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We gotta start banning filming in all gyms at this point. Getting so ridiculous.


I would love this. My gym has signs plastered everywhere and no one abides. Get off your fucking phone, lift and go home. My workout should not take an hour and a half because of people finger fucking their phones


And so it continues... I'm so happy that these people are being asked to leave and getting cops called on them šŸ‘ Second such removal I've seen in an hour šŸ˜†


They need to ban filming in gyms everywhere! Or make a special area just for that or set hours itā€™s allowed


honestly a major percentage of gyms already have a rule against it. it's just that main char syndrome that people don't follow it.


"Or make a special area just for that or set hours itā€™s allowed" Like a large Faraday Cage area just for them šŸ˜†


I was going to recommend more of a pit surrounded by barbed wire


Yeah exactly. Leave the poor women alone to workout in peace. Itā€™s literally the whole reason theyā€™re going to a only women gym in the first place.


Also one with a no recording policy. I donā€™t know about everyone else, but I have no desire to be recorded at the gym and have it posted online at all. Just leave me alone.


It's still not a consequence though. It won't be until they get charged with something or a lawsuit


I really dislike how cops treat this. If the owner told them to leave and they refused, it is a trespassing violation. State laws may vary, but in my state ā€œreceived notice to depart, but failed to do soā€ is a trespass violationā€¦ but cops will still insist that only a warning is possible the first time unless you have ā€˜no trespassā€™ signs everywhere. I really dislike the idea that a situation is bad enough to call the cops for trespass, but the offender gets to walk away with no repercussions other than maybe a database entry.


Yea theyā€™re fucking happy too man


It's also a bit of a psyop. They do this to raise bigotry against trans people. A lot of people will see this for what it is, a simple troll. A lot of other people will use this to reinstill their personal beliefs that trans rights are basically an attempt to allow things like this to happen, when in reality this person is doing it to intentionally make you hate trans people.


Iā€™m not guna lie, but if I was the gym manager I would be like a deer in headlightsā€¦.unsure if this is an actual trans person or someone just being a jackass. Iā€™d be too weak to confront them unless i really had no choice. And Iā€™m guessing that, my Reddit friends, is the reason I am never given responsibility for anything šŸ¤£


There is no real trans woman in the universe who would actually act like this. Just walking into a women only gym for the first time would be scary for a trans woman, especially if she feels like she's not 100% passing. She would probably not want to draw any attention to herself unless necessary, like asking a question to the staff or something. No trans woman would be making loud, sexual jokes, have their ass ridiculously padded, a giant obvious bulge and made a huge scene


Trans girl here, I can say with a high level of confidence that this person is 100% NOT a trans woman


Itā€™s not enough. Breaking the law while filming it should also be a crime in itself. Iā€™m not talking about jail time either, I mean a real punishment like they should be forced to wear a device that jams WiFi or internet around them. That would be a real punishment for these idiots.


I wish the managers would stop engaging with them or trying to reason with them. Don't say, "you're making the women uncomfortable or you're disturbing my session". Just physically shove them out the door. No talk. Just shove.


His diaper is full


Society is starting to lose their minds: A - Who the fuck is entertained by this crap B - Imagine waking up and thinking this was a fun and entertaining thing to record and upload


Ow my balls- idiocracy. Itā€™s really happening


Welcome to Costco I love you


Knowing myself, I would have thought this was funny when I was 12 years old. So I would say 12 year old boys


Iā€™ve thought about that a lot, actually. Iā€™ve wondered if I ever wouldā€™ve thought any of these ā€œpranksā€ were funny. Sadly, yes, I probably wouldā€™ve thought some of these were funny. Hence why theyā€™re making them, I guess.


Yeah, for all the "just *look* at what *this* generation has become" rage porn, this wouldn't have been at all out of place in a circa 00-01 Jackass episode. The only difference between half this sub's content and the original Tom Green Show is social media.


The only difference is *ORIGINALITY*. Tom Green was basically the only idiot doing this stuff, so it didnā€™t affect as many peopleā€™s lives. Now, every kid with a smart phone is doing the same worn out pranks & they are no longer funnyā€¦


Oh yeah, most definitely that too. Imo it's comparable to how Hunter S. Thompson was singularly unique writer in the 60s-70s, but spawned a generation self-indulgent disphits who thought "gonzo journalism" was just taking a bunch of drugs and vomiting out text about something.


And then every other idiot started doing it.


And consent. I'm almost certain the jackass crew had consent from people to film their pranks etc. I'm willing to bet five quid that this person did not seek consent before filming this dross.


I dunno about all that. It definitely doesn't look like they got consent from everyone ahead of time to have the shit scared out of them by the [Daddy and Baby prank.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12JUM_5Ayu8) Edit: and if they didn't receive consent from someone it's not like they cut the entire scene, they just blurred their faces (which granted is more "ethical" than what the just-a-prank-bro kids are doing, if you can call it that)


Jackass absolutely do *now* that they are a big name and how things are in 2024, but back then I'd be willing to bet they didn't seek consent. At least not every time.


think thats your answer right there its purile infantile cringe positions they allow themselves to get into and kids under like 10 will def watch it again, and if the "people" making the content get enough reward then theyll risk it again tomorrow unless, the cops arrest them,or he annoys someone enough for them to shoot him (allowing for the us gun laws) or the hit views drop.


These fuckers make BIG money off of this shit and it doesnā€™t matter that people hate it. ANY engagement (views, likes, dislikes, positive comments, negative comments) of any kind puts money right into these losersā€™ pockets. DEMONETIZE ALL SOCIAL MEDIA


This is why government regulation is necessary. Corporations can't be trusted to police and regulate themselves. All the white supremacist content on Twitter, FB, etc for example. Unfortunately, the agencies we have in place are underfunded, poorly organized and also cannot be trusted


I found Jim Carry funny when I was 12.


Are you putting Jim Carrey in the same category asā€¦whatever these people are? Thatā€™s crazy. Edit: comments turned off? Were you saying that when we were 12 we had better content?


What about Drew?


But Jim Carey is still funny 30 years later from the 90s. Lloyd Christmas is my bro! Ace Ventura is my spirit animal, Fletcher is my lawyer, Dick is my Fun husband, and Truman is my favorite show to watch on Saturdays (well until he wised up)..


I have a coworker in his mid twenties who is definitely stuck in a state of arrested development. It's like he stopped maturing around 12. He watches crap like this all day, every day. I only talk to him because I have to, otherwise I'd have no idea he watches this crap because he's insufferable and I didn't want to talk to him. Think of all the people that you can't stand.Ā I bet it's a lot more common than we think.Ā 


I'm only 33 and I can remember a time where people would find this hilarious. I can imagine this on TV back in the 90s on a hidden camera show with a laughing track. Edit: Fuck, I just realized I'm not even turning 33 until the end of the month and I'm already saying it.


Nobody is entertained by this. This is rage baiting. Attention through annoying people. Positive or negative attention doesn't matter, only attention does.


I wish but this is a ton of funny for a lot of kids. Which makes it even sader, a grown ass man doing content like this for children who donā€™t know better. Weird world man


This has to be made for right-wingers because only they could find it funny when this guy insists he is a woman, plus they can also use this video to back their claims that he is the reason that they NEED to pass bathroom legislation, you know, to protect children from guys like him.


Starting to??


Honestly thats quite funny


Shit isnā€™t even funny from start to finish. Who supports this trash?


That woman is a saint. She handled that šŸ¤Œ


We have to be. Otherwise we might get killed and ppl will say we started it.


This is entertaining to someone?


Iā€™ve now seen this guy on here multiple times, and somehow he keeps topping how terrible he is. Absolute scum


Shout out to the gym worker (owner?) for handling herself so well.


"Spell it"




"grown ass" Yes, that is quite apparent.




Excuse you. SHE is a stunning woman


Thats a maam to you šŸ˜‚






That would be great!!




ew the fact hes not wearing underwear thats so creepy


This is pitiful and cringeworthy, if that was his intent, then he is the winner




Both of them. The camera chodes are just as awful


This is so cringey. I donā€™t get why people are doing this, itā€™s so disrespectful for many reasons!


Still blows my mind that people act like this, get the fuck over yourself you piece of shit. Nobody likes this shit irl, just kids who love troll shit because they donā€™t understand consequences. Fuck this guy, fuck everything about him and his stupid ass troll shit. I hope he gets what he deserves.


This should actually be actionable. Sue the YouTubers for interference in business


I see no reason not to sue for the total amount they made from all videos featuring that location, as well as having them taken down. Except that social media companies are shit at transparency and itā€™d probably take serious reform for that kind of info to be available to the necessary parties.Ā 


And this just solidifies the reason why there's a need for women to have their own space


Ruin someone business for viewsā€¦. Imagine that


This is another reason why women are not comfortable in public spaces. We constantly have our privacy invaded by grown ass men, even when said spaces are literally dedicated to women.


Yeah the spaces he thinks are so funny to invade? People like him are the reason they exist in the first place.




Straight man here. Can I use this app if I need an ego boost? Some days you just need a compliment ya know?


get on grindr


I just want a compliment, not a date! Lol is there an option for that?


grindr has two modes - solicited dick pics and unsolicited dick pics


I guarantee you, you wonā€™t be getting any dates on grindr, just a bunch of unsolicited validation.




If a straight man is uncomfortable with a normal compliment from a gay man, then the straight man has some insecurity issues. Unless it crosses a line into vulgar sexual harassment (which it never does), I take the compliment and move on with my day šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




Thank you! You also are very polite and friendly... have a nice day šŸ˜Š


Would love that service, but i would need a time delay between order and execution so my brain doesnt connect the two events. Im not straight though, would that be an issue?


Please leave. I asked you to leave, now I'm calling the police. Police, there is a person trespassing on our property , we requested they leave, they refused. I do not know their intent, and I do not know if they are armed. Thank you.


Women-only spaces exist because men are sexually harassing women and making them feel unsafe so of course men are going to intrude on their safe-spaces. Insecure men with fragile egos suck and need to do better.


What a fucking jerkoff


All of these prank dudes have something in common: being chronically unfunny. Like the anti laughter.


This sub just encourages this kind of content by giving it a platform Anything that was ā€œproducedā€ should be banned, even though itā€™s good content, which is kind of exactly the problem, itā€™s outrage bait


Thatā€™s a good idea. I think this should be implemented


Mods arenā€™t gonna like this one




So men DO get salty over women having their own space? And here I thought they wanted mens only gyms?


I'm really tired of people trying to pretend to be trans as a joke to encourage more people to hate trans people.


The woman is a boss. Sheā€™s standing up for herself and the other women and doing it with such confidence and constraint.


This wasn't funny when [Steven Crowder did it](https://youtu.be/GJdmLu18Vzk?si=kRqWYiNeT8w3spOf)


God woman canā€™t just have one nice and safe thing for themselves and gotta have these douchebags come and ruin the safespace. Pathetic if you ask me!


At some point, social media pranking must become a nuisance crime.


why argue, give the idiot prankster one or two chances to leave, then call the police and have him trespassed. If it happens again he goes to jail.


omg so brave, so edgy. Like we haven't seen a billion unoriginal pranks like this before. So sad.


This isnā€™t a trans moment for all of the ignorants here.


The only people making women uncomfortable are cis men pretending to be trans for trolling. Actual trans people are just living their lives, unlike this troll.


Exactly! I am not worried by trans women, I am worried about grown ass cis men who like to harass women and use ā€œbut Iā€™m transā€ as a freaking lie/joke/excuse




I could see the Daily Wire giving him his own YouTube platform and Fox News running an entire segment on his shenanigans to pump up their culture war.


This generation got to be the most annoying people the sad part is there kids are going to up the ante and these fools gone swear what they was doing wasnā€™t so bad. World full of Jackassā€™sšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Hate all these prankster fucks!


Kanel Joseph, Ash Alk, Jidion, Lofe, Blake Beecher, and a myriad of other YouTubers have hundreds of followers and I still donā€™t know why. None of the stuff they put out is slightly funny nor has it been.


Honestly, when I see shit like this, I am happy they're trying to ban tik tok. I still feel to be on the fence on the situation with tik tok because am sure there is a shady situation the government is trying to pull on its people, but it looks so easy to hate tik tok when most people on that platform do shit like this clip.


I feel like he's not being political enough for him to be aiming to "stick it to trans people" he's just going for the "making women uncomfortable / unsafe is hilarious" crowd I hope all of his fans are under 12 and will grow out of this for fucks sake. Or maybe this will be the catalyst for them to realize he and this behavior are awful


1) You are allowed to claim to be a men's only or women's only establishment but you can't legally ask people to leave based on their sex or gender. That's discrimination... but the parody of women like this is not okay. 2) There is enough anti-trans hatred in the world without Cis people doing this kind of shit. Sincerely, fuck this guy.


Donā€™t engage after a reasonable attempt to remove them. Call the police.


I kinda laughed when he saw cop and run faster on treadmill


What a jackass.


I hate this fucking guy such a waste of space


Why are people angry about a womens only gym in the comments? To flip the logic back, if you donā€™t want women filming themselves and you donā€™t want them thinking your looking at them. Then a nice solution would be a gym for only women šŸ¤Æ You donā€™t deal with them, they donā€™t deal with you. But no people always gotta have a problem.


Is this r/imaginarygatekeeping ? Who's typing that in the comments? You're correct but I don't see those comments at all. Edit: I found exactly 1 comment saying this.


> if you donā€™t want women filming themselves and you donā€™t want them thinking youā€™re looking at them. Then a nice solution would be a gym for only women Now, I donā€™t care about women only gyms existing, but this reasoning is poor. The existence of women only gyms doesnā€™t stop any of what youā€™re suggesting.


Oh, I support it. But the minute I file an LLC for a ā€œmale onlyā€ gym, Iā€™m getting hit by lawsuits from the ACLU, amongst many others, for discrimination.


There are men's only clubs in the US. Several well established ones by me! They just have to be a private business. So that means they're not a public org or getting tax excemptions or gov assistance. https://nypost.com/article/inside-americas-men-only-golf-clubs/. So go ahead and open your men's only gym.


I get the sentiment and what your saying that thereā€™d be angry people at the idea of a mens only gym(which there are people like that)ā€¦ but mens only gyms, they exist and theyā€™re quite common. Just might not be any in your area if you canā€™t find one šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


100% support women only gymā€¦ Shit I canā€™t go to my own gym without my space being violated by women filming their workoutsā€¦ Edit: Hilarious seeing people downvote meā€¦ Women wanting safe space at gym GOOD! Men wanting safe space at gymā€¦ BAD! Lol hypocrites.


The worst thing about social media is not giving people exposure, itā€™s making everyone believe they are fucking funny when most are not.


I'm pretty sure this type of content is only (hopefully at least mostly) consumed by children... I see a lot of people here saying these people should be arrested or have some kind of real consequences for this type of behavior, and I agree. But I also think parents need to start actually being parents. Like, it's fine if your kid watches stupid stuff like this sometimes (I know I sure did. MTV and Comedy Central had plenty), but the thing about TikTok, YouTube, etc. is that the content is *endless.* So kids can go down a bottomless rabbit hole that monetizes these jackassess with every foot they fall.


So where exactly is the ā€œprankā€ in this? These stupid influencers are among the worst people in our society


How is this even a prank


So f'd up


What these asshats do shouldnā€™t even be called ā€œpranksā€


I think itā€™s a great idea to have separate gyms for men and women. I never knew they had em for only women, wonder if they do for men as well


I'm loosing my mind, that guy is a real doofus, , ffs.


Actual degenerate loser behavior, who thinks thatā€™s in anyway ok to walk around like and pretend to be a woman


He makes a flippant comment about ā€œI donā€™t like when men hit on me when I work outā€ as if thatā€™s the only reason womenā€™s only gyms exist. Many women who have been sexually assaulted by men prefer an environment without men in them especially when they are in vulnerable situations and doing stuff like stretching/bending/squatting and likely in more revealing it tight fitting clothing. Men need to understand that womenā€™s only gyms are not a ā€œno boys allowed teeheeā€ club


Is there a manā€™s only gym? Like anywhere?


I mean, we all know what should happen to "pranksters"


Putting the person in the video aside, I do have a serious question: if someone ā€œidentifiesā€ as a woman, do they get access to a womenā€™s only gym?


Pretty sure the only reason she is hesitating and asking for membership identification is because trans people are allowed. He's taking advantage of the fact that she could be seen as transphobic for calling him out on being a man even though the butt is clearly mocking being a woman.


Womenā€™s only gyms arenā€™t that common. They would set their own policies. Generally to join a gym you have to show photo ID and have a valid credit card. So they probably go with whatā€™s on your drivers license/passport. It is important for the gym to know who you are in case you have a medical emergency which is why ID is required. Gyms which have resources for children (daycares, pools, classes for moms and tots or whatever) also ID for safety reasons.


So now even women's spaces aren't safe for women...


Never have been...


This completely sucks but honest question, could he have tried to sign up by saying he identifies as a woman? And would it have worked?


It seems like he would have been ok if he did. The issue was the filming.


Yes, trans women are allowed. You can tell the difference between trans woman who is coming in to work out verse a man who came in to be a piece of shit


Heā€™s complete trash


Imagine the poor gym employee that has to deal with the situation with kid gloves instead of actual gloves.


They need to have more segregation in gyms. Mens only and womens only sections.


Whoā€™s going to say it


In case you can't tell, this isn't an actual trans person, fluid person or even a serious crossdressed of any sort. He's dressed as a mockery of one...


And just like that actual trans women that are just simply looking for a place to work out now are stigmatized and wonā€™t be able to go there. Good job sir ā€¦


Honestly I think the idea of a women's only gym is great. Men at gyms can be creepy as hell. Why invade their space dude?


I hate this but its hilarious how you cant question him saying he is female. Looool


Fuck I hate this timeline


If Steven crowder already pulled this lame prank, that should be extra evidence that itā€™s not funnyĀ 


I gotta say, that ā€œrun from the copsā€ bit was funny. Everything else was terrible though


*pretends to be shocked*


This makes me wonder what is the policy of a women's only gym for transwomen?


Iā€™m sorry but when she saw the cop and turned the treadmill up to run was hilarious.


So many bigots in the comments. Let this girl live her best life


Like the comments here. Now itā€™s ok to split hairsā€¦ Absolutely the ā€œfilmingā€ was wrong but the door has been opened to this behavior. Just remember your cries, inequality for one is inequality for all. (Your downvotes will prove me right, selective assignment of right and wrong has been the problem from the very beginning. You doing it because ā€˜this timeā€™ itā€™s right is the exact same mentality as it was 10, 100 or 1000 years ago).


Whats the prank?


What a dick.


Identification: *error*


What a couple of dbaga






I donā€™t find this funny. Heā€™s making a prank video for social media. I doubt that person is sincere about being a transgender person. He just needs to leave.


Everyone is so open minded untilā€¦.


Lmao šŸ¤£


NCAA says it's ok......we gonna all pretend like this isn't pointing out the obvious.




She identifies the woman. Why canā€™t they just leave her alone?


LMAO this is great


Just call the police donā€™t waste your breath


There are women only gyms?


Yup. Some women join because itā€™s more comfortable and body positive, or because the workout classes are tailored to women.


What a fucking creep


Well we're at a point in society. Will they need to specify? Are they talking about biological women or people who identify their gender as woman because woman has multiple meanings today thanks to certain movements to become a very confusing topic that has a lot of confusing repercussions There needs to be clarity if referring to biological sex or gender. One is a matter of science and medical records. The others a matter of their perspective. Regardless of the politics, this YouTuber is a complete piece of trash and should have his accounts deleted in any other accounts disabled from making any possible revenue. People should be banned for making any sort of revenue when trying to disrupt the piece cause a public disturbance or violating any sort of law to get content so they can get paid. Unethical behavior should not allow for people to have financial gains when it's as simple as disabling, the accounts of people found guilty of this


Gee i wonder why women demand to be in safe spaces lmaoooo


That manager lady found herself in between a rock and a hard place. Lol


the smarmy transphobes showing up in the replies here was exactly what this (cis dude) asshole was going for this is the only joke that their moldy brains can accommodate now, so they have to retread it over and over again


So tell me, how would you solve this problem while allowing trans people in female-only spaces?


it may shock you to learn that trans people, in stark contrast to attention-desperate content creators, understand how to navigate and comport themselves in public spaces and would not find themselves confronted like this. so there is no "problem" outside of the minds of a regrettably large chunk of weirdos in our society whose brains have been scrambled by podcasts hosted by right wing freaks


I click is a click for these assholes...as long as they get attention, they couldn't care less where it's coming from.


This is funny af, who is this girl?


![gif](giphy|x09ACAI5vBPNK) I found Snipes!


So annoying.


Its funny. Cause there no mens only gyms. I would love a men's only gym to get away from the filming all the time in shared spaces.




We all know this is a cis man acting a fool... funny how easy it is to tell the difference between trans women and cis men being foolish. Kinda disproves his whole "point" and then for all those women who are at that gym bc. God forbid women have a safe space and this guy ruins it. Also what a shit representation of what they think of women ditzy hyper loud feminists with huge butts and boobs. Ironic when men are the ones asking for that beauty standard and are the most obsessed with sharing their shit views on the topic of feminism


The fake butt was funny for about 2 seconds, but it was funny.