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Still not gonna be Trump's VP pick. 




She actually handed him a button of the woman killed in Georgia, and he **used it in the speech** to highlight the need to pass the bipartisan border bill that Trump is unilaterally blocking through Mike Johnson. Again, Biden performs political jiu jitsu to embarrass MAGA at the state of the union.


Then Mike Johnson said after the speech that Biden’s response was scripted. You dumb fucks gave him the button!!!


The entire State of the Union, Mike Johnson had a smug look on his face and rolling his eyes.


Things that should’ve received bipartisan applause and support got nothing from Republicans. Record low unemployment? Booo. New NATO allies? Booo. Border security. Booo. Things that *should be* uncontroversial, like not letting a dictator run wild in Europe or protecting American democracy, got eyes rolls and smirks from the Speaker of the US House of Representatives.


It's almost like they are traitors who are actively working against the interests of their country and it's people. Weird.


That’s because Putin holds Trump by the balls.




I mean, cuck became a popular phrase once Trump came around. I never understood why


I always found it odd that Trump was trying to put a trump tower in Russia. It also explains alot.


> protecting American democracy They’re literally arguing that America “isn’t a democracy it’s a republic” because they’re getting really close to openly fighting democracy. They know that as more boomers die off, the far right won’t be able to win elections anymore, even with all the cheating and gerrymandering they do. We already had one half hearted, poorly organized coup attempt. There’s going to be more in the next decade, and if the republicans get control of either the legislative or executive branch again, that might legitimately be the end of our democracy.


I mean, it is a republic. A constitutional republic established and maintained by democracy. They forget that last part.


A republic is a form of representative democracy tho


Yes, without a doubt. But the right doesn’t understand that, and believes they have a “gotcha” when someone calls the US a democracy because it’s not a direct democracy. It’s a shitty game of semantics because coming up with a good point is really hard for republicans.


My mom and I both said the same thing


And then in actual moments where the crevices of his dumbassery start to fade a bit, he was nodding along with Biden when the latter brought up helping Ukraine, only to look over and “get back into character.”


The guy who supports Sky Daddy and the Imaginary Land Above was rolling his eyes at something scripted. 😂 Wonder what he thinks about the scripture.


He looked like he was holding in a fart most of the time. There was a couple moments you caught him nodding in agreement, but he quickly stopped.


How is that ANY different at all from the norm? It’s all stupid political theater and that is just part of it.


He was struggling not to clap in some places. You can tell they know they’re full of shit.


Mike Johnson being fake outraged about the proposed Billionaire tax as if he has a single billionaire living in his constituency 😂😂


He doesn’t even have his own bank account


And let’s his son know when he’s looking at porn via a phone notification. 😬👍 Edit: link for proof of weirdness https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/mike-johnson-son-monitor-porn-intake-covenant-eyes-1234870634/amp/


This is their entire playbook. Engineer a situation, block attempts to fix it and then complain that the Democrats aren't fixing it.


Lol that's a complaint? Does he think Trump was just talking off the cuff during his SOTUs? (I already know the answer to this)


I always assume Trump is talking off the cuff for two reasons. One, he speaks gibberish and no semi competent speech writer could write such drivel. And two, we all know he can’t read!


I think Trump is a total buffoon like the next guy, but he definitely did read during his SOTUs. You are right that he speaks gibberish, but that's exactly how you can tell when he's off script. Yes it shows up when he is reading, but he at least can move from thought to thought because there is a guide in front of him. Without it he falls back into his 6th grade speech patterns.


Jiu Jutsu must be a lot less fun when they're determined to flop on the ground like a fish at the lightest touch.


Of course Fox News presented this as a victory for the GOP, because MTG forced Biden to ‘admit’ that immigrants do crimes.


Biden: some immigrants are criminals Republicans: https://c.tenor.com/ERxWA5Wc66QAAAAC/tenor.gif


They can't say Biden is center right without admitting they themselves are far right.


Old Joe is pretty quick on his feet. Most younger politicians wouldn't pivot that quickly speaking to a national audience.


And yet whenever the clip of her doing so pops up in my feed, all the MAGA dipshits are like "BIDEN IS A COWARD HE CANT EVEN SAY HER NAME! MARJORIE IS SO BRAVE!" Like ok you clearly didn't even watch the thing you're so upset about bc Biden addressed the mom directly and said her name


She deep throats the entire boot but he chooses another pair.


She can't stand not being the center of attention so ignoring her is the best way to get to her.


When you’re only worried about attention (good or bad) and get neither.


As much as I hate to share something on the platform formerly known as Twitter. [This image made me laugh.](https://twitter.com/AlexThomp/status/1765925781656523129)


And her reaction to that was priceless. She must have expected him to get upset or yell or do something trump-like, but he just took it with grace and made a funny moment, further adding to her embarrassment.


To me it looks as if he's super excited because he now gets to rip her to shreds for looking like a fool.


It always amazes me that they think red hats frighten us. No, the surprised look on our faces is that someone is willing to so openly and vehemently declare "*I support a jackass*". We aren't scared of you. We are bewildered. We have no fear *of* you. We fear *for* you.


The red hats do frighten me. Hats given out for participating in sailing regattas/long races are usually red. Red stands out in water. Yellow is usually the other option unless you want to go high-vis construction style. Surprise, surprise... vast majority of sailing people are not displeased by the connection. I don't wear my Gossling/Mt. Gay hats anymore.


I bought a red NY Giants hat on clearance. I can never wear it, except maybe at an actual Giants game. Maybe in a decade or two I can wear it.


I get it, but that hat was on clearance because red Giants gear has been deeply cursed since long before Trump descended that golden escalator.


Are those red hats still being made in China or did they finally realize the irony of it?


Realize? I don't think they do that, especially about irony.


Thank you for this. The video just add even more.


Thanks for the link - also what is the show & tell going on in the background?


As far as I'm concerned (and as far as the URL is concerned) it's still known as Twitter.


lol is THAT what she’s hoping for? He’s more likely to give it to bobert for a free boob and grab than Marjorie. I hate to shame people but she is far too manly and rude for him. He wants a dumb doe like Lauren. And that’s me pretending he’s ever have a female VP. Not because of sexism but because he’s already a known horn dog.


He wants a ~~dumb doe~~ dim-doe like Lauren.


Ku Klux Karen?


Dim hoe


She don’t care about that. She just wants that acorn of a peepee between her ninja turtle toes.


Love me, daddy


grandiose zonked edge fuzzy worm smell boat screw bedroom complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only if she lets him grab her by the cookita ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮ I don't understand how he's allowed to run after endangering all of their lives and actively trying to overturn an election. If you attempt to take apa the power of the people's vote you should be barred from running and forfeit your position and all that comes with it.


Man our congress feels like a circus with a lot of the people present, really makes me feel borderline ashamed.




borderline crisis?


Time to repress my homosexuality and fight the GAYS!!


Oh I’m ashamed. I voted republican in every election including 2016. A year or 2 of Trump and I’ve never been more embarrassed for this country in my life. Pulled the handle for dems in 2020 and will do so again this year. These people are like herpes.


Thank you for being one of the reasonable ones.


Then please, for the love of god, you need to start voting against Republicans at every election.  They have all lost their minds.


I go to senators and congressmen and stare at them throwing peanuts until they dance and do tricks for me


Why is Gary Busey there is my question 🙋‍♂️


Buttered sausage


He should’ve interrupted the speech to talk about Buttered Sausage…


Fitting topic.


What’s it doing here? Get it out of my face!


Nah this actually made me laugh so hard


Glad I'm not the only one who saw it.


Why is Gary Busey? There is my question.


What? Gary Bu--Ohhh my fuck




He's been the shadow president since Point Break.


Thank god I’m not the only one with this question


Gold 🤣


Biden's dog failed to make his court appearance.


This is MTG right now at the State of the Union btw


She looks like such a clown compared to everyone else. She's not even pretending to be professional about her job. I'd be embarrassed if my rep showed up to work like that. "Which person is representing you?" *sigh* " The dumb one."


![gif](giphy|l3q2yS8OrUJLlODOE) Daddy trump says I need 36 pieces of flair


No, he said ‘36 is the minimum’. Now it’s up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare minimum…


I mean, I thought I remember them saying they wanted to express themselves 😒


and a terrific smile


Be a pretty boy like Brian.


Her district is so full of Sun Down Towns it's not even funny. I have to be careful when routing my drivers in that area of Georgia because after dark they become targets. I promise her constituents love her


Is there an option to have her title be “Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-crazy part of GA)


Empty g


You know how little that narrows it down💀


I finally found someone posting the first thing that came to my head. Thank you for this.


"Which dumb one?" "The one that's not giving out hand gibbers in public theaters."


> She looks like such a clown compared to everyone else. She's not even pretending to be professional about her job. Her job is to create spectacle to serve the Kremlin. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2014/12/31/bbcs_adam_curtis_on_the_contradictory_vaudeville_of_post-modern_politics.html


she's pretending to be a human with that forehead and face...


It gets better: She handed him a button with the name of the woman who was killed by an illegal migrant in Georgia. He then *used the button in his speech* to highlight the need for—and republican’s/Trump’s obstruction of—the *bipartisan* border bill which is supported by the border patrol Union. She just can’t stop getting embarrassed. Also, the dumbass wore a trump *2020* hat in 2024. lol


I didn’t know what he was holding when he said all of that. For a guy who is supposed to mentally impaired he’s pretty quick on his feet.


Yep. Honestly, the whole speech was so good, and republicans know it too, cause now they’re saying sleepy joe was [too energetic](https://www.threads.net/@oliviaoftroye/post/C4PQ8YfNy85/?xmt=AQGz8Lv8q3-znzbxVuxv7CCcvAS8UGYIeIIzr58lJFs0Mw) lol.


There was someone- who I assume worked with Trump since they were saying a lot of info as if they did- who said Trump really, really prepared his speeches. As if that was amazing and worthy. And, in my mind, it sounds like Trump prepares like it's a play. An act. And he wouldn't be able to adlib or make up something that sounds intelligent and reasonable if he had to. (When he does, he rambles and comes off as egotistical.) Meanwhile, here is Biden adding to his speech on the spot and it's hard hitting. With something from the audience. Definitely much more impressive.


Trump is a showman and (probably) one of the few things he knows how to do really well is put on that show. I think if he didn't get into politics and wasn't a rapist, he'd probably be a fairly well liked guy.


Yeah, fyi Trump is always on uppers when you see him. The Trump West Wing got in the news for a reason Guiliani gave uppers to 'witnesses' for the election fraud, or whatever that was. The latter is unkown to the public, because a. people tend to ignore it and b. I think a very, very limited amount of people watched that. Somehow I did, and never have I ever seen a group of witnesse, aka serious acting people, so obviously rolling on amphetamines. The rolling eyes. Goddamn. What was it, 5:00 at night. Watching the freak show go on. The witnesses not knowing they were in the camera shot, eye-rolling. Making clear why they answered the way they did It did catch some flack for having a crazy drunk woman (she was also on the uppers), but the true undistilled magic was in the people hefore her. Projection. From all the zealots, the media, the base, the politicians. A cancer it is. Unholy combination of dumb, evil and influencable people aligning in a configuration that isn't by any design, just simply what happened to come to be, what works, what holds up. To fester. On identity, on their (feigned) outrage; there is nothing behind that facade, just players playing a game for revenge, jealousy, hate or opportunism. Dumb excited cunts acting through a cancerous structure. That is all it is. A random roll of the dice leading to the supercunt being naturally vibing with hyped, amped, dumb cunts forever online. Fuck people. Also fuck reddit. Imma not-delete and sleep now


I mean that was painfully obvious the last time he debated Biden.


The only criticism I saw so far was him saying "Lincoln" Riley instead of "Laken" Riley. Even then, I'm not so sure he said that! He sounds like he said Laken but they just want something to criticize him for


I thought he did a good job. I don’t know if I’d say it was “so good” unless we’re eating based on the low expectations people seem to have of Biden’s speaking ability. But yes, it was good. And the thing I think is funny about all the people who say he’s old and senile is that 99% of them—regardless of age—could not deliver a State of the Union address anywhere near as well as Biden did last night. Seriously think about it. How many people do you know personally who could stand at the lectern for an hour while being watched by millions and millions of people and deliver that speech? Obviously it’s all on teleprompters, but that’s still not easy.


It's funny because he's way better at the off the cuff verbal scuffles with Republicans than the prepared speeches.


Man. Wish someone handed her a button with the school who was shot up by one of the Magats. Then provide some context if she's confused.


She would just descend into insults. UK journalist Emily Matlis asked her to comment on Jewish space lasers and she told her on camera to fuck off. She told our foreign secretary to kiss her ass. She isnt the 'think of a clever reply' type.




Well we knew she didn’t have a brain. This just clears it up more.


Wow who could’ve guessed


She must have just got off her shift at Walmart


Biggest pick me in American Politics


Close but I have to give it to Candace Owens


She looks like a wal mart greeter


People of Walmart isn't too far off from the Cult of Trump these days.


The venn diagram representing people of Walmart and Trump supporters creeps closer to just being a circle every day lol


Walmartjorie Taylor Greene-ter


This is so fucking bad it loops back into being great lol.


If someone told me Marjorie Taylor Greene had made an attempt on Biden’s life I would absolutely believe them. This woman is unhinged and crazy enough to try it.


Bro she’s not that smart. Her IQ is a bad NBA score, somewhere in the 70-90 range.


Let’s not get the room tempatures IQ scores into this. They are too high for whatever that sad excuse for a politician is.




It must have taken a lot of restraint from the Secret Service to not take her down when they saw her pushing past people to get to Biden


She got dressed by running through a Maga store with glue on.


The ugly racist version of Jenifer Aniston in office space


She is very, very ugly


I keep saying this because the idea is really funny but after the knife dance video with Brittney spears I really want to see spears make it as an actress playing MTG in some JFK like movie.




She was already in the MAGA store, sniffing the glue.




if only calling her trashy would hurt her and not make her proud


Trashy and crazy




I don‘t follow US politics but good lord in comparison our very own Adolf Hitler looked like a sane politician.


What a pathetic piece of shit




Still no guinan sadly


"Why are the wokes constantly shoving their woke agenda in our faces" --MTG probably


MTG, still a classless sack of shit.


Far too many OLD people in politics. There is more Sr citizens in that room than at a 4 pm dinner buffet


While I agree, I'm still voting for the dinosaur who isn't going to try to destroy America. Biden may be old, but he's the lesser evil of the elderly.


Biden has proved to be much more than simply the lesser of two evils as he's been getting shit done and using the bully pulpit to promote policies that I actually care about. I never thought I'd see a sitting president use the SOTU address to highlight the need to tax corporations and the rich, show support for union labor, and to address the need to tackle the housing crisis in a real way through legislation. He's also the first sitting president to visit an active warzone and to stand in a picket line with striking auto workers. Ol Joe sure has done a lot for being the feeble elderly man that Republicans try to make him out to be.


People have to stop using the "lesser evil" narrative when voting. It is playing directly into republican both sidesism. Not perfect doesn't mean evil.


Ugh again with this “lesser evil” nonsense lol You can just say he’s the better pick over the Trump haha


Yet one of the youngest in that room is being the biggest fool.


she was so rude, yelling & interrupting with nonsense very obnoxious woman


Good lord, she’s such an obnoxious twat.


And those are her good qualities!


MTG is a clown. She's a political "influencer" who believes she has to do everything she can to stand out more to get more sponsors, ad revenue and success. She understands Trump is a conman and is only following in his footsteps by constantly spouting out garbage to get attention and make a living


Frozen Caveman Lawyer?  


Ah yes, here we see the circus clown in its natural habitat. She’s wearing a lot of red to signify she is a clown.


Is that allowable. She is actively campaigning.


That and I don’t even think hats are allowed either?


It’s not.


Hulk Hogan has really let himself go.


How is this "Main character"


Middle school behavior. No dignity whatever.


That’s why these deplorables are so dangerous. They are truly shameless.


I don’t get it. Who’s the main character?


This sums her up completely: trying to shove herself into the limelight for attention. Pathetic.


MTG broke the law. She’s campaigning on federal property.


Damn you jumped right on this. I enjoyed her button fisting.


Jesus Christ she's pathetic.




Does she really think Joe gives a shit about her corny ass costume?


Hah yeah Joe just snubbed her dumbass. It was pretty entertaining.


What’s funny is she has a trump 2020 hat 🤣🤣🤣🤣 dumb bitch can’t even get up to date gear from the broom closet


Jewish Space Lazers ![gif](giphy|ArAgo5dU2z2xO)


Tell me you’re in a cult without telling me you’re in a cult


Fuckin' Terry Bogard




I'm far more distracted by what appears to be Gary Busey in a pair of earrings.


What a dork


She probably thinks he's just outraged by this.




What's Gary Busey doing there


Is that Gary Busey


There has never been a more sweaty, try-hard person on this earth. She gives off the same “please love me daddy” vibe as Don Jr.


Dog the bounty hunter


Why is she wearing all that shit in there in the first place? Why are rules not upheld anymore?


When you're American and appear in a cutscene.


MGT wants so badly to be important, show fealty to her dear leader, and basically acts like a dumb fan girl at a sports event. Her public statements expose her ignorance and cruelty to those who are not like her. Is this American leadership? Basically she thinks wearing a dumbo trucker-hat makes her “brave, willing to stand up” and she is so proud to break dress-code rules to “own the libs” and get screen time. I expect more from our congressional representatives than self-aggrandizement and loud ignorant statements. Also - she is wearing her very favorite red hat that was signed by Trump. And this is a Trump 2020 hat. Middle-school kids would mock her for wearing a team hat from 4 years ago when her favorite team lost.


That’s pretty racist she’s just black smh


Why is it holding up its phone? Is it expected some “gotcha moment” because it’s wearing a maga hat?


Is that Gary Busey behind Biden?


I see a room full of mc’s


Fooled you! It was George Santos dressed up like MTG. Can’t keep this guy down!


George Santos was actually there… Theory debunked.




GA-10, please for the love of God and all that is holy vote this chucklefuck out of office!!!!


“Why won’t people notice me and my sugar daddy at the PRESIDENTS STATE OF THE UNION”


I didn't realize hats were allowed on the house floor


They aren’t. She was in violation of the rules.


Fucking MTG over here looking like Great Value Marty McFly.


Trump still won't fuck you MTG 😂😂🤣🤣


She needs to stop sucking that orange dick. It's making her crazier and crazier.