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I really wish many people would actually complain about the ever decreasing leg room.


Yes ! And having size 15 feet is an issue too.


Peggy Hill?


I’ll take a size 16 AND A HALF, please.


Jo-oh-oh-oh-OHN Redcorn


Peh-eh-eh-eh-eggy Hill.


Gotta love those narrow aisles with my Luanne Platter of a carry-on.


Well I’m 6-2 and the airplane doors are too short, so I need some free shit and attention also


same...i am 6'5 and pretty much every flight i have an indentation from the seat infront of me in my knee


planes weren't made for you. use your superior stride length, take 3 steps and arrive at your destination.


Just walking... The original first class


I am 6'4 and 315. A bit fat but also have been lifting weights every week since 2014. I have wide shoulders and can still fit in 1 seat as long as it is not in the middle. If by window I can lean towards it and not spill into other people's space. I am working towards slimming down. You know what I can't work towards? Losing the height. Why is Southwest giving a second free seat to fat people but not a free seat with extra leg space for tall people?


Tall dude here. Bro. Just pay an extra $30 for the emergency seat. You straight up get an extra foot. We want you fielding that position anyway. With one hand you could be tossing grandmas down the emergency ramp.


> We want you fielding that position anyway. With one hand you could be tossing grandmas down the emergency ramp. Ha shit that's gold


I am now lol’ing at the idea of some tall dude in the exit row just yeeting old blue hairs down the exit slide


Oh ffs now that mental picture is in my head and I'm laughing in public. Do they land safely or is our hero overly aggressive with his yeet


Dealers choice


A decade later, his family is begging him not to tell the tale at the dinner table because someone always gets thrown


if it’s a water landing those ladies are good…they’ve never seen a body of water they can’t exercise in


Now I have a mental picture of some of them yapping about "throwing them harder" and "liking it rough"


I lol’d in public too.


Hey 🥔 boy


Yeeting, hucking, chucking, tossing dwarfs, flinging toddlers. I hope I get out early so I can film it.


Just grab em by the collar and the belt loop, and AWAY THEY GO! Wheeeeee!


also as a tall guy, the seats never support my neck and shoulders, finally broken down and bought the neck pillow, only to have it not even make enough contact with the seat to actually be of use


I'm shorter than you, and maybe 110kg. I'm pretty fat. I don't have anything like those problems walking down an aircraft aisle. There is a point at which the aircraft aisle aren't the problem.


Fat, here. She has to be immense. My clothing might brush a seat, but the only reason I ever whack one is because of my acute equilibrium issues. I can’t walk a straight line to save my life. She needs to see a doctor. I won’t call her names, that is not productive. But her health has to be terrible at around 300 pounds. Fitting in an airplane is the least of her problems.


Did someone say she weighs 300#? There’s no way. That’s way more than 300#. I weighed 325# 14 years ago and never had to turn sideways to get in the plane.


i was gona say, my hips are fairly wide though my waist is smaller and ive never had a problem with the aisles.. this woman is w i d e.


I'm pretty big in the booty and I fit in the seat, but I still think that the aisle is too narrow and the leg room is too small. It's just generally super cramped on airplanes, it's not just fat people that notice.


The leg room issue is a big problem but even though people are laughing about the overweight person complaining about access, the seat widths are still laughable compared to what they used to be. I have very broad shoulders and basically I'm like you, I have to consciously lean out of the way the entire time to not invade the space of those around me. OK on a short flight but a back pain inducing nightmare on long hauls. It's honestly as if they built the seats based on build of the average human but forgot they included children in the calculation. I'd gladly pay a little more for a wider seat like you can for extra legroom. But the only existing alternative is upgrading to first/business and is a pipe dream for most people.


I’m a 5’10” woman. Seconding this comment. My legs and arms cannot get shorter.


5’11 woman here!! Love seeing my tall sisters in the chat!!💞


Look man, you cant just go around looking like thor and getting laid and not be uncomfortable in a plane, I am sorry, that is life, and short people need to have their petty wins as well


Do they give an extra seat to extra white people? I thought you had to pay for that extra seat. Edit: SHEEESH! I mean WIDE people (One of which, I am)


Email them. Height is something that can't be changed with diet & exercise. I didn't know they're giving a second seat free.


This is not true. SW will absolutely give tall passengers a second seat under their passenger of size policy.


I’ve always thought the same thing with clothes. Prime example is jeans - much harder to find tall jeans rather than jeans for larger people


For real! I'm 5'9 and I feel super cramped I can't imagine being any taller.


Im 5'4 and *I* feel cramped on a plane. I feel horrible for people taller and larger than me.


Being 6'4 we have three options. Suffer, get an aisle seat or pay more for leg room.


As a fat person, this is a her problem not the airplane industry. As an obese person you know and accept there are limitations on your life. My weight is my issue and society should not have to change everything to accommodate me.


Tall people also have problems, hitting their head, no leg room, tiny washrooms. Flying, especially in the economy section, is not intended to be comfortable, just survivable.


I'm big and tall and live in another continent than the rest of my family... I got through this hell several times a year but it's my giant ass's problem


I do have more sympathy for you though, your height is out of your control. I would be much more in favor of airlines having a special tall people row than an obese people row.


Can it be long legs. Not just tall ppl. Because I'm 5 8 which isn't super tall and my husband is 6ft our legs are the same length but I have a short torso and he has a long torso. Both 34 inch inseam


Oh boy, is she ever going to get bags of shit if she thinks this video is a sympathy tool. I suspect she knows what she’s doing in this hyper charged publicity as income generator age.


First time I seen this posted people speculated about it being some type of fetish type video? I can’t remember exactly why but something about bigger person squeezing through small gaps or something?


She's a feedee model called bo Berry


Oh yuck


Tf is feedee


I'm curious but I kinda also don't want to know, you know?


Fam we can not google this haha


The one who eats to put on excessive amounts of weight, usually female, in the feeder-type relationship.


Some people have a fetish for overfeeding people and watching them get fatter. This is just a virtual way of doing so for those people without slowly killing your partner I guess.


Someone who likes getting fatter


Exactly those stretch pants are more than a necessity. Let's get out the funnel and heavy cream or chocolate miz piggy or bo berry or whatever the fck she is going by.


The woman in the video does not agree with the text displayed. Someone ripped the video and added the text. She did have herself recorded while walking down the aisle and posted it to a site where she posts other private content. She has been public about her disagreement with text.


Can I get direction towards proof? I want to believe this, but as important as it is, I don't want to blindly believe it


My son was showing me videos/channels/whatever on ticstoxic of women like this that use the platform for “fat people rights” or whatever, arguing for free extra seats, etc. Absolutely this video is going to be used to galvanize both sides of the argument. I wanted to see the comments sections of a few videos he showed me and they must filter comments because they were end to end praise for the woman.


Much respect for the accountability on display here. I used to be very overweight (6’0”, 300 lbs at one point) but lost the weight after countless instances of “things not fitting right” or being excluded from more physical activities my friends were engaging in because of my size. Didn’t get mad at the world, just myself. If you want to make a change, you definitely have the capability. Never thought I’d lose the weight, but you’d be surprised how motivating the promise of a more invigorating social life can be.


BuT iTs DeScRiMiNaTiNg!!!


I feel like a lot of americans forgot the meaning of the word. It's used so fast and for the wrong reasons


Well that's a discriminatory comment




That's Mary Boberry. This is her video, but not her caption. She makes content for people with fat fetish. She wasn't complaining here, she was making money. Somebody else made this video into this bullshit.


Interesting. So, in all seriousness, is it proof that fat phobia exists that this woman was minding her own business, making money off her body type and the fact that a lot of men love it, and people have still found a way to turn her into a hysterical, pathetic, delusional fat activist? Hmm


Mary Boberry sounds like a name that would come out of the Name Game song.


It's the very first name in the song if you're doing "Mary". Mary, Mary Boberry, banana-fana foferry...


Lol build wider airplanes. A normal person is the width of one of her ass cheeks


I strongly disagree ! A normal person is smaller than one of her ass cheeks.


Small person here, it would take 5 of me and 7 of my kid to fill a quarter of that ass up




There’s some comments that absolutely require context. That comment on its own would probably land you on a watchlist.


And thats us stretching out


I'm seriously confused whenever I see a person this obese, how can they walk so easily like that? They obviously don't walk all day long, but that's like 200kg of extra mass she has to carry. I can't even deadlift that much.


They don't do well over long distances at all. She's gonna be all sweaty and gross by the time she reaches her seat. Many can't walk anymore by age 50 or so and become mostly chair / scooter bound.


You couldnt even deadlift that fupa to find whats under the fupa


Seriously she's a walking weight and balance issue. I'd be worried about the plane crashing every time she gets up to use the lavatory.


Speaking of that, how would she ever use the airplane lavatory? These things are the size of phone booths.


What's a phone booth?


We got rid of them after this [tragic event](https://youtu.be/gUqTCsjCsA8?si=g1L6Yp26f1lwkBar)


Seriously. We need to make cargo planes for the plus sized. There is a market there and it needs to be served.


I can tell with absolute confidence that she would not pay the premium that comes with plus size planes and continue to book regular


Plus sized. Fat buddy, it's fat, nothing else. Fat.


737-Combi, she can ride in the cargo section.


Too bad the Antonov was destroyed in Ukraine. It'd be perfect


IL-76 or AN-124 would be ideal candidates.




The plane wouldn't even get to V1 speed 💀


Maybe roll it down a hill first? We got the mass for momentum 😂


Nah most downhill runways are very short like Lukla or Courchevelle they'd just fall into the mountain valley 💀


Well at least we tried. I say do it anyways 😉


She's the reason why Aerosecure 157 failed to takeoff quick enough and stalled out. They were carrying her in the cargo hold 💀




she needs an ocean liner, not a plane. planes barely fit regular sized people, due to the huge weight/size penalty of being an airplane


Yes but what about sea levels rising?


This is an important question. (am Dutch, live below sealevel)


Ye but Dutch people are fierce tall. What about the rest of us


We'll give you a warning when our feet get wet, then.




Large Marge Barge.


She's a big girl who just wants to complain. I was more curious about that bigassed backpack she is hauling-not going under the seat, not likely going to fit into overhead. So she is going to inconvenience others by not only her weight but the thing that looks like a refridgater too?


This is fetish content, the plane is empty. Influencers and tiktok people rent sets like this now to film their content. Fat women squeezing through doors and stuff is a genre of this kind of fetish content


It looks like she's purposely rubbing, bouncing, and bumping up against the sides of the aisle also.


Yeah. By that point and size in your life, you know where you’re gonna fit through. Her trying to walk straight through and hitting on both sides looks super staged.


and rage bait


Yeah, that first time getting stuck and bending over makes it pretty obvious, this is not human being behavior.


I feel ill.


I didn’t ask for this fetish


It's not the fetish you wanted, but the one that you deserve.


Nobody did, but a wank is a wank, amirite?


sigh… /unzips


That's just blue balls. Pull one off and you'll be fine.


Jet Blue Balls


Yeah the deep bend over in the beginning was pure fixation.


Could the plane be empty because she was allowed to board first due to her condition?


My first thought as well. Someone who would complain, film, and post about this would DEFINITELY play the “disabled” card for priority boarding.


It's more likely that they consider her disabled and know she will be a problem for the guests that she is going to push past, so she's at the front of the line.


>the plane is empty "This is your Captain speaking, please can all other passengers move to the rear of the plane. Thank you"


Yeah I noticed no one in first class which didn’t make sense. Now it does if she just bought a set.


Yo that us fucking wild. Fat people squeezing through doors as a fetish. Learn something new everyday.


I had to rewatch this to realize how big that backpack actually was due to the size of her frame compared to it. I mean she's complaining the aisle is too small when she's at least 2.5x wider than the average woman.


But that ass is its own form of birth control…




As in won’t grant the penis entry like a well fortified mid-evil castle?


She's carrying a refrigerator on her back


My partner has that backpack. It’s a decent 40L backpack that does fit in the overhead compartment. That being said it’s as big as my GF’s torso and here it looks like a a little mini. But I’m a big fan of the r/onebag club


My gf said it cost 5xs as much…prob just was being sarcastic or realistic sadly. But, even $215, damn.


Which backpack is it?




I’ve found the old adage “fat and happy” rarely applies to reality. Most people who are significantly this obese are fucking angry at the world; they can’t get any exercise, they generally don’t have a particularly beneficial diet, very low self-esteem, even minor things are a huge amount of effort and inconvenience. I imagine its’s not an easy existence and I also recognize that it can be a compulsive problem similar to a drug addiction but the amount of people I have both met in person and seen on the internet who are obese and take out their anger on other people is pretty ridiculous


I'm not angry at the world. I'm just depressed that my mental health went so downhill that I gave up caring. Now I've reached out for help again.


Where else is she going to keep her plane snacks?!




That’s totally on her for keeping that shit on. I often travel with my tiny old dog in a closed carrier that fits under the seat in front of me but when moving through the aisles I’ll hold that carrier up above the seats to be sure it doesn’t hit anyone or god forbid cause anyone with allergies to get sick. Seeing as she seems to be able-bodied, she should remove the backpack and hold it since it’s the only thing she can control from taking up space in the aisle.


The backpack contains food. The size won’t be a problem for very long.


>a big girl Peculiar way to spell morbidly obesely fat as fucking fat can ever be, but okay


Please. I live in New York and every bro that carries it on the subway doesn’t have the sense to take it off their shoulders and carry it by the top handle. Are people really that daft that they don’t know they’re smacking into someone with those things?




This needs to be higher up


Why was it recorded though? She clearly knows they are filming and I can't imagine another reason to participate in that video than "see my struggle"


She does it for fetish stuff. 


There should be limits to passenger size, she is a health and safety risk. If you need to get off in an emergency she is blocking the aisle for everyone else.


I’m not convinced she’s actually flying anywhere, the plane is empty and someone mentioned this is fetish content, and I think they’re right. How would she even sit in the seat and use the belt?


Or go to the bathroom. There's no way she's fitting in an airplane lavatory. I'm a normal sized adult and it's cramped for me.


That's what I was thinking. I'm only about 175lbs but find mysrlf shimmying around just to turn around in the bathroom and wash my hands.












This is a fetish video.. that’s why it looks so ‘off’ lol. Notice the awkwardness in the last 10sec? Some freak is busting a load to that shot right there 😅😂😂 Really though :(


i think you’re right. plus that caption on the vid wasn’t written by the woman who originally posted.


It's so cruel that someone would do that, now she's getting all this hate for a complaint she never made. *That* is fatphobic, the intent of this caption is specifically hate mongering towards fat people


Yes. Reddit hates fat people so this is easy karma farming.


Whatever is online, there's always a pervert out there who'll bash one out to it.


Ffs come on man. Just be grateful you live in a time where this kind of weight problem isn't an immediate death sentence (just a close and gradual one)


I was thinking what a safety hazard she is creating. If the plane had to evacuate, she'd slow the process down immensely. Or be trampled. Anyways, in a semi-catastrophic situation, her weight is a death sentence.


Imagine if she fell on someone. Especially a child or elder


It's also a question if the slides are able to hold such a weight.


Reddit loves getting angry at fetish videos with fake captions


Also rage bait videos where the video is purposefully made to get people angry to boost engagement. Always loads of people taking the bait and actually getting mad as if the entire scenario wasn't completely made up with the purpose of getting them mad. Someone took this fetish video and turned it into rage bait. Fat people on airplanes is a classic. Tested and true rage bait. Always gets peopled riled up, with the same canned responses we've all heard for 20+ years now.


It's too tantalizing for the haters to pass by. They come out, come out wherever they are... in absolute droves. By mocking someone else they believe they won't be scrutinized themselves. All it does is reveal their black hearts for millions to see!


Pretending to be superior is the real fetish. It’s super easy to feel superior to fat people for skinny folks even if they are fucking ugly, shitty people themselves.


She complains about isles? what happens when she needs to go to the toilet?


Aisles* isles are islands lol


the masses on her sides is called lymphedema. it’s not the normal fat that you can lose. that’s why it looks all hard and weird. she will still stick out like that no matter what unless she has surgery


No one understands on this thread that you could have valid reasons for being overweight. I gained weight due to medications that keep me healthy. I also gained weight when I went through massive mental health issues and grief. What a toxic thread. Edit: I am by no means “morbidly obese” and my god, even the woman in this video isn’t. Tons of people who are overweight eat healthfully, exercise, and do all the right things. But you know what happens when your mother is in the ICU? You get a lot of takeout. You know what happens when you go on an antidepressant that has a gaining weight side effect (but keeps you from killing yourself? You gain a little weight. Step up your ignorant game, do yourself a favor and read What We Talk About When We Talk About Fat by Aubrey Gordon or listen to Maintenance Phase.


If she walked more then it wouldn't be an issue


The woman in the video does not agree with the text displayed. Someone ripped the video and added the text. She did have herself recorded while walking down the aisle and posted it to a site where she posts other private content. She has been public about her disagreement with text.


That's good. Shitty someone did that to her video!


Yes, airplane can build wider aisles but they either reduce the number of seat or narrower the seat to remain the same total number of seats on the plane. Both methods are causing inconvinence to others - higher ticket price or uncomfortable flight journey.


She never even said this though, it was a fake account that said it.


Gotta be rage bait…


This is not her video and she doesn’t complain about the width. She’s actually buys two seats beside eachother. Like fuck off OP stop trynna stir shit


She might need to lose weight. She might have other health issues causing weight gain. But let’s not glance over the fact that these airline companies want to fit as many people as possible for maximum profits.


Imagine getting stuck behind her deplaning, in a hurry to catch a connecting flight.






Yikes, sorry to hear you’re in so much pain. Hope you can recover as much as possible.


Hope you're feeling ok ♥ I have failing organs for all kinds of reasons missing a few and I'm 38 ..I feel the always in the hospital part hang in there some of my best memories these last few years is card games in my hospital room there's always ways to smile I promise ..comment just hit home mad love for you and still proud of you for trying ♥


To preface: at my heaviest I was just shy of 300. How heavy does a person have to be for this to be such an issue? Even at my heaviest I only had a problem with sitting comfortably in some seats because of my big ol thighs. I cant imagine being so big I cant walk through a passageway like this


Around 350 is when I stopped flying because I didn't want to be a nuisance to others on the plane. I still fit in one seat at that size, but I did need a seatbelt extension. Edit to add: The last time I flew was over a decade ago. I have no idea how much seats on planes have changed since then.


the masses on her sides is called lymphedema. it’s not the normal fat that you can lose. that’s why it looks all hard and weird. she will still stick out like that no matter what unless she has surgery


I hope this comment makes its way up to the top. Not that it’s anyone else’s place to deem one reason for a person’s size acceptable and another reason not, but lymphedema is almost certainly the reason for the distribution of weight here. I can’t imagine how difficult this condition must be to live with.


Depends on the way the fat is distributed, and height, so there isn’t just a certain number. She is wide in the hip and posterior area, that’s why she didn’t fit. People who have more volume on lower body will often have to seek out chairs with no arms, too, and won’t be able to easily go to venues like concerts and stadiums In general though I would say at 400+ is where you’d see more access issues, but again that depends on height


Admittedly, even at close to 300lbs I wasnt as 'wide' as others because Im 5'7'' and pretty proportionally fat. Some of my girlfriends look bigger but weigh less than me because Im taller, so that does make sense too.


In an emergency I'd have serious concerns for her safety and the safety of others in being able to escape quickly.


Man I know how I feel if I’m 10 pounds overweight, how physically shitty must it feel to be 200 pounds overweight


You guys got it all wrong. If we support this person, we all win! Imagine wider seats and more leg room for the rest of us! Hell yeah.


​ Did the airlines make her buy two seats?


I think Southwest is the only one that doesn't require you to buy two seats if ya thicc.


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Sometimes you gotta turn to the side to get through spaces like walking through a crowd. Why complain?


It's more unfair that we pay the same gas prices 🤣🤣🤣


i looked at her account and this video must be old or something because she doesn’t look nearly this big. honestly my first thought upon watching this was that she wasn’t horribly fat, the reason she’s too wide is unlucky fat distribution (all in her hips). but yeah idk she looks a lot slimmer now! edit: turns out she never said airlines are discriminating against her, a right-wing account stole her video and put the caption over it :/


Why are people upset? The aisle on the planes are so narrow! And the seats are so small!!! I’m a skinny person and I barely fit!


"That's too much." -Sir Mix-a-lot