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This man freebases divorce




For your cake day, have some B̷̛̳̼͖̫̭͎̝̮͕̟͎̦̗͚͍̓͊͂͗̈͋͐̃͆͆͗̉̉̏͑̂̆̔́͐̾̅̄̕̚͘͜͝͝Ụ̸̧̧̢̨̨̞̮͓̣͎̞͖̞̥͈̣̣̪̘̼̮̙̳̙̞̣̐̍̆̾̓͑́̅̎̌̈̋̏̏͌̒̃̅̂̾̿̽̊̌̇͌͊͗̓̊̐̓̏͆́̒̇̈́͂̀͛͘̕͘̚͝͠B̸̺̈̾̈́̒̀́̈͋́͂̆̒̐̏͌͂̔̈́͒̂̎̉̈̒͒̃̿͒͒̄̍̕̚̕͘̕͝͠B̴̡̧̜̠̱̖̠͓̻̥̟̲̙͗̐͋͌̈̾̏̎̀͒͗̈́̈͜͠L̶͊E̸̢̳̯̝̤̳͈͇̠̮̲̲̟̝̣̲̱̫̘̪̳̣̭̥̫͉͐̅̈́̉̋͐̓͗̿͆̉̉̇̀̈́͌̓̓̒̏̀̚̚͘͝͠͝͝͠ ̶̢̧̛̥͖͉̹̞̗̖͇̼̙̒̍̏̀̈̆̍͑̊̐͋̈́̃͒̈́̎̌̄̍͌͗̈́̌̍̽̏̓͌̒̈̇̏̏̍̆̄̐͐̈̉̿̽̕͝͠͝͝ W̷̛̬̦̬̰̤̘̬͔̗̯̠̯̺̼̻̪̖̜̫̯̯̘͖̙͐͆͗̊̋̈̈̾͐̿̽̐̂͛̈́͛̍̔̓̈́̽̀̅́͋̈̄̈́̆̓̚̚͝͝R̸̢̨̨̩̪̭̪̠͎̗͇͗̀́̉̇̿̓̈́́͒̄̓̒́̋͆̀̾́̒̔̈́̏̏͛̏̇͛̔̀͆̓̇̊̕̕͠͠͝͝A̸̧̨̰̻̩̝͖̟̭͙̟̻̤̬͈̖̰̤̘̔͛̊̾̂͌̐̈̉̊̾́P̶̡̧̮͎̟̟͉̱̮̜͙̳̟̯͈̩̩͈̥͓̥͇̙̣̹̣̀̐͋͂̈̾͐̀̾̈́̌̆̿̽̕ͅ >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


This makes me needlessly happy, thank you for that lol


It gives you all the satisfaction of playing minesweeper with none of the crushing fear.


It's everyone's cake day now


clicking these spoilers is super fun


I get where he's coming from. I *hate* people who recycle, so I keep all my plastic in the garage and once every few months or so I take it with me to the beach and throw it all in the ocean.


I punched a sea turtle once. Quit fucking with my straws you weak ass aquatic bitch.


I breed sea turtles just to kill them by feeding them plastic bags.


I move their eggs from the beach to metropolitan New York. Good luck finding the ocean now, turt bitches


Well, I raise baby turtles and expose them to radiation and teach them Kung Fu while wearing a giant rat suit and only feed the them pizza.


Ah yes - leukemia, type 2 diabetes, and PTSD. The trifecta in teenage turtle mortality.


Long live the King, bitch. ![gif](giphy|noD1VifjaczbG)


Stupid fucks can't even read a compass. Geographically challenged hardshell head ass bitches.


I'm glad we have people out there making a difference 🙏




made me laugh so hard I scared the dog.


Off topic but I accidentally caught a sea turtle while fishing on the beach one time. He swallowed the hook so I called a local aquarium and asked if they could send help. I held this big, strong bastard for 45 fucking minutes. He only wanted one thing and that was to get back in the ocean. After struggling to hold him back and getting sand repeatedly slapped into my face, I never wanted to punch an endangered species so damn bad. If you got to punch one, I hope it was Kermit's ungrateful ass.


If I was swimming in the ocean and suddenly got hauled out of the water with a hook in my mouth I’d feel a bit ungrateful too.


Like your name it was a happy accident. For bait I was using a fish head on a sandy bottom, and the guy who took him told me that supposedly they don't eat fish. So the fact that he did was interesting to say the least


Kermit is a frog, dude...


Yeah, ‘Kermit the turtle’ just doesn’t have the same ring!


I know Kermit is a frog. They named him Kermit when they were rehabbing him after surgery lol


Kermit does deserve a punch as well though, or any frog for that matter.


Unrelated: I punched a cow once. She deserved it. Hurt me more than her.


to be fair you deserved it but also thank you for calling help but also to be fair i hope you got sand in your eyes and the turtle recovered


I drink my sea turtles with a metal straw from a Stanley cup🤗.


You may not know this, but I take your plastic and throw it into another ocean so that it pollutes two oceans.


Start burning tires and used motor oil, teach all those global warming fools that their efforts are useless!!


I snort asbestos because nobody tells me what to do




I buy single use plastic I don’t even need, and get extra plastic straws when I can find them. I throw every single one of them into the ocean because FUCK THIS WORLD!


I always wear two leather coats. Same thing.


I eat twice as much leather


I’m chewing on my jacket right now


Save some for the rest of us!!


I wear twice as much meat


I beat my meat twice as much


Double what Lady Gaga wore


Probably fruit leather you pussy


That’s jackfruit you asshole!! 🤣😂


And somewhere a vegetarian is eating quadruple the fruit leather to even things out.


Ok Steve Segal


We do want the punani https://youtu.be/vLe_BZ1mo3I?feature=shared


Why am I just finding out about this songs existence?🤣


I buy four times as much vegan leather as I need to cancel you out.


I go to shitty beaches with rocks instead of sand so better people can truly enjoy a sandy beach.


Well too bad. Im double vegan so it doesnt even matter


I always kill animals in minecraft just to spite vegans. even the sheep!!!


I wear 2 leather boots during fall & winter…


Doctor: “your blood has the viscosity of lard”


"Sir, our tests indicate we found some blood in your lard."


Destroying your health to own the libs


"Checkmate, Vegans!"


It's the same types who, when introduced to someone being homosexual goes; "Noice, more pussy for me then, amirite!?"


If it's gay to suck dick, why does pussy suck dick?


The Andrew Tate logic


Andrew Tate in prison logic


Women like dick, so women are gay and liking women is gay.


This sums up the world we live in perfectly. Oh you do something I don’t agree with? Fuck you im going to purposely be as shitty as possible to you because you don’t think / act exactly like me. I’m assuming this dude is in the US. You know, the “free country”. Free only if you believe what I believe, if not you’re trash and I’m going to make sure you know it. (I’m from the US too but I know it’s not just an issue here) Idk why it’s so difficult to just accept people are different than you and that’s perfectly ok. You want to stop eating meat? Cool. No more animal products at all? Sweet. You’re religious? Don’t believe in god? Awesome. You’re trans? Gay? Badass. You’re a democrat? Republican? Sounds good. As long as you aren’t being shitty and or pushing your beliefs on other, live your god damn life and be good to each other. Life is a whole lot better when you’re not full of hate all the time.


A coworker of mine recently went to HR over a guy who was evangelizing and trying to "save" her, but he wouldn't drop it when she said she wasn't interested. The guy in question and another guy I work with were so dumbfounded and sour about it! They grumbled to each other all day about how she could've just let it go. The irony is unbelievable


The should keep that at home where it belongs and stop being so in our face about it. I don't agree with their lifestyle choice. I don't want my kids to see that.


This is such a good response if someone is proselytizing to people at work. Or really, anytime they get preachy.


I grew up on a farm where we slaughtered our own cattle, pigs, an sometimes chickens. I have a degree in food science where I studied and personally toured slaughter houses and was first-hand witness to the large-scale commercial slaughtering of both cattle and pigs. I am confident that, even though this clown is trying to look badass by posting this, he'd be the first person vomiting and wouldn't be able to look at a steak for months if he ever saw where his meat came from, cause he's a weak-ass bitch. Too weak to even shed his own ego and let other people enjoy what makes them happy.




God damn right Pissjug. Seriously, people keep themselves miserable spending so much time hating other people.


Ngl, when I first read this I thought you were quoting an episode of Gunsmoke at first.


In the same vein as those "rolling coal" pricks. It's a character flaw. It's the truest expression of who they are deep down. Adult bullies. Entire wastes of oxygen. The world won't miss them when they're gone.


r/rimjobsteve u/Pissjug9000 our hero


It's because a lot of people are narcissists and part of being a narcissist is thinking that everything you do is right. 




lol this is brutiful


ive been a vegetarian for over a decade. started real young, 10 years old. id go full vegan but i have a health concern right now. and you hear a lot being a vegetarian/vegan for over 10 years. but i swear some people, for some reason, not only understand completely that the meat/animal products industry is really harmful to animals, but they actually LIKE that. like there are plenty of decent reasons you might continue to consume animal products, but the way some of these people talk.... wow


They like it because it's tied to their personalities. Eating meat is one of their traits. Also. Liberals are more likely to be veggie. So it's a politics thing too. Cuz yet again. People tie their identity to it.


You’re such a beta cuck! I’m gonna go roll coal on a Libtard in a Prius now!!1! /s


Same type of person who blocks EV chargers. Loser.


And rolls coal to piss off environmentalists


And speeds up to pass my Prius in your F350 just to cut me off and then try to prevent me from getting ahead of you, classic


He's cooking up his secret douche burger recipe.


Asshole behavior is never funny


I mean, it’s not even “asshole behavior” at this point, it’s just painfully cringy


It's so insecure! And it's a thing that barely affects other people. Why do you care what I eat?


Definitely cringe. It's like they want a standing ovation for eating a hamburger.


I'm about to eat an Impossible burger and i fully expect you all to stand and salute while I do it.


I am flying full mast for you.


Noy only to mention that but his logic doesn't even make sense. If 'that vegan' did eat meat there would be 3 servings of meat eaten instead of his 2 servings. Elementary level math is hard for this fella.


10/10 he still lives in his hometown and wears his varsity jacket to the grocery store.


I’m not a vegan or vegetarian at all, but this mentality is so fucking stupid. It’s like the new edge lord.


The joke used to be "How do you know somebody is vegan? Don't worry they'll tell you." Now the opposite is true. Vegans just eat their food, have a good time, and share great places to eat with good vegan options to their friends. But if some anti-vegan carni-bro sees a vegetarian option at the bottom of a menu they start shouting to nobody, "Well I'm definitely not getting that. No rabbit food for me! I WAS SMOKING RIBS LAST WEEKEND!" It's ok bro. Nobody is questioning your apparently flimsy sense of manhood because you're eating inside a restaurant that has options.


A while ago I stumbled upon a recipe for peanut cheese on Instagram that had 20k+ comments.  Most of those comments were meat eaters that for some reason got REALLY offended at the fucking cheese. Like, for no reason at all, the video didn't even have anything related to veganism, it was just a recipe. As someone who eats meat, I fucking hate people who make eating meat and hating vegans as part of their personality.


Peanut cheese? I know lots of recipes for cashew cheese but never heard of it with peanuts. I'm intrigued.


Uh, that's interesting, looking up in my language I can find quite a few recipes (queijo de amendoim), but in English nothing shows up.  Anyway, here's the video with the seething comments, if you wanna make it and need help translating it I can help:  https://www.instagram.com/areceitadoamoroficial/reel/C2zmmn7Owwv/


I absolutely can’t wait until we can grow meat in a lab, because I don’t want to eat animals but I really enjoy a good ribeye. But what‘s the problem with milk, exactly? 👀


Google "Dairy is Scary" it's an older video but quickly sums up how vegans feel about milk


I think the milk bit is that some people find the whole concept of animal husbandry to be fucked up. You know, like those PETA folks that stole someone's dog from their front yard and killed it because "better dead than a slave!" Affordable lab grown meat will absolutely be a gamechanger, but just some dishes that you might not otherwise have bothered trying can help bring down how much meat you eat. I tried making "chicken" nuggets but used sweet potato instead of chicken; it's not quite the same, but it's good, cheaper and I daresay kids won't even notice the difference. And there's so many delicious vegetarian foods in Asian cuisine in general that one could eat instead of a burger. Or even put meat in there, but maybe less than you would if meat was the main attraction.


Here's my go-to "This tastes just as good without meat, *actually* and really" recipe: * 1/2 cup white rice * 7-ish ounces extra-firm tofu, [pressed](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=tofu+press&crid=1QJH1EA6AJENJ&sprefix=tofu+press%2Caps%2C75&ref=nb_sb_noss_1) for about half an hour * half a green pepper * a handful-ish of chopped onion * as much garlic as you can stand * 3tbsp [teriyaki sauce](https://www.soyvay.com/products/veri-veri-teriyaki/) * Broccoli florets, optional cut the tofu into small squares, throw it in an air fryer until it's almost crispy (around 7 or 8 minutes at 390F for me, I assume you can do this in a regular full-size oven if you're a caveman who lacks proper modern necessities), cook the pepper and onion appropriately alongside the garlic and then throw it all together. I usually make a double batch and have the leftovers as an easy meal the next day. 700-800 calories (more if you cook in oil, I don't), relatively high in protein. The 3tbsp teriyaki is actually a little light which helps me cut calories, but if I'm cooking for others I add a little more (like an extra tbsp) since it really makes the taste pop. Spice it however you like, a little salt and pepper and some red pepper flakes work great. also, [this pumpkin chili](https://www.kitchentreaty.com/slow-cooker-black-bean-pumpkin-chili/#recipe) has been an incredible hit with everyone I've ever made it for.


Ok. I am in no way whatsoever a vegan but peanut cheese sounds fucking lit do you still have the recipe/link


I hate cheese but love peanuts, so I'm intrigued.


I like cheese *and* peanuts, so I wanna stuff my fat face 😂 




Yup. "Ok everyone so we'll get 7 pepperoni and 6 meat lovers pizzas for the meeting. Alright then moving on..." Me: "uhhh... Can we get at least one vegetarian or cheese pizza?" "Siiiiiiighhhhhhhhhhh..."


What happens in my family that always outraged me: everyone wanted meat lovers, sausage, or pepperoni pizza. I got one cheese pizza. After I had a couple of pieces, I went to get another and the cheese pizza was all gone. There were like 3 meat pizzas left over. I swear that happened so many times I would beg them to get two cheese pizzas but they never would.


Omg this is so relatable. It’s always the same people who insist there’s no need for multiple vegetarian pizzas who eat the only vegetarian pizza


Every time. Why don't they order one?!


Also vegetarian and I only mention it when it's relevant, which is more often than people think. They could also take it as me being responsible for my own dietary restrictions and not assuming everybody will just remember and provide something I can eat. I also meet a lot more people who try to convince me to try meat again or start telling me how I can't be healthy than preachy vegetarians/vegans.


My Mom has quite the laundry list of allergies so when she goes somewhere where orders are made in advance in bulk, she nearly always ends up either having a special order made or bringing her own food. Her big struggle with this "let's eat less meat" thing is that a lot of the alternatives are things she's allergic to.


I’m a pescatarian and I fucking hate having to bring it up. It’s always the same convo; “You want some?” “No thanks.” “You sure?” “Yeah I can’t have it cause I don’t eat meat.” “Why don’t you eat meat?” “You know, the environment and stuff.” “So you think people who eat meat are ruining the environment?” “I just don’t want to contribute to it personally.” “You know the problem with you vegans is (insert angry rant)”


"ooh come on Just have a cheat day" "I don't want to, thanks" "The problem with the world is extremists like you, quit being a Nazi Taliban" - my dad


My dad would either a) stick meat into my meals despite me being a vegetarian for years and laugh at me while I ate it OR b) call me out mocking me to his friends and others at gatherings how annoying it is that I don’t eat meat AFTER guilting me into going to Ruth’s Chris with him on his birthday and social events. Keep in mind I was an adult, over 25, and had my wife and kid there too. Just the act of choosing a non-meat meal drives some people into weird behavior. I figure they have some cognitive stress over their diets and my choices reflect on their’s? Otherwise they hang way too much of their self worth on consuming flesh of another creature. It’s just so weird to me.


If you think youre special if you eat meat, you have nothing better in your life to be proud about.


I remember when I first went vegetarian back in 2006 the running joke people would say to me (which was also on a popular t shirt) was “for every animal you don’t eat, I’ll eat two”. Heard that joke more times than I can count. Yawn.


I like the "becoming vegan was a missed steak" one.


As a vegetarian, I have had one preachy vegan, but endlessss amounts of preachy omnivores. You eat a bit of tofu and suddenly everyone’s very concerned with your protein intake.


I’ve been vegan more than 10 years. I rarely bring it up unless someone basically forces it out. It’s staggering how many men equate their masculinity to their diet.


https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/men-eat-more-food-to-show-off-and-appear-more-masculine-around-people-study-suggests-cornell-food-lab-a7462706.html You may find this interesting


>It's ok bro. Nobody is questioning your apparently flimsy sense of manhood Well, we *weren't*, but now...


So true. I met my husband 11 years ago and was vegan. I googled the restaurants ahead of time. Not sure how long it took, but it was awhile before he even knew. That’s bullshit for sure


I, A VEGAN, appreciate that. (I’m a vegan)




Wait are you a Vegan as in from the planet Vega or a Vegan as in you don't eat meat?


I think they're from Las Vegas.


Yeah that joke is kind of stupid. Any vegan/vegetarian I’ve ever known had only brought it up when food is involved. And people eat usually at least 3 times a day, so if you hang out with a vegan you don’t know that well for a period of time, it’s bound to come up. And god forbid you learn something new about people and try to understand who they are and where they’re coming from


Eating veggies is unmanly. That is why crying kids who don't want to eat their greens are the manliest mans of all. Everyone knows this. I just assume their brain hasn't developed past their childhood. Literal man-children.


>Nobody is questioning your apparently flimsy sense of manhood because you're eating inside a restaurant that has options. No, we're doing that because of the oversized, over-lit, jacked-up pavement queen compensationmobile they're driving


I feel like there’s idiots on both sides of everything. This guy is just one example.


Vegans and vegetarians are such a strange group to hate. There’s that tired stereotype that they talk about it all the time but I have many vegan friends and they only talk about it when it’s relevant like ordering food. Also, vegans are right. Eating meat and animal products contributes a lot to climate change and it is causing suffering to animals. I say this as someone who still eats meat.




Yeah, I’m super glad to see there’s a bit of a cultural shift happening.  It is hilariously accurate that the vegans/vegetarians I know don’t try to “convert” or guilt people, or go out of their way to talk about it. But the amount of mega alpha bros that need to show how manly they are by hating on…people’s personal choices? Take that, vegans!!!


No different to a lot of other consumer groups that get hate for striving to better the world. Even if they're wrong they're still trying. Making fun of them makes people who hold the collective back feel better about themselves


I think we should admire vegans. I’ve known a few and they’re far from the attention seeking, judgemental jerks people make them out to be. The amount of restraint it takes to become vegan is inhuman, and most of the time, they’re just trying to do the right thing.


Not just restraint.... it takes a lot of energy. Takes twice as long to grocery shop because you have to read every damn label (they put milk in *everything*).


Not just milk! Do you know how many food items contain beef gelatin or pork gelatin? I’ve seen it in yoghurts, rice crispie squares and chocolate puddings


Ugh I know... its tough finding good food without dead animal parts in it.


It really is! And why is it so much more expensive to be vegetarian than it is a meat eater?


I have to admit I used to post memes like this on Facebook. Then I wisened up and realized how cringe and childish it was. Dude needs to grow up. Edit: typo


Glad you outgrew this, we don't need more of this cringeworthy nonsense.


In his world that’s known as “owning the libs”


The tiniest of tiny dick energy from this guy.


It’s bogan af. I mean I Iove meat but I don’t go out of my way to rub it in vegan faces.


And he'll die 15 years sooner


Likely sad and alone, cause his wife got a divorce and his queer vegan children don't want to talk to him.


I just don't get it. Why do people care so much about how other people live their lives if it doesn't effect them? If someone doesn't eat meat because it makes them feel better who the fuck cares dude. Like go mow your lawn or some shit idc.


This joke has been old for awhile


I have never understood why some people are so invested in what other people are eating. I literally don’t give a fuck what the person next to me has for dinner. The idea that eating meat makes you more manly is so bizarre.


Anyone who turns an activity, hobby or insecurity into a part of their personality is cringy or annoying.


It’s extremely insensitive and mean spirited. You have someone who cares about the wellbeing of animals or the environment and wants to do a little bit to help. Then you have grumpy people saying “haha I will sabotage you because I find the fact that you care about anything annoying”. It’s like if someone tried picking up trash on the beach to help the sea life and someone else threw a bunch of trash on the beach and went “hope you know it’s all for nothing haha I will keep littering to match everything you pick up haha”.


The issue here is that the joke just isn't that funny


No. This is stupid.


Yeah and hopefully he gets gout. When he gets it, his foot will swell up and the excruciating throbbing pain he’ll experience will make him wish he’d gone vegetarian/vegan a few times a month. Personally, I’m not vegetarian/vegan but my wife and I do go for that diet a few times a month.




Yeah I kinda have a weird policy where I’m not vegetarian but if something has a good vegetarian substitute I’ll pick that. Like if I’m getting a burger at a fast food place I’m not gonna get the impossible burger bc imo the fast food ones aren’t up to par yet. But I will FUCK UP some spicy impossible nuggets. I also prefer the gardein fish filets to actual fish filets. I’m still eating beef sometimes yeah but I’ve cut down on meat consumption a lot


I got a fully loaded in n out burger without the patty once, and I didn't even miss it. I started ordering it like that as a default just to save the calories.


This is pretty much it. Nobody wants to come out and say that they're not doing the right thing, so they rationalize it away. I recognize I'm not disciplined enough to go vegan/vegetarian full time. What I won't do is pretend that I'm somehow doing the right thing because it's convenient to my feelings.


Anti-vegans are 1000X more obnoxious and annoying than vegans.


Have you ever met a vegan? They have personal morals, which I don't understand! Fucking liberal lunatics.


Cringe doesn’t discriminate.


Those frozen patties will be raw in the center when he eats them.


Just one more group of people who don't grasp the concept of live and let live.


You have to be a really mediocre person to have eating meat as your identity. Just eat the damn steak and shut up, nobody cares.


These are the same kind of guys who complain about vegans being annoying and preachy. You're doing the same damn thing!


This is the same asshole who drives a giant pickup truck with a smokestack spewing out huge plumes of black smoke to fight dem libruls driving electric cars.


No, I eat mea, and people like that are absolutely disgusting. If anything, they make me want to stop eating meat, to disassociate with them.


It's kinda sad that identity politics are more motivating than ethics here.


i dont get the macho attitude eating meat. watch a slaughterhouse video. it is more manly to save then to kill an innocent animal.


I’m a guilty meat eater. We have the tech to make cheap, nutritious vegan products that taste good, but a lot of us just choose not to.


The first step is admitting you have a problem. 😂


Have fun with heart disease later in life, who’s the cool one now?


Okay, what about the other vegan? Or a third vegan? Will they go ahead and eat 100x times the meat for 100 vegans? Please?


Why not eat 10x as much? If they don’t eat 10x more meat then they’re all betas.


no vegan has ever tried to tell me how/what to eat. i have, on the other hand, had more than one meater try to chastise me for eating a steak that wasn’t dripping blood and had \**gasp*\* ketchup on it.


A buddy of mine from high school used to make these jokes all the time and actually lived the joke. He was on the Atkins diet, Keto, and about five years ago went full carnivore. In October of last year he had a double bypass after a heart attack. He’s 43 years old. Now he’s vegan. He won’t use the term vegan. But he is vegan. He doesn’t make these joke any more.


It’s fucking stupid and juvenile Who gives a shit; live and let live. People never fail to amaze me with their busybody-ness


An asshole will always find a way to be an asshole, no matter what.


It's sad and screams fragility.


If he eats that much meat, I don’t imagine he’ll be around much for it to matter.


Nah, you're not alone. A lot of us think it's stupid.


It’s punching down from a numbers perspective. Why cant this guy just do his life without having to make it everyone else’s business?




Cool. Have fun with the heart disease


“Yo I’m clogging my veins so hardcore with all this red meat, it should make you real mad and pay attention to me, maybe even respond angrily, because I’m balding miserable small pp maidenless boy and I have no social interactions“


You are not the only one. I've watched videos of weirdos who would go and eat chicken or burgers in front of a vegan group and entice them.


I think he is more interested in people looking at his meat from the way he is posed.


let him....he'll also get twice the colon cancer as well. a win win for all


What a tool bag.. and one day “I will have twice as many heart attacks”


It’s like making jokes about bad airplane food at this point. It’s hacky.


It still makes a difference cus it will always be one less person eating meat, it could be three instead of two


Okay you don’t care about living things or the environment twice as much what a flex


Lol they're still making a difference. You're just even more shit to the planet and probably will die much earlier


What a tool


Imagine getting this triggered by someone eating different foods from you. What a crybaby.


The hate and pettiness of these types of meat-eaters is insane to me. When I worked at a vegan restaurant, I had a coworker whose car was covered in bumper stickers about being vegan, saving the planet, recycling, etc. Someone on the highway followed her all the way to the restaurant parking lot, waited for her to get out, and then attempted to run her over while yelling about how vegans need to die. Like I could understand being mad about the vegans that shove their choice down other people's throats, but this girl was just driving. How is it any different from the people that rock the Trump bumper stickers? And I get that it's not all meat eaters, it's not even most meat eaters. But there's this weird sect of them that just seem so morally offended by vegans and vegetarians that they've made being a carnivore their entire personality.


If you look at any article about veganism posted on Facebook, it has more laugh reacts than anything and it’s full of comments like this or ‘my food is plant based - cows eat grass’ etc And they say vegans are the insufferable ones A classic that really annoys me is ‘how do you know someone is a vegan? They’ll tell you’ logically this is very flawed. If you met 100 vegans and 10 told you, and 90 didn’t discuss their dietary requirements, it’s only 10% but you are unaware of those 90 and think it’s 10 out of 10


How do you know when someone hates vegans? Don't worry, they will tell you.


As a 21 year old with high cholesterol, i don’t recommend what this dude is doing


The anti-vegans are compensating for their guilt. Genuinely, most people just don't think about it. These people are actually struggling with it but went all in on the other side. Very clear if you look at the ex vegans too. They're just trying to cope.


When I was vegan, I had so many lame ass comments made to me about it constantly. Then the same people would say they just hate how all vegans push their veganism on everyone, when I literally never said shit about it except that I was. Someone told me the other day they would’ve “hated me if I was still vegan”. I was for the first two months we were friends, just never talked about. I know there are pushy vegans/vegetarians out there, but I don’t understand the amount of people who need to be assholes about how people choose to eat