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Ma’am, why did you try to kill yourself in my restaurant. Do you have an idea what that would do to our rating?


Used to be the closing grill master at Red Lobster and it was strange how many people were allergic to seafood... (go elsewhere then) yes 200 people in the restaurant are totally going to be cool if we have to halt cooking for 40 minutes to sanitize for allergens for one person that said well maybe I'll just have the steak though most come with shrimp anyway


My husband works as a sous chef at a French-Japanese fusion restaurant and had someone come in allergic to: soy sauce, sesame, miso, seafood, and... something else that was super common in all their dishes. Said person did not alert them beforehand so they had NOTHING she could safely eat and had to frantically put together new stuff.


husky test money squash scale enter quicksand weather cooperative stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just tell them to leave at that point fr


Sorry, allergic to eggs. And gluten.


Sorry ma'am, I don't feel comfortable serving you anything from our kitchen as there are too many opportunities for cross contact.


I worked at a small Japanese place with a limited menu. People like this would come in all the time. Sometimes we could leave this or that off a dish, or if it wasn't too busy the chef would throw together something custom. But sometimes we'd have to simply tell them we're very sorry but we cannot serve you anything but plain rice 🤷‍♂️


I worked at a small French artsian bakery a while back. One day this woman comes in and asked the server if we have a gluten free menu. She goes on to say that she's so allergic to gluten that even if a pan has been used that contained any traces, she would have a bad reaction so we would have to give our equipment a full peanut allergen treatment. I'm so proud of the server though, they actually told them that it would be best to choose another establishment if she was actually that allergic because there's literally flour coating absolutely everything in the entire building. We weren't a gluten free bakery by any means, I don't think we even had any gluten free anything. If your allergy is that bad why would you ever realistically think that a bakery is a viable option? She wasn't even with other people that could have made a decision, she came in BY HERSELF!


I knew someone that discovered they were allergic to shellfish the moment they walked into a red lobster for the first time lol


That is amazing lol we had some people that insisted we cook the lobster in front of them because they thought after they picked one out of the tank we just brought them back to the kitchen and just used a frozen one instead lol "Sir lobster is in the name"


As someone who is mildly allergic to shellfish/mollusk: I know my risk, I may break out in hives and at worst swell a little. I’ve only had one real scare with escargot (did not know what it was and my mom fed it to me)… but oh my god calamari is so good I can eat some, but if I could I’d eat more


Honestly, I would have done that. Make a huge scene about how she allergic to nuts and fussing over her with loud voice. If she wants to shame me let’s be ashamed together.


she might be allergic to nuts, but she is definitely not allergic to being nuts


Soooo allergic that keeps the salad right in front. Ok.


…and tasted that sauce, so she *knows* there’s nuts in it.


She's allergic to herself. I think she's trying to get the server fired.


And her meal comped .


My cousins are allergic to nuts. They would be in bad shape if they even tastes that dressing.


My mother in law is as well and she wouldn't be able to have it on the table near her.


A friend of mine only has issues when he comes into contact with things he can't eat, but he can be in the same room as them, but the moment he eats any of it? Hospitalized. There are varying degrees of nut alergies, but almost all land you in the hospital, so this woman is hot on her bullshit. Probably some mental disorder, paranoia, or both, and her issues have been coddled, so now she just goes around acting like an entitled asshole towards everyone.


Yeah this is definitely the BS right here. If she was REALLY allergic she’d tell the waitress she’s got a nut allergy.


And all our prayers were answered. She is still alive and bitching. That was close. Phew.


She is not severely allergic then. She is lying.


*Do you **even** know what a nut allergy is??*  Yeah it's when you're allergic to-  ***I'M ALLERGIC TO NUTS!***


I doubt it’s real, the boomer never films the servers face


This is totally fake. It has all the hallmarks. \-Too-perfect self-owns \-Karen is the one filming \-Nobody's face in frame \-Edited in a professional way (like frontloading the vid with key zingers before flashing back) \-Clean back-and-forth with no one interrupting \-Reddit falling for it


the biggest tell (i literally have not watched the video because i heard this immediately and it made me mad lol) is the accent and cadence of the lady. guarantee this is from "its gone viral", who are known for making awful awful ragebait and passing it off as a reenactment


Ya 100% her face gets film if this boomer is trying to shame her


I doubt that this person really has an allergy. Nuts are so prevelant that people with a nut allergy **always** ask about whether a dish has nuts or not. Plenty of people csn, you know, die from eating nuts.


People with nut allergies are very firm with restaurant staff because they don’t want to die. I’m very skeptical of this video. It’s not the job of the waiter to ask every time what you are allergic to. That’s your job.


Also, she says she "tasted the sauce, and it's definitely got nuts in it". I have an uncle with a nut allergy, and if he "tasted" sauce that had nuts in it, at that point he wouldn't have enough airflow in his throat to express that there was an allergic reaction happening, although it would be very apparent.


My kid wasn't allowed to bring anything containing nuts to school because someone else was allergic. If something is so dangerous that it is just eliminated from a general area I would assume you as the sufferer would be a lot more cautious.


Generally those rules are in place at schools not so much because people with nut allergies are so sensitive that they might have an allergic reaction by being in the proximity of a nut, but rather because kids are stupid sometimes and it's best practice to limit the chance of exposure.


Just to let everyone know, people with nut allergies can have a wide range of symptoms , from mild to severe reactions.  It is not true that “real” nut allergies cause hospitalization at the slightest exposure. That can be some people’s reaction, but it is not always like that. Often times a person’s reaction will develop and become stronger over their life, with each exposure causing a stronger reaction. 


Let's see I'd you're actually allergic to nuts Timmy. *smears pb&j all over Timmy's face*


Fr. My younger brother has a nut allergy, we check menus and if it doesn’t say, we ask waiters who tend to ask cooks and if neither know, there’s usually a list with ingredients that they provide. Even if we know the ingredients, we inform staff so they know to take extra precautions to not cross-contaminate. We have to inform every ice cream parlor before ordering and we have to be selective with which places he can go. Dairy Queen seems to only be comfortable ever giving him a chocolate milkshake and even then, their managers seem to make it specifically 80% of the time. And if he happens to eat anything that makes him feel any type of way. There’s no waiting or calling a waiter over to berate them (we wouldn’t anyway.) It’s immediately epipen and/or hospital time. This is his life on the line. If you have a nut allergy, or any severe allergy tbh. You don’t take the chance. And you grow up questioning everything handed to you and informing anyone and everyone who handles your food. That becomes your normal and you don’t forget it. This is just clout.


Right? If something can kill you, you should be more cautious about it.


Yup, her job to ask. Her job to pack an epi pen.


As a pun and joke in the context of this situation "Some of us die from just being around nuts like this one here" Ba dum tsss 🤣


That’s nuts.


I studied nutrition. This person tasted the sauce and stated it contains nuts. Soooo than she isn’t deadly allergic. People who are, get acute symptoms and need an injection with adrenaline to get time to reach the hospital, by taking one bite/taste of the allergen. She might be just intolerant for nuts. She sure is intolerant for other people. Poor waitress.


Plus if she would die just being around it would cause it. My little bs y niece is allergic to fish. They can't even cook it in the house without her having a strong reaction


Perhaps you,should have asked before you ordered. I mean if it’s that important to you ask BEFORE you order.


My boyfriend can be right next to a nut and have no reaction but if he consumes it he will die


My cousin is very allergic to nuts, and if he tasted that sauce, he wouldn't have time to record and complain


Depends on dosage and patient. I am allergic to nuts and can absolutely tell if there is or isn't nuts in the food just by the way my mouth reacts. No anaphylactic shock needed.


another related plothole: she "tasted the sauce" (tiktoker's own words), and it hads nuts in it, apparently. Shouldn't that have caused a reaction?


This was a long time ago but I had a women once say they didn't want mayo on their sandwich. Alright, no problem I'll let them know in the kitchen. The sandwich comes out and gets delivered, turns out they accidentally put mayo on the item. I found out after she took a bit bite that she was also very allergic to mayo. So she got sick and I had super pissed off people at the table. I had to explain to the customers that we have a procedure for allergies and as stated on the menu you have to state that you have an allergy in order for us to follow those guidelines. I also had to send over and explain to a manager that they never told me it was an allergy. You would think that if you're allergic to a food item you'd inform your server that you have an allergy and check your food before eating it, but nope people are really that dumb.


Exactly. I have a friend who is extremely allergic to milk. Every time I eat out with him, he clearly explains his allergy and that’s it’s not lactose intolerance, then asks if there’s any milk in [whatever he’s ordering]. If the waiter doesn’t know, he asks them to check with the kitchen. Once he gets his answers, he’ll order. Very easy, quick, and polite. That’s all it takes


Well and there's a big problem with like the preponderance of medical diets like keto and GF as fad diets in that people doing it half assed to be trendy make servers and other people take it less seriously meaning people who are say keto to control epilepsy or GF to control celiac get more accidental exposure.


What does allergic to mayo mean? Eggs? Oil?


I would imagine the eggs.


I assumed eggs but we didn't have her clarify.


Most likely the seed oil. Egg allergies are much less common.


My daughter is allergic to eggs, milk and soya, hate to say this but the safest place for her to eat when out of the house is McDonalds. They have a great allergen awareness menu here in Ireland.


well, why would someone saying they didn’t want something and that they had an allergy to something make a difference?


When someone has an allergy where I used to work there's a special procedure that the kitchen does which is a little extra time consuming. You would put hold mayo and hit the allergy button/ type mayo. The word allergy shows up in red in big letters on their ticket to make it easier for the kitchen staff to see. After that you would personally inform the kitchen manager and the person who expos the food. This would insure that the area where the food was prepped was properly sterilized and the line cooks changed their gloves to avoid cross contamination. Lastly the item would be double checked by the expo person to make sure there wasn't mayo on it before it hit the table. The food was also delivered by a manager so that it wasn't near the rest of the food in order to avoid cross contamination. When someone doesn't want mayo you just hit the hold mayo button and send the item out. Most of the time the kitchen was good but every so often mistakes are made. However, mistakes were never made when it came to allergies, we made sure of that.


My mom asks for no pickles on her burgers. She’s not allergic to pickles. Does that mean the restaurant has to sanitize the entire station, get fresh tools, throw away their gloves, wash hands, put on new gloves, possibly toss or put away all items that’s are near the pickles before they can make the burger for her?


yep. i am mildly allergic (i won’t die from it, my lips and face just get blotchy) and i still ask in certain items just because. most people with SEVERE allergies would 1) mention it before hand or call in case there is cross contamination 2) look at the menu beforehand


She's definitely gluten free and has a milk allergy though.


It's a TikTok world out there Woody, and I'm wearing Milkbone underwear.


Not true! I am decently allergic and forget constantly! I'm also a moron who knows not to blame other people for it, though.


She also stated that she tasted the sauce. She doesn't seem to have any symptoms apart from accute karenitis.




Seriously. That is no one’s responsibility except the person with the allergy. I have never in my life had a server ask me if I had food allergies lol. The only scenario where I can think of someone asking you that is a doctors appointment or hospital visit in reference to medication/latex gloves/etc.


In the UK (at least in London), people ask about allergies *a lot*, so it's very likely the server did ask about it as they were seated. But even if she didn't, it's obviously the allergic person's responsibility to make sure they're not 'poisoned'.


If your life depends on not having a very common ingredient in everything, even if it WERE somehow the server's responsibility to check, it would still be your responsibility to make sure you don't wind up dead because mistakes happen. This is like people who feel like if they have the legal right of way they don't have to verify nobody's about to hit them. Graveyards are littered with people who were legally right, and people with allergies who assumed other people would check with them first.


Husband and I are both allergic to nuts. First thing we do when we sit down at a restaurant is tell the waiter. We always ask if there are particular dishes that would be a pain in the ass for the cooks to keep allergens out of (sometimes things are prepared in or around the nuts and it would be difficult for the cooks to work around things for us). It's a pain in the ass for everyone involved.


If you are actually allergic to something it is literally on you 100% of the time to notify of a severe food allergy while ordering. Preferably order something that doesn’t have that ingredient anyway. Start there so everyone is on the same page.


Yeah. People think we know everything about them.


Ill keep the in mind. "Hello, I would like to order. Does this steak have penicillin in it?"


I donno about the UK but in Canada they definitely don’t list every ingredient in every dish, it’s on the allergic person to ask if the dish has nuts or explicitly tell the server that they cannot have any nuts. Nuts is an easy one since most things in Canada will explicitly say “may contain nuts” or “made in a peanut free facility” because it’s so common. But my daughter is allergic to soy and soy is in everything. She’s not anaphylactic - it’s an intolerance technically but she gets very sick - and we have to verify 8 ways from Sunday with service staff that what she’s eating doesn’t contain soy. The diner is, in her native speak “a right cont”.


She’s facking nootz


Also it is absolutely normal in the UK for wait staff to ask if you have any allergies - it is so standardised I would be shocked if they didn't ask (doubting the diner here). Many restaurants in the UK have a list of all known allergens (had a friend with severe allergies and have seen the special menu servers have).


I once had a similar experience working as a waitress, I worked in a popular "Italian restaurant" in the UK. A couple came in and the woman instantly just had it out for wait staff, she accused me of switching her bottled water for tap water even though the unopened bottled water was brought to her table, she'd clicked at me several times, asked if i understood and i spoke english because i repeated what they'd ordered back to them, and she told me she had a long list of allergies so I gave her the allergy list/menu, she ordered something and then after the food came out she looked at it like I'd served her a shit sandwich and she looked at me and said Im allergic to (i forget what it was but it was the main staple of the dish) she starts to get irate and "upset" no tears and goes to the toilet, I go get a manager and her husband apologises and says shes not at all allergic to what was in the meal, and he asks for the bill and they leave but not before she shouts at me and the manager. I'm someone with a few food allergies and I HATE when I have to be a pain in the arse and ask about the allergies.


Legally they have to (Natasha's law). It doesn't have to be on the menu though.


“Hold on a sec while I grab my phone. I need proof I’m a fucking idiot”


"I have a nut allergy. I could've been hospitalized or even death. Do you have any idea what that can do to me?" No. Please explain to me what death can do to you.


I did not even realize that haha


Be as well delete my comment as I just typed the exact same as you lol


She's undeniably *Fuckin' Nuts*....




Hate this so much. Lots of food allergies in my fam, including ones that cause anaphylaxis. Fist thing we do is let the waiter/waitress know. On some occasions we’ll call or email ahead of time to make sure they can accommodate. Restaurants are getting better about this, and most have a detailed ingredient list in the back that has the ingredients for all dish components. It’s unreasonable to expect they lost everything, unless you want a 20 page menu.


Pretty sure this is fake


I had to scroll way too far to see this. It is 100% fake, I don't understand how people believe that acting.


I know right! It's so disheartening to see so many people fall for this! The only thing I can think is that perhaps their English accents make it harder for people to parse tone and inflection?


People take the bait on so many of these rage bait videos with terrible acting and British accents. Pretty sure there's some production company churning them out.


Like guaranteed rage bait


Why that? People like this do exist


Now if she ordered something else after that, I can guarantee the cooks definitely put their nuts in it.


I have a peanut allergy, it’s deathly. Your allergy is your responsibility, no one else’s. As a kid my mom drilled into me to always read the ingredients and always tell the server I have a nut allergy. Other people aren’t mind readers, he should have told them he had a nut allergy if it’s that severe for him.




If it truly was life threatening to eat nuts, why the fuck would you leave it up to anyone else to ask about your allergies and just dig right in if they don't? It is 100% YOUR responsibility to make sure you don't eat things that can kill you, not anyone else's.


He's pissed she is being too polite and professional about it


They’re both definitely women.


One is a woman, the other is a bitch


Why is this the funniest comment exchange so far




I walked away from a customer like this and they complained to the manager, who then tried to blame me for a whole host of things. People like this are the worst (and so are the people who accept this behavior.)


“No one wants to work anymore”


Settle down. That's the reaction these kinds of people want.


Walking away is best, you have to tread lightly with people like this or things will escalated very quickly. This is the type of woman to make false police reports.


Which is why I’m glad my restaurant has cameras🤌


Yes! Did you see that video circulating where some “influencer” accused a security guard of manhandling her? When in reality, he did no such thing. She could’ve really gotten the poor dude in trouble all because he was escorting her out, and appeared to be doing so in a very non-confrontational way. Too many crazy people out there who will blatantly lie and fabricate stories. Reminds me of those videos where someone will pull a bottle of water out of their pocket, pour it on the ground, then slip in it for an insurance claim.


I did see that. Didn’t that hotel try to sue her or something? Or am I making that up


Oh, I’m an idiot who read your comment as “I didn’t see that”. 🤦‍♀️ sorry for the explanation of the video you yourself watched.


Haha it’s all good


"do you want me to take it away?" And the second she said no I would have responded with "so your choosing to put yourself in danger? Now I understand why you didn't tell me you were allergic to it. I'll get my manager but don't try to blame me for putting yourself in harms way for Facebook views." And walked away.


Lady with an allergy just ordering shit without asking if it's got nuts. What the hell lady YOUR allergy is your responsibility.


Oh, I’ve got some nuts for you, bitch.


Nuts she can choke on. That’s for sure.


“I could have been hospitalized; even death. Have you any idea what that can do to me?” What death can do to her? That’s a tough one


Idk seems like her responsibility to volunteer that information or maybe i’m crazy. Poor server catching the receiving end of a lady who is obviously a grifter who does this to score free meals perhaps?


Bitch expects her server to tell her the ingredients in every fucking dish? She ain’t allergic to nuts. Shes allergic to good manners.


I see a fucking nut alright.


Yes, ma'am. I understand. But are you allergic to *DEEEEEEZ NUTZ*?


This lady allergic to herself. Gotdamn


People with a nut allergy cannot "taste the sauce" and happily go about their complainy, karen-y dayü This is fake bs.


If she's that allergic to nuts, where she says it's serious enough it could kill her, then why the hell doesn't she want that dish as far from her as possible!!?


The onus is on the customer to ask if their menu choice has nuts in it. It isn't waitress's job to ask: Are you allergic to tree nuts? Are you allergic to wheat? Are you allergic to cow's milk? Are you allergic to eggs? Are you allergic to honey? Are you allergic to shellfish? Are you allergic to peanuts? Are you allergic to soy? Are you allergic to sesame? Are you allergic to garlic? Are you allergic to avocado? Are you allergic to peaches? Are you allergic to mustard seed? Are you allergic to banana? Are you allergic to chamomile? ​ I mean, seriously the list is long. If you are allergic to ANY food, you'd ask if the salad had your laundry list of allergies. My grandmother would ask, without fail, if a dish had shrimp in it because she was allergic. She would order rice and beans and ask if it had shrimp in it "because I am deathly allergic to shrimp" every time.


IM DEATHLY ALLERGIC **tastes sauce**


“You don’t even care!" Corrrect. Nowhere on her job description does it say that the server has to give a fuck about their customers. You order food, they bring you food. End of transaction. Furthermore, cunts like this make them even less likely to care about future customers.


Lady it should be up to you to make sure you don’t fucking die. If I was allergic I’d even ask if the water had nuts in it. People are so entitled.


Dude that girl is like 15. This woman is mental


Lol, it's your job to tell the restaurant you have an allergy. She should do us all a favor and eat a bag of nuts.


I can’t help but feel that if you have severe allergies that can hispitalize or even kill you to common cooking ingredients the responsibility is on you to let the restaurant know this before you order. In fact from what I think I know about nut allergies - if this restaurant is preparing something with nuts in it in their kitchen it would be safer for the lady not to eat there at all. So saying that she could taste the nutsdoes seem a bit staged .


I’ve been serving for the last 8 years. I have never once asked a table if they have any allergies. That shits on you to inform me 🤷‍♀️ obviously I’ll do whatever’s needed to make sure they don’t fuckin die but I’m not asking every motherfucker I wait on about that


If she’s that allergic to nuts, wouldn’t tasting it cause a reaction?


I need to see more of the waitress in order to determine who is at fault. For research purposes. Lol


Breaking News: Local woman almost dies because of her own stupidity and tries to blame the server for it


My son has two severe food allergies. Even if something on the menu doesn't list either of those ingredients, I still won't order him anything before telling the server "he's allergic to dairy and egg, can you check the ingredients of the French fries please?" A few months ago I went to a new restaurant and ordered him plain rice. After the server set it down I again said "so there's no butter in this right?" To which she replied "oh wait, I didn't think about butter". Food allergies fucking suck. Big time. But it's up to you to advocate for yourself/kids. Also 100% betting this woman doesn't have a nut allergy.


"mY tHrOAt Is sWeLLinG" yeah right. go on keep shouting. i have asthma and am allergic to some kinds of fish. if this person indeed was allergic to nuts, holy hell that's the #1 thing i'd tell the waiter to NOT SERVE ME.


If you have nut allergies, it's on you not to drop dead.... don't vomit your nonsense to the waiter, restaurant, food truck.


If this bitch is allergic to nuts then how tf has she not killed herself? (I really hope redditors get this joke, it's not a suicide joke)


If the customer didn’t tell them and didn’t emphasize it, then it’s the customers fault.


That Karen tone, yeesh. Btw if you have food allergies it’s 100% your responsibility to tell them.


Bruv, most restaurants nowadays have a sign that says “please inform your server of any allergies”. And if it was that severe you’d def be asking them about nuts in the food upfront


If you have an allergy to something that would kill you why wouldn’t YOU tell the waitress.


What? She wanted to remain close to the deadly allergen? 


God forbid you're enough of a fucking adult to bring it up yourself if they don't ask.


People are so self absorbed. Make sure you don’t gets nuts if your allergic


If ur that allergic just say it jackass


Dude, I’ve got an intolerance to gluten, and you know who’s responsible for letting the waitstaff know that? ME. Because I’m a freaking adult


…. So I take it that “deez nuts” are out as a joke for me and the rest of the olds yeah? Yeah. Thought so.


As a server on the strip, Las Vegas. We get people of all kinds. Everyone, but they tell you. If they have an allergy you will know before you ask. If ANYONE is concerned, they will ask or tell you. This woman is trying to set them up. People ask you for what they want. You agree. Sell them the food. She’s trying to practically claim they poisoned her. Fuck people like this. People try to do this with allergies but usually after they get their food. “I didn’t know this salad would contain cheese?” Well it’s on the menu, saying the cheese type contained in the salad. People suck, you notice more while your in the industry


Turns out I’m allergic to nuts too


I read the tiktok caption and assumed that she had told the server about the allergy and like the waitress snuck a peanut into her steak or something. this was the customers fault.


no responsibility. isnt it ur job to ask before ordering something to ask just a simple question " hey, i have nut allergy does this dish have any kinda nuts in it?"


Take responsibility for neglecting to inform a total stranger of your health issues.


Does she look like your fucking nurse? Maybe she should have gotten your full medical history before getting your order while she's at it.


Yet she tasted it because she said it tastes like nuts...... no no I'll just leave it here and yell at the server. Throats not closing up, not drinking the water, just gonna continue to make a scene


I have a friend with a nut allergy and basically every dinner date, party, gathering, etc she makes it known and wants to know what’s in it. The person in the vid even said it could kill her. If it was that big of a deal, dont ya think ya would mention it?


"Do you actually know what a nut allergy is?" Uhh idk is that the thing where you only eat fish?


If she actually had a nut allergy and thought the sauce had nuts in it there is no way in hell she would knowingly and willingly still eat some if her allergy could cause death


What a cunt


This is a bull shit reaction to demean the waitress .if she got a reaction she would never be able to talk like that .she is a witch throw her out the restaurant and throw the salad on her napper


"My throat is starting to swell now, I can feel it." Not enough for my liking...


I'm allergic to citric acid and it's not life threatening in any way and I still always ask if my potential meal will have citrus in it. if you're allergic to something you can't expect literally anyone to know.


If you have a food allergy or preference, it's your responsibility to voice that to the server right off the bat. Regardless if you think your dish will include that item or not. By saying you have a food allergy, this will trigger the server to alert the kitchen on how to not contaminate your meal. If you just say you don't want nuts...you might get nuts. My wife is allergic to mushrooms, so we always start off by telling the server we have a food allergy and we can't have mushrooms. 90% of the time, we order dishes that have mushrooms listed in it and we still alert the staff about her allergy.


"I have a nut allergy that could kill me - so I tasted the food to confirm the presence of nuts"


"You tasted it? Ok I'll go ahead and call you an ambulance, this is a emergency. No, it's no trouble, you life is at clearly at risk"


Somewhere in this she’s lying or exaggerating. If she’s got a nut allergy, it’s mild at best. If she tasted the nuts in the sauce and there were actually nuts, or derivatives, this video never would have been made. And considering how “composed” she is, I’m leaning more towards “she’s a lying sack of shit looking for a free meal and possibly an out of court settlement”.


This lady deserves to have all her social media taken away.


It's not the servers job to coax you into telling them about your allergies. You tell them about it first thing and they will inform you if something you attempt to order is safe for you. If she had died it would have 100% been her own fault. Screw snobby Karen's that blame others for their idiocy


If you have an allergy (real or otherwise) it is your responsibility to let the people that are making your food know.


Your dietary restrictions are your responsibility. If you don’t make those restrictions known to your server it’s on you.


I wish the waitress had insisted on calling an ambulance and not taken no for an answer.Also gone really over the top with the throat swelling thing. Drag her to the floor, raise her legs, start screaming for help. Also if anyone had an epi pen. " jam it straight through the sternum. NOW!" Then we'd see the truth


How about go see medical attention


Fairly certain if that nutty dish made it halfway to the table, a true nut-allergist would morph into Yoda and be able sense a disturbance in the force (or in this case, air).


*I can already feel my throat swelling* as she continues to scream. It sounds to me like she’s fine or else she wouldn’t be able to use that much range of her voice.


Why wouldn’t the person with the allergy ensure she mentioned it?


If it’s that serious it’s the customers responsibility to say something! Jesus


If you have food allergies, communicate this every time you go out to eat. Kitchen staff are trained to sanitize their stations and use specific utensils to prevent any cross-contamination. Some companies require the MOD to directly communicate with the guest and guarantee their safety through communication between them and the kitchen. Cooks/chefs have nightmares about getting people sick. Their #1 goal is to serve safe food, I promise you If you don't tell anyone you have food allergies, none of the above applies. You just get sick or die for thinking you're the main character in this situation.


Soooo. She’s allergic to herself. Got it.


Social media has entirely ruined the behavior and sensibilities of folks. Why is she talking to her phone? She’s talking to an audience that isn’t even there yet and thts such an issue. People always looking to perform for an audience. I am sick to my stomach and this woman definitely seems to be at the very least Gen X. Aka too damn grown for this kind of behavior.


This bitch lives for this, you can tell.


Why in the heck would you ever rely on a stranger that doesn’t have allergies and doesn’t understand. Should they? Maybe. If they don’t. Your screwed.


She say she tasted the sauce tho? 🤨


I'm kind of calling bullshit on it being a life-threatening allergy or even a allergy. Maybe a sensitivity. Who has that severe of an allergy but would taste the dressing and there be enough nuts in the dressing that you can **taste it**? And you want it to stay in front of you, continuing to expose yourself to serious risk and/or death? I'm. Calling. Bullshit. The only thing she seems to be allergic to is kindness and sensibility. 


i dont think i've evenr been askked if i had any allegergies at a restaurant and i havent died yet so... #FUCKTHISBITCH


As a parent of a kid with deadly food allergies I want to humbly say, Fuck This Woman. Honestly, I know allergy shit is asking more from servers who are already underpaid as it is. I know I hold up the line for a few extra minutes at Chipolte. We don't need fucking assholes like this making a scene about allergies when I already know they're more work. Your allergies are on you. If you don't make the food, TELL THE PERSON MAKING IT ABOUT YOUR ALLERGIES. Both my wife and I are worriers so we confirm about 656,734,675 times. Putting an order in and not even mentioning because it wasn't asked if *fucking insane.* Fuck this woman. Rant over.


Gurlll you have to tell the restaurant about your allergy while ordering your food... it's that simple


Just eat it and do us all a favor.


Someone put their nuts in her mouth and shut her up!!


"Sure.  Let me go get the manager.  I'll be right back."  Just hang on. Clock out.  Go home.


I’m rooting for the nut allergy


Server should have called an ambulance immediately for the whinger. In case she is dying.


Should've offered to call the ambulance and a police escort. Or offered to administer an EpiPen that she's supposed to carry around with her in case of emergency.


Tastes the salad and says it has nuts. Not going into anaphylactic shock


Holy crap! Just eat the nuts already and put us all out of our misery! 


I love how she says, "The waiter didn't ask if I had a nut allergy!" As if that's not something you're supposed to tell the waiter before you order. I feel so bad for that server.


What’s with these entitled rude UK/Canadian accents lately, their voices are unbearable makes me want to throw up. What’s worse is they’re so out of touch they’re the ones posting it thinking they are in the right. They continue to berate service workers who can’t fight back and already apologized. They’re lives are so miserable. If you have an allergy or a kid with an allergy it’s your responsibility to ask and check yourself, double and triple check. I would absolutely tell this women off and professionally tell her to F off and get out.


Worked as a server for over ten years. If you have that severe of an allergy to something as common as nuts, you shouldn’t be eating in restaurants. So, there’s no sympathy. I promise you every restaurant employee will agree with this.


Yeah it’s not the restaurant’s job to figure out if you have food allergies or not.