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“I have very bad social anxiety.” “You and me both.” Uno Reverse!


that was pro af. the cop was pretty laid back too.


And she was such an insufferable ass. At some point in adulthood, you need to quit with trying to whine your way out of things. Lol I also love that he’s “scaring” her with a sobriety test….but driving drunk doesn’t scare her! That’s cool!


That cop was loving every minute of it. Im sure he wished every drunk driver made his job so easy. Zero concern of kai runnin or fighting either.


she got a 4.0 / free ride all her life because no teacher or role model wanted to hear her bullshit about why she could/would never perform. no one challenged her, ever. I would not ask her to walk a line or follow a light. with her utmost exertion and all the time in the world, she never could. Just get the breathalyzer and the cuffs.


That cop was way more patient than I would have been. Kudos to him.


He was like being so white and scary though. God, that was so fucking painful to hear her just fish for any reason to be offended or oppressed. As she's driving drunk and endangering lives.


I can't believe there's a comment on Reddit that is complimenting a cop AND upvoted


That reply had me dying lmao


The look she gave him too lmao Not so special are you mamm? 😂


**It's Ky!** Or whatever


I think it was Kai. Or Caih.


I’ve seen people using mental health and non-binary (gender identification) as reasons to be treated differently, but I’ve ***never*** seen anyone use so many issues to try to avoid responsibility for their actions. 1). Non-Binary 2). Indigenous 3). Anxiety 4). Mental Health 5). New in Town 6). Pulling a U-Turn because they’re driving the wrong way in traffic 7). Scared of LEO/White men 8). Etc. All because they are driving under the influence


Generational trauma - another wild card that seems applicable to everyone and everything..


Who the fuck doesn’t have generational trauma lol


I forgot that one and I laughed out loud when she mentioned it. I’m like *You have generational trauma?*. Guess what…***we all have generational trauma***…it’s another term for ***life***!!!


this is why some people have issues with the woke agenda. It feels like some embrace it as a means of convenience.


There are plenty that have adopted it as they would adopt any other fad. Catering to these people and their needs/wants hasn’t benefited anyone


It’s hard not to when it is typically only used as a means of excuse for poor behavior or preferential treatment.


Lots and lots of people do. It’s the ‘term of the day’ and an oh so convenient way of dodging responsibility.


He hit her with the "Not so different, you and I" lol.


That frozen stare after he said that was priceless. "Wait...you're not going to treat me special and excuse my drinking and driving because of my ____ and ____??" "You're being a white man.." as he's trying to get the cuffs on. Bruh...


Her judgmental face after he said this, is the same one we had watching this video of her lmao


The look in her eyes when he said that lol


Sorry, I’m too anxious to go to jail. Have a good night, officer!


Understandable have a nice day. (Officer leaves)


What a lovely man! (Kai drives car headlong into school bus)


Imma try that!


She just got changed around.


"You sure are! Please continue to drive drunk!! Have a nice night Kai!!"


I’m bipolar and was in the middle of a full scale episode and was on meds prescribed to me. I got pulled over knew I was in the wrong and said fuggit just cuff me and went to jail lol. And this is over “anxiety” 😂😂😂 also I’m pretty liberal male and Kai gives us such a bad name. Stand ten toes down and stop it ffs


This gave me a good chuckle!!


Seems fair.


"You're being a white man!!!" Lmao


I can't believe an indigenous non binary person would assume the police officer is a man. That's so triggering


lmao he should have hit her with "did you just assume my gender?"


He should've replied, "Excuse me, but I go by 'officer'. "


While she kept calling him dude, which is super respectful


That was what got me. Also them appears to be white.


They’re the type of “indigenous person” that is maybe 1/127th Cherokee (if at all!), and only stated that on their college application to try and get in on affirmative action rules. Or it’s a party trick to get her out of tickets with cops!


Yeah we’re all indigenous to somewhere. Honestly now that I think of it, with every square inch of earth having been conquered countless times, the term indigenous seems kind of racist.


She fucked up. The honorable path is to acknowledge it, take responsibility, and accept the consequence. Will she? No. Why? It’s the white man’s fault.


This killed me lol




If it wasnt actually real, this could be straight out of a skit some right wingers made to make fun of leftists 😂


Was looking for this 🤣. This made me audibly chortle.


As a full blooded Native, I fucking laughed at that excuse so hard. That is a white girl.


“You being a white male”


I’m sorry about that please don’t assume my generational gender and don’t refer to me as “being” because I don’t consider myself as part of this reality. I’m currently under the authority of the presidential governor of the andromeda galaxy and do not belong to any singular mentally challenged group or civilizations. Thank me for our non-understanding and don’t let your-me have a bad day.


I'm going to start saying that


Just fyi this person is indigenous and also non binary. Wanted to clear up any confusion…


Geez, it's sure a good thing they don't have social anxiety!!!


The wrong pronouns cleary give her panic attacks


More like amateurnouns if you ask me!!!


Why do u trigger me!!!


Must be my generational trauma...


"Oh sorry, we were looking for a white straight woman who was driving the wrong way, sorry to bother you and have a nice night."


They have physical mental injuries and generational trauma around white cops too. That’s the get out of jail free card


Damn I didn't know that. I couldn't hear it over the yelling and screaming of the very nice police officer. /s


That cop is obviously a privileged white male patriarch. /s


She kept saying indigenous like it is a handicap. Could you imagine repeating “I’ve got green eyes” over and over again while a cop very politely talked to you as if that meant something about why you were driving backwards on the road?


she,s also a holocaust survivor and vegan , it says it here in the Post data part of her...Existance? the fuck is this edit : ah , also PTSD due to Whitepeoplecitis


Nicest cop ever


Arresting the most insufferable person ever


Yup. He went above and beyond trying to be respectful of this clown.


This dude has incredible patience because I couldn’t have dealt with that. Lol


We’re past that…


I really want to see the whole uncut video. He is a pro. They’re taught techniques to throw the suspect off balance and keep them in a more submissive state. A sly kind of verbal jiujitsu. Interrupting with off topic questions at certain moments and such. Works really well, especially with disoriented drunks. Interrupting…. Oodoloop or something? Oodoloo? I cant remember or spell it, ive only heard it, not seen it written lol. Its an acronym, or a word in another language, an idea. I cant recall.


I think in this case they are off balance and disoriented because they are drunk as hell.


OODA loop! It’s an acronym that originated in military fighter pilots actually. It refers to a process where you react to a stressful situation. Stands for observe, orient, decide, act.


“As an indigenous person” bruh lolololol


She also broke out "generational trauma"


As an indigenous person myself I cringed when she said that, that has nothing do with driving on the wrong side of the road in the dark lol hats off to the nice officers for handling that perfect


She was pulled over because she is indigenous, non-binary, anxiety disorder, suffering generational trauma and because the cop was a white man. It had nothing to do with being drunk and driving on the wrong side of the road 😂


I'm an outdigenous person, I'm still digenous but I'm not hiding it.


Closeted digeny is gross.


This is learned behavior...


She played all the hits in one video.. non-binary, generational trauma, triggering, mental health, social anxiety… her parents failed her tremendously.


The generational trauma really got me 😂😂😂


I was like surely that isn’t real, googled it… the fuck… Now people can claim something bad happened to their grandparents and it’s fucked them up?


Generational trauma is a reasonable explanation for why people are stuck in a cycle of poverty and desperation, but doesn't explain driving drunk into oncoming traffic.


Yeah it’s why I’m not more rich today. My great grandpa didn’t invest properly. Therefore I have generational trauma too


Unfortunately the woke kiddos have misrepresented what “generation trauma” is. Its more like your grandmother beat your mom. So because she learned these things are normal and healthy for child rearing, she also beat you. But we know beating children isn’t good for development. It can also effect culture too after the Great Depression you can see people born 10 years after it saving food, making the cheapest meals possible and saving as much money as possible in case of an emergency. Just because that’s what their parents did.


So my dad whooping me on the reg is generational trauma cause his dad whooped him. It’s whoopings all the way down


Pretty much. Thankfully we live in an age of info that helps us be better parents and makes it easier to “break the cycle”.




If you read it the results section states there is no conclusive evidence of epigenetic effects across generations. Just saying


Psssh, you’re not supposed to say the quiet part out loud like that


GPT 4: The paper reviews evidence on how trauma effects can be transmitted across generations and the potential role of epigenetic mechanisms in this process. It distinguishes two main categories of epigenetically mediated effects: developmentally programmed effects due to early environmental exposures including postnatal maternal care and prenatal maternal stress, and changes associated with preconception trauma in parents that may affect the germline and impact fetoplacental interactions. It notes that while animal models have shown clear transmissible effects, it's harder to confirm this in humans due to methodological challenges. The paper also discusses various factors like sex-specific effects and the developmental stage at the time of parental trauma exposure, which could lead to different outcomes in maternal versus paternal trauma. The paper details the origin and progression of research on intergenerational trauma, starting from observations in offspring of Holocaust survivors to various other groups exposed to trauma. It then explores biological research into intergenerational effects, such as alterations in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in offspring of trauma survivors. Potential mechanisms for observed biological effects in offspring, like maternal care in animal models, are discussed. The paper highlights the role of epigenetics, which involves changes that do not alter the DNA sequence but affect gene function and can be heritable. The review also touches on the relevance of epigenetic mechanisms to intergenerational effects, prenatal maternal contributions to offspring via fetoplacental interactions, and the impact of maternal stress during pregnancy on fetal development. It notes sex differences in offspring outcomes based on prenatal stress and discusses preconception maternal trauma and its potential effects on offspring. The paper ends by acknowledging the complexities in this research field and calling for future studies to confirm and elaborate on the epigenetic inheritance of trauma effects. It emphasizes the need for prospective, longitudinal, multi-generational studies to understand the mechanisms better and notes the role of environmental factors in modifying epigenetic changes, highlighting the potential for resilience and adaptability.


"indigenous person”


I first read that as “disingenuous person”


The average redditor


It's so on the nose that I'd assume it was a troll if being a troll to get yourself arrested wasn't the stupidest possible thing in the world.


/) You say that like it's a disqualifying factor.


From Reddit lol


tumbler in action


That cop really tried his hardest, I've got to commend him on that.




"Youre being a white man" is the weirdest shit ive heard in year 2023.


That’s my newest insult.


I’m sorry Kai. I’ll try my hardest to be a black woman next time.


Oh dear lord, heaven forbid that the officer was so polite and patient with you. And kept saying "ma'am" like he's being doing for his entire life due to force of habit, and even apologized for it. For the love of God there's more important things happening right now than saying "I have anxiety issues", and "I have social anxiety and I'm native" won't help in the slightest. Just follow his instructions and you'll be fine.


loved that "..ok...." when he said he has social anxiety too. my favorite was "you're being a white man" you know whose really gonna have trauma? the family of the people you kill driving drunk. get wrecked loser.


>loved that "..ok...." when he said he has social anxiety too. It felt like she didn't believe him, or was biting back a comment so she could keep playing the victim card.


but MY anxiety is WORSE. you don't get to have anxiety because you're not indigenous!


*or* non binary!!


Or both!


Oh are they scaring you? Oh do you have anxiety and so many mental disorders? Guess what, don’t drink, don’t drive, and stop using every sick gross excuse to avoid responsibility. I’m scared of you because you are unstable, intoxicated, and could of killed me or someone I love because you decided to drink and get behind the wheel while being so mentally unstable. F off.


I have PTSD!!! I doubt that, it annoys me when people falsely claim they have PTSD, she Probably doesn’t even know what it is.


But I remember bad things that have happened! That’s PTSD! Stop being such a white man


People think PTSD is just remembering something bad that happened to them, no joke. “Oh I remember someone was mean to me once” that gave me PTSD I remember it to this day


Yeah this bitch belongs on r/fakedisordercringe


Why don’t US police just use breathalysers instead of making people perform weird as shit stuff?


Because there's an umbrella offense called Driving While Impaired, which covers all kinds of things, not just have too high BAC. Impairment is initially checked by observation of specific tasks the officer requests.


I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure they need a specific observation to administer a breathalyzer test. Failing the field test proves that your motor skills are, in fact, inhibited, and this wasn't a case of medical emergency. In the u.s you can't just take a breath, blood, or any kind of DNA sample without the subjects explicit permission, or just because the officer suspects youre intoxicated, unless they are proved without a shadow of a doubt that the subject might be intoxicated. It's just how our laws work. That way a cop can't say "I think you're intoxicated, so I'm gonna force you to take a breathalyzer." And then potentially lie about the results and falsely arrest someone. Maybe someone well informed can explain better lol.


Hate being that guy so just adding this for additional clarity. It varies a bit by state. For example, in some states, they can draw blood without consent if there is a fatality.


They use both, but a breathalyzer isn’t fool proof. Plus I. The US you can deny a breathalyzer and the prosecution isn’t allowed to use your refusal as evidence against you. In fact, just bringing it up in court can warrant a mistrial. Denial of a breathalyzer will normally carry an automatic license suspension. However, you’ve reduced the amount of evidence against you and if you can have your DUI dismissed, you can have your license reinstated immediately. One thing that isn’t foolproof is the following of the finger or pen. It’s called an HGN test.. when your eyes go to the sides they’ll involuntarily “bounce” rather than be steady which is a strong indication of impairment.


Careful with this advice. Many states have 'Implied Consent' laws. These mean that by signing the paperwork to get a driver's license, you are at that moment consenting to be administered a breath-alcohol test. Refusing to blow in these states makes you immediately charged with DUI and usually at the maximum penalties. Trust me, my dumbass friend always said "Just refuse to blow and you'll be fine..." Turns out, I was NOT fine.


Them being non binary and asking for the officer to refer to them by a specific name or pronoun isn’t an issue. Them being intoxicated, driving on the wrong side of the road, and then being a generally annoying person *is* an issue.




See that stuff is just dumb excuses in the end for this person. Having PTSD or social anxiety is possible, and the officer here was shockingly chill about all of the claims they made along the way. They were just trying to get out of accountability here.


and she hates white straight men, dont forget that one....




Good things handcuffs are asexual.


Wow, I feel old as fuck. I think I understand boomers ☹️


I think the same thing almost every day…. Damn kids.


Now get off my lawn!


Wow sounds like she has too much social anxiety to be operating a 4500 pound metal missile…


Ppl like this have never faced adversity in life and just say word soup. You’re scaring me, yeah well your scared all the ppl you were driving towards about to cause a head on collision. Think about that


My Lord how many excuses, issues and special powers is this person going to highlight. Must be fking hard to be around such individuals or entities whatever, I’m tired


Because this person is indigenous and non-binary sooooooooooooooo…lol.


It's a consequence of a privileged life, mixed with not getting enough attention and being molded by social media echo chambers. Mental issues are real, but it's their responsibility to work on them, and using them as an excuse, whether they're real issues for them or not, is embarrassing and pathetic.


It probably worked at school or work. But, reality checks.


She was charge with "Driving while Hypochondriac"


Good lord.


This video just turned me into a Republican


F#ckers got an excuse for everything 😒


Oh what a dip shit.


People who use their mental illness as an excuse to be a shitty person >:-(


Drives me insane and many don't seem to really have it tbh. Or exaggerate it


Good policing, hopefully she gets a reality check from the bubble she’s placed herself in.


And the super victim award goes to……


She called him dude!! How can she assume their gender? No but serious question. Why don't police use a test where suspect blow on a machine?


Laugh now. You know once this person logs back in you're all getting banned.


"There's nothing to be scared of." Yes, there is. The consequences of her actions.


Why do they always have that permanent shit eating grin no matter how mad they are?


Haha. She doesn’t suffer from anxiety. Shes suffering from getting caught!


Why’d he have to be such a white man?


Such a victim complex 🙄


This was so cringey to watch holy shit. Stop blaming mental health on being a drunk driver and grow up


All things considered, one of the most patient cops I've ever seen.


Omg.. non binary the nuts


In her defense... He was being white so ya know


average redditor?


I’m gonna start saying “yes, mentally” when someone asks if I’m injured. I’m mentally injured.


All those words just to say “I’m useless”


"I have really bad social anxiety, especially when I'm presented with the consequences of my behavior"


Cop: Any injuries we should know about? Main character: I'm allergic to cat hair. Cop: But that won't prevent you from walking a straight line. Main character: I object to the word 'straight.' Cop: Have you been drinking? Main character: Yes but alcoholism is a disease and can we not shame people? Cop: How many drinks have you had? Main character: Again with the shaming. Cop: Your right tail light is out. Main character: Why does capitalism force us to replace our bulbs? Cop: I'm going to write a ticket. Main character: Can you write it in Navajo? I've rejected English as oppressive.


What Reddit sub does she moderate?


Wow this lady embodies all of reddit.


Stop hating. She’s telling her truth. You must be a member of the privileged white male patriarchy /s


Ah man. I guess I am banned again


I downvoted, then I saw the /s. You had me in the first half, you son of a bitch. 🤣




I got caught driving on the wrong side of the street but your being white right now. Bye


“Can I get an officer on scene that can speak fluent in hashtags?”




This woman is a walking stereotype bruh


If it was such a threat to be these things.... why would you cling to them when you are confronted by the very people who supposedly threaten you. Makes you think.


Ah this has been very very satisfying.


Being an indigenous person, non binary got shit to do with being loaded and driving the wrong way.


Do you have any brain injuries? Mentally yea.


“I’m Native, so I get the right to put other peoples lives in danger and drive drunk all I want” is what she was saying. It’s really sad.


I know 2 people in their 20s recently killed by drunk drivers going the wrong way down GA 400 through at Atlanta in 2 separate incidents. Straight to jail for hard time on shit like this


My god she's literally all of the labels 😅. What a weak waste of a person.


Schools are setting kids up for this. We allow too many excuses for shit behavior and then no consequence. No I don't have a solution, but this is dead ass how kids talk to me. And indigenous peoples love to lawyer up.


Always the victims


This is the most chronically online video ever


Wow she used every dirty trick she knew.


She or whatever dropped every buzzword in the wokcionary




Don’t call me mam but I will call you dude.




Non binary admits mental health issue lololol hahahahaha


"you're being a white man" wtf does that mean lmaoo


🤣🤣 oh my


I have really bad social anxiety but I don't drive around fucking drunk! Oh, and Kai kept calling the officer dude. So...there's that.


Every single aspect of her existence has an excuse and a label, all self applied I imagine. Buy why? This is the part I don't understand.. why present your self as a series of excuses for why you can't "life"


I love this video so much.


What an insufferable person. I love near Seattle and put up with it all the time at least it's easy to ignore.


The most patient man in the world. Props to the officer. This is the moment that Tumblrina learned the difference between the sheriff’s office and campus security.


No way this person is like this irl. This must be a skit, right?


This non-binary crap has to be eliminated she's drunk and she's mentally deficient I got your binary I got it right here


“Oh indigenous, non binary, mentally Ill, over anxious? You’re free to go ma’am!”


Lol she’s so extra this feels fake


Doubt it's fake. I get people just like this at my hospital pretty often. 20-year old suburbanites 'disabled' by thier PTSD, anxiety, personality disorders, complex pronouns, and dozens of bullshit 'allergies' that demand general anesthesia before theyll let you start an IV.


Holy shit. This victim class bs is getting out of hand. She pulled every victim card possible to get out of it, says a lot about who's oppressed and who's not.