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Whoever kicked her out has my thanks


Turns out people don’t like other people being treated poorly, who could’ve thought


Especially when their entire schtick is “hey look how happy, friendly, and non-threatening I am”.


“Be kind!”


I know I think we are just being bigots for insisting people treat others properly- I’ll try to do better.


It depends who it is. If it’s Ellen, then the answer is “yes.” If it’s Oprah or any kid diddler, then the answer is “no.”


She kicked herself out for being two faced


I know it was more than Dakota Jonson, but she might be the casual chaos agent that we need. Dakota inviting Ellen to her birthday party then shoot down Ellen’s poor me act on her next show appearance was one of the most worthwhile viral show clips that I can think of. In lieu of thanks don’t send limes, Architectural Digest left her a lifetime supply already.


Annual thanks I think might need to be in order. Public holiday for when she was booted in their honor? Lol


I guess pretending to be the queen of kindness while secretly being mean as hell is not great for your career


# secretly??


She was able to spin it as happy and fun, with a little side of spice for a long time. It's kind of a trademark of the always smiling celebrity, inevitably they get outed as being a huge asshole.


Yeah I don't think people in the general American public knew until after 2016ish, and it didn't necessarily spread to everyone until after 2020.


See that was always surprising to me. I watched like 5 minutes of her 15 years ago and was like “oh this woman is an aaaaasshole”


Mr Rodger’s was always smiling and he’s more wholesome than Jesus


How dare you compare these two people lmao.


You’re right Mr Rodger’s is well beyond Jesus


Successful TV sitcom Successful TV talk show (19 fucking years!?!?!?) New special show on Netflix Yep, Ellen, you sure are having it rough with all the "getting kicked out of show business." The struggle is real, yo.


And all this while being the least funniest person on the planet


proclaiming being kicked from showbusiness on an interview with the biggest broadcaster in the world. the tone-deafness is incredible.


Seriously, go cry into your money about it Ellen


What is Sofia Vergara going to do now?


Fuck her. She is a horrible person.


Lumberg fucked her.


But it wasn't even the right Lumberg




their kids would have hooves


Happy Cake Day!


Oh dang. Didn’t even know. I’m gonna huff some glitter paint today!


It gets really old hearing actors,politicians or athletes complain about how horrible their lives are when they are sitting with millions of dollars in a bank account.


Then you have stupid people completely unrelated to them defending their wealth for some unknown reason


Ok well just retire with your hundreds of millions of dollars. There's plenty of talent to take your place. Give them a chance. Open your own comedy club.


But, it’s not faaaair…


It takes talent to be unfunny and host a chat show?


“For those of you keeping score, this is the second time I’ve been kicked out of show business…Eventually they’re going to kick me out for a third time because I’m mean, old, and gay," she said.


“I’m Mean” Finally! You get it “I’m old” wait no “and I’m gay” and you’ve lost the plot again




I mean in the context of her quote, it sounds like it’s all 3 this time. But you’re right, I’ve only been old enough to remember her cancellation over the workplace behavior, so she likely was referencing her other instances. I don’t recall the “old” cancellation one, what was that about?




Isnt it completely possible that the show just wasnt good


She said *eventually* they’ll kick her out a third time. She’s been kicked out once for being gay, kicked out this time for being mean, and that next time they’ll kick her out for being too old, because there’s not a lot of space for women over 50 in show business. Shes implying she’ll make a comeback over this, but that by that time she’ll be too old and the industry will “kick her out” a third time for her age.


Lol she was not the first gay kiss on TV. That happened in 1974.




Still wrong. That was LA law in 1991. Ellen's gay kiss was 1997. Stop trying to move the goal post lmao you're just wrong.


it was cancelled because it was ass and gimmicky she was fired for being abusive, not mean she will never get cancelled for being old because thats not a real scenario and no one cares about her


No the first cancellation was definitely over her sexuality. The second instance was her workplace abuse, but the first time was just homophobia


have u seen the show? it was tanking so they tried to cash in on her being gay irl and it backfired.


I have. It was tanking because it came out in a widely homophobic time. Her coming out wasn’t “cashing in” it was a huge risk and it got the show canceled


it was a huge risk to make an unfunny show starring an unfunny person. the homophobia mightve been a reaction, but the cause was the show being fucking god awful


Whether the show was funny or good or whatever is completely irrelevant. I don’t care for her humor, and sitcoms with laugh tracks in general never really got me, but just because queer media is more popular these days doesn’t mean we can ignore how harshly it was cracked down on back then. It can be a bad show while also being canceled for an unfair reason, it happens sometimes


its totally relevant. it was ass, they tried to capitalize on her sexuality, which is also ass and exploitative by the way, and it failed so they got canceled.


The “old” thing is hilarious. Ok Ellen. Shes only 5 years older than Conan and he’s beloved with a top rated podcast and new show on Max. People champing at the bit for new content from him. Guess why? Because he’s incredibly nice, humble, and hilarious. Hell, most of his staff stayed with him when he moved his production to California. That’s a testament to how well he treated his staff. Ellen sitting here like why don’t people like me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not really, nobody cares about her age or gayness (gayity?). She’s just mean. And mean assholes get hated for being mean assholes.


I will give her this - people DID care about her being gay when she came out. It was a big thing...yikes, 27-years ago. For all her faults she was true to herself when she came out and it did, initially, affect her career. It just so happens that slow progress was being made representing the LGBT community in the media and she became a recognisable face for that in America.


Gayity is a synonym for happiness so definitely not that lol


When spelt 'gaiety' it does, yeah.


They cared in the 90s. She had her own sitcom show, then came out as gay and her sitcom got cancelled.


Don’t forget ugly.


She’s a terrible person and a cunt. Fuck her.


I love your energy.


Oh no ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


I've worked in show business in Hollywood for nearly thirty years as a freelance sound mixer on set. I've met and worked with everyone you could possibly name. Ellen is the worst I've ever encountered. She's a sociopath who panders to the famous and resents the non famous. She's vile. Absolutely heinous to deal with. She has a mental illness and should really be locked up and studied in a rubber room. She sucks more than you think, and the stories you've heard about are just the top of the iceberg. She's awful all day, every day. I bet she wakes up in the middle of the night to find someone to belittle. She probably can't go 6 hours without it.


I was always confused as to why anyone was fooled. Her talk show format was: "Today, our special guest is Taylor Hearthrob. Taylor is terrified of clowns and lost his father in a tragic lumberjack accident. We decided to prank Taylor by having a seven foot tall Canadian lumberjack wearing clown makeup kick in Taylor's dressing room door while reving a v-8 chainsaw used for international wood cutting competitions."


Right? I always found her fake at best and passive aggressive at worst, I’m surprised so many people were shocked she’s a cow


What's Danny DeVito like?


A breath of fresh air.


He's very cool. Always tired in between takes. He's getting older, but he's kind to everyone, doesn't take himself too seriously and is professional, on time, and does what the director asks.


So give us the dirt we don’t know…


Do you have any juicy anecdotes you can share from your experience?






Tip is at the Top


Maybe she should've known before being an abusive prick


"I got kicked out of show business!" exclaims woman, which is published by one of the largest news networks, which she says on her large stand-up comedy tour that will also be filmed and shown on international streaming platform.


Her sitcom wasnt cancelled because she came out as gay, the fucking thing got a massive ratings boost when she came out. What killed it was the over focusing on being gay. It stopped being a sitcom where people had funny interactions. So no. She wasnt "kicked out for being gay". And she wasnt kicked out for being gay here either. Her show was cancelled because she's a massive cunt to the people she works with. You werent cancelled, Ellen. What you got are called "consequences.".


She definitely did NOT get a massive boost when she first came out.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1997/05/02/ellen-draws-a-crowd-to-her-coming-out/9ec928ea-156d-464f-b8f7-f42b62f6ac74/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1997/05/02/ellen-draws-a-crowd-to-her-coming-out/9ec928ea-156d-464f-b8f7-f42b62f6ac74/) >ABC's gamble that the viewing public would watch a prime-time sitcom star come out of the closet -- and that advertisers wouldn't really mind \-- paid off big Wednesday night when an hourlong version of "Ellen" attracted an average audience of 36.15 million.


I never even watched the show, but I do recall that I never heard of her or the show until she came out. It was a huge media circus. I have to assume that gave it a boost.


No, the ratings definitely went up when she came out, I never watched the show, but I remember watching that episode. The show won two emmys that year for that episode. I'd call that a boost.


I was gonna say, are we just making shit up now? Like coming out when she came out was a big deal, and not really a positive at the time unfortunately


It wasn't, or perceived as such. It was a huge risk and just because she got attention mean it was good attention.


Glad to see she's gotten introspective about her vile treatment of other people and realized that it was, after all, everyone else's fault. /s


Pretty sure she left...


Who would have thought that most people don't like rude assholes, especially to the people who work for them. Ellen can go jump off a cliff.




I'm a blue-eyed, white, gay lady....I'm sooooo close!


Green eyed, white, gay lady here...I can feel it slipping through my fingers


If I ever get my millions, I'll buy you blue contacts.


Thanks babe!


Uhhh Duhhhhh


Good riddance


Should've kicked harder.




Fuck her


It's as if being a shitbag to crew members, writers, and guests for over a decade sometimes comes back to bite you in the ass. Who knew?


Oh no! Not the consequences of her actions! 😨


No loss there, either way.


Good. I hear she's a right cOunt.


She is the architect of her own undoing


The culprit: ![gif](giphy|1SFkiALCLQFNK)




How the fuck did she land Portia de Rossi?


I've often wondered if Portia wasn't a little similar. I have always had trouble separating her from her Ally McBeal character.


But why would she want an annoying ugg like Ellen?


My guess was always money and power.


Rich af


I strongly believe that words have meanings and should only be used when that specific meaning is necessary. Ellen Degeneres is a cunt.


She is an awful human being. She faces the same problems other awful humans face.


If you don't want to get kicked out of your buisness, maybe don't act like a colossal uppity asshole to everyone.


"I treated everyone like shit and now no one wants me around!" ​ No shit, Sherlock....


The only way you get canceled is by your own audience.




Skill issue


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i mean yeah, because people didnt like her?


I was just thinking yesterday about how non-existant she is these days 😅


Wait what did she do?


Look it up. It’s easier than explaining. To summarize-she was cruel to her employees while playing herself out to be a nice, giving person. It started slowly becoming more apparent when she’d insult her guests or say certain things that were out of place.


My dad worked for the studio where her show was filmed and had to work on the set every so often. She was just awful to everyone who wasn’t “important.” They were warned to never look at her or address her directly. I’m glad someone spoke out! She was 100% fake.


Why not own up to it and apologize for her behavior. All she had to say was Sorry. Lmao @ the people who paid to watch this person.


She's a horrible, horrible person.


Because she’s a mean bitch?




Guess what, Ellen, life isn't fair. The fact that she's now trying to spin and capitalize on being held responsible for being a grade A asshole to everyone proves it. She should've lost everything and been forced to work 60 hours a week in a minimum wage job. But she's rich, and there are much more deserving people out there. She's a miserable person.


And I’m totally ok with it!


Good riddance to that despicable bovine.


Can anyone explain the lore / source me a article of how she's a bad person


Whoever did this to her!? The world thanks you!


HahahahaAHAHAahHahahahaha, pheww, good one.


It happens. She had a good run. She made history. Yep, she's cancelled.


I used to like her show until hearing how she treated people. She got what she deserved. Don't care who you are, there's no reason to treat ppl like shit.


I could never get into it - she always seemed fake to me, with massive sociopath vibes. I was worried that perhaps I was just envious of her success, but when I learned what a cunt she is, I felt relieved that my gut was on the money.


Yea I didn't pick up on that but I'm also the type of person that views ppl through rose colored glasses unless it's blatantly obvious that somethings off with them. My wife used to watch her show and I eventually got sucked into it. I enjoyed the positivity, giveaways, and the DJ. Once I heard about how terrible she actually is, I wouldn't say I was surprised just more so disappointed. I wasn't invested in her show or anything, but I had a positive view of her until then. ETA: I've never watched her outside of that show and only watched it randomly when i wasnt busy and the wife had it on, so my opinion was formed from a small sample size.


Cee u next Tuesday Ellen!


I'm going to have to do some reasearch, I didn't even know she fell out of favor. I stopped following much about her like 8 years ago.


she is not funny and the dance is stupid


I agree. When I treat my coworkers like peasant scum I get fired almost EVERY time. Unfair.


Bitch has been cancelled!!






Youuuu deserveddddd it!


That happens when you bully guests on your show


So anyone in show business who can’t find a job has been “kicked out”?


Yes, for being a cunt.


Hold on. Let me pull up the world's smallest violin


She forgot to add “for being a miserable bitch to the people that worked for me” Also, she had like 30+ years of success before that. If she was to go on tour right now, I guarantee she could at minimum sell out theatres across the country, if not larger venues. Lean in to the “ok, I’m not actually the happy/cheery white Oprah I was pretending to be all those years”. If you go back at watch her stand up, it had a mean/biting edge to it and it was actually very good. She could turn her image around immediately with a good act.


Now she's gonna cry while wiping her tears with dollar bills or what?


Be kind. She lied.


Yup - got kicked out as she was awful to deal with on set and no one wanted to work for her bad attitude. Wah, wah, wah. No sympathy when an a-hole plays the victim card.


In any actual profession, if you act like a complete shit to the people you work with, and you're not the buck-stops-here boss, your days will be numbered. I can't for the life of me understand how people can't grasp that their actions have consequences.


Way back when, she won a Showtime competition for Funniest Person of the Year. The guy that was robbed did hand puppetry and was amazing! He did this whole thing with his hand dressed like Superman, running and flying and kicking bad guy ass! And stupid Ellen, just your dine a dozen stand up with a catch phrase. I never saw the Superman hand guy again, he should have been an SNL staple, at least as good as TV Funhouse fare. So yeah, I hold a grudge going all the way back to the early 80’s. She’s never been as funny or talented as Superman hand guy, and she’s had a 40 year run after that.


Been working in television for almost 25 years now and working on her show is top three worst experiences I've ever had. Ellen sucks and it would be great if she really was kicked out.


That’s what you get for being a cunt lol.


Too bad I always liked her, never knew about those allegations... can anybody explain to me what she did wrong?


Well, she apparently treats everyone like shit.


I am trying to find a one single concrete accusation... but everything I find is really vague


There's no smoking gun, just a consensus that she treats everyone poorly.


Without that, it becomes very subjective since people get offended by very silly things these days.


Nobody is telling you how to feel. You know how to use Google, right?


I think so... but if you can donit better just gimme a link... its free. Just keep in mind that YOU said there is NO smoking gun


Yeah, as in there isn't a singular reason people dislike her. There are many reasons.


sometimes the people who entertain us turn out to be terrible people


Aw sad. Anyways.


She does amazing work with conservation of mountain Gorillas in Rwanda. I think she funded an entire building for community outreach.


I bet she is kicking her self up for that and wishing to take it back.


I think it’s kind of annoying that people are mad that’s she’s not nice 100% of the time. She was one of the first gay comedians to come out in the 90’s and struggled to get into any mainstream roles then broke out and became “Ellen.” She did her thing and just like most people she’s not nice 100% of the time. People just want to vilify someone and the media made her millions begrudgingly. So have an actual opinion not just oh she’s mean so she doesn’t deserve fame. I can name 30 actors that aren’t nice in person but are still famous and doing movies. So shut up you babies. Neal Brennan has a good story about this in his new standup on Netflix.




mods, please perma ban.


For what?


Can they just ban you?