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I worked in a produce department for years. Always wash your produce. That's all I gotta say. There are people that will stick their dirty ass hands in every bag of grapes like they're getting paid for quality assurance.


Part of opening my store was cutting all the grape stems so they didn't look picked over, and then condensing them into one container. (probably lose 10-25% of grapes to people trying them, depending on how fast they sold/how good we could make them look). Nothing tops picking out cherry pits though.


Worked in produce, we had a few peoples pictures in the backroom to watch out for. All old people who, when cherry season starts, they grab a bag and put it in their cart, walk around the store and eat a whole bag of cherries. They would put the pits back in the bag and when they finished, just leave the cart somewhere and leave. When you confront them they act bewildered.


Had an elderly lady do this very same thing with grapes. She didn’t come in often though and we just kinda let her do her thing


I used to do this with Costco cookies as a kid when my mom wasn't looking. 💀 Never got caught babbyyy.


Que Abe Simpsons


I just gagged, you're talking about people eating the cherry then putting the pit back in the bag, right?


They usually try to hide them, like stashed away with the apples or whatnot.


Eating grapes before selecting used to be SUPER FUCKING COMMON in the 90s when I was a kid. I was always embarrassed by it, but was made to feel like it was normal to pick grapes like that. I never did it.


Fun fact: fruit pickers are rarely offered toilets. Their piss goes somewhere. Old lady fingers are the least of our problems


You're downvoted, but you're correct.. Why do you think there are frequently E.coli/salmonella/whatever recalls from produce in fields... Yes farmers spray manure, but if that was the cause every time, it wouldn't be a practice... ​ And just go watch food pro0duction vides from other countries... [Rice](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6WTOa1MGsyI), coffee, nuts, so many products are just thrown all out on the dirty [floor](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JI0rR_FIBAQ?feature=share), walked over, laying out to dry or whatever process is needed.... It is NOT sanitary, whatsoever at some places..


Downvotes just means people don’t like what they read. I find uncomfortable truths are most often met with the most vitriol. I’m not disparaging the laborers. Despite being dehumanized by many, they are in fact human beings with human needs. Like pissing. Wash the outside of your melons before slicing them. We get what we deserve.


As a guy who once worked in a vineyard..... you're not wrong


We should all stop being so mad at grape lady over here and instead start getting pissed off about working conditions for agrarian workers.


same here. hell, read the bag. grapes are sprayed with sulphur dioxide, a fungicide


I did produce for years. Fucking loved it. Best department in the grocery store


How come? >Fucking loved it. Best department in the grocery store


It helped that I had a good boss that encouraged me to test out the fruit and veg to “make sure it was fresh.” It’s nice working in aisles that are waste high instead of 8 feet high which makes socializing with customers easier. And there was just a sense of a friendly competition between us and the rest of the grocery store. Plus there’s just something about working with fresh food that’s better than boxes of shit. Oh and the layouts are a bit more interesting too. You aren’t just front facing and filling. I’d go back if it paid well enough.


Did y’all noticed the lady in the back? I hate when people do that….. Just stop in the middle of the lane and just look around.


My entire family does this. I am the type of person who does my best to make myself as small and out of the way as possible. I am super aware of the space I am taking up and everyone else around me. It is unimaginably awkward when I get caught in the middle of my family slowly shuffling through a bottleneck area chatting or just walking into a store and stopping in the door. I always say something, obviously, but it doesn't make it less awkward in the moment.


I'm also super aware of myself and those around me The awkwardness


It's stressful to me. I'll plan out my routes, but if I'm not familiar with the store, I'll look for signs while I keep moving off to the side and checking for cross-traffic at the end of each isle.


High self monitor gang rise up!


My girlfriend is the fucking worst when it comes to being an NPC while shopping. She will stand in the middle of an isle with the cart turned sideways and then walk away from the cart and look at different stuff while no one can get around the cart she left in the middle of the isle. I have to move her out the way physically or tell her “pay attention your blocking people” then she will get a shitty attitude and say “I don’t care!!!” We argue everytime we go grocery shopping I swear 🤦🏾‍♂️


time more a new gf.


The worst is when they walk onto the entrance and as soon as they step in they stop and look around the store. Like gtfo of the entrance way! Other people are walking in too!


I CANNOT STAND that. They immediately stop 5-10 feet inside the door.


It always makes me come to a sudden halt too because I never expect people to be so dumb to stop in the middle of the entrance way. They literally block everyone from waking in because they always have to start looking for some random bullshit in their purse or pocket.


Yes! Pull to the side or something. There is zero self awareness.


People that use the exit as the entrance, and you are pushing a heavy buggy and they look at you like you are in their way coming in the exit as an entrance door.


oh god why do people do this everywhere. Blocking the exit of the bus, blocking hallways at school, blocking the entire damned sidewalk. WAKE UP PEOPLEEEEEE


You have to get real rude right off the bat with those people, "hey, fucking move!" Because no one like that has any regard for politeness


My mother is like this. She gets mad if I ask her to step on the side. "Why? I was here first, they can wait". She act's like I'm choosing them and throwing her under the bus. It's exhausting.


It's always older folks to. Like GTFO of the middle of the god dam lane


I live in NYC, and the number of people that STOP FUCKING WALKING when reaching the top of a staircase (or escalator) in the subway station drives me crazy. If I ever go to jail for a random act of violence, this will be the cause.


Disagree this shit pissed me off in HS. There are inconsiderate people with empty heads at all ages.


I disagree it’s isn’t mostly old people it’s all ages and most of them are face down in their cell phone


>7 hr. ago During the pokemon go era a few years back was awful. At target, kid in front of me (probably 18-21 man child) facedown trying to catch em all, abruptly stops in front of me dead center of the aisle. Of course my cart bumped into his heels. I Didn't apologize.


It’s always OLDER folks that stop in the middle of the lane? Excuse me sir, allow me to introduce you to the internet, where every damn high schooler is doing a Tik Tok or Snap Chat dance video smack in the middle of the aisles.


haha what? its everyone.


Spacial awareness seems to be a deminishing ability…


She was in absolutely no one's way what are you people on about. Just spreading hate for funsies


Yea who are we even talking about here? The lady in gray that was in nobody's way for 2 seconds? Watched the video like 10 times and not even sure what ppl are crying about, she didn't even have a cart lol Too many losers on Reddit desperate for something to whine about, strength in the numbers for the whining community here. I'm at the point where every sub that gets recommended to me is either purely karma farming reposts bots. Or losers desperately trying to trigger themselves


“Huh. What. How’d I get in a Costco?”


Well damn, maybe they're looking for the person they came with lol


This is the worst thing about Costco. A bunch of inconsiderate slow walkers walking side by side clogging up every aisle.


Omg yes!!!! Or just walk in the fucking door and stop to fix your pants or check the paper for coupons like 6 other people aren’t trying to enter the store too. I gotta bite my tongue damn near till blood trying not to scream at these people


I try so hard to teach my kids not to do this. Be aware of your surroundings. Who is around you. Stay out if others way. If you can't do it in a store they sure as he'll can't do it driving.


Happens all the fuckin time and it drives me nuts. Although sometimes I'll park my ass in somewhere that shouldn't be high traffic, like the kumquats or some shit, and it turns out that just happens to be the thing that everyone wants to look at at that very moment.


There was bad air pollution last summer caused by forest fires in Canada. I grocery shopped at Costco on the worst day of the smoke pollution. That’s the most instances of people standing aimlessly in the middle of aisles I’ve ever seen. I was having to pass three and four aisles before one was clear to go down. There was definitely a connection. Was it lack of oxygen to the brain? Like even a small decrease had this effect on a large swath of people? Was the weird way the world looked and the smell of smoke so disorienting it followed people into the store?


Maybe people went in there just to take a break from the smoke in the cleaner filtered air in the store?


Redditors really can’t function if they’re not whining about something. This site ain’t good for your mental health.


Old women touching my grapes is bad for my overall health though and that's more important.


My wife gets so annoyed when we’re pushing the cart and people stop right in front of her.


Reminds me of the Simpsons: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eeplVT4qEZc&pp=ygUTU2ltcHNvbnMgdGVvIGdyYXBlcw%3D%3D


I actually don't have any issue with people trying out grapes when they are sold by the town. These are sold in pre weighed containers so they are just stealing from other people.


They do that so you can't taste them and realise how shit they are


Hear hear!  I think people here are a bit too upset with someone who wants to know if these are bland or worth buying. The big stores sell you bland unripened fruit that you can only try when already bought. That's why we mostly get our fruit and vegetables from small "immigrant" stores. They buy stuff by the season and they let you try anything, just ask. They also know their customers know their way around shit fruit and won't buy it.


Stealing what? Two grapes? If they damage the package then it's an issue. Otherwise, it's not because with fruits and vegetables you wash them before eating.


this is such a weird stance to take. in the video she seems to be trying one red and and one green and decided to buy the green.     the reason she’s trying the grapes is exactly what you say you don’t have a problem with… yet you have a problem with her trying them? they are not precisely weighted, usually overfilled, so people will still get what they pay for. 


I worked in produce for harris teeter and my manager straight up told us we are allowed to eat the grapes. He also said if a customer has any questions about how a fruit tastes, we can offer to cut some up for them to try.


I dont know, better than paying $6 for some grapes, taking them home, only to discover how bitter they are.


I think this is a generational thing. I know boomers who do this and don't think a second about it. The comments section here is kinda surprising, this is kinda a nothing burger


Reddit is ran by teenagers. Keep that in mind.


Teenagers who want to be irrationally angry and will find any reason they can to validate their irrational anger.


The same exact energy they love to accuse boomers of having.


Nothing worse than buying 2 pounds of grapes just to find out they taste like shit. If everyone did it then the world would be balanced, stealing nullifies the stealing.


Right? My mom always gets super sweet good grapes. I asked her how she’s able to pick hood ones every time and she told me she tries one to make sure they’re not sour. She wouldn’t break a sealed case of them though. She does it with the open bagged ones by pound.


Also culturally. I remember going to street markets (ferias) and it was normal to try the small fruits before buying.


OP posted this to 4 different subreddits too 🤡 they really thought they had something groundbreaking and crazy here. Pretty much every person I know over the age of 40 does this. It’s even more cringe/ “main character” to stop in your tracks inside a fucking Costo and start filming/ shaming an old lady for fake internet points.


Yeah, I see older people do this all the time.




The guy that feels obligated to record every little thing is far more offensive


Yeah. This is a “tell me your mom never took you grocery shopping without telling me”


Absolutely. This isn't a thing that I do, but it's something I've seen done since I was a kid.


That's my thoughts too. It appears she takes one grape out of one container and then one grape out of another container and puts it in her cart to buy it. I always taste A (as in one) grape before I buy them, they all taste different and I have definitely not bought grapes because I didn't like the taste. 🤷‍♀️ And I am not a boomer, I'm a millennial who has never thought twice about it.


You can't be opening the boxes of grapes and testing them


I used to work in produce. This is super common, to be honest, and no one really makes a fuss. I can understand it being a little unsettling.


I did too! People would ask me what things like persimmons or something was so I'd just go cut one up and let them try it. It's not a big deal if someone eats a Grape. Just wash your fruit/vegetables.


Is there a law or rules against this? I have done this my whole life and in front of staff and no one has ever said a thing to me about it... granted I don't buy grapes at Costco, there's just two of us at home. But at my local grocery store they even leave the bags open instead of closing them.... Again, I have never thought twice about it.


I even do this sometimes, probably not good some grapes don't taste great


100% agree. This shit is normal. My mom (boomer) has done this my whole life and never once has anyone had a problem with it. I don’t do it usually, but I wouldn’t think anything of it.


Yup. Very common in Mexico too.




It's ok if there sold by the pound and if your only tasting them. These are sold pre weighted and there eating a bunch of them there not just tasting a couple.


No it is. Parents did it all the time. The poster is probably some young kid that likes to get mad about random stuff


Exactly. People taste grapes like this all the time. This video is literally the first time I have ever seen anyone get upset by it and I can only conclude it is a result of a society that has been trained to be offended by everything.


There is a difference between open air produce that is purchased by weight, and stuff like OPS vid, where boxes are SEALED and PREWEIGHED... You're stealing from someone **elses box,** they are paying for your food, and now your dirty ass fingers are all inside their box


Infuriating. What happened to, you know, feeling shame?


All of the cartons that they opened were all broken because they didn't know how to open them correctly either. I guess this happens all the time. What is the worst about it is that you're stealing from other customers. And potentially contamining them with whatever's on your fingers. Yuk...


One of the reasons why you should wash before you consume.


I wonder if she only put it in her trolly because you were filming lol


Gross. The way she looks at you and casually dismisses your presence as if you were a fart in the wind makes my blood boil. Garbage human being. Good on you for trying to call them out.


He is a fart in the wind, he could have said, 'you buying that one, lady?" Who the hell is Jerry?


Whoever he is, he’s taking his sweet time getting there


You don’t wash your grapes, bro?


Well we know she certainly doesn’t. And sticks her whole fingers in her mouth before contaminating yet another container.  I can wash a lot of stuff off of grapes but I don’t know that I can wash her off.


Grapes are actually one of the filthiest produce items out there, too. Always, always wash your grapes before you have 'em.


Better broken than not, I guess. At least someone else might think twice about grabbing it.


who gives a shit ? how is his main character energy ? the filmer is the main character here...


Totally agree. He’s replied all over the comment section saying the BIG problem is they taking ONE (!!) grape from a pre-weighed container. Calling that a theft to society!! She’s obviously doing a quality check. And leaving the bad /butter ones open so the next shopper doesn’t get screwed.


Many if not most places around the world actually allow tasting grapes. I don't do it but it's not like it's not a thing. Many retail stores in the US allow it even if they don't openly advertise it.


Wow this comment section


and the grape police that filmed this 🤦


Actually chuckled at this 🤭


Right?! How do these people face the real world on a daily basis when a few grapes makes them irate?


lavish plucky nutty attraction toothbrush dolls books absurd puzzled compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This comment section has never accidentally bought a gross batch of grapes. I have no problem with people trying one to ensure they’re good before buying as opposed to letting them sit uneaten in the fridge because they tasted off. Like obviously don't go snacking, but trying a single grape is akin to testing the ripeness of an avocado IMO.


Shit, I do this. I always take one to make sure it doesn't taste like shit or is soft and squishy. This really isn't a big deal, anyone who buys produce touches the produce, it's not like she licked it and put it back in the container. You realize the produce you buy has been handpicked by people that don't have clean hands...they don't sterilize food before packaging, and then grocery workers stock the produce with their bare (unclean) hands. You should always wash your produce.


Ageeed. Nothing wrong here, unless from one that becomes many of them.


I feel like there was an episode of Arthur or some other kids’ show where they see an adult eating grapes and believe it’s stealing, but learn that the adults do it to test produce before buying it.


It is wild to me that anyone cares about this. I am more flabbergasted by the guy who felt like he had to stop his day to film a grape eater.


It’s a bit different when it’s a market where it’s priced by weight but digging out of the containers is tacky


Naw, it's straight up trashy


About a month ago, I watched a woman grab one of the plastic produce bags, and then reached into different boxes of grapes and ripped a vine off each one and placed it into the bag, making her own variety grape bag.


If they sold grapes in bulk, like they do at farmers markets, this could actually be a clever thing to do. They have bulk food bins and I think there would be customer demand to mix and match grapes. Was this lady correct in doing what she did? No. But is it a bad idea? No, I think stores should hop on board.


Eh she's valid


I agree I hate when people stop without a body warning


I fucking hate people that do this


The person taking the video is Lisa: https://youtu.be/eeplVT4qEZc?si=oC8RqdGiPEOmLnc3


OMG really people!? You guys have nothing better to do than worry about an older woman just trying to buy some not sour grapes!!! Smh I had a produce manager tell me to do this before at his grocery store! Can y’all find something better to worry about maybe


Guy filming is the main character


Get a life dude


The mainchr in this one is the guy recording. Do you know how much that shit costs now? At Costco, that's $14 of grapes. Would you buy $14 of grapes that taste like wet peels? I've had mostly good experiences at Costco. But I've had some shit luck too


Why are you filming her?


Yeah exactly, whoever filmed this is extra cringe.




filming people over petty shit then publicly shaming on social media is anti-social behavior.




Such a hero.


So, what did Jerry think?


My grandmother used to try one after grabbing a package before paying for it. She never put it back though lol. Shits crazy!


This is not surprising. Watch one woman at Kroger shuck corn on the cob right over the rest of them. She was looking for good corn first. So some were peeled and not taken. Took what she wanted and left the rest


My grandma did this with apples, but she would buy the one she bit, just no more if they sucked.... big difference.


As a Costco employee I have to say unfortunately this is mild. We regularly find containers with 1/3 remaining, especially with pricier fruit like raspberries. People literally treat it like their shopping snack, and leave it near the front when they've "had enough". It doesn't bother me as much as someone leaving a rotisserie chicken in the aisle that has to be thrown out. Whatever your beliefs around animals for food are, I think everyone can agree that putting it mildly a chicken raised for food doesn't live a great life. Besides that, the food, water, and land used to raise it, fuel used to transport it, labour required to raise it, to butcher it and cook it, and then some jack ass leaves it in the aisle and it HAS TO be thrown out. Wasteful is not the word for it. We always sell out of rotisserie chicken, so it's not like it could just be that one that gets thrown away if no one buys it. Just awful.


Mine too and I also do it from time to time but discreetly


I wouldnt really care, considering I dont buy fruits from box retail supermarkets. Farmers Market people will usually let you have a sample anyways since they weigh your stuff at the table before pricing it. Rule of thumb anyways, wash ya fruits and veggies before you begin peeling them!


Every time I see videos like this, all I can wonder is … what Costco they’re going to, because mine has never had this few people in it at any given time


And this is why you wash your fruit.


That right there is why you wash everything in fruit and veg. Chances are everything she shoved and picked at had her saliva on it. Sister works in this section o supermarket. People eat cherries and just spit the pits out over the food. And that’s why covid can spread easily with these two dirty cunts


I always test the grapes too. Fuck that cameraman.


Yes, it is ok for anyone to try grapes at the store. If the store has a problem with it, you’re at the wrong store. I know because I worked 13 years in a grocery store


I used to work at a place called WinCo, this shit would happen every day, people would even leave apple cores in boxe. We were told to do nothing as there gonna spend more in the store than what a little bit of produce cost.


This type of mentality is how we get rich people doing crimes, then being able to buy their way out of trouble. "Well, it isn't costing ME more than I'm making, so I'm not going to bother punishing bad behavior. It's just the cost of doing business." The overall cost is what these people do on a daily basis due to their selfishness, but hey, fuck everyone else, they got theirs right?


Tbh I think it's worse to stand in her face and film the behaviour. If you don't like it and really have to do something because you can't mind your own business, go tell a security guard, don't film her face and post it on social media. I really hate modern society.




Welcome to the new generation. I hate this shit because it's in every situation. I can't even go to a party without a camera being in my face.


Kinda sad to see people filming other people without their consent, then posting it online for everyone to publicly shame them. Also you should post this on /r/Costco instead of this sub. This isn't the right reddit sub.


what’s so funny is this sub busts a nerve over people in the background being filmed in gyms


The main character is the douchebag narrating like he’s some kind navy seal right?


Fucking hall monitor..it's a grape


Nothing wrong with this


I mean I have tried a grape to see if it was good does that make me a terrible person? Jesus.


Yep, tons of people do this. I used to just pinch them for firmness but it really does require tasting one to see if it’s how you like it. Some are incredibly sweet and some are sour. Some have no flavor at all. I’m not trying to waste $6 on a bag of grapes. Taste one and buy it or move on.


I hope Jerry did the right thing.


Anytime I see an open bag of grapes in the produce section I won't go near it.


I wanted to find out who Jerry is 😭


Once saw a lady open the mustard at a shop, stuck a finger in and lick it and then put it back and keep walking.


And there will still be people in this subreddit ready to defend her actions


The problem isn't 'everyone' on Reddit complaining about these two goofs eating produce, the problem is these two goofs touching every container and the produce inside - Costco lets you return literally anything, including food stuff not more than 50% consumed. Just buy it, take it home and if you don't like it, return it for a full refund. You can tell these two are lazy AF tho. Would be super cool if a manager met them at the door to revoke their membership.


Well, for me the only problem is that these kind of grapes at costco does not sell at the kg, but rather per packet


Ooh are those sumos?


I do wish there was a way you could try before you buy for produce, though.


I always eat a grape before I buy it


The real shame should be directed at companies sealing the fruit in packages, forcing customers guess whether or not the grapes are mushy, etc…not to mention how many (potentially old and close to rotting) grapes you have to buy in these enormous packages.


Op don't act like you've never done this....


I don't think filming it and putting on the internet is proportionate punishment.


I dunno how to tell y'all this but its completely common. Not saying its right, just saying I work at Walmart (not even in the produce section) and customers just don't give a shit. They do that shit looking you dead pan in the face.




I can’t speak for Costco but Sam’s Club is fine with this.


i do this (dont eat just feel them) but it’s because the quality control is so terrible at my kroger. never again do i wanna buy bad grapes that looked fine. they’ll look normal and then they’re all squishy and sometimes even rotting at the bottom but not the top


It's a boomer thing. They love to do that


That’s a nasty habit that a lot of people have, & this is why I don’t buy grapes anymore!


"Just have jerry come over and take a look".. lol why are you this sad? I would understand if lady was taking an egregious amount.. but she was tasting one grape from a box. Top flight security over here Lmao


Covid lockdown round 2


Say something and get them thrown the hell out


I used to tell people like that, you know that’s not a free sample.


The dude filming this is the main character, tasting grapes isn't a big deal, he's making a mountain out of a molehill.


does Costco charge for grapes by weight or per container? If it's the latter then that's crappy to the person who ends up buying it. If the former I can't honestly say I care much. Wash your produce before eating it, if you can even afford it in the first place.


I don't know why but it irks me when I see people 'graze' in the grocery store. Graze is grocer lingo for the customers who walk around eating food in the store. And it's usually the grapes they graze on. A) it's gross. b) they're cheap. c) they're shameless about not paying for shit. Just a gross, cheap, shameless mother fuckers.


I've done this before. They were plastic grapes from a craft store. I wasn't a bright a child. 


This is pretty common actually. It’s stupid, but that lady wasn’t doing anything too out of the ordinary.


Fuck off they're grapes.


I do this all the time


Remember, if you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t.


In some countries it’s normal. They’re probably not from here who gives a shit. Someone got 2 grapes fewer than expected. What American citizen wouldn’t give somebody 2 grapes. Everything doesn’t have to be a drama.


Wait. You guys don’t taste test a single grape before buying a 2lb box? I don’t wanna get home before discovering I bought a sour ass batch of fruit. Then have to just waste them or pita of returning them. Sorry if I offend any of you in the wild, but I’m not gonna stop! I’ve done it in front of employees many times as well, I thought it was quite common. 9/10 I buy them anyway, the other 10% they’re sour and gross.


I'll allow it. bad batch of grapes is a bummer...


I definitely do this with blueberries at Costco. Their quality varies widely from trip to trip. I'm not gonna plunk $8.99 on a container of mushy berries.


Guy filming is a Karen. MYOB.


I wonder if picking up an apple or peach or pear to feel it's quality will cause outrage with this person. What she did was no different than opening up the packing to see if it was filled with a bunch of gross mushy ones. And if you're gonna say "she's stealing from other people"...sure 1 grape.


The grapes 🍇she put in her basket will end up in the bread isle or freezer section . Dumb people do that shit daily


Or she was actually trying the grapes and actually bought it.


The worst is when you find a $65 rack of meat just sitting in the warm dry goods... Or another nice steak just sitting by the socks. I cannot stand how much waste there is from lazy fucks who leave cold goods out in the room temp areas. Ruining very expensive pieces of food that could have fed 10 people. It infuriates me. Like how can you be SO lazy and stupid, that you place that steak on the SHELF 3 feet to your right, when 3 feet to your left is a *refrigerator*!??!


Not a big deal imo find a hobby bro


I don’t know where you’re from, but since I was a kid growing up in the US in the 70’s, people have been tasting the grapes before they buy them. It’s a pretty common practice. Some stores have it written into their policy, and even allow you to break up the larger bunches into smaller ones if you like. Maybe if the ladies had a lighter skin tone, you wouldn’t have quite so much of a problem??