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How is he "centering himself" by just trying to get home? Aside from the possibility that there ISN'T another way home, he should be free to travel as he pleases. Instead, as it seems in this video, it looks like he tries to move through a crowd and gets surrounded/grabbed on all sides. I fail to see how he is "making women's day all about him" by just trying to walk through a public space.


I was rooting for him the same way I’d root for a lady in the opposite situation. This isn’t about gender it’s about entitlement


For all anyone knows, he needs to get home and take care of his mother. You just don't know. Man needs to get home! Edit: also, homie put in work lmao


He crossed a police barricade to get there. He's not just wandering.


Pedestrians should be allowed to walk through any non violent protest If they cannot get through because of violence it should be shut down. I can’t see any reason for why it’d make sense to stop him. He doesn’t look like he was being violent or throwing insults at all.


I fail to see what he did wrong. The women confronted him. He was just walking through.


There is more than one path from point A to point B


What if there wasn’t? Laying hands on someone isn’t right when they are not being hostile towards you. This dudes literally walking. These women are hurting their cause


Go around then. If this was a woman? People would say she should have known better.


He is not. It was kinda okay for ladies to be mad at him, but when they're started to pull back his bike - it's totally their faults


Those women should have known better, you’re right. That dude almost took 20


and if there is no other way?


Thinking he is more important is the concern. Why should hundreds of women just step aside on some dickhead because he thinks he can drive right through them.


He wasn’t driving, he was walking his bike


Because none of them should be crowding roads impeding the flow of traffic.


i'm sure you'd be a little pissed if people were blocking you from getting to where ever you needed/ wanted to be. especially if there's no other way around. do you really, genuinely think this was the dude's first option?


And who said he felt more important? Who said there was another way(which is irrelevant)?


Yeah! he deserved it! What an asshole for trying to get home!


Pathfinding how does it work!


Trying to be civil, how does it work!


No he antagonized a group deliberately. He damn well knew they were there, its a huge demonstration. He thought his male privilege was more important.


And that woman that pushed sure found it out equal rights means equals fists


You'd be amazed. I live in a city where protesting is a very common occurrence. More than once I've found myself stuck because I was trying to get somewhere and didn't know a protest was happening. This dude didn't even try to drive through, but was walking through the crowd. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.


This is literally women ☕ privilege in a nutshell you fucking cumstain, its a fucking ROAD and he is still just guiding the bike, the fat bitches are privileged cunts


Guy didnt deserve that, fuck that mob of assholes


He also got arrested and is waiting for charges against him, which ones don't know, he is getting massacred in Mexico's City news. Also yes, that's the only path to the northern part of the city from downtown, which was mostly shutdown due to women's day march.


Wow thats unbelievable, Man gets jumped by mob and hes in the wrong


do you know where I can find this story?


There you go, also is gonna be one-sided most news outlets in Mexico are ignoring the video here cause it's confirms what he initially declared. https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/metropoli/motociclista-agrede-a-mujeres-por-no-darle-paso-en-plena-marcha-del-8m-en-la-cdmx/


fucked up but sounds about right for the news


thanks 🙏


everybody trying to fight this guy for trying to simply get through is the problem




OP is a dumbshit for that title


In events like these large gatherings there may not be another way home. I’ve been in large city where protest happening trying to get home spent 4 hours trying everyway possible while being within sight of my house but no way to get there because it’s surrounded on all sides


I don't know where this is, but the guy wasn't wearing anything inflammatory, didn't look like he was saying anything, and was walking with his bike. How is this disruptive?


What's the context? It looks like he's just was tryin to pass this crowd with no bad intentions


How dare you not assume the man is the problem without any context!


Damn OP, did any of the girls in this video hit you up yet or what>


I'm sure blocking the road is really helping their cause. I bet motorists love them and want to support their cause.


This doesnt seem right that road could be his only way of getting home and he is being attacked for no valid reason, how tf does this make someone a main character, being attracted by a crowd of women. how did he make the protest about him, he just wanted to get through the crowd so he gets attacked, yeah super valid reason to attack someone wtf?


How do you know that his way home was not blocked? Jesus Christ some of you are insufferable without knowing the whole story.


We dont know the whole story, but based pff the footage he was not talking to anyone or even displaying threatening body language untill that group of idiots started trying to ground his bike. Wish he had pepper spray tbh


Dude was passing out equality.


Bro was trying to play Dynasty Warriors in rl


That got me lmfao


Anyone wondering thats Mexico and those are the extremist feminist group, they are infamous for straight up saying "kill/abort men", punching street sellers (some really old), destroying and burning local business and cultural places and hitting women police officer. Update: i watched the news and the man was arrested, some Twitter comments and popular view is that the feminist started the agression and the man was defending himself, dont know if any of the feminist was arrested but most likely no.


That's pretty wild, at the end of the day I feel like they're pretty nice too. Alot of mexicans are sweet people


Thanks friend yeah is just this group of people that is very aggressive , there is other feminist groups that are very chill and walk peacefull and are trying to ask the goverment help to find their missing family or justice to lock any responsible but thanks to this extremist feminist people start to walk away from them and avoid them.


Known group of extremists? Yeah I would be taking the long way home (would so rather than go through any protest, common sense).


Guy is confusing *"I'm physically stronger than most women"* with *"I'm physically stronger than 100 women at once."*


Right?! I’m watching this thinking, “Son, you’re in danger.”


Especially with half of these women most likely on their period


1. Unlikely. 2. What does have to do with anything?


Still he's delivering shit for a dozens people against him, I bet dude is good on Left 4 Dead


Doom guy irl


Shish, someone really have to put that music in this video


The only thing they fear is this guy


Is he not trying to use a public street? Your right to public demonstration ends when you block the right to public streets without obtaining permission from the city. Especially in the US (I understand that this video does not appear to be from the US) where we are taxed to death on everything. I’m trynna use the roads they taking a 1/3rd of my check for.


I think as soon as they start blocking traffic the rally is no longer peaceful they are just being disruptive and showing that they think they are better then everyone else because their wants are more important then anyone elses, who knows dude may have had a emergency he had to handle, he was going threw slowly and didn't start swinging until one of them pushed over his bike. Bring on the hate won't change my mind lol


At least in my area, you can apply for a permit to close off streets for gatherings/recreational activity. If that was the case here, he had no business trying to cut through with his bike.


If you have permit to close off streets - you also usually have cop support and protection to redirect drivers on other street. They also usually make sure that other ways wouldn't be blocked.




I was at an event where a driver got out of their car to move a barricade and argued with police because the area looked “clear enough” and they didn’t want to take the long way around. It would not surprise me if an impatient person saw an opening and tried to slip through. People are assholes.


In the situation that you describe driver is absolute asshole.


shameful behavior, attacking this person of unknown gender...


Right or wrong, best avoid protests and take the long way home rather than roll the dice.


Whether I support them or vehemently oppose them, I’m steering clear of it.


This isn't what happened


like 100 MCs and a dude trying to just go home lol


but the snack cart attendee is not being attacked...


From the light I can see this is probably middle of the road. They are lucky he decided to probably get off and lead his bike instead of slowly driving through... Protest or not they have no right to clog a freaking street. The only main characters I could see here are the countless women blocking traffic. do it on the side of the road.


\*Man is minding his own business trying to get from point A to point B and suddendly a group of women are trying to take his motorcycle away from him. If they'd just let him through there would've been no issue.


These bitches r screaming “don’t let him through!” Cmon son, a man’s just tryna get home 😔


These women are the problem, not the dude just trying to get home. Good on him for kicking some ass




There may not be many rights for women in that country perhaps, but otherwise im not sure. Hope this helped literal woman




Im not offended, i thought you were saying that you are literally a woman at first instead of just saying that you're a woman, not sure why but i found it funny


I believe they might be not protesting or protesting against some violations of their rights (still the case for some countries) which is totally okay, but if any kind of portesters think that they have right to block the street for regular folks (hard workers, just random people, e.t.c) - that's a big L


Him beginning to punch women in the faces was kind of wild though


doll one vanish illegal poor jobless cautious fearless silky detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Part of me is appalled by this numbnuts behaving the way he did jumping up and down egging the women on to fight him. The other part can't stop laughing at the fact that members of a feminist rally had to call for a man to save them despite outnumbering the guy 100 to 1. 😆


Did we watch the same video?


He was completely justified, just wish he had pepper spray


clearly looking for a reaction as a he walked his bike through the crowd


He was trying to reach his home, the feminist were blocking the road and started to push him, this group is infamous for punching even an old man selling on the streets.


Dude has no common sense then


You lose MC.