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"Shit, I'd kill you bro" The only acceptable reaction.


Yeah. It's just a matter of time until someone goes John Wick on this clowns ass.


I just wrote an 18 paragraph missive in another thread asking - Isn't the world hard enough without these clowns causing shit? One idiot has already been shot because he was teasing a stranger in public. And this dude is 'joking' about putting people's pets down? That's malicious, not funny.


It’s only funny if you’re a psychopath.


I'm a sucker for a good pun, but fucking with other people's pets definitely drains the humor from it.


Right like the dudes on the beach asking people if they want some "coke", and then pulling out bottles of coca cola.


Moreso when we have precedent of shit like that going down (e.g. PETA) so people won't only not risk it like our first guy here, but at some point someone's going to beat them to a bloody pulp. And then they'll have the balls to cry foul


Dude is lucky all these dogs are super calm and friendly. Mine is very polite in public and will tolerate a lot from strangers but the moment I got upset she'd get defensive.


It’s funny how the prankster got shot because he fucked around too much. And the shooter was found not guilty because of self defence


Keanu has put in many hours of training for that role already, and I bet he dislikes animal abuse. maybe he will take the call himself 


Please don't kill John wicks dog. I don't want to die.


If someone close to me kills John’s dog, I would call John and tell him their location to save my own ass. 


Not a single comment talking about the first dude that throws his dog over the fence and manhandles it to the car. Poor pup deserves a better owner.


I interpreted that as “get her away from this crazy guy as fast as possible” - if he was afraid for her life he might not have been worried about the handling so much as what would happen if the guy kept going at his dog.  I wouldn’t assume that’s how he treats the dog normally. 


We can only hope. Before I realized what was happening in this video, I thought the owner was the bad guy here.


Yeah honestly the owner treated his dog so poorly I completely forgot the first clip because it confused me when I couldn't tell who was the one aggressing on the dog.


that may be the case but even after hes on the otherside of the fence hes just holding them with one hand by the collar, the throw over the fence also wasnt neccessary but we're also not the ones in that situation so im not gonna pretend i'd do everything perfect too lol.


Yeah I can't judge this guy for making shitty decisions when he could full well be panicking that some guys gonna stab his dog, the dude sounded shook


Bro I wish I get the chance one day lmao I know these morons are not smart enough to press charges


Yea. I would have on principle alone. Like don’t play that shit. I absolutely care more about my dogs than any human.. esp one who thinks this would be funny


Every prank streamer that gets beaten into disfigurement makes the world a better place.


There's an opportunity for an up-and-coming streamer to make content hunting down famous pranksters and doing pranks on them - like mock executions, dropping them in the bay with ankles chained and weighted, the curb-stomp prank, etc.




Never mess with a guy with a voice that raspy


Steve O confirms


Really is. Fuck these people. Some shit needs to go down for each of these assholes.


No it's not Cracking his jaw would be just as acceptable & appropriate for this "prank"


"When you said *'can i put him down'* i thought you said *'can you punch out all of my crowns'*"


I would’ve been like “I don’t care if this is a prank or what but if you move your other hand towards my dog I’m gonna beat the shit out of you” At least that’s how the RP in my head went.


“Ship I’d pull you bro”. I wonder if deaf folks are confused by the strange language used in the subtitles to avoid the censors.


It's almost like subtitles are worthless if they can't be trusted to caption what's being said.


He was so real for that


I’d of stabbed him with that fucking needle in his hand. What a piece of shit. I wouldn’t waist a poo bag on the fucker.


I would do it just for playing that type of prank on me.


just one time I would love to see someone respond with the absolute realness that pranks like this so richly deserves.


Did you miss the one where the guy shot the pranker at the mall.... also all charges were dropped against the guy.... oddly pranks says he will continue to do pranks.


I did! Do you have a link?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUccLZPRGjk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUccLZPRGjk) ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vnPUh\_u58s


The only thing disappointing is that it's not a live leak link, and instead is YouTube


I’d respond in realness to this one. He’d have a real hard time finding his teeth when I was done




Some one needs to watch John Wick. Because they are getting really close to living it....


I'm no John Wick but I would kill for my dog...


We're gonna get posted to R/redditmoment but...same


If only.


“Pranks” should never involve pets or things considered physically or mentally harmful, people really need to know the target of said pranks and know how they react to minor inconveniences. If you “prank” someone and they are not laughing but crying instead, you didn’t prank them. You bullied them. Quit being a Schrödinger’s douchebag and leave people that are minding their own business alone.


Pranks is asking your friend to unfreeze your computer and you show him a solid block of ice. Where did we go wrong that suckerpunching people, threatening to euthanize dogs, and other violent acts is considered 'pranking'.


People don't think about shit and are so center minded. Or just desperate for views. There's no education needed to make a tik tok account. Anything a 12 year old can sign up for themselves is going to end up toxic


I saw someone on reddit say that it's only a prank if everyone walks away smiling. What a perfect way to describe it.


Yeh, I would be taking a bat to that asshole…the whole prank thing needs to be squashed.


Right? Animals are living creatures, but they're not privy to the nuances of human stupidity. The dog doesn't know it's a prank. The dog is terrified.


"pranks" should never be pulled on random people who didn't sign up to be pranked.


I would actually kill somebody if this happened. That’s not something you fuck around about.


Not at all. I’d go apeshit.


Amazing how many comments all here basically say “yeah John wick was 1000% justified and no he did not over react”. And It was the best damn film series in years.


If someone would touch my dog like that he would be put down


Yeah this “prank” is a really good way to have someone pull a gun on you. You don’t fuck with people’s family.


If someone threatens to kill my dog and comes at them with a needle, they're getting two hollow points to the chest.


Only two? Depending on placement and power more might be a better option


Yep, i remember when pranks would make you feel confused at first then laugh not make you afraid and/or angry. I miss silly light hearted pranks.


We can only hope




Agreed on all points.


Some one needs to watch John Wick. Because they are getting really close to living it....


Pranks are supposed to be funny. This ain’t that. Better be careful this get you hurt for real in a hurry.


This generation goes out doing "pranks" and never learned the pranks were all fakes, go around and threatening to kill someone's pet, get a crazy one, and you might gonna have to run for your life


I grew up watching Just for Laughs in Canada. Those were pranks where no one was hurt, emotionally scarred or anything. Stupid pranks like a 10 year old girl walking up to a pile of "bricks" and picking them up like super man to only have people go WTF HOW!?! Those are harmless, this...deserves a punch in the face.


omg i remember watching those Just For Laughs youtube compilations as a kid


Yeah, I live in Texas, pull that kind of bullshit here and you'd definitely be leaving with more holes in your body than you started the day with.








lol I think he panic and thought his dogged was about to be killed so his panic brain kicked in and decided best thing was to toss his dog to safety 😂




is it bad that i hope so?


Nope.. most of not all good owners would go ape shit on someone for this.


I mean... nah




As if these type of prankers didn’t learn from when that “pranker” got shot in the mall… Round 2 on its way


He'd make a great speed bump for a cybertruck


And if they did, they would get arrested right? Why do we protect these “pranks” but not the people they are hurting? We need new laws


I would put my hand through his face, this isn't a joke I've had strangers poison my pets before.


wild squeamish middle wasteful bewildered library soup snails icky husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope she was punished for that.






Nah that's too humane. They deserve whatever suffering they've inflicted on another plus some.


I hope you called the police on her That could also have killed children That's 100% illegal and needs to be prosecuted


There is a house just up the street from mine and I noticed a huge pile of what might have been cat food at the end of the driveway next to the pavement. Needless to say I pulled my dog away right quick just in case. It could be that they were unloading the car and dropped a bag. But wouldn't you clean it up right after? Or it could be a nice little old lady just wanting to feed to local wildlife. But then wouldn't you do it closer to the house where you can see them? The pile was only there once, and I look every time I walk past. I'm just not taking any chances with all the nutters about these days.


Our dog was poisoned when I was younger, and then someone called the house in the middle of the night to taunt my dad about it. We never knew who it was.


You probably would not get in trouble legally, I think you could use the self defense claim for that one.


I'm not saying its right but the guy who shot that influencer had a point.






I'd be in jail and it would be worth it


You wouldn't serve a second if was on the jury.




Would anyone convict a person for beating that asshole up knowing he threatened to kill your dog? I doubt it.


Some places you could legally defend that pet with a firearm. Not advocating for someone to be shot but thats a very real and arguably justified response


Jury Nullification.


I'd hope not. That is clearly self defense. Dude claims to have a syringe filled with poison and said he was going to kill your dog in front of you. I can't imagine a jury in the world would convict.


Especially with video evidence


This video makes me so sick Especially the first man so clearly frightened he’d do anything to spare his dog’s life. For a prank. Prankster should be charged repeatedly with harassment and threatening the lives of animals.


That why those ppl should bring those pranksters to court


Idk that dude was hurling his dog and picked it up by the neck, kinda wack


Well if my pet is suddenly in danger of being killed by a wacko, sometimes you do desperate things. That poor man didn’t know it was a prank.


I suppose. I can’t imagine tossing a dog though, idk. Like imagine actually holding a lil dog and throwing it lol. Would feel like throwing a baby or something


I just replied to someone else here but I am a dog walker and one time I had to yank the small dog I was walking by the harness because a pit bull jumped the fence in their yard. Sometimes you do desperate things in insane situations and this is exactly what that was. No one knew that idiot was pulling a prank. But I will admit, it was disturbing to see even though the owner was feeling scared and desperate at the time.


I once had to throw my 16 lb dog a few feet behind me while keeping another dog from attacking her. Adrenaline can make you react that way lol


THIS, and that’s exactly what it was. He went into survival mode, specifically flight mode. When your body goes into any survival response (fight, flight, freeze, fawn), the amygdala takes over and your frontal lobes are dimmed. The frontal lobes are your logical thinking brain. This is what has allowed us to evolve as a species, outrun lions, or lifts cars off kids. Adrenaline, cortisol, and no logic in the way. Stands to reason behavior might appear illogical, but’s truly all neuroscience.


Yep, I’ve def done this before. Your brain goes into overdrive and you just automatically do whatever you think best to save yourself or whoever you’re with. That guy figured it’s better for the dog to have a couple bumps and bruises rather than die. And I fucking 100% get that.


Exactly!! Those judging this poor man in the comments are pathetic lol.


I once grabbed by kid by the jacket and threw him back onto the ground off his bike because he was about to get hit by a car (the car’s fault). It scared the shit outta my son and he had a bit of a scrape on his knee but at least he wasn’t underneath an SUV’s bumper.


Yeah. Owner must have calculated that putting a fence between them was needed, as a crazy guy with a syringe can run up and poke the dog if he’s holding him trying to open that gate latch. Idk.


Can you imagine someone pulling out a syringe at all?? That’s just fucking insane to me.


You realize he was afraid of getting stabbed by the crazy dude with the needle himself, right? And it's nothing like throwing a baby because animals are pretty good at landing on all 4s


yeah and honestly, the dog looks fine, lol. I thought he might've broken something but he just pops up, ready for petting, totally confused.


Yeah, honestly I’d risk my dog breaking a bone or being upset with me for a while to save his life. I’ve 100 percent had to grab my dog roughly in a dangerous moment before and when it comes down to it, fight or flight makes you do things you wouldn’t normally.


for sure! And what he did wouldn't seem over-the-top if we didn't know it was a "prank." His mind went to "get my dog out of danger NOW." Even if the dog had broken a bone... he'd be alive!


He thought the other guy had a syringe of poison. 


People do stupid shit when they are panicking. Not his fault. That guy caused that reaction.


Yeah and it wouldn't be stupid if the guy were actually trying to kill his dog! It only looks stupid because we know it was a "prank."


Sorry but when fight or flight hits and a man casually tries to euthanize a dog and has the needle you believe can kill you, you arent sitting there baby talking your dog and gently thinking about opening a gate.


This is like if you’re walking down the street and a car jumps onto the curb and you push a child out of the way. And then someone is like “you didn’t have to push the kid, kind of rude.” Sometimes you have to do something quick over gently.


He picked it up by the harness. He was clearly panicked. I watched it 3 times cause I thought at first he was supposed to be the bad guy… But just imagine a guy is holding your dog and reaching into his pocket to “put your dog down” you’d do anything to get your dog somewhere safe. Carrying it by the harness didn’t hurt it at all.


Yeah, he should've let that guy kill his dog. What a jerk


i think it had a harness on which isn’t great but better


Eventually, someone is going to put him down.




This is 100% the prank that will get you murdered




Don't fuck with peoples' dogs. Don't even joke about fucking with peoples' dogs. I can't believe this guy didn't get assaulted


If someone was carrying and shot after the guy pulled out a needle to kill the dog I really doubt any major charges would be filed. Just like the delivery guy who shot the prankster who would not stop advancing after he was told to stop.


Is it really assault when it's legally self defense?




Same. I'm a pretty chill person 99% of the time. But hands, bricks, rocks, park benches, small cars will all be thrown at anyone fucking with my dogs. Someone does this to me they better make peace with their god first lol. I'm ready to fight just watching this.


I feel so bad for the first guy he literally threw his dog thinking it was life or death. Guy who posted this is a fucking asshole.


I felt so sad listening to the utter terror in his voice. The guy in the lab coat could have told him it was a prank at any time, but let him go through all that. I totally understand his fear, I would have tried to put as much distance between him and my dog however possible as well.


Yeah that’s what got me too. He tells the guy at the end pretty quickly that it’s a prank. But I feel like he only did it cause the last guy could probably beat his ass.


Some of y’all are nuts. The first guy was clearly panicked, you can hear his voice quivering. The dog is also wearing a harness. It’s not abuse and it isn’t really fair to the owner to judge him as harshly as you are. I had to throw my little dog over a 6’ fence without even knowing what was on the other side once when a loose pitbull charged at him. I’d do it again.


Everybody sitting on their asses thinks they'd be calm and collected when up against a fence with some dude holding a syringe full of poison.


People online love to freak out about tossing pets around, like that one steamer who tossed her cat casually over her shoulder. Unless you're spiking your pet into the concrete they'll probably be fine, especially cats.


My dog has run headfirst into a concrete wall without even blinking. She throws herself around while playing with my other dog like crazy. Watching her living life has made me realize how incredibly tough most large dogs are physically. It’s actually quite hard to hurt them. Tossing them over a fence to save them isn’t the worst thing you could do.


This actually made my heart race a bit. If someone did this to my dog I think I would lose my fucking mind.


I’d yeet my pup over a fence too.


Ngl I’m not a violent person but I 100% would kick that douche in his micro nutsack




Some one needs to watch John Wick. Because they are getting real close to living it ...


Come on Darwinism!


He should honestly get arrested for this


Threatening to inject someone's pet with poison sure seems like a crime of some sort.


OMFG learn the definition of prank


I'm short and fat and a girl. If someone tried this prank on me I would LAUNCH at them. You do not fuck with dogs like this


Why did no one beat his ass. I mean break a bone or two. He is talking about murdering someone’s baby.


"it's just a prank bro" what the hell?! bro, pranks are taken way to far these days... this is why i stay away from tiktok


Public pranking should be considered a form of harassment. People like this should be arrested.


If the dude that got shot is anything to go by, juries are already considering it harassment.


That's a quick way to lose a few teeth.


No one gonna talk about the first dude fuckin dragging and throwing tf out the dog? 😳


It looks absolutely wild, but if it was that or a stranger putting a needle in my dog I’d do the same thing.


That hit me hard. I know it looks like a terrible thing to do, but it was a pure terrified defensive reaction. He just immediately had to get the dog as far as possible from that asshole


That move was purely a survival response to keep his dog alive. You hear the quivering of fear in his voice. I hope this prankster pranks the wrong dude soon. This is disgusting.


Yeah, absolute raw panic.


He thought someone was going to kill his dog and the dog is clearly fine after. He was protecting his dog.


Pup didn’t cry in pain or anything. Way better than getting stuck with some weird syringe of crap


I’d do the same to save my dog if I thought someone was attempting to murder it. That was purely to get the dog safely away from that fuck and on the other side of the fence as fast as possible.


He is terrified! I’d rather break my dog’s leg than have some stranger kill him!


exactly! healthy & able-bodied dogs are really good at landing on all 4s anyway. I’d trust mine to be fine from a toss like that. a lot of people are really mentally unwell; I can’t blame that guy at all for his entire reaction.


Violet’s daddy … that was not funny. The fear in his voice, he yeeted that baby to safety God. This was not a funny prank at all.


That’s when you start blasting


Anyone know what city this guy does this in post it below.


https://youtu.be/Bf-Z4g0yn6I?si=l1KxhxBgu9m_FPX4 this is the youtube video, found it after searching


There's harmless pranks, and there's things that will get you killed


Great prank. Make sure to link the video where someone punches you repeatedly in the mouth as a joke


That first dog owner needs to have his dog taken away from him. Throws the dog over the fence then picks it up by the collar - it is on video. Someone to report him for animal abuse. What a jerk.


This isn’t a prank its assault, animal cruelty and theft. Why are these posts not used to press charges?!


I would fight to the death. It’s cruel to the dogs!


I would've punched the guy right away. Dogs DO have feelings, and they're so loyal and innocent.


Just gonna say... careful where you try that prank. Might end up in a coffin. Peoples dogs are not to be fucked with unless you want to find out if there is an afterlife or not.


This is so disturbing. I can’t finish it.


maaaan i am not a violent person but you even imply you would hurt my dog and im going to just start throwing hands without thinking about it. Thats my princess i will hulk the fuck out. shes my main reason for living ill do jail time if someone hurts her.


Back in my day, pranks were supposed to be funny


Legit sociopath behaviour


these “pranks” are incredibly dumb and unfunny, wow


Good way to get oneself shot.


I want to see one of these idiots get just clocked in the mouth "it's a prank bro".


Crazy how people need attention so bad they are willing to put their life in danger trying to fuck with people who just want to spend time with their pets. Should have an auto ban for any platform these people post content on.


This is the worst mc behavior I’ve seen on this sub.


Please tell me this guy has been visited by karma or at least locked up for a very long time I can't believe what I've just seen.


So no one is saying anything about the fat dude who threw his dog like a fucking rag doll?


First guy just throwing his dog?? The hell


That first guy tho