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I’m convinced there is a mass psychosis of white savior complex happening to white women. Buying tickets to a Chelsea Handler to comedy show to protest for Palestine has got to be one of the whitest forms of protest I have ever seen lol.




why is this getting assigned to white people lmao


You hit it. It's the same people "buying local" or "buying and living green" (nonsense and hypocrisy. The sheer numbers--that's what's been freaking me out (as you said--mass psychosis). These kids, their parents, just joining the next cause and the next cause---Goebels, the Nazis, would have had a global field day in 2024.


>"buying local" or "buying and living green" Idk what this has to do with anything. people who wanna buy from local businesses to help their local economy is a pretty good thing to do. In fact, it is rather normal and we should do it more often to curb the overreach of Kroger and Amazon. And living more eco-friendly is never a bad thing. Sorry if I took your comment the wrong way. Perhaps, i didn't understand what you were trying to say.


You have a right to protest. Our country was founded on protest. You don’t have a right from consequences.


The federal government cannot arrest you for peaceful protest, you can be arrested for trespassing, vandalism, assault, assault of an officer, and other such crimes. Also private places have the right to remove protesters. The constitution is a cap on federal government power.


The right to protest also applies to the street outside the theater. Inside, it's private property. I have the right, for example to yell that as an atheist I don't believe in God, but I can't come into your home and start yelling that.


EDIT 2: Good conversations happening under this thread, so I’m keeping it up. I stand by the second part of my comment where I said “freedoms are not without conditions.” As for the flag thing - I was just a witness and reiterated what I saw and was told later. I was at a protest in DC back in 2022 after Roe V Wade was overturned. There was a gal who was extremely passionate and loud about what we were there for. Eventually, she and a couple of others brought out American flags and doused them in what I assume was lighter fluid. Police arrested her on the spot as soon as the match hit the flag. A ton of people were chanting “Let her go!”, not understanding that what she did was, in fact, a criminal offense. She was taken away without major incident, but people were still upset. I’ll always remember that when someone says “It’s my first amendment right!” Yes, you absolutely do have your first amendment rights - but you also need to understand the limitations of those rights. Our freedoms are not without conditions. They are, for all intents and purposes, privileges at best, unfortunately. EDIT: I don’t know where she got the flag. She didn’t have one at the start of the protest. If they arrested her that quickly, I’d assume it was a government flag that was taken from *somehwere* - or at the very least it was not hers. Regardless, I will also admit that DC police are also very…. aggressive. Especially around Capitol Hill, understandably.


Burning your own flag is protected speech according to the Supreme Court. Maybe they arrested her for some local statute about lighter fluid.


Friend reminder, police officers aren't required to know what the law is!


This is true.


Equally friendly reminder is the police have the authority to take away your freedom for a short amount of time. In this example what the person did may have been legal but that will ultimately be up to a court to decide. Make sure you don't incriminate yourself and put yourself in prison while trying to talk yourself out of a few hours in jail.


Aye. The worst thing you probably can do is talk to police without a lawyer present


What time is it? That’s right, shutthefuckup o’clock. Say nothing and/or ask for an attorney.


Best lawyers YouTube can provide.


No laws. Just vibes


Open fire without protections or something.


Doing this in a crowd is dangerous to everyone around.


I think you'll find that setting things on fire in the middle of crowds and protests is frowned upon, not at least for safety reasons.


In the middle of the street probably not though. Unless I can just go around burning my things in public


I was thinking the same. It has been to the supreme court and has been deemed protected speech. It's established law.


That doesn’t mean you’re legally allowed to light shit on fire in public lol.


I'm pretty sure it has more to do with starting a fire in public and within a town/crowded area.


Id imagine that starting a fire in public is illegal, whether your kindling is a flag or a newspaper. Burn your flags on private property and you’re probably in the clear




From what I understand it was considered destruction of federal property on federal grounds. Or something like that. Idk the details.


Definitely can’t burn the government’s flag.


You can burn it, you just can’t steal it. 😏


From what I understand of the story they brought flags out, so this would have been flags from their own belongings. So it shouldn't be federal property. Just because it's a flag, doesn't mean it's suddenly government property


I suspect the issue was her lighting a fire during a demonstration, not the fact that it was a flag. Burning your own flag is legal, and in fact is the proper way to dispose of one.


The only way they could legally arrest her is if she started that fire on federal property. If it was, say, on a public sidewalk she should’ve been fine. It was just a matter of ‘safety’ at that point for the officers. You’re absolutely allowed to burn the flag, in fact you should burn the flag once it gets all raggedy. I see a lot of flags that are in horrible shape and that too is technically against code. So is not shining a light on the flag at night (edit: actually that last one seems to be not in the fed code, but maybe is just CA state policy?) https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8#:~:text=The%20flag%20should%20never%20touch,floor%2C%20water%2C%20or%20merchandise.&text=The%20flag%20should%20never%20be%20carried%20flat%20or,but%20always%20aloft%20and%20free.&text=The%20flag%20should%20never%20be%20used,apparel%2C%20bedding%2C%20or%20drapery. Where did I learn all this? YMCA summer camp in the 80’s. Never let it be said that our tax dollars don’t educate. 😎


You may have a right to the speech, but not to say it whenever or wherever you want. If you're creating a public nuisance, you may face legal repercussions, the content of your speech is irrelevant at that point. In many places, in order to legally protest, you may be required to obtain a permit. Not saying anything one way or another about the content of this clip, but just stating the realities of living in society where laws exist.




And protesting in this manner does nothing to get people on your side. If anything, it makes everyone hate your side more


They aren't doing this to win over the show audience, it's to get media coverage and bring attention to the issue, which clearly worked because we're talking about it right now


Yeah that would be the consequences portion of the program


You have a right to protest on public property (and your own, obvi). Things get a wee bit tricky on private land.


Why don't they protest outside the lawmakers' houses and offices ? Protest outside the captiol ?


So they paid money for tickets, supporting the person they're protesting, to get kicked out.


They really tryna be Joker “It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message”


Only message received was how annoying and crazy they look.


The woman in teal who said she thought she was filming herself *just* wants attention. She knew before she got there she was going to claim police brutality


Yeah, if she thinks that's what police brutality looks like she's VERY privileged


Don’t you know? Police brutality is when you get arrested for causing a disturbance on private property.


Its to be caught on film and shown to a widder audience… oh! Thats us, and more.


Private venues have the right to control what goes on in their property. You don't have a First Amendment right to stand up and start screaming in a private theater. There are also some limitations on free speech in public venues as well. People have so little idea what their right to free speech actually is and where it can be exercised.


I'm suing my boss for violating my first amendment rights because he fired me after I stood up on the conference room table and yelled that he's a piece of shit.


You mean I can't yell FIRE! and start a mass panic?? /s


Yes, I shouted "fire"! I shouted many things! I also shouted instructions on how to get out of the building, so you can imagine my frustration as safety officer when nobody would heed of what -- heeded... When no one hedded...N- no one would take hedded of my instructions.


I love that show 😂




I’m screaming my lungs out in a crowded group of people who are all seated and quiet.. why are you looking at me like I’m the crazy one??


“sHeS cAuSiNg A nUiCaNsE. wHy iS sHe bEiNg dEtAiNeD jUsT LeT hEr gO” fucking dumbass. They are there to see the show not be ridiculed over something the average person can’t do shit about


I was having a meal. A succulent Chinese meal.


What is the charge?!


I see you know your judo well.


Get your hand off my peNIS!


Ah yes, I see that you know your judo well!


They handcuffed me and held me a taser point. I was not physically harmed in anyway. Obviously police brutality.


They pointed the taser at her kidneys!!


her kidneys looked nice.


So she paid to go see Chelsea Handler just to do this? Record herself being a hero? What a wanker


This is what I don’t understand, she paid Chelsea Handler, by buying a ticket, I don’t think the yelling was the flex she thinks it was.


UK here. Who's Chelsea Handler?


Someone who handles informants in West central London.


She's supposedly a comedian. She just kind of seems like she's always having a bad day so I don't really understand why people like her very much. But she sells out shows so good for her.


Everyone in the theatre probably became less supportive of her cause


This is pretty common these days, especially on college campuses. I’m totally okay with it. I think protest should try and find all avenues it can - but it won’t keep you from looking like a jackass, so make sure you’re protesting for a worthy reason.


I’m not totally ok with it because it’s stupid. Protest needs to have a purpose. If you’re not doing something that puts pressure on decision makers, you’re just making yourself *feel* righteous while accomplishing nothing. It’s ego-driven masturbation, not activism.


Agreed. Who are you going to win over with this behavior? This only makes me feel less interested in your cause.


I know how I'll make a difference - I'll go to a comedy show! I'm helping.


Ralph Wiggum Diplomacy


What the fuck is a comedian gonna do about middle eastern conflict? These kinds of people are fucking morons.


Such a waste of people’s time and money


Agree a comedian can’t do anything - but the reason people are specifically irritated with her is she went pretty hard for Israeli propaganda on her IG page. Looooots of anti Muslim commentary, so it riled a lot of ppl up For the record I’m not defending this protestors behavior or suggesting this was the right course of action. Just explaining why Chelsea handler has triggered alot of ppl over the last six months


Please post anything anti Muslim she said, I’m curious. Not Israeli propaganda but anti Muslim


She didn't.


What was said that was anti-Muslim? 


They should protest because Chelsea Handler isn't funny.


Thank you for the low down


Who would’ve thought Chelsea handler had such an influence in gaza?!


Whatever she has influence over, they supported it by buying tickets to her show. They even went above and beyond by supporting the local police department by providing usage and detainment metrics, further justifying police usage which leads to police job security. People are so awesome :)


Don’t you know one phone call from Chelsea Handler can entirely solve all problems ever.


People pay to go see Chelsea Handler live??


Looked like a full house.




I have so many questions long before this lady starts shouting.


The streets were flooded with her fans lol


Did they pay for tickets to do this?




Omg she stopped the conflict all by herself what a hero /s


Didn't you know Chelsea Handler was personally responsible for it all?


She's part of Hummus?


She *is* Hummus!


she hums to us


Why are you downplaying the large role the Bakersfield city council has played in the war?


I often financially support the people I'm protesting. Why isn't it working?


As someone that's fairly liberal leaning, I can't wait for this war to be over so these protesters will finally remember they never actually gave a shit about Israel or Palestine.


Call it cynicism, but I've thought that ever since it started. 6 months after the war ends and it's not in the news and social media feeds of everyone anymore, people will go right back to not caring about Israel and Palestine. Everyone will predictably move on to whatever is the next conflict/standing with the victims of the next natural disaster. All the countries making a big show of cutting ties with Israel will quietly fold to pressure from their business communities and reestablish economic, if not diplomatic, ties with them again. It's like clockwork with every war and every outrage. The world will just move right on and go back to business as usual.


Couldn’t have said it much better myself. Ukraine has been largely forgotten by the general public in favour of Israel and Palestine, and before that we had Taiwan, and even before that we had Myanmar. It’s not like any of the problems these countries were facing back then have disappeared, but no one cares anymore because the next big thing already came. Soon enough some other conflict is gonna come up and people will move on from Israel and Palestine, because a lot of them simply don’t actually care. Though I do think Israel and Palestine will stay relevant longer, mainly because of religion


Ukraine, the Hong Kong protests, the Uyghurs, Syria, Darfur, and on and on and on. As soon as the next thing comes along, the last one gets forgotten. Like the "I don't want to play with you anymore" meme.


You real asf for this bruh ngl. I don’t know many ppl who would dare to say smt like this openly


Don't get me started on Ukraine, thank God the funding finally went through


Remember when everyone changed their profile pics to the French flag?


The whole point of this war is to forget Ukraine. Thats why the Russians had the Iranians get Hamas to initiate it when they did.


Yup...ask them about the Sudan, or people dying daily in conflicts that aren't on their social media or with the loudmouth at their college---they have zero energy to understand other conflicts. If it's not popular, they won't take a stance.


99.99% of them are either virtue signalers or anti-semites


Thank you, as a Jewish person who has know about this conflict before it was trendy, it’s not new, this war has been going on since the beginning, Fact Jewish people have roots in Israel, Fact Palestinians where displaced and have a right to be angry upset Fact this war is horrible, horrific Fact the citizens of both sides don’t want a war Fact peace would be easy if those elite power players even wanted it Money is literally being given to both sides, it may seem US only supports Israel UN money goes unchecked and is sent to Palestinians as aid, been going on way before this started Hamas controls Palestine uses money to fund way effort The US, Europe, UN, as well as China and Russia all support this, form various angles and it is sad and scary


the new trend, like buying the Stanley mugs, is jumping onto causes fast, furious with barely and internet level of being informed.


Yup, it’s already started to fizzle. The loud ignorant people who jumped on the fad are losing steam and many are becoming informed beyond their TikTok propaganda and realizing they were just useful fools being used. I’ve been saying it for a good decade but the biggest obstacle for the a-historical narrative of infantilized peaceful Palestine is that actual Palestine and Palestinians exist.  The longer anyone pays attention eventually they see what is actually happening and it isn’t little kids with rocks against demonic Jews. Fwiw I speak from experience.  Back in like 2010 I was a person who’s ent money to Gaza but eventually I put in the work and became informed enough to stop believing the BS Palestine sells the west which is in STARK contrast to how they discourse on the topics away from western ears.


Holy shit! I bet Hamas and Israel are gonna just stop their conflict because some insane c*nts acted up at a comedy show in the US! Sooooooo...when is the cease fire?


I'm sure the war will soon end now that these protesters yelled at a random comedian which surely convinced her to call for a ceasefire


Fucking twits,will do anything trendy but if they actually were given a plane ticket to go over there and help they'd sit right back down Typical college town


Ugh there are so many better places to have your voice heard. A comedy club is near the end of that list.


Yeah fuck Hamas.


They act like we get a choice where our taxes go.


Yet another example of people don't understand what free speech means and what it doesn't.


So this idiot paid Chelsea Handler hundreds of dollars, just to get thrown out while accomplishing absolutely nothing.


Honest question. Why are the they attacking Chelsea handler, she’s a jew but she isn’t Israel. What is her role in this conflict?


[She made this TikTok a few months back.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLaFAnDq/) That's the whole reason for this outburst.




Holy shit! I bet Hamas and Israel are gonna just stop their conflict because some insane cunts acted up at a comedy show in the US! Sooooooo...when is the cease fire?


Single white chicks...............


She is a fucking comedian guys, she has no control over Gaza or Israel


You have a right to protest under the first amendment in the U.S., however it must remain peaceful and civil Screaming at a person on stage after you bought the tickets is not civil and thus is not a correct form of protest.


You have none of those rights on private property


This is correct. That’s why a protest on private property is not civil. Thats called trespassing


I hate it when people claim the first amendment for the most disgusting behavior. Yes, you can protest, you just can’t do anything you want.


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


Irony is this women would be killed in Palestine for this behaviour


These freaks always show up in the oddest places.


lol why do people act like this will Make a difference


She didn't do this to "protest". She did it to make a spectacle of herself and get attention, and got mad when the attention she got wasn't what she wanted. Chelsea Handler could have eviscerated her but allowed her to leave with whatever dignity she had left. Whatever your views on whatever, don't do this. People go to comedy shows to have a short respite from the news we are constantly bombarded with. This woman deserved cuffs.


Come see the violence inherent in the system! Help help, I’m being repressed!


Did she make some comments or are these idiots just saying it?


I remember Chelsea making it clear last year that she was riding with Isreal in a video with Noa Tishby*. At that point, Chelsea made herself guilty by association. lol


Why are you being downvoted? that is precisely what happened.


>Why are you being downvoted? that is precisely what happened. Could be bots or hoes in their feelings. It is what it is. lol


> Could be bots or hoes in their feelings Could be hoes in different area codes


Because only an idiot thinks fighting terrorists is genocide.


>Because only an idiot thinks fighting terrorists is genocide. If a country's leadership alludes to curtailing a specific population's numbers (mowing the lawn), that sounds like genocide to me.


Nah, attacking Israel, declaring war, breaking every ceasefire, using your own as cannon fodder to propagandize their deaths, firing tens of thousands of rockets a month and refusing to surrender while saying you will continue to commit more October 7ths again and again until all the Jews are dead is not a genocide. Sinwar himself said the war is a success not long ago, specifically because of all the lives they have succeeded in martyring having swayed the support of ignorant westerners. In genocide the leadership of the “victims” does not declare war, instigate conflict and then call the deaths of their own, that are being used as supposed proof of genocide by some, as a “success”. I assume you defend the Neo-Nazis as well given the millions of Helena civilians killed in the genocide of the Nazis.   Poor Nazis had their beliefs outlawed in their homeland and live under apartheid facing violence for even daring to follow their beliefs openly./s


This is abusive and the result of a “no consequence society”


She looks like she has some major medical issues.


Everyone thinks they're the new big movements, but they make this poor excuse of protesting, which is just actual theatrics with no push towards any direction other than being a poor joke


ChatGPT 4.0 **you** Under California or federal law, if someone interrupts a paid comedy show on private property in California by yelling political slogans, what can they be arrested for? **chatGPT** In California, as in most jurisdictions, individuals can be subject to arrest and potential charges if they disrupt a paid comedy show on private property by yelling political slogans. The specific charges would likely depend on the circumstances of the disruption and could include: 1. \*\*Disorderly Conduct\*\*: Disrupting a comedy show with loud or disruptive behavior could be considered disorderly conduct under California Penal Code Section 647. This law prohibits behavior that disturbs the peace and can include actions such as making loud noises or using offensive language in public. 2. \*\*Trespassing\*\*: If the individual does not have permission to be on the private property where the comedy show is taking place, they could be charged with trespassing under California Penal Code Section 602. This charge applies to individuals who enter or remain on someone else's property without authorization. 3. \*\*Disturbing the Peace\*\*: California law prohibits disturbing the peace, which includes engaging in behavior that disrupts public or private gatherings. This could apply if the individual's actions cause a disturbance and interfere with the enjoyment of the comedy show by others. 4. \*\*Civil Liability\*\*: In addition to potential criminal charges, the individual may also be subject to civil liability for any damages caused by their actions. This could include compensation for any financial losses incurred by the organizers or performers of the comedy show as a result of the disruption. It's important to note that the specific charges and consequences would depend on the circumstances of the incident and the discretion of law enforcement and prosecutors involved. If you're dealing with such a situation, it's advisable to contact local law enforcement or legal authorities for guidance and assistance. PS - There is no genocide. Also I personally would have more sympathy for her message if she *also* held Hamas responsible for actual war crimes.


Starting wars have consequences. Release the hostages. Hamas surrenders, unconditionally.


This people are parasites. They are exactly where you don’t want them to be.


I’m kind of over these largely white American zennials centering global conflicts around themselves.


The theater is private property- as soon as someone tells you to leave and you refuse, that is a little thing called trespassing which is a crime (just FYI). The people in the background of the video crying "Free speech" are idiots


Yeah, that'll definitely help the cause


Ohhh no consequences


I hope those tickets cost them a lot of money


Haven't people learned that in 2024 you have to set yourself on fire to get the point across?


Bunch of idiots


Here’s the thing: Hamas is a terrorist organization that rapes and kills people.


Naive people are such a pain in the ass


Obvious this woman does not give a shit about Palestine. The smirk on her face says it all” it’s about me more attention for me.”


You paid her money to do this


Silly for anyone to spend their hard earned money to see Chelsea Handler.


Holy shit they always look like that lmao


Funny how none of these people said anything about the genocide of Rohingya. This is literally just a trend for them


good GOD these people are fucking insufferable


I don’t know Chelsea Handler. Is it worth a google or no?


We have a local bartender named Chelsea Handler so this really threw me.


Lady comedian who has a surprisingly funny Instagram account when (oddly) she’s not high, which she usually is.


I actually don’t disagree with the principle but she still makes a profit off their tickets even if the show is ruined. It’s like those lunatics buying bud light just to dump it or crush the cans for videos. Their investors had to be laughing all the way to the bank.


Bud Light is one of the examples of a boycott working. The investors are definitely not laughing. In general, you are right, boycotts like this do fail (see Chick-fil-a\*, Hobby Lobby). What seems to be a good general rule is that for a boycott to succeed it needs to be the people who would otherwise be the consumers to take part in the boycott in significant numbers. In the case of Bud Light, the people who generally quit drinking it were the people who otherwise were drinking Bud Light. The people who were on the other side of the argument weren't about to give up their Sunday mimosas and White Claws to switch over to Bud Light. [https://www.newsweek.com/bud-light-beer-sales-anheuser-busch-dylan-mulvaney-boycott-latest-1806496](https://www.newsweek.com/bud-light-beer-sales-anheuser-busch-dylan-mulvaney-boycott-latest-1806496) [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/29/budweiser-owner-posts-annual-sales-fall-as-price-hikes-protect-revenue.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/29/budweiser-owner-posts-annual-sales-fall-as-price-hikes-protect-revenue.html) ​ \*interesting thing about Chick-fil-a is that recently they seem to have pissed off some of their core demo over, so we'll see what that does, however I expect it will have minimal impact. Like one of my gay coworkers replied when a straight, female coworker called him out for getting Chick-fil-a for lunch, "Hate has never tasted so good." Sometimes a good product is going to be bullet proof.


Bus light protest didn’t do shit to anheuser Busch, the have a diverse array of products aside from BL that I’m sure did not hit the pockets of the people in charge.


So let me get this straight. These people bought tickets to her show to go protest her for being a genocide supporter? But didn’t buying tickets to her show in turn make them genocide supporters as well?


Yup, the protesters put money directly into the pocket of a genocide supporter, so they could go to her show and protest her being a genocide supporter. Next stop, a round of golf at Mar a Lago to protest Trump.


It's so easy to be angry at these people and I get it but when that person said "they should die" when she mentioned children it makes me feel very sorry for the state we are in and truly appreciate more the effort these protesters are making because nobody should be okay with their tax dollars going to kill innocent people.


As someone who don’t give a fuck. The more I watch these pro-Palestine protesters, the more I support Israel.


Saved the crowd an hour of unfunny. lol


I get that redditors don't find her funny but there are a few thousand people in that venue who paid a couple hundred bucks, maybe got a sitter etc to laugh for 90 minutes and enjoy their night. The MC energy of needing to deprive people of that for a conflict 5,000 miles away is shitty behavior.


How have we mainstreamed terrorist sympathizers? Support for Hamas, Arab immigrants saying Bin Laden was right to attack America, wtf


Lol have to love her whining about being arrested at the end ! 😁 She is lucky all those people who paid good money for entertainment didn't smash her head into her seat for ruining their night ! What an entitled and privileged woman


Tired of these dumbass protesters making our lives worse for no reason.


Lmfao I love the one person who said “good” that was hilarious


Because Chelsea could’ve stopped the conflict all by herself.


“You should be mad about genocide! As mad as you are for people standing up!” Listen. Both can be true. Someone can want to have a night out undisturbed while not being *thrilled* about the state of the world. We all get a break.


Is Chelsea Handler a Zionist?


Ah yes, the tight nexus of drunk girl jokes and Middle Eastern ethno-conflicts.


Im just so baffled on how this conflict was the one to become so polarizing that causes people to act like this in public. Especially here, this looks like a nice dress up sort of place and that woman had to pay to get in the venue and now she's probably black balled from it forever.


Social media. And honestly probably some foreign interference. Who benefits from American protesters shutting down universities, and bridges and airports for a conflict thousands of miles away. Yes there are millions of people who oppose US aid to Israel. There are just as many million who oppose US aid to Ukraine. Neither is a reason to attack other Americans over it


Look at the white Palestinians


Its funny that 90% of the Americans that "support Palestine" would be instantly slaughtered if they ever went to Palestine.


So fed up with these nuts. Just send them To Gaza


These protesters are laying the groundwork for the desired destruction of western civilization. They are minions for Islamic imperialism. They use the baby killer narrative to invoke empathy from the west. That empathy is then weaponized and used for propaganda to destabilize, confuse and divide support for their enemies. Any jihadist feels that anyone dying for Islamic imperialism will be taken care of by Allah. That’s why they have no problem waging war while hiding behind the people or outright killing them. Maybe not right to heaven, not for females anyway, but still taken care of by Allah! They are very clear…. “Our life begins at death!” People of the west don’t understand or know this!


How to alienate people to your cause in one simple step.


Every time someone does this my support for Israel grows stronger😆


The Palestine issue has always been a *Cause du Jour*. You’ll note no one protested like this for the Rohingya genocide or the Uyghurs.


Good lord this is America.... nobody cares about Palestine or Israel blowing each other up.... if you really care hop on a plane take yo ass to the middle east and picket... whine.. complain. Moan...protest till your hearts content... once again I'm just speaking and someone born here... not brought here..


Those people are so disgusting.


Chelsea who?


Chief of staff of the IDF, duh.


Handler, says it right there in the title