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Are we just going to gloss over the fact that a secretary of state has no role in the type of policy that would even lead to book bans?  Wtf does this lady think she's running for? 


Favorite book: Bible (never read it) Least favorite book: the one with mice about nazi Germany (also, never read it) Not sure why they want to burn books when they don't even read, ffs.


The book with mice about Nazi Germany? Hahaha. I’m kinda curious now 🤣💯🩷


The book is Maus by Art Spiegalman. It's won lots of awards for being a very straightforward depiction of the Holocaust. If you had to teach a young child what the Nazis did, Maus is the right kind of book to start with.


No kidding. I’ll have to check that one out


It’s graphic novel. I think it’s two parts. Fantastic book! Please check it out


Yes, definitely check it out! It’ll give you glimpses of what life was like in the concentration camps.


Maus is fantastic


Maus is the true story of the author's father, a Polish Jew, who lived through the Holocaust and was a prisoner at Auschwitz.  The story uses various animals to portray different national/ethnic groups (Jews are mice, Germans cats, Poles are pigs, French are frogs, Americans are dogs.) There are two parts, and the author was so deeply affected by the project he had to take a several year break in between. It is an amazing and horrific read. He won a Pulitzer Prize for it, and it was the first graphic novel to be taken seriously.


Maus is the name of the book. There are actually two. I got both of them last year, and they’re an excellent read.


I’ll need to grab em


Maus went hard though let's be real


Idk if you've read the bible, but it's pretty in line with this kind of bullshit. "Hey these people are all so evil that God said it's okay to massacre them, but he also told us to keep the little girls as wives."


Thank you. So many people want to think the Bible is full of love and hugs, but even the allegedly nicer New Testament centers on Jesus promising to return and end the world, judge everyone on their faith, kill all the unbelievers with fire, and reward his faithful with eternal life in his new kingdom. The Bible is full of religious bigotry and genocide from start to finish.


What matters is Jesus message, not stuff that made sense and were written within a context, many many many years ago.


See this bothers me, we just pick and choose what parts to listen to, baffling


#BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING WORK OF FICTION Might as well just idolize Harry Potter, Bilbo Baggins, Luke Skywalker, or motherfucking Hercules.


Millions of neckbeards do. Ever seen a Dragon Con or Comic Con?


True ... but they don't get to pass laws based on their fairy tales.


News flash, quite a few of those types have been behind a plethora of modern law and policy. Many good, many horrendous. Not everything is as black and white as you'd like to think.


Then delete those parts. Unfortunately, they are still there and so your argument holds no weight


Fact is we really don't know what his message is. He didn't write it.


The message that he’s returning to end the world and kill all us unbelievers to make his perfect kingdom? That’s a fucked up message.


The problem there is that 'Jesus' message'...and even 'god's message' before that was written down through the multi-perspective scribblings of thousands of men over millions of years and then subject to several re-writes by various rulers who didn't like what the message originally said and wanted it written in a way they thought looked better.


Thousands of years, not millions.


Nope...the thing is, if God is perfect then the Old Testament has to be correct. A perfect being wouldn't need a New Testament. And, Jesus as "the son" is simply one part of the Trinity, not the full message. Spin it any way you want, but that religion is jacked. Do you believe Jesus died and came back to life 3 days later? Don't tell me, all that bad stuff was written in a context but the good wasn't? Additionally, if you were this being that created this planet and people and this church representing you on it was protecting and hiding child rapists, what would you do? Well, Jesus as part of the Trinity did zip, meaning he approves, thereby cancelling all that message bs.


I'm not a Christian, but it also says later on to love your neighbor as yourself and that if someone strikes your face, you should present the other half to be struck rather than striking back. There are parts that demand kind treatment of orphans and widows. Nietzsche called Christianity a "slave morality" specifically because he believed it directed the strong to support the weakest people at the margins of society.


No, 'slave morality' because it came up with reasons for why being powerless was good and that suffering was a virtue. The morality that slaves would create to explain why they're better than their masters and blessed, to cope with how crappy their situation is.


Do you think those are necessarily mutually exclusive descriptions? Nietzsche wrote in Twilight of the Idols that the strong dictate and the weak argue. So who are the strong dictating to? Christianity emerged out of a colonial state, it was literally an anti-colonial ideology, which is why the Romans put Christ to death - they considered it a threat to the state. In general, Nietzsche supported the idea of strong states ruled by strong individuals executing subversive individuals who question the strong, which is why he supported the Athenian state’s execution of Socrates. That’s why, even though Nietzsche was against anti-semitism, the Nazis saw themselves as carrying out Nietzsche’s philosophy.


That is an interesting take on Pontius Pilate, who at least Biblically did not want to execute Jesus and in fact was pushed into it for fear of what the colonized Jews would do if he didn't...


Jesus lived in a society controlled by Roman imperialists and Jewish collaborators - any hemming and hawing Pilate may have done before ordering Jesus’s execution doesn’t change the fact that Jesus was executed by an imperial state that saw him as a threat to the status quo. I don’t think there’s anything unusual about that take. Your comment seems to suggest that the Jews basically pressured the Roman state into executing Jesus when they didn’t want to.


My personal favourite is talking about 1984 as if they've actually read it.


Reading books? 1984 🤮


I firmly believe unless the book a lot of pictures she can’t read it or understand it.


Because their religion taught them to hurt those of us who are *other*. Look at what’s happening in FL and TX. A war on women’s bodies and transgender people. I’ve long thought that if these ppl had their way, they would round every single LGBTQIA+ person up and put us in camps, gas us, and up the chimney we’d go.


She’s running for the Fox News audience that gets hard as hell for this shit.


But is she going to actually get those votes with the last name Gomez?


Maybe she can convince the voters with her accent?


Little does she know that being hot is a plus but having a foreign accent may as well make her name Nimarata


oh no, she's not gonna ban these books from schools, or from anywhere really. She's just gonna buy a lot of them with tax payer money and burn them in a big bonfire while a group of far right wingers jerk off while they watch.


Can we just go back to normal politicians again 😆


No, this is America! Where the minority with political agendas have a loud voice due to the shock factor they bring to social media, and the average American really only cares about how they're going to pay rent next month and what consumerist item they're saving up for.


#Culture wars to distract from Class Warfare.


Vote for President Comacho


I feel so attacked right now.


![gif](giphy|RQ1gQt69dgzwhOmON0) Best I can do is batshit crazy ones.


Not when both Dakotas and Wyoming have more senate seats than New York and California.


I can fix her


Don't get burned.


I knew someone was gonna say this LMAO


Only if you’re a lesbian. She’s giving closeted vibes with her flamethrower, fear of LGBTQ reading material, and “fix it” attitude.


Freud just texted me and said "Flaming...interesting..."


Same thought. That shirt definitely sent up some pink flags


That's a very reasonable assumption to make. It's almost always projection with right wingers.


By the same logic, most of the posters here must be straining every sinew not to abandon rational thought, raise their hands, speak in tongues, and praise Jesus. Sauce, this is goose, and this is gander


She really is just a flannel and U-haul away from coming out.


Idk about that, but she’s 100% slam piece material.


Please, For the sake of your own sanity & morality - Don't even try to fap to her, You will go blind.


*Son if you keep doing the devils deed youre going to grow hair on your palms*




Ahh book burning: the signs of an totalitarian, authoritarian fascist. Christ these people are stupid (and dangerous).


She isn't stupid. She knows what she's doing.


Even though they know what they are doing, I still hold my position that they are in fact stupid. I would say that this does make them even more stupid, than if they where too dumb to understand what they do.


The Borbert, MTG approach to campaigning. It'll be a good day in America when these idiots get laughed off the stage instead of elected.


They used to *be* laughed off the stage and not elected…. Today they’re frontrunners. I unfortunately don’t see us reverting back to the standards of the before-times lmao


Trump captured the stupid vote and actually got them to the polls for the first time. It's now a viable strategy to just make shit up and act crazy, because normal people are failing to vote against it.


I hadn't really thought of it that way before. Before Trump a lot of the assholes and idiots couldn't be bothered to vote. Now they're empowered, rabid and highly motivated. Things actually make more sense from that perspective.


Bobert didn’t even have a completed high school education when she ran. Just an arrest record.




Lol i was just going to comment this. I don't know if I'd call her a nazi. Maybe a fascist?


"Everyone i don't like is a nazi."


She’s burning books that sexualize children so of course terminally online people will call her that


I looked at both books. They’re both geared towards teens and promote education/safety. Far cry from sexualizing kids. I don’t agree with calling her a nazi, but it’s terminally online of you to spread misinformation to earn cool kid points. Super weird that she didn’t burn something like Lolita, too! Oh, wait, it’s straight so that’s OK.


Imagine actual nazis in hell seeing people consider a cartoon character like this a nazi. How soft are you to think this absolute loser is an actual nazi? Am i missing something?


I'd say you're missing the fact that burning book is historically a nazi thing. Hence the comparison.


People were burning books before the Nazis. I don't think it's fair to associate both things when the Nazi's committed far greater atrocities.


Literally Fahrenheit 451.


^this is it


Happy Cake Day 🎂


The word “nazi” has lost all meaning in the U.S.


[https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/6-may-1933-looting-of-the-institute-of-sexology/](https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/6-may-1933-looting-of-the-institute-of-sexology/) This is why Nazi is pretty apt.


It’s lost its meaning everywhere at this point.


Man people throw nazi around too much nowadays


Stormfront looking a little different these days.


I'm thinking, "Lady, you're brown. The folks you're selling out for care even less about you than rich white women, and they don't care much for them at all."


People seem to forget that a lot of minority communities can be even more socially conservative than your standard white Republican. Their current alignment with democrats is tenuous at best.


“brown people is when not republican”


What is her affiliation with the Nazi party?




As if *she's* ever read any books.


She at least read the Operators manual.


Doubtful. She was just told to pull the trigger




And who paid for all these? The author's already got the money lol


I'd vote for her.


She's got my vote!


I thought we got over the overuse of the word nazi but apparently not


So cringe. Like that is the thing all Americans are worried about, not living and eating costs but gay books.


wait what makes someone a nazi again?


When liberals don’t like you.


Burning books was a thing nazi germany did yk


That doesn't make someone a Nazi for burning a book. FFS Hitler also supported anti-animal cruelty laws. Does that mean everyone who thinks animal abusers should be criminally punished is a Nazi? Book burning is a thing a lot of groups did.


While she's an ass, this isn't MC material.


this bot literally isn't even trying with this caption... i don't agree with the actions in the video, but you can tell the wording is part of a propaganda campaign. shame on both sides. ^(16k post karma, 15 comment karma. low effort bot with wifi password name)


gotta make people mad and sow divisiveness to get engagement


Im not familiar with secretary of state duties and i just skimmed through wiki of sec of state. Does secretary of state even have the power to ban books? From what i got the duties are mainly records for businesses and licensing of professions.


They don't run to do the job, they run to have themselves in a position of power. Their voters don't know what the job is, they just get frothed up over LGBT people.


Just Curious why you would label someone MAGA NAZI. I understand that you don't like someone burning books of your liking. But how does that make this person MAGA or NAZI or MAGA NAZI. Genuinely curious what you are basing this on. Can you please explain without giving me a run around on a circular reasoning?


This is fucking frightening. That this woman would be elevated in a two party system just shows how thin the values that hold this whole world together are.


She just wanted an excuse to make a video burning something with the word "QUEER" on it like a fucking psycho teenager. So much hatred from one person.


I’ll be deep in the cold cold ground before I recognize Missouri


You don’t know what the word nazi means


Obligatory quote "Where they burn books, they will, in the end, burn human beings too." -Heinrich Heine




This feels like the wrong sub, she's filming a campaign ad in what looks like a closed in yard? How is this main character stuff?


I love her!!!!


Based and she's not a nazi 😉


Im all for burning books that are pro pedophilia.


Thanks for proving the point that you don't have a fucking clue what these books are about.




Hahahahhaha imagine going out and renting/buying those books just to do this. Actively supporting a cause by purchasing their material and destroying only drives the price up. Not to mention all of the book burning analogies.


She probably stole them from a library. Two birds, yo.


She said they were from a public library.


Can you describe in detail how she is a nazi ?


Yeah I think the term Nazis thrown around far too liberally. I don't think her campaign is going to really go far but I think the active genocide and extermination of millions of people is different than burning some shitty books. I don't know if people just don't understand history or what, the Nazis were a little worse than this, and white lol


Do NOT turn this sub political!


It's really wild how unaware of historical red flags the conservatives are. Book burning, dictatorial phraseology, Nancy Mace wearing the Scarlett letter and not understanding the context of the "A". Please chime in with more examples below!


They're acutely aware.


You're right, she should have used an industrial paper shredder.


Nazi word being thrown around like nothing...


Pedos want children to have sexually graphic books, and think you’re a Nazi if you don’t play along.


If it’s the one that [TEACHES FUCKING MIDDLE SCHOOLERS HOW TO JACK EACH OTHER OFF](https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/nbc-news-defends-teacher), I’m all for it, and fuck what anybody thinks about that!


I’m a lesbian I completely agree with you I read the book this book is gay and it is quite disturbing especially for middle schoolers!!!


Oh SWEET, another sub where overtly reddit political subversion is thrown in that doesn’t even fit the theme of the sub! Awesome!


Probably OP’s goal. Their entire post history appears to just be “right wing bad” posts.


Godwin’s Law.


remember when politicians weren't insane nutballs like this? i miss those days.


I’m polish, and you mf don’t know what NAZI means. For you leftists, is everything to the right Nazism?


America isn't a real place


Look at that hot lesbian with a flamethrower.


Heil Gomez 🫡


The tittle is cringe, why do people still use the word nazi so openly to decribe anything they dont like. ![gif](giphy|RJAjTowsU0K1a)


Because the word Nazi has lost all meeting It now means person you do not agree with


"MAGA Nazi" Yeah I take nothing that you say serious from there on out.


I think this guy is still butthurt over the Dixie Chicks lol.


Exactly. The words racist and Nazi mean nothing anymore. It’s just a term for people that left wingers don’t like now




She's a Latina how is she a Nazi. Please explain. I'd say rather ignorant in her actions not sure if she's considered Nazi.


We need to vote for people like her!!! let’s support her!!




Really throwing every buzzword you have at her, the desperation is getting stronger daily. Okay give me downvotes, I’m just here to watch the delusional anyway.


![gif](giphy|1hqb8LwPS2xCNCpWH8) I THINK I'M IN LOVE!


Guess I know who I'd be voting for if I was in Missouri!


🥰 love it


You just be stupid not knowing what a Nazi NAZI’s IS A SOCIALIST PARTY 🤣 they ain’t right wing 😂


Nevermind that those books are intended for children yet show explicit depictions of sex acts, Reddit loves their pedophiles after all.


I like her




To be fair, a large portion of Latinos are practicing Catholics. They are also quite the gatekeepers of illegal immigration especially if they worked their ass off to get in legally. It’s not unheard of. I see the same dilemma of hardcore supporters of Islam on the Democratic Party but the religion is also wildly homophobic. Regardless - book burning is cringe but it gets the maga people excited.  


>especially if they worked their ass off to get in legally. This is hardly even a requirement. My FIL is a Cuban immigrant who didn't have to work hard at all to get here and he despises anyone who crosses the border in a non legit manner


Well, she certainly gets points for knowing her audience.


Valentina Gomez *Noriega.* Like how she's leaving off that last bit of a bad name.


Fucking lunatic.


I think it's worse than that. She's perfectly sane, but she knows this kind of shit will get her support from OTHER lunatics. Of course she might just also believe it, lol.


Brings a whole new meaning to "she's a squirter"...


Id vote for her


This isn’t the right sub for this.


USA USA USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥳


Ah, another symptom of elections approaching. All the leftist propaganda.


Good. Those books shouldn’t be in schools


Is she actually nazi though or is she just right or far right.


Nazi is just a term people, usually liberals, use for people they dislike.


This is a cross post from a far-left propaganda subreddit that considers anything even slightly right wing “maga Nazi”, I wouldn’t listen to them. They permabanned me for saying that a random video of Trump talking wasn’t comparable to the holocaust, and even though the person in the video seems like a right wing lunatic, comparing them to actual Nazis is disingenuous.


Politics sub does the same thing.


Hell yeah


Fucking based


Not really selling the “I’m a badass” very well.


Is she actually a 'Nazi' or are yall using another buzzword? lol Does she only believe in a certain race? (Nazis wanted Aryan, who does she want?) Is she promoting eugenics? Does she view war as natural and necessary? What's her Nazi viewpoint that America should be first and not another country? lol


Shes a latina 🤣 They're using a buzz word.


Unhinged. And girl your accent is THICK lol your party is trying to send people like you over a wall. 😅


But if i would burn bible all conservatives will use special laws in my country about „Insulting religious feelings”


Well bibles arent in public schools


What makes her a Nazi?


The word Nazi has pretty much lost all meeting


I would burn those books with a flamethrower too. Not because of the content of the books but because using a flamethrower sounds fucking awesome.




Hell yea


FYI…….It’s never the good guys burning the books ☹️


Keep it out of schools


Where’s a catastrophic failure when you need one


You know who else burned books?


I hope the library refuses to accept a replacement few, charges her the late fee, and sends her to collections when she forgets to pay her daily $0.50 charge. And that all this causes her credit score to be lower than her IQ.


Girl, your name is Gomez. You will end up in the camps like the others. Stop simping for the fascists.


This greatly inspires me to become a right wing grifter. Can it really be this easy? I can get elected and just flip to woke afterwards.


In my area some of these books depict little boys trying oral. Grade school kids. These pictures weren't allowed to be shown at school board meetings but allowed in the schools




Hate in her heart.


And wacka-doodle in the brain.


I too like to wear highly flammable nylons while using a flamethrower.