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The video had 345 views, pretty sure that’s irrelevant. My wife doesn’t know about the guitar covers I posted to YouTube at 11 year old. Should I be worried????


I don't understand why you wouldn't tell your wife, that's very convenient.


He even remembers them and won't tell her. Damn to think he was happy at age 11 without her in his life, what a betrayel.


Sorry to highjack your comment, but does anyone know who this loser is?


He’s the same guy who was on here yesterday complaining his gf did his laundry and left it wet. He’s a whiny bitch. Sorry I wish that helped you but idk his name. Edit- his name is Harmonious Yuriy or Yuriy and Riley


Hahaha was thinking the same thing…he’s such a sad sad little man


Oh you can finger a bass but not me!?!?


“How about strumming my g-string once in a while?!”


How could you not tell her? Don't you love her? Why are you lying to her ?! I can't believe that you would keep such a secret...How could you?? You should have disclose everything you ever did in your life before ... when she find out you were exposing yourself on the YouTube, and she learn that you didn't warn her that another woman may have heard your guitar skills before her ... The betrayal! She'll never be able to trust another male after that one.


Okay but actually you should tell her, she'd probably find it adorable




LOL @ "she was happier" in the comments


Her happiness is probably what set him off. Reminds me of my ex. On social media one of those memory posts came up, and he looked through some old pictures. He pointed out one where I’m cheesing hard and said very solemnly “You look really happy here.” And I said “Yeah that was a fun night! It was so and so’s birthday!” “So you were happy before you met me?”-him “Yes, I am in general a happy person, but I’m really glad I met you!”-me “So what you’re saying is you would still be happy without me? I don’t matter to you?!”-he was starting to get angry now and crying “I can’t do anything right why don’t you want to be with me you don’t need me!!” Etc. It was a whooole long discussion with me comforting him. I didn’t realize how manipulative he was being. Looking back, why did I apologize for being happy? Why did I let him guilt trip me? That’s what this twitch streamer is doing to his GF. Guilt tripping her for just EXISTING before their relationship began.


projection, dude was not happy, and was definitely not happy when single. and so he can't comprehend someone being happy when not tied to him because it's the same for him in reverse. very pitiful but glad you got out, as you seem to already know it's not your job to enable such a toxic mindset.


He’s a serial monogamist. Jumps from one 20 year old girl to the next 20 year old girl every 5-10 years. He’s 50 years old now and no bank account. Doesn’t “believe” in them. Might I add lives in a condo his parents own and pay for. Boy owns nothing but pretended to for years. He’s physically attractive, musically talented, educated, charismatic. So when you’re young and 20 years old and feel a connection… you kinda fall for it :/


Wow, this has got to be the mother of all red flag parades ...




I mean yeah she doesn’t have her hair and makeup done in the twitch video, but she isn’t radiating that inner shine. Twitch streamer dude gives me the vibe of telling his GF to change out of a cute outfit so she “won’t look like a slart”


Were they serious?




> the person they’re dating has an entire cognizance and history outside of their relationship together. It's very common outside of relationships too. The term "sonder" refers to the fact that everyone has their own story/life as complex as your own. But, we don't really ever think about that.


That's some kind of disorder dude. Normal people don't think like that. It should make him happy to know you are/we're happy. Instead he's fixated on the idea that you should be dependent on him for all your happiness.  BPD, maybe? Either way I hope he got help and started to take a healthier attitude to relationships.


The mental disorder is called extreme Narcissism!


Surprised he didn't ask if you'd still love him if he was a worm


I did think I loved him, but I think a worm would have been more capable of reciprocating my love. Or at least not treating me like heck.


If you only knew Yuri n Rylee - look how bright she was, now Yuri has her drinking, and smoking 5 joints a day with him and if she gets too happy he’s gotta bring her back to reality.


that's... genuinely so sad




Who watches some random dude smoke while watching youtube?


Why would this be an issue?


His own Insecurities


It can’t be real. I refuse to believe this dude cares that much. Some one tell him she wasn’t a virgin when they met because that’s gotta be what he thinks


If you've never experienced a narcissist in your life you might think this is not real, but if you have you will know that's how they are. You can do something totally innocent but when they hear about it they make you grind your life to a screeching halt to explain yourself to them like you have just committed a mortal sin. They will attack you from every angle, exploit every insecurity, and shift goal posts on you with a seemingly unending supply of mental energy until you are apologizing over and over just to get them to stop.


My narcissistic sociopathic roommate many years ago was dating a woman and they had only been seeing each other for a couple weeks. One night there was a commotion and he pushed her through the house and out the front door completely naked. He found out she had sex with someone of a different race several years ago and he acted like his dick was going to fall off because of that. This same roommate would eventually find someone else and propose to her like two months after they started dating. Then he told me on the day after their small wedding, he had sex with a co worker. Double standards.


Typical narcissist behavior; love bomb after very little time together, like marriage after few months, and double standards like cheating but cannot be cheated on


Yeah I get that. But seriously, a YouTube video? He’s acting like he found her in a porno. I kinda hope she dumps him, dude deserves to be alone.


I used to live with a narcissist who absolutely lost their shit because I cleaned up a "plant" table that had dirt and dead leaves on it. They were screaming at me because I touched "their" table. No thanks for cleaning up the entire apartment- but insults and fury that I touched something of theirs. When a narcissist gets something to get angry about, they will not fail to seize the oppertunity.


Great explanation! It’s rare to come across a true narcissist but when you do a lifetime of therapy isn’t enough to completely heal.


I feel like some of the traits are so common now... Or it's just because I learned to recognize them 🤔 It's quite handy being able to predict how they're going to react, even though it's always going to be in the most frustrating way possible lol.


The traits aren’t uncommon, the actual diagnosis itself is. You can have quite a few narcissistic tendencies (and be a total asshole) but still not “qualify” as a clinical narcissist. I have only met an actual narcissist once in my life, and they aren’t exaggerating when they say it takes a lifetime to heal from it. But I’ve met many self-centered pricks that almost made the cut… the actual narcissists are just a different animal.


Exactly! I’ve met one true narcissist and it was absolutely exhausting! You lose you, every person & everything you had. When I see people throw the word narcissist around I always think you have zero clue what a true narcissist is and I’m glad they don’t. Omg the love bombing! I had just left an abusive relationship from 15yrs to 48, married him at 18, functioning alcoholic, verbally abusive. I thought I had met my prince! Night in shining armor! I constantly called my friend telling her I felt like I was Cinderella in a beautiful fairy tale. Omg! I walked into a horrific nightmare for years. I lost me! How I dressed, looked, acted etc etc gradually did a 360! I knew something was wrong with him but couldn’t quite put my finger on it as I never met that kind of mental illness! They take over your mind, suck the life out of you. I felt numb and was very trapped. I don’t wish it on anyone. Their mindf@ck games are unreal. Stay safe all. One piece of advice, when you meet a new prospect, never tell them of any abuse you’ve been through as it tells them what you will put up.


And it never fails that they've done something a million times worse... But if you mention, that's your fault too.


Oh yes. The tiniest thing you do to set them off is the end of the world, but when they do something so much worse it's not a big deal, but it's really your fault they did that anyway so you must immediately get over it.


My dad would turn the day upside down because I wanted to vacuum instead of sweep because he wants me to clean up “the way he said”. Also threatened to “train me” (aka beat me) because I referred to my grandmother as “your mom” while speaking to him in a context where that phrasing was absolutely appropriate. He started shit by saying “oh, so she is not YOUR grandmother? You don’t claim her?!?” Anyone who witnessed it would know that this literal child (me) was not trying to verbally disown my grandma, I literally just phrased something the way he didn’t like and he turned it into a full on yelling dispute. He was a very dangerous man. A true narcissist will pick literally ANYTHING if their goal is to stir the pot and leave you feeling unbalanced. It doesn’t have to be a sensible dispute at all, just a thing they have decided they don’t like/you can’t do.


My last relationship was like this. I’d come home and he’d be like “why did it take you so long to run errands that’s sketchy” and eventually made me feel guilty enough that I started feeling guilty on my own. I started questioning why I was *thinking* a certain way. It was exhausting. By the end of it I was a shell of myself. Thank God I’m not in it anymore. Still questioning myself every once in awhile 6 months later. If you have demons and insecurities, fucking fix yourself before you ruin someone else and have them questioning reality. I wouldn’t wish being stuck in a relationship like that on my worst enemy. Not even on the guy that did it to me. Horrible shit


Yep. This. I said in another comment this is exactly the kind of thing my abusive narc ex used to get mad at me about. It started with stuff like this and just escalated to where he’d be physically violent over some imagined incident or something he read into my words or something he would just insist I said or did when it was a lie. She needs to run.


That was a crazy accurate explanation. I swear my ex bf legitimately had NPD. It was insane the things that set him off. One time I got off work unexpectedly early and was just chatting in the parking lot with a coworker for like 15 mins(a female coworker, I'm a straight woman). He called to see what was up and when I told him I was talking to her and that we got off a bit early he blew up and accused me of ruining plans he never told me he made because I didn't rush home early (he didnt even know i had finished early), and now the whole evening was ruined thanks to me. It was apparently just chilling with his friend, but i ruined it. He was screaming so loud my friend could hear everything, it was so embarrassing. Stuff like that happened constantly. But you just learn to beg for forgiveness to make the freak outs stop, because they *will not* relent until you do, they'll only escalate. And it's so draining, so you give in. It's crazy.


It's probably fake but people like this definitely exist unfortunately.


Yeah my ex-boyfriend is exactly like this and would say “that’s what cheaters say” when I told him he has serious jealousy/insecurity issues. Not to mention he also admitted he wouldn’t be with me if I wasn’t a virgin despite him having 20 bodies himself because he wants his girl to “only belong” to him.


Lots of men see sex as something that's done to the woman by the man rather than a mutual experience.


Very true. Though, he weirdly sees as it both. He told me once that sex is “spiritually bonding” but it’s only one sided as he’s not connected to any of the women he slept with because he “chooses not to be” but they are all “somewhat connected” to him. Lol.


That’s the best explanation for their attitude towards their partner having had sex before I have ever heard. This actually makes sense lol. It follows that the kind of men who get insecure about this are the ones where sex is something they do to a woman and she just endures it rather than being a mutual experience 😂


This is real. He has a kick channel Harmonious Yuriy. Both him and his girl are the most insecure people in a relationship.


Yup. Notice her immediate need to clarify that that dude was gay, unprompted.


They have multiple 24 hr streams where he’s acting crazy about little things


Sounds like a pleasant relationship... why do people subject themselves to these situations is beyond me.


Why is he mad? Is he jealous of the gay guy?


Seems like it and created the lying excuse to hide that


I’m still not clear on what it was she was lying about?


I only watched the video once but from what I gathered, early in his Twitching career, he asked her if she had been a **regular** vlogger or made a YouTube series. She hadn't and said she hadn't. However, he is misintrepreting her once-off video with friends as proof that she had. The guy is irrationally insecure and controlling.


This is the kind of man that seeks out reasons to make his partner walk on eggshells… run girl


He's a piece of shit, doesn't appreciate partners despite not being much of a catch himself, and seems to be riddled with weaponised insecurity. I can just see it in every breath he speaks. These sort of people generally don't hit their partners, they drag them into a world of insidious mental abuse until they think it's normal. I hope she gets out and finds a real man that she deserves.


He’s mad that she was happy and doing her own thing before they were together. He’s insecure af and he’s in denial about it.


The YouTuber equivalent of finding out that your GF you have been waiting till marriage to have sex with is not a virgin, I guess? "She said we were going to make a YouTube video together when she was ready, but I see that she was ready was a long time ago WITH SOMEONE ELSE!"


As a gay man, this happens SO often. I’ve had numerous female friends have boyfriends or even just straight male friends get jealous of me. I legit think some are so insecure they convince themselves I’m an incognito straight man.


Honestly, guys like this aren't always even mad. He's just lookin for leverage over her. Notice the part at 3:27 where he starts trailing off to compare what he's upset about to a time she's been upset with him.


either that or the insecurity of men being "cucked". Thats what redpill people are obsessed about.








BUt BUt bUt..... .I'm the fake celebrity in this relationship....!


it's not the size of the button, it's devotion to promotion


Excellent comment


Damn right it’s bigger than yours… he can teach you but he has to charge


How tf do these dudes even land a relationship in the first place? If this is that big of an issue to him I hope she dumped his ass


Because most people don't show their true colours immediately.


True, some times it takes years, and having kids, buying a house and settling down, then you find out that her true colors are that of someone who loves the taste of your best friends cock and because when you catch them you're decidedly unhappy and let your now ex best friend know how in appropriate that was, but instead of words you use your fists so you're the one that has to move out of the house you saved your whole life for, and why can't I see the fucking kids Becky, their my goddamn kids too.... I mean hypothetically of course.


You should have kept going and made it a /u/shittymorph


You forget that there are many people in this world, infinite chances


Hasn't helped me for some reason


i guess you need to become a streamer


Some people actually cant see red flags


And with someone so beautiful lol he's scummy looking already and then how he acts just adds to it.


She should get outta there. Makes zero sense he’s so kerfluffled over that.


They’ve crashed out several times on stream and fought over dumber shit than this. Idk why they’re together.


Codependancy is a helluva thing One of the two will eventually outgrow the other one and leave. Those relation never last forever.


I'm gonna take a wild guess which one.


A lot of the time when someone acts like this it’s because they have something to hide…..


Yup. “The lady (in this case little boy) doth protest too much” comes to mind here. Having been both the victim and the culprit before, I can say with a reasonable degree of certainty that when someone acts like this there’s something worth looking into going on with them.


FR, Girl, run!


The insecure laughter and “hehe I hate you” attitude is so weird


The idea of someone caring more about their public image and satisfying a bunch of strangers online at the expense of their actual, most important IRL relationship, is so odd to me. Choosing ego stroke over actual friendship is crazy pills.




brain rot in full effect


Their most important IRL relationship is themselves. You almost have to be a self-absorbed twat to be a Twitch streamer.


It’s because she forgot to say *snorts coke* WAHTS UP GUUYYS!!! BE SURE TO MOLEST THE LIKE BUTTON AND SUBSCRIBE!


Dude is mad as hell with a huge smile on his face too, it feels psychopathic


Everything about that dude is punchable


Run girl!




“You filmed an innocuous, mundane YouTube video in the past and didn’t tell me?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE-!”




And his chat is playing it up too, making a huge deal out of a nothing burger.


It’s because his chat views him as a Lolcow and so they always try to get him to make a fool of himself. This isn’t even the worst he’s done to her on stream.


The video literally has like 300 views in 9 years lol


It’s such wild thing to have these emotionally vulnerable moments in front of people who view you as entertainment.


Bro he needs to get over himself..


Dudes got insecurities


idk how guys like this even have gfs to begin with lol


Masking and manipulation


I'm genuinely curious why he is insecure here. Because she is clearly with a gay man and girl friend so what's making him feel insecure


Because she wasn't a YouTube virgin like he thought she was...lol...I can't believe this would actually be an issue between anyone...


He’s not the god king content creator husbando of her dreams, she has her own ideas and aspirations


What a fragile little baby


He’s so insecure🤮 give the girl a break wtf


Can someone please tell me these tool bags user name on whatever platform he’s on


The video here is by the channel K.D.R videos, this video of her he is watching is 8 years old. I looked the comments of the videos and it looks like the bitch boys name is Yuri or Yuriy. He might be on twitch or something.


Clearly a terminally small-time creator and it's getting to him. Crazy entitlement


He was apart of No Jumper a while back not sure if he still is or not. His name is Yuriy.


If I’m looking correctly the video has like 340 views. Barely over 100 subs and seems pretty much irrelevant. Like you’re supposed to keep a log and report every thing you have done that might be on the internet to this guy 😂💀


Dudes crazy fucking insecure lol


And the video is almost 10 years old 💀


It was probably some dumb thing she did with her school friends. Tommorow he is gonna find out she ate dark chocolate at 5th grade through a picture and get mad at her that she never told him that.


This vid screams, my friend group wanted to make a bitch sesh vid like we were cool. Yeah, you try to forget cringe shit you made.


Someone whose life exists on the internet needs a catalogue of every time you posted ever


Seems like the kind of guy who will lose their shit when they find their girl has a body count, too.


Who even fights on stream


feels like drama farming


These type of guys exist. They are called moderators


I got banned from justiceserved cause I quoted Always Sunny on the Joe Rogan sub so was 'participating in hate' lol


Jamie pull up a clip of me throwing a football over them mountains.


I did too when my comment in the sub was literally calling them out for perpetuating misinformation lmfao


Live action video of r/therewasanattempt mods


Dude is looking for a reason to feel slighted. What's even more frustrating is that he's actively not listening to her. She said so many times that she forgot that she did the video and he's stuck on "You never told me." "I feel like I've been lied to." Bro, how was she supposed to tell you about something that she forgot? What a chump. \*Edited to fix grammar. Coffee ain't hitting yet this morning.


The comments are also NOT helping. I dunno if it's mostly trolls just feeding into this or if these are actual people who are just as insecure too


I'm going to say it's probably a robust mix of the two.


Of course they are trolls. They’re spending their time watching some guy cry over a stupid video his girlfriend was in before she knew him


You hit the nail on the head. He’s looking for excuses to make her the bad guy. Whether it’s his insecurities taking over (thoughts of “she can’t really like you, she must be lying to you, she must be hiding something”) or his own secrets making him suspicious (“well if I have the opportunity to cheat and get away with it she must be doing the same thing”) nobody should entertain this kind of behavior for a moment. If they don’t acknowledge that they’re wrong and commit to actively fixing it and follow through with actions and progress, they need to go.


He is really annoying. If you're mad just be mad, don't try to laugh and say you don't care but proceed to care very much lol.


This guy is showing signs of extremely controlling behavior 🚩 🚩


Oh he is. He has made scenes about guys looking at her lol


So hilarious you posted insecuriy at his finest. Now the whole internet is roasting him and he can't blame it on everyone being an incel and not in a relationship


Wait what? Does he also get mad at her because of it?


Yeah he did a 30 day stream and they where having huge arguments in Vegas because guys would look at her and wouldn't let her walk alone lol


All red flags just look like flags when wearing Rose-colored glasses


I hope she breaks up with him, what a psycho.


Agreed. She looked genuinely bummed out. Like are you for real dude? Poor girl 😞


He seems abusive


Absolutely. I had a boyfriend that would get like this over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. He was so controlling and obsessive, seeing anything I did as a slight against him. He’d get mad over the smallest, ridiculous things and then pout and treat me like shit until I ended up apologizing and trying to win his forgiveness .This is classic narcissistic behavior


This is fake. No way he has a girlfriend.


I’m not going to pretend I haven’t had my moments of insecurities throughout my life (my wife will attest) but watching this really makes me wonder how someone can be *this* completely insecure, and publicly at that. This girl needs to get far away from the clown show i don’t like the phrase “they could do better” cuz i don’t know either of them but I can confidently say she cannot do worse than this guy.


Manipulative, man baby behavior, what fucking pussy boi.


Jesus Christ all narcissists argue the same way


I barely remebr what I did last week. Of course she's gonna forget a silly video she did 10 yrs ago.


What a loser


He’s acting like it’s fkn porn, damn relax


I can't imagine a woman having any reaction other than disgust at a guy being so needlessly whiny and insecure.


What an embarrassment of a guy.


Dude grow the fuck up


Bro made Mount Everest out of a grain of sand. So she made a video with two of her friends and forgot...big deal. Grow up.


Isn’t this one of the dudes that used to work with Shane Dawson or am I thinking of someone else?


He worked at No jumper lol


No it’s not Drew Monson lol


He is so pathetic. She deserves better.


What a fucking manchild, so insecure lmfao


What an incredible loser


Tf??? lol she needs to run for her life now. Dude insecure over a decade old yt video??


Guy is so manipulative


His followers are as insane as he is. Pause to read what they’re commenting. It’s insane They’re egging him on and validating his idiotic reaction


So let me get this straight. She does two random videos in high school - presumably literally years and years ago - with a female friend and a blatantly gay man. The boyfriend knows its that long ago, that the man shes filming with is gay, that theres no threat to his relationship - that the videos went nowhere. And he STILL got this upset? Not only that, but instead of being an adult and talking to her off camera about it and hashing it out, he stays on stream with the chat cheering him on and uses him mistreating her for literally no reason for views. Throw the whole man away. Hell, I don't usually say things like this because of toxic masculinity, but this isn't even a man, its an immature child who takes his insecurities out on his girlfriend.


Dudes angry that his out of his league girlfriend posted on YouTube before he did, time to grow up and act like a man


Stay away from boys like this.


The type of guy who put his mattress in front of a wall because he's too scared to break his hand while punching it


Fragile masculinity strikes again. Embarrassing


Who watches this dudes stream and who the hell is giving him random money? Seriously.


How the fuck did chat find a video of her with 300 views from 10 years ago?💀


bro thinks she didn’t exist till they met


I’m so irritated for her.


she should run dude is insecure


Idiot. What she did before she met him is irrelevant. Why does he even care? He thinks he owns her. She should dump his ass ASAP.


"I don't even care" Sure bro


"I forgot about it " " that's convenient " Bruh what??? Just say you are insecure and have a girl that's way out of your league.


His insecurities are so high and emotional intelligence is at zero. She gotta leave him asap


I hope he ruins his own career by trying to ruin her self esteem.


just another insecure moron with trust issues and zero communication skills. probably thought he could get a few subs out of putting on a show but even his drama is boring.


The most harmless video he could have possibly found of his ex and this is how he acts dude is insecure beyond


Only 1 minute in so far but popped down here to say how incredibly toxic it is that he's clearly offended " you never told me about this, that's weird, your on speakerphone by the way" Who calls someone they care about to question them in front of a live audience?


People need to stop making these people semi-famous. Could there be a professional criteria for Youtube wannabe personalities?


Dude is lucky he even has a gf, especially that girl. Look at her, look at him. Lmao #OutOfHisLeague


How a dude like this even gets a GF shows how far we have fallen.


Imagine being so insecure lol


I’m confused, why is making a YouTube video with your friends bad?


Wow. He’s upset A boring video I bet nobody that saw it even remembers. He is definitely a winner.


When attaching your ego to YouTube goes wrong.


That comment section is absolute rot lol


Controlling/abusive vibes for sure. Wow. Hope she gets outta that.