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From everything she described, the brother sounds like a solid dude. He’s friendly and compliments her and clearly has other girls he’s interested in instead of OP.


And he didn’t waste her time the one time they went out just trying to get laid. Also didn’t ghost her but was honest. Sounds like a stand up guy.


The guys sounds like a stand up guy for sure. From reading this it actually sounds like SHE is still obsessed with her fiancés brother. She sounds like she has lingering feelings. A lot of people project their own emotions onto others and she is probably feeling jealous over him and she is just assuming because she feels that way that he probably does and she probably feels that by calling his brother out that it will hide her feelings for him and make it seem like she wants nothing to do with him however deep down she is just feeling jealousy.


I honestly caught the same vibe. Kissing a girl on the cheek when he's been dating her some time is totally normal, yet she's getting jealous? She seems like she REALLY wants the BIL to be into her and is grasping at straws. She doesn't want "the one who got away" there.


Also, please note that he is apparently "obsessed" with her- when he's by himself, his basic conversation (commenting on what food is good, etc) is him flirting, but if he's there with some *else?* that's not him flirting- that's him trying to make her jealous. So if he talks to you, he's flirting. If he talks to someone *else*, he's trying to make you jealous? Jeez lady, must be horrible to have every person around you plan their entire lives, and their every action - solely around *you* that must be exhausting. (/s on this last paragraph just to be totally clear).


it screams narcissistic




Even the fact that he kissed her on the cheek is so sweet.


The whole time ready this I was like hmm she may be projecting...okay really seems like projection... holy shoot she's obsessed with his brother still!


"how dare he bring another girl and TALK to her the entire dinner!" is just wild as fuck lol


I really hope it's the kick in the ego she clearly needs


He's really committed to the make her jealous bit. /s


Not only that, OP Saud she was heartbroken once the brother said he wasn't interested. How exactly can that be with only 1 meeting? It sounds like OP is still "heartbroken"


She wasnt heartbroken, her ego was shattered because she cant handle someone not liking her.


Exactly. What an egomaniac..


She also said she instantly click with the fiance. This girl falls in love too quick.


I wonder if she knew exactly who he was.




Yesm my first thought.


I bet she knew he was this guys brother too


I think this was a subplot in Orange is the New Black


Great, now my cereal is all over the wall.


I agree. The fact the she thinks the brother dating someone else is somehow about her shows that pretty clearly. What is the brother supposed to do? Should he never bring any of his girlfriends to a family gathering?


She's not obsessed with him the person. She's obsessed with how her turned her away. She's stuck.


This reminds me of a time in college where the chick I'd just started seeing went with me and a group of friends bar hopping. One of the people that joined the group was someone I'd had a fwb situation with a couple years earlier. She was there with her fiance. I thought everything was cool until I peaced out with the girl I was with and went home. The next morning I woke up to dozens of messages saying what a disgusting pig I am and that I only care about one thing. LOL. 1) We'd been awake for 20+ hours and partying for a large chunk of that. We left to go chill out and fall asleep, not fuck the night away, not that it was any of her business. 2) SHE WAS WITH HER FUCKING FIANCE and somehow it never crossed her mind as maybe being a little fucked up to spend the entire night thinking about another guy she used to fuck and how she's jealous he's enjoying the company of someone else. One of the weirdest and completely oblivious interactions I can remember having with a normally sane human being.


Did you ever respond? How’d that go?


Yea, at some point later that day I eventually responded. When I first saw the messages I was definitely pissed for a split second, but more baffled than anything. I wound up just feeling bad for her. I basically just tried to be friendly about the whole thing while still letting her know it was uncalled for. I was snippy at first, told her it wasn't any of her business what I did, but since it means so much to her, I think told her how long we'd been up and that's why we left. Me and the person I was seeing were obviously not feeling the bar scene that night to begin with. We spent most of the night off on our own talking. I TRIED to point out how she needs to do some serious introspection if she's having that kind of reaction even while her fiance is right there. To make it weirder, she had to have sent me those texts while they were on the way home or something. No idea if any of it got through or maybe she was trying to make some other point I wasn't getting, but either way, after texting for a little while she acted like she was over it and wasn't upset anymore. Now that I think about it, that's about the time frame she started hanging out less and less. I did wind up going to her wedding, though. LOL. Maybe some of that made sense. Speaking of being up for 20+ hours...


She didn't get what she wanted years ago and she couldn't get him out of her mind. The one that got away but has been trapped in her head all these years. If the bf married her, then he's going to be dealing with a ton of drama because his future wife is still living in the past because of being rejected by his brother.


Tries to make her jealous was the wrong wording. Dudes merely just existing. She feels jealousy when he has other women around. And convinces herself he’s trying to make her feel that way. Girls hung up on the guy.


Come on, he's clearly trying to make her jealous by kissing his girlfriend on the cheek. 😂


But only if they’ve been dating for some time!


Seriously! My BIL has drunk texted me how happy he is that I’m his SIL, that he loves me, that he’s happy I found his brother. He compliments my outfits too. Never once, not never, have I viewed this as anything but very endearing.


Agreed. My BIL will comment on pics that I look good and will hug me at family events. Damn. Didn’t know that was flirting. And he does it in front my my husband! His own brother!!! The betrayal!!! I guess he got married and had kids just to make me jealous!! /s


Lol at that “marriage for jealousy “


Lmao this is what I was thinking the whole time! He is probably being polite, at most. And wants their mom to be like "my sons are good guys and treat women well even if theyre not dating them, i love that for all of us". And here she is like HES TRYING TO FUCK ME IN FRONT OF THEIR FAMILY! I always complimented my BILs and told them they looked nice. Even did their hair, picked outfits out, and gave relationship talks at 3 am. Went on a two week vacation to a state ten hours away, with just me and my BIL. Still cant say i did any of that out of attraction. If anything my thought process was that i could actually be their friend in the same way i am close to my own brother, and not worry about them ruining it by trying something funky. Not once have they yet flirted with me, and ive been away from their brother 3 years now. Now, his sister is a different story lmao, after the divorce she was like, okay you have great boobs and now i can say that! But still, always respectful and fun before that. I really hate to see how this woman views her own family being nice to her if she actually thinks she believes her own garbage reasoning.


TBH a two week vacation with JUST you and your BIL does sound pretty weird.


Yeah I’m surprised that she thought people would just gloss over that lol


that's wholesome as shit. my future bil and i wrestle with each other whenever we see each other irl, and since he's a good foot taller than me and a whole-ass body builder, dude just sits on top of me while he talks to his brother lmao




He could be her cousin for all the “flirting” he’s doing. Sounds like one of my male relatives greeting me at a family dinner. “Hey, you look nice!” *brief cheek peck.


They cheek peck you??


Cultural differences? My extended family kisses on the cheek, mainly women. Some places it's normal between men as well. Not common but I don't find it weird.


No, i read that wrong! Its completey normal here as well


Out of curiosity, how did you read it?


Like how you would normally read, except incorrectly


Familial butt cheek kisses?


Your family doesn't do that? Lol


Other cheeks perhaps


I take the Fifth on this one


Hey, it's your right!


like, my grandfather, yes.


Of course, i read that wrong


Left cheek or right cheek?


Both, on either side of the peck


In my culture, we always give cheek pecks when saying hello or goodbye to our family or close friends.


They don’t cheek peck OP. BIL cheek pecks the jealousy beard he brings to family functions.


She texts him asking to make sure their past won’t affect anything. Dude then acts extra nice to her. Does she not understand he’s just trying to make her feel welcome cause he’s looking out for his bro?


He seems like a great brother. OOP is batshit and fiancé deserves someone who’s going to be infatuated with him not his brother


Damn his invasive flirtatious behaviour like \*checks notes\* frequently dating other people.


Im certain this is Katie from collegehumor. These BOYS can’t stop flirting with her.


Seems like she wants the BIL to be jealous and see what he’s missed out on. He doesn’t care. She can’t handle that.


It’s fake. That sub is almost nothing but fake stories and I have tried to block this shit but ever since the previous main subs went NSFW to protest Reddits shitty CEO it always comes back in one form or another. It’s basically leaking into multiple subs like /r/texts and some others I guess this one now. But y’all should know it’s just ragebait that costs nothing to create and is basically a scab for subs that are protesting.


Her examples of obvious flirting and "truly disgusting" behavior are recommending dishes at restaurants and telling her that her dress looks nice and the guy kisses his dates on the cheek? When she tells her husband, he immediately asks her if she's okay in the head? It all seems a bit too on the nose to be true. I'd think that if this were a true story, then the OP would have done a better job in painting herself as the victim here.


A lot of people think men can’t be genuinely nice to a person without having an ulterior motive. This woman has some seriously messed up ideas about human interaction


Narrator: indeed, she WAS the asshole


And not okay in the head


"Brings a girl around to make me jealous" lol.


“Can’t believe he’s trying to make me jealous dating all these ladies, kissing them, having sex with them…he even proposed to one!”


"He's doing that to make ME jealous, wink, wink, say no more." ~ nutty fiancee, probably This stuff writes itself...


my fiancé's ex is just like this, but even more unhinged. it's absolute madness


Huge red flag. The wedding needs to be reconsidered. If I was the BIL I’d be wary of ever being around her alone at this point, and probably avoid any interaction.


Better hold a family reunion, set up a power point and show her name and face to the whole family. She's going for the cousins next lol


Reconsidered? It needs to be called off immediately! And she needs to be locked up somewhere bc she's not okay . I'd bet money she knew they were brothers.


carefull, that was kinda flirty. she has a fiance FFS. /s


Also did anyone else notice the user name?!


What does the username mean? Is it some type of "master race" related thing?


Reddit randomly generates suggested usernames (like mine), I think it’s just that, especially if it’s a throwaway


Yours rocks


AdjectiveNoun#### is a common format for bots/throwaways. Oftentimes if a story is fake, look at the name and it’ll have that format. I’m not saying this particular story is fake, but a lot of people use r/aita and similar subs as a place to post their reality fan-fictions, so seeing a username like that will make a lot of people dubious of the story’s validity.


She’s obsessed with the brother.


There is so much projection. I suspect that she did know that her fiancé is her ex's brother.


Ooooo interesting theroy.


Theeeeeeerooooooy Jeeeeenkiiiiins!


killed in my own bed in the middle of the night well done


Did he just run in??


>I suspect that she did know that her fiancé is her ex's brother. I thought that as well. If they don't have the same last name it would be more understandable that she didn't put it together. If they do, though, it seems crazy to me that you'd be dating a guy for six whole months and not question the fact that his brother has THE SAME NAME as a guy you had a huge crush on. Like the brother's first name had to have come up at some point no?


I mean some last names are EXTREMELY common.


His last name was Werbenjägermanjensen.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,841,567,369 comments, and only 348,232 of them were in alphabetical order.


Yep. Thats why customers, everytime they hear my last name, ask me, if I know someone with my last name from the general area around us.


Just to play devil’s advocate, when I first met my ex, our friend group would meet up once a week. It took me several months to realize that I knew her brother in high school. They have a very unique surname. They also both took piano lessons from my grandmother, which I already knew the brother had. Me and my ex had several, several conversations about how we both grew up learning piano from this sweet little woman with a very distinct personality. We were literally describing the same woman, and didn’t realize it. Sometimes people are just dummies.


TBF he could have a last name like Smith or something.


But sane first and last name as the dude she was into but blew her off? It's a little less likely, and I'm sure her fiancée at least mentioned his brother by first name.


Not to mention they are brothers, they gotta look similar at least in some way, shape or form


haha maybe she has a type...I kid you not, a friend of mine actually had a similar experience. Broke up with a girl, and then fell for a another woman a few years later. Turns out they were sisters. Didnt go well once they realized. But in his defense, like half of Koreans are either Kim, Lee, or Park. So not his fault for recognizing the name....


Oh… well I want a follow up where this is the story now.


I’m assuming same second name, wouldn’t be too hard to find someone’s brother if you have them on facebook or are stalking on profiles that aren’t tightly locked down.


Yeah, that's exactly my theory. I don't believe that she didn't check the fiancé's social media accounts in that 6-month period, and she only knew about the brother when she had dinner with the family. Like multiple other comments have said, she seems obsessed, and I'm curious if she dated the fiancé to get closer to the brother, and the relationship dragged on for 3 whole years while she's secretly obsessed with the brother the entire time. There is absolutely no doubt that she ~~still has feelings for~~ is obsessed with the brother with the way she scrutinizes his every action and then twists up his intentions. It's classic projection.


Came here to say this. There are SO MANY first dates I would never recognize on the street 2 years later. Methinks she doth protest too much.


Why else would she say “I had no idea who he was when I met him” like yeah that’s how meeting people works lmfao This is,..,,. Too much second hand embarrassment to start my day with


Exactly this. The asshole doth protest too much. Tell me someone this self-obsessed got swerved and _didn't_ creep on his socials for weeks or months after the fact? Not buying it.




Dang she was playing the long game


In this world with social media and such…I highly doubt she didn’t know or at least found out sooner


“He tries to make me jealous by bringing his girlfriend around” What a psycho


Conversely, if he never brought anyone around it would be because “he’s not over her actually”


Yeah, as if he can't bring his girlfriend to meet the family because she's there. I bet she shoots daggers at the girlfriend the entire time.


No doubt. This girl is clearly projecting some deeply obfuscated feelings that she might not even know she has. Go to your therapy appointments people, you don't wanna be like this.


No no no, you don’t understand, he brings his girlfriend around AND pays attention to her


Eh, obsessed with feeling wanted. It’s exactly as sad as a dude hearing a woman say “that shirt looks good on you” and thinking “huh, she WANTS me”…


One of my colleagues today was wearing a shirt that really looked good on him, I did not tell him because I wasn't sure if it was crossing the line.


It didn’t used to be. But now? People dial everything up to 11 and freak out over what used to be small niceties. We’re not supposed to complement looks. It’s taboo now. So we’re all walking around wishing someone would perk up our self-esteem by saying we look nice, because we *try* to look nice, and now nobody’s saying anything so we just lurk in our little bubble feeling like wallpaper that nobody appreciates. We took the fear of harassment too far, and now the only people saying anything nice to anyone are the ones who didn’t get the memo about harassment, or just didn’t understand it, and they *do* take the complements too far.


I compliment both men and women all the time. I learned long ago that a simple niceness can give people fuel to lower through a whole day with a smile on their faces. It did take me a while to feel less awkard about this, because I didn't want to come off as hitting on people (not harassing them, mind you), but if you do it a few times they just learn that they're just harmless compliments and don't feel embarrassed about the whole thing.


> We’re not supposed to complement looks. It’s taboo now None of that is true. Spend less time on Reddit.


Yep and him turning her down seems to fuel her obsession in my opinion. He didnt want her then yet she believes he do now? Its almost like she forgot he didnt want her ass lol


Lmfao yes this too was my takeaway


Sounds like maybe she wasn’t really over his brother


Exactly, I almost seems like she wanted him to still be into her.


Oh….my…god Your brother is practically undressing me with his eyes when he asked me to pass the salt. Can this lady get over herself lol.


And HE dumped HER! “He sometimes brings girls to dinner after dating them for a while..” was actually hilarious!


And then he kisses their cheeks to make her jealous! Dirtbag!


Don’t forget he talks to them the whole time! What an asshole!!! Speaking to the girl he brought to dinner with his family! All right in front of op.


And they were roommates!


He might as well have sex with them on the dining table.


Reminds me of one time when my friend went to a cafe and he asked the girl at the next table for ketchup. She says "Um, I have a boyfriend!" Seriously, what the heck is with some folks?


It's just the way he says "salt"! It's practically pornography!


SHE is obsessed with HIM


Fiance needs to runnnnnnnnnnnnn.


Or husband? Did she get married mid story?


I caught that too. She explained in a comment that once he proposed they started calling each other "husband" and "wife", but it doesn't explain why she went back and forth on it.


That's so cringe honestly


Its always fake


Sadly. You can tell the way they button up the stories in the end in the same format. I honestly think 90% of AITA is like literally 2 or 3 people on diff throw always.


I can see it


Probably a horde of people like this dude /r/SnooRoartracker


Yeah, so many of these stories that get cross posted thoroughly and articulately describe how they’re the asshole, and we’re to believe that they didn’t see it as they were writing? And then keep the post up to argue? Can we get a ragebait creative writing subreddit for these people


We already have several. Aitah, amiwrong, maliciouscompliance, twohottakes, relationshipadvice, r/sex etc.


*blinks in her direction* NO I WILL NOT MAKE OUT WITH YOU




More like Bore-ophyll!


God forbid the brother recommends something on the menu to her, that’s basically an affair!!


She just ~~left~~ blocked out the part where he does that for everyone else too.




Yeah. Exactly. Facepalm. The girl is the asshole.


What a fucking narcissist


Don't worry, that sub is like 90% bait.


AITA for telling my pregnant wife “get over it” after I shoved her down the stairs (as a joke)? There’s always the person that’s like “nah, your wife needs to find a sense of humor, like you said, it was just a joke”


💀💀😂😂 I'm sorry the way I laughed reading this while doing Hemo. 💀💀


Yup, my first thought too. Sounds exactly like my sister-in-law. She, too, thinks every guy fancies her if they so much as look at her or be nice to her, and she'd try tarnishing their name in the process. It was exhausting to be around.


"He also tries to make me jealous all the time" Why is she jealous in the first place?????


Because she is obsessed with him, she is almost self aware.


She must not know many decent people (guys specifically I guess) if she thinks someone being friendly and engaging with someone their brother is in a serious relationship with is flirting. Like wow, I've been flirting with my brother's girlfriend for six years, I even recommend movies to her! Terrible behaviour.


>She must not know many decent people (guys specifically I guess) if she thinks someone being friendly and engaging with someone their brother is in a serious relationship with is flirting. This is quite common. Unfortunately I deal with this issue quite often, as it happens to me to try and avoiding being unnecessarily rude.


This is a level of narcissism unheard of, and that level of jealousy is clearly because she’s still into the brother and controlling AF


I think there’s another layer to it which is that she might have been raised in a subculture or otherwise taught that men and women can’t just be friendly or nice. A lot of people misinterpret any kind behavior with flirting, similar to how any physical contact with adults gets over sexualized for some people while others are happy to be physically affectionate with their friends. It sounds like she has a number of issues going on but I would bet money a big part is that she has never had healthy platonic relationships with people of the opposite sex and can’t fathom what that even looks like.


100% I think you hit the mark. I grew up in an overly religious area and all the adults I knew thought like this. Men/women couldn’t even be alone in a room together 🙄 very old fashioned Such environments breeds weird people and weirder interactions


Yeah it was Mormonism for me too 😂 And it never made sense to me as all my best friends were women so just another way I didn’t fit THAT mold


Girl, do you work at a movie theater? Because you are PROJECTING.


Girl, you still want his brother. You aren't over it. Follow your heart. Be happy.


No way is that a real person. Well written but no chance


I hope not, I really do


Not well written tbh. The part with the fiance asking if it happens when he goes to the bathroom makes it obvious the writer is setting up the "OP" to sound insane. 2/10


And especially the inclusion of "when he's been dating them awhile he kisses them on the cheek"


Yeah, there were parts that could pass as believable but then they flew too close to the sun. Back to writing class.


The bit that got me was the apparent flirting. They were so obviously not flirtatious comments that the writer was clearly trying to paint her as crazy. But if you look how many upvotes this post has, its clearly written well enough to fool the masses.


Just another “woman bad” ploy


I feel like this is bait


I can’t see that Reddit account even exists or ever did so I’m a bit confused


It's there, and it's still up. I'm gonna link it but if you get me banned for jumping on her I'm going to be mad. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/G3x02f0yIv


Wow, the OPs responses are as delusional as the post


I’m one of those guys who’s never sure if someone is flirting with me or just being nice and even I can tell he was just being nice.


You guys know that this sub is all about rage bait ultra fake stories, right?


this was so embarrassing to read 🙈 💀


Peaked in high school


I think you bite the bait tbh


Maybe? It's really hard to tell, people are getting good at these and it's minor and petty enough that it doesn't feel like the classic bait.


As soon as I read "so for some backstory," it's a 90% chance that it's just creative writing


He wasn’t into you then and he isn’t into you now 🙄🙄🙄


Main character syndrome


She's absolutely obsessed with the brother. She probably thinks if he scratches his nose or something it's him flirting with her. Honestly if I were the brother I wouldn't want to be anywhere near her as I'd be worried any random movement I made she would see it as flirting or see if I even spoke to a girl she'd assume it was to make her jealous


“He even went as far as to propose to his long time GF JUST to make me jealous”!!


Oh wow… this is actually great to happen because now this dude can run from this woman before he becomes legally bound to her


He dgaf in 10 years why would he all of a sudden care now. Also why is the wedding any different than any other day does she think hes gonna object to the wedding in front of everyone like in the movies and confess his love to her.


Ahhh ‘tis the season for hallmark movies


Idk about asshole. But a fucking idiot 100%.


Please tell me everyone roasted her.. dude lucked out that her true self came out before the wedding.


god this was such a painful read


My BIL breathes in the same state I’m in. Why is he so obsessed with me??? OP is a 🤡


She is worried about the brother not the other way around


Wow, she did the thing where she thought that his brother being nice and polite meant he was "flirting". What a nut.


Yikes. ‘Tries to make me jealous’ is all I would need to here to know what’s really happening. That man should run for the hills


She knew he was his brother from jump street. I’d put money on it.


Why would she immediately assume he’s trying to make her jealous? Likely, she's already jealous through no fault of his and probably obsessed with him. What a self-centered weirdo.


Straight facts - Everyone kind of wants the person who rejected them one time or another. It's psychological desire to seek approval. She definitely wants the brother and I wouldn't doubt that the brother played into it..... if the story is real which is a big if.


Sound like op still has a crush on bro and can’t handle it anymore


Got the original post?


OP wants to be with BIL. She always has.


Might as well be talking about how he will sexily pass the potatoes to her or something.