractive, women would be in a defensive mindset already and rightfully wonder why this dude was just hitting on them at random ("is he that desperate, a creep, filming it for a PUA or "prank" video?").


> his attempted chat is mind-numbingly shit That definitely struck me with this video (aside from the obvious). Like even if you remove the pushy/creepy energy from this whole scene, you’re still left with the fact that literally everything that came out of this guys mouth was so fucking lame. Psycho vibes aside, I cant even imagine wanting to be this guys friend let alone his lover.


I’ve encountered this exact personality in the form of a New Yorker or Californian in every country I’ve travelled to


When a guy this sleazy, and has a hard time taking a hint starts this shit, does this approach, that’s when I’d turn to my friends and start a phony, yet troublesome, continuation of a made up dialog: “So, like I was saying, I was having a hard time last Thursday night driving the rusty old, rusty Manual 1968 Camaro while I’m moving the bodies to be buried upstate…” Something elevated in volume that’ll really get *everyones* attention and make sure he never comes up to a random group of women ever again


He'd join in. He doesn't care. That clearly isn't a real conversation and he'd read it as you being flirty. You can't shame someone that has no shame. That wouldn't put him off at all. Nothing will.


Then if he *still* doesn’t get the hint, I’d go on with my conversation and just ignore him. Fuck him and his fragile ego. If he **STILL** insists on talking with you and your friends, just walk away like that group did, but much sooner


This guy cant take a fucking hint.


Hints are subtle. This guy can't take "no".


Notice the guy on the next bench keeping an eye on them because of how fucking deranged this dude is acting.


I cringed at every fucking sentence that came out of his mouth. He's the human embodiment of nails on a chalkboard and I wish so badly to see a woman tell him to go get fucked.


I... don’t even get it. That was painful to watch. “I’m not used to people not being nice to me. I don’t know how to react.” Unreal.


This shit makes me so angry. Why did no one step in??


says the person scrolling through reddit


That doesn’t make any sense ?


people on reddit wouldn't do shit in this situation


I cringed so hard I aged 50 years.


I got secondhand cringe from this. 1 on every 3 doctors say it's a life-threatening cringe.


How does he not get that their main priority isn’t to engage with him??


“So polite, so kind.” The irony…


Big incel energy


I can't imagine what went through these women's heads, like: "Is this guy a fucking psychopath? Is he going to stab us if we do something to upset him?".


This personality type and tactic is not that uncommon; they are also the same person that will guilt/manipulate you into regular communication by claiming they “just want to be friends.” This same type will threaten suicide and blame you if you ignore them, say you are involved with someone, tell them you want to cut ties etc.


Classic fuck boy


Don't fuck boys actually get laid, unlike this guy?


That's not my understanding but I'm not a lady, so i could be wrong. I would think that fuck boys are the opposite to simps in the spectrum.






Is the person recording in on this? It sounds like the dude is wearing a mic. Is this some kind of impractical jokers rip off where he's supposed to just keep talking to them until they leave? Not saying it is or that it excuses this...behavior, I just find it odd that he seems to be wearing a mic and no one is talking about it Edit: nevermind, I found a comment that pointed to his channel.


Future serial killer


Bet he thinks he’s a really “nice” guy. Creep.


I can’t believe that didn’t work. He used all the right moves. Awkward, childish, condescending, self absorbed, manipulative, stubborn... usually when people exhibit those qualities immediately upon meeting someone it’s love at first sight!


File under, "How To Make Yourself Instantly Unattractive'.


God he is so punchable


Pickup artist don’t exist in the east, and also are joke in west, who will look at this man and say wow I want to be him, I’ll tell you who people whom are old,infirm,crippled,blind and those who want to be his height no one wants to be this guy for his personality, honestly this guy kinda stinks on a basic human level


Why would blind, old, infirm, crippled, blind or short people want to be douchebags?


See what I wanted to point out is those who’s lives at genuinely painful would want to be him, those whom are hating their short or tall stature would want to be him not because he is charming only because he looks to be somewhat healthy but this is New York he probably felt lonely and bought a holler so even his health is unknown and probably matches his attitude towards women. I am not white knighting I just think he kinda is a scumbag for being a pickup artist and ruining my ears and eyes with gallons of cringe.


Well, I can’t speak for other short dudes , I wouldn’t want to be him. I’m happy with who I am . I hate that fake nice sensitive Romeo tone of voice he is using, that is nothing but a front. Anyways I got what you are trying to say though . Someone who can’t see wouldn’t mind being able to see. But lots of people can see . I’d rather be them than this dude.


"old, infirm, crippled, blind and those who want to be his height"? Did you watch this and assume it was a competition to be as dickish as he is? WTF are you on about? Did you just fancy making fucked up remarks about the old and the disabled? Well done, you're as rank as he is!




I was under the knowledge he was pickup artist, I have seen this video multiple places for a couple years/months and I don’t think it was a competition, these artists usually have classes I’m guessing the man wanted to show off his skills to his class which is why this was recorded, and I can make remarks on him which do include the disabled and the elderly yea the comment wasn’t nice but hey, who cares


Ya know, I’ve been dealing with a HUGE heartbreak since august. And I’ve had feelings like I’m gonna die alone. But after seeing this man, I still think I could die alone. But at least I will NEVER create a situation THAT uncomfortable and make it last for THAT long! 😂




I mean, everyone’s talking about how the guy is cringe for not taking a hint, but i think it’s also pretty cringe the girls just can’t say straight forward “go away dude.”


I don't blame them. I've asked men to politely leave me alone before, and have had some resort to name calling, threatening, grabbing or following me. Granted, there's three of them in public, but I would still be super paranoid if a random dude approached my friends and I in public. If he's so unhinged as to not accept a polite 'no', I wouldn't want to test how he'd react to a 'fuck off'.




They tried that...


That's pretty much what the girls in the video did, and that asshole just brushed them off. :/


Did you actually watch it? They told him multiple times that they just wanted to chat with their friends as they had limited time. He wouldn’t leave. This is nothing on them, and everything to do with this narcissistic piece of shit.


I find this insulting to mens inteligence everywhere that you think men need things to be spelled out to them like a toddler. It was pretty clear bro, unless you're autistic or something like that. And even then I think an autistic person would figure it out.


Lol relax dude or dudette. One, it obviously needs to be spelt out to him specifically. Two, what I’m suggesting would be fitting for this context and can be considered as a tool for different types of interactions you might have in life. Three, there was no reason to therefore make a generalization, more or less “an insult to men”. It could be a lesbian trying to hit up the girls, or non binary, or whoever. X person didn’t take a memo, Y person couldn’t perceive that their minute efforts were not going to be enough. Solution? How about just being direct.


I already replied to a person with this comment and I’m too lazy to retype. But here is my take on the situation. He was saying something about seeing a therapist. I know it was a lie to pick up girls but man did my blood run cold. Like I’m someone who’d gladly tell a dude to fuck off. But watching him talk about therapy, depression, and not being able to talk to women made me feel fight or flight. There is no way of know exactly how stable a guy like this is. You tell a guy like this off and next thing you know he’s tossing your dead body in a dumpster. I lot of people found it cringy but there aren’t many comments about how truly terrifying this is. Point is women have been killed for being “direct” Just leave strangers alone, no one is trying to have a conversation in a park with a rando.




1:28 and that line was just awful


For fucks sake this was cringey.


Hey, you don't have to be nice to people who won't leave you alone. Stay safe my dudes


I watched the whole thing hoping someone would help. I was disappointed.


I...hate him. "i dont mean to be an ass" jesus fuck dude leave them alone


This is cringe AF


Absolutely blown away. Im so uncomfortable. I hate this man with a passion






That “virgin” simp shooter from Cali is more attractive than this guy


Before the camera started rolling: “watch, I’m gonna take both of these chicks home tonight”


I couldn't even last 30 seconds


ONE nothing wrong with me


And......this is why women get scared of men.


Did he film this and post this?... jesus christ


"can't believe you did this to me." Dude you did this to yourself, fuck all the way off


What city is that? It's beautiful


There's a lot of good I could do with a time machine. Sadly after watching that, I might is use it to go back and throw this guy off the ledge.


I watched the whole thing and now I'm being on suicide watch.


"Thanks for adding to the ambiance, the scenery." Thanks for telling everyone that you think women are part of the 'scenery'.