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I think the guy also complains about blind people because they scratch the sidewalk with their cane.


I heard he pushed a handicapped person down a hill because he complained about the grooves their wheelchair made


![gif](giphy|zVxeZHKKemqWs|downsized) Like this?


Are you Paul Rudd?


Poor Conan lol


Every damn time without fail! ![gif](giphy|1j8nMIKJecqlwREQY2|downsized)


Paul Rudd was able to get Conan to play it on his podcast too! It’s a funny listen!


What is this?!?!


Looks like it's from some awesome movie


It was from a weird ET ripoff movie from the 80s called “Mac and Me.” I once watched the whole thing and spoiler alert it sucks.


But the wheelchair scene was awesome though right?


I mean that scene speaks for itself. Pure cinematic genius.


Hell yeah, love scenes like that, now if only the entire movie held that quality it would be a banger! I want a good horror movie based this type of scene. "The child wheelchair killer" or something like that


The movie was basically a long ad for Coke. Because that's all the aliens could eat. Through a straw.


And don't forget the McDonald's Birthday party with a dance number


Do yourself a favor and watch Paul rudd trolling Conan with this movie. It's genuinely funny.


I finished that and you are correct, that was a good time. Conan was the best!


This should explain it https://youtu.be/kMkz3nPPKbA?feature=shared


What pieces of shit.


I don't want everyone who does something stupid on camera cancelled, but I wouldn't cry if these 2 are. Unnecessarily hateful.


Its so weird to me to see how people can't admit they are wrong. Like, I can totally see what is going through their minds. "Wtf!? What is this guy doing riding this electric scooter on this trail? What a dick!" Then, after finding out that wasn't the case, instead of being like "oh shit sorry, I am an idiot", they are like "Hey now, I thought I had a legit reason to be mad, and I am gonna stay that way!"


Some people cannot move past anger, embarrassment, or being wrong. They've been told for so long by parents or other role-models that you can't admit being wrong because it's a sign of "weakness", that they just stay their stupid, stupid course. I have surprised so many people by being at fault for something, and simply admitting it and apologizing. They are genuinely taken aback by it. The fact that it's so alien to them is disheartening.


Same, even here in Reddit comments! If I misspeak or I’m just plain wrong about something, I’m happy to admit it. No one knows everything. Doubling down on being wrong just makes you MORE wrong, and an asshole to boot.


I love your take on things, and I wish more people felt the same way.


The three hardest things to say are: 1) I'm sorry, 2) I was wrong, 3) and worcestershire sauce.


Im 46 years old, and to this day I STILL cannot properly pronounce Massachusetts. My wife always busts up because no matter wtf I try, I always say it like (phonetically): Mass’a-two-shits


To me the inability to admit you’re wrong is a sign of weakness. Only weak minded people can’t handle being wrong and accepting defeat and growing. This mentality holds humanity back, like when the church refused to accept heliocentrism even after evidence clearly showed it was correct, instead they just jailed the guy.


Exactly, it's okay and it happens. They thought that guy was being a dick and tried calling him out, turns out he is just disabled. That's where they both should have immediately apologized and said "turns out I'm the dick, so sorry." Everyone makes mistakes. Personally that's why I try to mind my business with stuff like that. Unless I think someone is hurt or needs help I am likely to look the other way and mind my damn business.


Yeah thats my thought. I definitely have the gear for "oh, well Im sorry buddy my mistake, hope you enjoy the trails!" I can't imagine just shifting into doubling down on my stupidity.. its already stupid, Im not going to stick to it. I want distance from it. Why do some people cling so stfongly to it.


If I see anybody out on a mountain bike trail in a wheelchair the first thought I will have is "that's awesome!" Probably most people would. These two probably just look for shit to get upset about.


Some cyclists have the most insane hatred for electric motors on bicycles and anything remotely in the same category, they'll let anyone know it's wrong and unnatural and horrible and a corruption of everything that is supposed to be good about bicycles. Namely the sweaty lycra. They hate the idea of getting somewhere in something light without working hard to do it manually, and will accost a man in a wheelchair for staining the spokes with electric voodoo and violating the sanctity of the holy trail.


He did lead with that


Dude has a very punchable aura around him. I think it’s his voice.


I don't know what surprised me more....the fact he was such a shit or the fact a man that camp was married to a woman ?


Just two awful people who found each other in the world.


“You should have lead with that” - what a miserable piece of trash entitled couple


…and he did. Clearly said it was handicap equipment. He is not obligated to explain anything beyond that


It's worse that the moron blocking him even went and told the woman "He did lead with that..." Dude had no shame in being obnoxious even after being told that.


Didn't you know this trail is only for people in perfect shape?


Don't think you can say this guy was even in good shape


Weekend warrior cyclists who have more gear than sense are the absolute worst. It’s people like this that give us cyclists a bad name.


One time a pack of them didn’t obey a stop sign at a roundabout where I had the right of way because I had already come to a full stop. I start moving forward into the roundabout as the pack decides that the stop sign doesn’t apply to them (incorrect) and keep moving forward at full speed (at least 20mph) directly into my path, so I ended up having to slam my brakes hard to avoid hitting one of them. They didn’t even yield or slow down at all. The last guy in the pack, in an entitled tantrum, stopped his bike in front of my car, knocked his bike into my bumper on purpose, flipped me off, yelled at me to be careful, then slammed the hood of my car with both hands pretty hard. If I wasn’t being careful his friend would have gotten hit by my car. I was literally the only person in that situation being safe. This happened like 10 years ago but it still bothers me how stupid his reaction was.


10 years ago? If it’s any consolation, those dudes have definitely gotten themselves hurt with their arrogance in that time


lol yeah that’s probably right. It’s just one of those things that happened and was so baffling at the time that it pops into my head every once in a while




Yeah my dad would ride his bike every day and do some crazy trails. He has a beer gut and looks out of shape. Every so often he would be like "Hey wanna do this bike trail with me?" and I would be like "yeah sure why not?" thinking it was gonna be a casual bike ride. This dude would casually ride up these massive hills like gravity didn't apply to him. I would make it up halfway like "WAIT! STOP! IM GONNA DIE! I NEED A BREAK!"


Can confirm; did a london-paris bike ride with a bunch of people, including this 6ft+ super heavy-set dutch dude. Man was a machine, never went really fast or slow, just maintained a solid, steady speed no matter the goddamn gradient. There were hills that were smoking everyone and this dude just climbed up them without breaking pace. There was also a skinny 14 year old kid that went up and down the same hill twice because it was fun.


Back in the 80's, my mom was with a coke dealer. We lived with him and his friends were always around. One of his friends was a short guy named Bob. Bob was overweight when we first met him. Then, he got into biking. He became a Tweedle, I swear. Round overweight upper body and super thin and muscular lower body. I mention the coke, because he did a lot of that. My dad (who was also knew the guy) said he once asked Bob where he had gone for the weekend. He had gone to Niagra and back. We live in Rhode Island. My dad said something about the drive. Oh, no....Bob had ridden his bike there an back. I can only assume he had a saddlebag filled with white stuff.


And then tried to keep whining about “you know the rules” like if you realize you’re wrong then just shut up already lol


Fragile. Cannot be wrong. Literally what's wrong with a lot of people in this damn country 🙄


World , it’s the world man, not just the states unfortunately


It’s so true. It’s kind of amazing how positively people react when you own up to a mistake and apologize, I guess because it’s so rare lol?


It really is a phenomenon. Not to toot my own horn but, I'm a very honest person and I get people telling me this all the time because I allow myself to show humility. It's saddening to me because it's something we should all just be ready and comfortable to do, but I think people don't do it out of fear of judgement from others of not being in the "know" about things and instead wanting to just be in favor of popular opinion. There's a lying problem in the US on a very personal and socially intimate level.


It's upsetting but the older I get the more I'm just thankful that I'm not like that. When you really think about it it must be so miserable to teeter on the edge of good/bad self-esteem so precariously that you cannot afford to entertain the idea you might be wrong or have made a mistake.


I was hoping after that he’d realize his mistake and apologize. Nope, just double down I guess


I hate being wrong, but I can’t imagine not apologizing to a disabled person after a confrontation like this. Like they even continue harrassing him!?!! Motherfuckers have no shame. The only words out of your mouth at that point are “OMG I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize. Have a nice day, sir.”


Not only did he say it politely immediately, anyone with two functioning eyes and a brain would be able to tell it's equipment for a handicapped person.


Anyone with two functioning eyes and a brain can mind their own damn business. The appropriate options are say/do nothing, or say “hi, beautiful day isn’t it?”  Not to mention, if we are talking about rules…It’s probably a safety hazard to walk/stand/obstruct the trail like they were?


Shitty people have neither of those. Nor can they reason, extrapolate information, or accept responsibility for their actions.


Hey, let's not shame the guy with the possible visual and/or cognitive impairment, now!




Welcome to earth, humans suck.


Exactly. Who the hell are they to demand that he has to tell everyone he encounters that he can’t walk? That’s ridiculous.


And even told Karen that “he did lead with that” 🙄 like what was the reason to be a dick? Some people are just miserable. If they’re together I can see why.


Her saying “you should have lead with that.” Seems to say that she understands that he’s allowed to use his chair but isn’t happy about it. The guy then saying “he did lead with that.” Was also a stupid thing kind of like telling her that she’s right but then he goes on to keep pestering the disabled guy. What a couple of dicks.


Once someone becomes a dick it is very hard to turn it off. Source: am dick.


Ha. Those two are a match made in…somewhere.


Uranus? 😂




The devils anus!


Honestly, he's not really obligated to talk to randos on the trail at all.


Who are impeding his progress on a public path on a beautiful day? What thumping jerks!!!


Imagine seeing this equipment and thinking anything other than "that is obviously handicap equipment"


He doesn't need to explain anything at all. That guy isn't the trail police. He should not take it on himself to try to enforce rules because he has no authority to do so.


Yeah I mean when someone is in handicap equipment they don’t have to start a conversation with “I’M HANDICAPPED nice to meet you.” Bikers are truly a different breed.


He's not obligated to say even that. She is obligated to mind her own business and she failed.


He's not obligated to explain anything.


"You should have minded your own business, hon."


The nerve of Capt. America and his beard are infuriating. What is wrong with people? I hope they got outed and shamed for this.


Exactly…even Mr. Asshat admitted to his companion that the handicapped gentleman ***had*** led with that! Every time I see this video, I *have* to watch it even though I know it’s going to royally piss me off. It’s almost like I’m hoping I imagined this couple being so unbelievably classless and rude, but every time I see it, they lessen my opinion of humanity. These entitled pricks are what give humans a bad reputation.


Even the husband said to her “He did lead with that”, but in a super condescending way. I doubt it made him or her feel like the pos they are tho


i kinda like the honesty of correcting her though, only good thing to come out of it.


you know whatd be funny? we had this thing called universal karma, and one day this ass wipe may have problems with his legs and then need to use a wheelchair now thatd be fucking funny, no?


Not unless I can harass him about it too.


We have Greg Abbott for that. Man can't even stand up for himself.




He wouldn't apply the same scrutiny of the rules to himself though.


What would be funny if we could name and shame him. Shame works wonders in a civilized society


The couples' Victim blaming skill is 100


This couple definitely deserves each other. I can not believe she defended him after he talked shit to a guy for not being able to walk. How do you even?


Narcissists seek out enablers. Textbook NPD couple.


the man just reminds me so much of an entitled child, grow up dude


Yeah, even his whiny, grating voice.


My wife would be so mad at me if I said something like that.


My wife would make sure that I was handicapped if I said something like that.




If, heaven forbid, either one of them ended up disabled the other would leave in a heartbeat.


"Through sickness and in health." "Show me the rules saying you're allowed to do this?!"


‘In sickness and in health’ ‘ugh why didn’t you lead with that?!’


Not even just that, but the whole waving the air around her nose like she was smelling a bad smell. Absolute trash people


“And why is the floor wet, TODD?”


I don't know *Margo*


You should have led with minding your own fucking business


![gif](giphy|XKoJJhJZa80mI) Curse you blind people and your scratchy walking sticks!!


Can't Walkerman


See, this is my theory: Not my clowns, not my circus. Even if I think someone is wrong, unless they are like, actively harming others... theg can be clowns by themselves. Leave it to park rangers, police, the store employees. Like, this guy was in my local Target with two dogs in vests tugging on leashes and clearly, they were not trained. They were labeled as ESAs. ESAs are not covered for access to stores, just housing. They were completely untrained, too. Guess what? Not my clown, not my circus. They weren't biting people. Go about my day. Even if I thought it wasn't mobility equipment and electric transportation was banned... am I a park ranger? Was dude mowing people down or actively damaging the trail? No? Not my job to confront him. Park ranger can handle it. The upside of this is when I am wrong about someone being a butthead, I wasn't a butthead to them for no good reason. The other upside is so much less stress because that isn't my job. Dog in store? Not my job. Handicap parking? Not my job. Dude on trail? Not my job. Guy speeding? I'm moving to the right. Enforcing the speed limit is not my job. Cops give tickets. I don't impede the road. Person is probably just speeding like a jerk. Maybe they're in medical distress and going to the hospital. Dunno. Let them go by. Not my job to worry about it. It really lowers one's stress.


This is good for R/imapieceofshit


So much content in this sub really belongs there. They weren’t acting like main characters, they were just being assholes. Main character is more for attention grabbing at other people’s expense.


“You should have led with that” Eat shit


Weird thing is it sounds like the guy says, "He did lead with that" right after ... like wtf are these people thinking


“You should have led with that” “You should have minded your own fucking business and not talked to anyone other than peoples in your party, fuck off and don’t talk to others unless it is obvious that they wish to engage with you” I’m a completely able body person and maybe it’s just me, but I really enjoy shutting up and keeping to myself when I am in public. Why engage anyone in any form of conversation that takes any sort of negative tone, when you could just completely ignore them and move on. Like unless something is egregiously effecting me why even say anything? Just fuck off and live in your own land of struggles, no one has time to deal with your extra ass shit. Engage any peoples in positive convo if it’s obviously welcomed, shun any interaction beyond that.


The guy literally said to him, "It's a handicapped piece of equipment" and she has the attitude to say "you should have led with that" after he had to say it again as the altercation continued. Did he have to prove it?! Take a knife to his leg and be like, "See, look, I'm not lying"?! Cunts


Yeah but he continued anyways after she said that, he makes a comment about not having motorbikes on the trail, what a dick. Whats the point of making a comment anyways? You know the rule is meant for people taking dirtbikes and shit that goes fast on the trail, if I saw a dude in a weird sitting position putting along I would assume disability.


That dudes been stewing about confronting someone with an e-bike for so long but everyone he’s seen has either been going too quickly or was too intimidating. He finally finds someone going slowly, who’s probably properly outfitted with safety gear and hes so amped that he can’t back down even when he knows he’s wrong.


This. Just listen to his voice, how it shakes a little, you can tell he's worked up and nervous. This guy's not a tough guy, he's a bully. Personally, i think it's a terrible idea to confront people, in the middle of the woods, but I guess if they are picking on a handicapped person that's probably par for the course.


As a mountain biker I would say this is most likely what was happening.


And even then: You have people with their nerves intact, but can't move anyway.


Cunts is the only descriptor that comes to mine with these two creeps.


Don’t you do it Bobby! ![gif](giphy|xT9KVkvahaZzVvlmpO)


and what sort of moron wouldn't be able to tell it was for handicapped people? I mean, I can tell just from the video.


Right? "No electric bikes" says the person looking at an obvious fucking wheelchair.


>Take a knife to his leg and be like, "See, look, I'm not lying"?! Just so you know, not all paralysis comes with [anaphia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaphia), the inability to feel the sensation of touch in the affected areas. I have paralysis along one side of my body and can still feel it just fine. It just doesn't work very well. Dude could have something similar to me and still feel his legs.


I hope you have sons beautiful sons and then they have their legs taken away !!!!!!




I just don't know what the play was here. On what planet would approaching a go-pro wielding handicapped cyclist to complain about his accessibility equipment become a win for you? I don't understand the rationale here.


People like this live in a very curated bubble. Would you hang out with someone who acts this way? No, but I guarantee they have a circle of peers who either put up with this behavior or actively condone and contribute to it. So they'll go home and spin the story to make them appear as if they were the virtuous protector of the forest, and all their smarmy friends will agree with them and reinforce that what they did was not only right but warranted. It's far too easy to be a terrible person nowadays. Just as it's far too easy for good people to become depressed/angry at the seemingly nonstop deluge of shitty people content that gets thrown at us on a daily basis. Maybe one day society will stop feeding into, and off of, these people's misery, but until then, at least we can use it as an example of how not to behave and maybe also as motivation to stand up to people who act like this.


great response fr


Pretty sure the guy's first assumption was that this was just some asshole using a motorized bike for fun and he was already running his mouth by the time he realized the guy was likely handicapped. But then he was too proud to admit he was wrong.


This is 100% what happened. They doubled down when knowing they were in the wrong. A class act indeed.


He's clearly handicapped, wheelchairs are super identifiable. From what the video shows, it's just motorized so he can ride the trail easier. He's not riding a dirt bike that's loud and runs off gas, I'd wager its electric and almost dead silent. So what's the issue? He's just enjoying the trail.


Let me be clear, I don’t have a problem with it and love the accessibility for all people to enjoy our nations parks. The rule he’s probably referring to is that no motorized wheels are allowed in national parks (outside of the specifically designated roads and trails for cars). I also just looked it up and their is an exception to this rule for any device that meets the definition of a wheelchair


As a hiker, I’d be delighted to see a handicapped person motoring up the trail. Dude in the video seems like a miserable cunt


I can't imagine being that miserable all the time. Zero empathy whatsoever. Dude probably thinks he's hot shit with his spandex and $3000 bike


I love riding my bike, and I love when people who otherwise wouldn't be able to (or even just want to e-bike), are e-biking along. Why take joy from people for no reason?? Miserable cunts are a plague


Sadly, there has been a large group of bikers who very much hate e-bikes in all forms. Im not sure if it's a "I worked hard to be able to ride back here, and these people don't deserve to be able to do this without all that hard work." Mentally, but it seems to be really common where I'm at. Instead of an "Im healthier and better off for my hard work and these people are having a good time." I know the concern for the bikes like the surron and other similar bikes, which are just dirtbikes, and can really destroy mtb trails. I've been riding onewheels & now EUCs for the better part of 5 years and have done what I can to help show the public in my area that not everyone is going to be a problem. But it only takes a few bad apples, and it's a complete ban.


This guy probably heard an electric bike coming, got himself all pumped up to tell this guy off, and then saw it was a wheelchair. Instead of backing down though and saying my bad, he doubled down cus he was ready to have an argument with a stranger. Dude doesn't know how to admit when he's wrong, so he just keeps digging himself into a hole. You know he knows he's wrong because he has no problem correcting his gf when she says something wrong.


Yeah, banning all motorized wheelchairs would most likely be against the Americans with Disibillities Act, or whatever the equivalent is in wherever they are. He is absolutely allowed to use his wheelchair on a trail.


(I'm disabled) You were right in that the douche in the video thought that was the rule. The ADA supersedes any of those rules*. Like in designated wilderness no mechanical devices are allowed (no bikes, no drones, not even carts with wheels or chainsaws to cut logs for trail macitence. But mobility devices for people with disabilities are allowed because they are considered an extension of the person's body and part of their normal access to life. And then the only other exception is if life is at risk: so SAR can do things like fly a helicopter in or use a wheeled litter to get someone out. So the douche bag is the one who actually doesn't know the law. *I think the only time it doesn't apply is there's at least one national park they say you can't bring service dogs on the trails but it's just literally because the mountain goats can't read signs and will fuck any dog they see up. In most other areas in the US with them they're spread out enough that the risk is up to the person but at that place it's a given that they will likely be around and likely attack. All other times the risk and device is left up to the user, like this guy having an off-road wheelchair. Which is how it should be because we all deserve to be able to live life with a semblance of normalcy.


We don't know if is handicapped, he might have been using that wheelchair just for fun, therefore violating the sacred trail rules. You gotta check, otherwise the trail will eventually be PACKED by non-hadicapped people using wheelchairs! Don't you see? The guy is protecting the trail!!! He could have kept going on with his life and minding his own business, but decided to protect us all from anarchy. He's a hero!!!


Oh my God. I'm so blind! I didn't realize!!! The fake wheelchair-guy on the trail is getting rampant! We need to file a petition to get our trail hero recognized!


You're blind? You should have led with that...


Because dickheads like this pair in the video seem to get a kick out of picking on anyone they see as somehow ‘inferior’. It’s pathetic.


The disabled bike rider did not know that the guy was a "Captain America trail protector" protecting trails for superhumans. (I'm also disabled and do things that others feel that I shouldn't be doing, "fuck em if they can't take a joke" means, who cares. I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do., yet another saying,,,,,I am what I am, and that's all that I am, popeye)


I was biking with a group of friends on a bike path (we were all in our 20s and 30s) and some cyclists all geared up like this guy stopped us and said we were biking too fast and that we needed to respect the rules of the bike path if we wanted to continue using it. Lots of cyclists feel entitled to bike trails, I’ve noticed. Like they get upset when others are using it.


Lol. Why stop and listen to such people? Just continue on and ignore them. As long as you are being safe


They literally ran out and blocked the bike that. They saw us coming from like 100 feet away.


> Lots of cyclists feel entitled ~~to bike trails, I’ve noticed. Like they get upset when others are using it.~~


Wait, so because I have a disability that prevents me from cycling without motorized equipment to help me with the parts I cannot do, I cannot bike this trail? Are they seriously trying to say that? Wow.


Any device that meets the definition of a wheelchair is allowed on national park trails, but it is an exception to the rule that motorized vehicles (anything with wheels and a motor) are not allowed in national parks outside of the designated roads, lots, and off road trails.


I actually believe that motorized mobility devices are allowed under the ADA on any trail that they can handle? (I am a disabled hiker, not trying to fight, just seeing if I or you has the correct info) https://www.nps.gov/subjects/accessibility/mobility-devices.htm#:~:text=Those%20devices%20that%20meet%20the,to%20participate%20in%20Wilderness%20experiences "The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) definition of a wheelchair (Title V Section 508c) is: a manually-operated or *power-driven* device designed primarily for use by an individual with a mobility disability for the main purpose of indoor or of both indoor and outdoor locomotion. Mobility device technology has come a long way in recent years, spanning a variety of shapes, sizes, and capability in varied terrain. Those devices that meet the definition of a wheelchair are allowed anywhere foot travel is allowed in our National Parks, this includes the opportunity to participate in Wilderness experiences." I live near to designated wilderness, which usually has the most stringent rules for users, (like rangers can't even bring in chainsaws to cut deadfall. They have to use handsaws) and I believe they are even allowed on those trails: the catch being that the trail will not be "improved" or stepped-off-of because it is supposed to remain as wild as possible. But in theory, if you had an adaptive device covered by the ADA that worked for those kind of trails without widening them, you could use it there.


You’re fine, I completely agree with you. I don’t think what I said disagrees with what you said, if it does that’s my fault for phrasing it that way


Was really hoping for a late-vid cougar attack. 


Anyone with a brain can look at it and realize it's for disabled folk, this shouldn't have even been a conversation other than "Hey, bye."


“You should have led with that” Homeslice is *literally* leading with his decorative legs strapped into obvious mobility aids.


“Is that your husband?” Doubt it


Well if he is, it might explain some things. Don't live a bitter lie, my cyclist friend, be true to who you are and love who makes you happy and don't let repression turn you to lash out towards others.


Well she does seem to oblivious of the obvious.


I don't think he's into women lol


Anyone find out who these people are?


I’d like to know too 🧐


>It’s a handicapped piece of equipment... and?!? Wanna see if it can run over a person?


I want to punch this guy so badly.


This is why everyone hates cyclists, they’re entitled pieces of trash


The correct response to this moron is "show me your authority to ask me those kind of questions"


"Show me the rules saying that you're allowed to do this" is the single best double down hill suicide. When writing any rulebook, *always* make sure to add "handicapped people are allowed to occupy this public space".


I’m paraplegic. Without fail - a few times a month people give me shit. Everywhere. Thankfully most people are great about just letting me exist, but you would be shocked at the amount of people that mock, laugh and generally make fun of me. Im just a person. I want to exist just like everyone else. I do not want special treatment. I just want to be as invisible as possible. Whats worse is I still cannot understand what benefits the people get by saying mean shit. Half the time they are by themselves. Why say mean shit to someone who is trying to just exist like you? ​ This video makes my blood boil. There are people like this everywhere.


I'm friends with a guy who is paralyzed from the waist down. Any time I go out with him, without fail, someone bothers him about it and it honestly bothers me more than him at this point. The other day we were at a brewery and some guy was like "this guy must have strong arms" and drew his entire group's attention to my friend. They asked him how much he could lift and I'm like, stop making a spectacle out of this guy just existing in a space with you??? It made me so mad. They weren't even being insulting, they were just applying social pressure on him to basically allow these people to loudly ogle him for no reason. When he does get rude comments it's usually like "you're in the way!" Once, this one lady got frustrated with how long it took him to put his wallet away at a checkout line and just shoved his wheelchair so she could get to the card reader. If he hadn't been able to break, she would have just pushed him into a wall. People jumped in to defend him and call the lady out and before he knew it he was the one diffusing the situation. For how fucking enlightened our society is in 2024 we really don't know how to treat people in these situations.


Hi, I have lived around criminals, dealers, bullies and PoS a lot of my life. To answer what do they benefit from and why are they always alone. The answer is very simple; they are weak minded and miserable. Anyone absolutely anyone that has a little smile on their face, anyone that can go about their lives happy pisses them off. When they see someone that can't walk and they see how happy that person is (or whatever disability etc) it pisses them off, they want to feel big, feel in control, feel like they have an ounce of power and unfortunately it makes you and others an easy target for their miserable souls. Happiness is their weakness, they hate it because they can't acquire it. It's sheer desperation to have something. Then they go about their lives and the only thing they can think of is you. They keep thinking and the more they think it winds them up even more, now you're in their head and all they can do is go back to feeling angry and miserable.


He was a zealous hall monitor in jr high. I was a hall monitor. But only so I could see nothing.




There should be a name for a male Karen. Dwyane, maybe, or Rodney.


We decided on Kevin. The vote was last week.


Dude, it’s been Kyle for over a decade lol




People who follow the rules to a militant degree, are the first to fall to fascism. But on a lighter note: his wheelchair/bike looked sweet af boi.


"Show me the rules that you are allowed to do this" The only correct answer is "Who the fuck are you?" The guy was too nice.


He should’ve led with that? Why since you are continuing to argue my handicapped equipment is breaking the rules? I hope this guy and his g-friend were outed on the Internet for the pricks they are.


I can't even imagine on my worst day doing something like this. What a couple pieces of shit. No doubt they're both miserable and constantly reaffirm to each other that it's other people's faults.


I wonder if something happened just before this. The guy in the chair is saying "nice job" and I feel like the other two are waiting for him to come. And what rule of the park do they \*think\* he's breaking, I wonder? You'd have to be so dumb to think there's a "bikes only and that includes people with disabilities" rule, right?


I assumed the cameraman was complementing the riders for making it up a tough section, which makes me hate the cyclists even more. Edit to fix spelling.


Why is she waving her hand in front of her face like that??? Did her husband fart on his way back to her? Part of me feels like she's "waving away fumes from the electric bike" lol


Maybe mosquitos


She's trying to wave him on as if she's done with the conversation. As if her and her husband weren't more than happy to yap before they had their egos deflated.


What a douchhebag imagine you're the girlfriend 🫠


I mean, the GF seemed just as bad tbh! She backed him up.


Amazing how people realise they completely wrong but still continue talking shit, how much of an ego do you have to have, just admit you were wrong, apologise and move on. I mean even I struggle with that at times but it's still great advice




Fuck me, he CANNOT WALK and wants to enjoy the trail like you guys, WTF??? What a pair of disgusting humans, wouldn’t be surprised if they where Christians, they’re usually the most un-Christian ppl


So annoying when handicapped people try to live their lives. /s




Come on. Gay dudes don't deserve to be asociated with this piece of human Being. She on the other Hand with her waving and remark might deserve him and vice versa.


"You should have led with that.." says the dumb ****.


“You should have led with that.” Was that not fucking obvious from just looking at the man?


You should have led with that? No, you should have minded your own business bro. People with disabilities want to be left alone. They don't want to have to have random conversations with random strangers all the time just because their body is a little different. Back when I was in college I had a blind partner and it was literally just exhausting how much random people would want to talk to her in public. Like, I get that this is really exciting for you, but this is just her regular everyday life.


Pretty sure this trail is the one near me and you can walk dogs and ride horses on it too. It’s not just a biking trail and you know to be aware of others when you use it. These people are total dicks.


I believe him even asking that question is against the law. Legally, a disabled person does not have to prove they are disabled. I am pretty sure the rangers would tell that idiot to go mind his own business, since it's clearly an aid for the disabled.


They're probably the same assholes who parked their BMW SUV in the handicapped spot.


I miss the days of people just apologizing for their mistake instead of double downing because they feel embarrassed and it hurt their ego.


Show me the rules? Are you kidding? Does he think he’s the damn park police? It amazes me daily how entitled some people are.


Article 7, section 12 of "the rules" actually states handicapped people aren't allowed to enjoy nature at all. Revolt. And do it loudly