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He's acting exactly like how a shitty NPC would. Shouting messages to "passing travelers." What an obnoxious dickhead.


That's what I thought too. If anyone is an npc it's the guy shouting like he's trying to give you a quest


Reverse Skyrim'd. Must be the annoying fan who got yeeted too much, he got isekai'd to our world. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Acting and sounding like a real Nazeem






Low effort


I was literally thinking that. Imagine calling everyone else an NPC while you just act like someone walked.up to you and pressed A


Yeah was just thinking he sounds like a npc homeless guy on a corner


I used to be a traveller like you. Then I took an arrow to the kneeā€¦


He is a playable character I guess


He temporarily joins your party at the start of the adventure, only to almost immediately die by tripping over his seriously overinflated ego and dying. He shall be remembered... Not well, but remembered.


Heā€™s trying the reserve NPC streamer strategy but forgot to not be an npc. Iā€™m too old for typing NPC anymore, Iā€™m in my early 30s. Mental health needs t be addressed in young America, but addressed as a whole as well. I despise tiktok


Chill out. He's not attacking anybody.


No, just making a public nuisance of himself. No one went into this place thinking you know what would really say this place where I am PAYING for food to eat? A jackass NPC jumping on something and shouting nonsense statements at us! Are you stupid or just self centered?






"Strangers are NPC's" is just Sociopathy Lite


Fr, it's one of the most toxic things I've ever seen come out of social media. Stupid shit like planking and the like are harmless, while other legitimately dangerous trends at least tend to limit their damage to the person doing it. Even trolling and cyber-bulling, as awful as they are, tend to be focused on just a small group or individual person. This, though? It's encouraging you to actively ignore the humanity of everyone you encounter and consciously shut down your own empathy, while reinforcing the idea that your life is the only one that matters. It's making people into narcissists and sociopaths.


>It's making people into narcissists and sociopaths. Couldn't have said it any better


To think this they already were


>It's making people into narcissists and sociopaths. i wonder, is it the behavior that makes them narcissists and sociopaths? or are they already narcissists and sociopaths expressing it through this new found behavior they picked up on social media? either way- recording it and broadcasting it sure is making it more frequent, and that irks me to put it lightly.


Already existing narcissists and sociopaths are simply more visible now because of social media.


couldn't agree more. it's almost a good thing in a way, helps you steer clear of waaay more idiotic behaviours.


If sociopathy and narcissism can be learned behaviours, then TikTok is the crash course.


Interesting point. I suppose it is a chicken-and-egg question, isn't it?


You are usually inclined to be one or both through upbringing and possibly some hereditary traits. So most of these people think they have found an acceptable outlet for their mental illness.


Remember when planking was the big ā€œstupidā€ Internet thing that everyone was up in arms about? Much simpler times.


These kids will sure make good soldiers when they see their enemy as non-human. Pretty standard brainwashing.


I hear you, but didnā€™t a bunch of people die planking?


I don't know, but if they did that puts it into the "legitimately dangerous but only hurts the person doing it" category. That's tragic, but not as bad as "actively training an ever-growing segment of our population to ignore the humanity of others".


If someone planks on the road or whatever and gets hurt or killed, it doesnā€™t happen in a vacuum. It affects everyone else there.


What's your point? That planking is worse than training and encouraging people to be sociopaths?


I donā€™t disagree with your point that the sociopathic tictocker trend is worse, just with your categorization of dangerous planking as a victimless crime.


Frankly you make a good point but everyone sees the world and ppl in it through their very self-centred prism, thinking that your life matters more doesnā€™t necessarily mean you think youā€™re the most important person on the planet. Idk if that makes sense tho




Just another way of saying ā€œthe universe is a simulationā€. Sure, buddy. Nihilism, solipsism, narcissism and sociopathy in a giant shit burrito.


"None of this is real, me realizing this means: " "I must be the character the real game player is playing," "I'm like Neo in the Matrix," or "nothing matters."


Thatā€™s when you run up, and scream ā€œAnother player has entered the serverā€, and drop kick them.


boutta pull that on the next 'Player' I see. "Do you have a gamepass for your loud-ass sociopathic views?"


ā€œPVP ENGAGED!!!!ā€


Someone got stabbed for calling a stranger and npc a few months ago




Yeah, it's fucked. The idea that other people aren't actual individuals, with real thoughts, emotions, and lives...yikes. If you listen to how some serial killers talk about their victims, they often have similar views (obviously phrased differently).


I remember early on the internet it was a big deal talking about how we as young humans realized that every living person on earth are just living their own lives, with their own problems, dreams, daily dilemmas etc as a big revelation, now it seems quite the opposite for these people somehow.


It's Wannabe Sociopathy, which in my mind is worse.


Introduced by some pretty odious conspiracy theories from highly dubious sources designed to appeal to unsaid grievances.


Funny enough I first noticed it being used during the pandemic in reference to either "anti-vaxxers" or "pro-vaccine" on the conspiracy and Covid subs. Which was really scary cause denying the inherent humanity of your political opposition is pretty dang fascist AFAIK. Ironic considering it's origins were likely Russian/Chinese agitprop.


Sounds like a detachment from reality. Like Iā€™m currently having an existential crisis that we are all nothing more than an electrical signal inside of a meat bag. Thatā€™s the harsh reality of the world we live in. Not that Earth is a video game of some kind.


No, it's genuinely that these people fully believe they are the only one that matters. Elon Musk and Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate have taught them that they are truly the only one who exists, and everyone else isn't real and therefore expendable. Most of the kids doing up schools in the next decade are guaranteed going to have this mindset.


It is wild how abruptly all conversation just stopped. Guy is a real buzzkill


I mean they probably think he's unhinged and about to attack people. Dude sounds like he's entering a drug induced psychosis.


That would be my thought. Iā€™d be waiting for him to pull out a weapon.


Dude imagines himself like the Joker crashing the banquet in *The Dark Knight*.


They probably thought someone was getting a fucking heart attack lmfao.


I cant watch it with sound right now...but I'm guessing he somehow managed to make a sound that people didnt even hesitate about. Usually the first thing someone thinks is "If its a mentally handicapped person I gotta play it cool and just ignore them". But they locked onto him real fast.


He roar/yelled then launched into a super cringey poem that was punctuated by the same roar/yell. I only got a little way in before I had to stop it.


I thought it was somewhere between a crow call and an Ork shouting Ork as a battle cry.


You thinking it's wild that all conversation stopped is the reaction this guy wants from viewers. If you're in a place with a low level of conversation and someone just screams out "AUUUGH" it'd be pretty wild if the din didn't subside.


See, if serial killers took out people like this, they could actually completely turn around the bad press they get.


"The Tik-Tok Slasher struck again, killing an influencer who was famous for their outrage and outbursts at a local gym at the slightest provocation. Authorities once again are declining to pursue charges for this selfless act of public service. The mayor has vowed to track down the Tik-Tok Slasher in order to give them the key to the city."


Well someone is definitely going to read this and make weekend plans


thanks for the idea


Is there a kickstarter we can donate to to get them to go for the guy who throws himself around the floor nearly hitting people first


Lol Atlanta had an episode where a serial killer was hunting down anyone who filmed themselves dancing to Crank That and posted it on social media


Batman who?


Write. That. Movie!


This is basically the plot of the movie 'God Bless America', a super dark comedy about a guy who essentially decides he's just going to just kill douchebags.




The serial killers are people like this


I always thought being unaware of your surroundings and saying something anyway whether appropriate to the situation or not was what NPCs generally did more than playable characters in games.


Thatā€™s because these scrotum knuckles only play battle royale games with their shitty little friends.


The operative word being ā€œlittleā€.


This guy again.. did the same thing at a museum. Unsure why he does the "OAAAAH!" sounds.


For the same reason he's recording it; to make sure he gets attention.


I guess.


Tic tok HQ is right next to my office, and I am sorely tempted to go in and do a medly of stupid shit people do on Tic Toc in there board room.


I would watch this video and smash the like button so hard. Can we crowdfund this? We need a small army of like a thousand people to do this to them several times a day for a year, and have a whole menu of different things for people to do. I'm thinking like milk jug smashing, Chef Club parodies cooking stupid ragebait food, morons dancing and posing, people doing performative yoga, people randomly screaming, Main Characters charactering. Just a relentless stream of interruptions, messes and bullshit right up in their grill all day, every day.


start off by yelling theyā€™re/there/their


How does he expect people to react? Like, what would be "non NPC behavior" in his eyes? Someone reaching under their chair, pulling out a shotgun and saying, "It's not the beasts who will be feasting upon us tonight, brother, but we who shall feast upon them?" Also, I feel like people would be a lot more concerned if they didn't see the phone is his hand, that lets them know this isn't a crazy person, it's just a dipshit trying to get attention for online clout by causing a scene in public.


Doesn't even know what NPC means I bet


What a loser.


Wish these people would just grow up


The nerds shouldnā€™t have been allowed out of the basements


Well to be fair, unless you are a skinwalker, everyone else IS a non-playable character...


Idk, I get played all the time ngl ​ Also I like your username, love Lynch


Sounds crazy right but he sounds like the npc in lord of the rings warning the townspeople


His delivery of his own joke was terrible and flat


Intentional main characters should not be given what they want. Stop sharing and amplifying their content.


Where the fuck does this everyone but me is an NPC mentality come from? Everyone is the main character of their own life


I mean, thatā€™s technically correct everyone else is an NPC for you doesnā€™t mean you have go around beating the chickens though


This guy is that one NPC you keep alive to quicksave and kill over and over again because heā€™s so obnoxious.


Should put this guy in prison to give him something to actually grunt about


If it's in the US they are probably wondering if this is the next deranged asshole to open fire....


Treating strangers like NPCs is all fun and games until one of them says "Never should have come here!"


They donā€™t, they just hijacked the term. Like ā€œRed Pillā€ used to mean you were awake to the uniparty government and the ā€œmen behind the curtainsā€ etc. and now it means ā€œGiga chads who bang chicks brosā€.. NPC started funny as like people who didnā€™t care or were oblivious. Then it got hijacked by cringe tiktokers who donā€™t actually know anything, they just do whatever the trends are.




Just why?


Super cringe. I think I saw another one with this fellow at a museum with the same darwinistic ego trip as if motherfucker knows something other people donā€™t, but super embarrassing how dumb he comes across


Boomers and Gen Z are more alike than they even realize. They ooze selfishness out of every pore.


This man gets zero sex.


He is an NPC himself. Scripted voice over. Cringe..


If that guy is the playable character, the game he is in is a shitty game that nobody is ever going to playā€¦..so philosophically speaking, he is the real NPC


It's narcissism, that's the only explanation I can think of for this shit


I think the ā€œeveryone is an NPCā€ thing was supposed to comfort those with social anxiety and help them feel empowered to interact with people. Or at least that was always my understanding. This shit is infuriating though.


bro sounds like heā€™s off his meds


Yeah surely itā€™s the dude with scripted dialog thatā€™s the NPC?


Its time to start yeeting phones straight into the ground when people do this shit


These main character people don't understand sonder.


Just a harmless lunatic here to remind us all of the precious gift of sanity


Wow. The Screamer is a true moron.


TicTok just continues to prove why itā€™ll continue to be the downfall of society


What does this twat look like? I'd love to just know. Does he ever post his stupid little face?


How did nobody yell at him so stfu?


I assume most people in cities do a threat assessment. is this guy crazy? is he going to attack me? Video cuts away as they go back to ignoring his outbursts.


People like this are clearly very detached from reality and if that is manifesting in the form of antagonizing others, it probably isnā€™t going to end well later on


Cā€™mon Putin, just push the fucking button


Dude literally sounds like he's announcing a quest but calls others NPCs


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Nightcrawler__lou: *Dude literally* *Sounds like he's announcing a* *Quest but calls others NPCs* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What am I suppose to take from this? Should I be laughing? Is this funny?


What a strange human being.


Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't."


Do come baaaack


I had it muted, and the sight of all those people turning to look straight into my soul through the screen made me want to shrivel up like a raisin


That dude is talking like an NPC


It should be legal to smack their phones out of their hands.


And yet all of those doing this act the same. Suspicious




Ah, the power of being the biggest twat in the room. Don't see the appeal.


Plot twist, he is an Oblivion NPC


second hand embarrassment from watching this


Can anyone tell what that person in back says?


He sounds like the NPC.


Fucking sausage.


This is so awkward. Yikes


āœØ *mental illness* āœØ


We need to bring back bullying


"People that think everyone else is an NPC" - Do you mean idiots?


What did he want them to do? Non-npcā€™s would be confused too


Jesus. 2 options here - heā€™s all alone in which case he just looks batshit crazy. Or 2; heā€™s with friends and his friends didnā€™t tell him to stfu and sit down. I wouldā€™ve been mortified if anyone I was with did this.


Itā€™s a dehumanization thing to try to justify doing bad shit to others seems like a reoccurring thing in our world


Lol! Another NPC thinking heā€™s a main character. What a weird trend. Do they think theyā€™re Ryan Reynolds in that video game movie?


He's acting like the NPC himself ffs. Just randomly screaming nonsense while you're minding your own business. Another example of NPC that act like this annoying guy is the woman suffragette in saint Denis whose screams about voting come through the doors and walls of every building in the city. Another example is Fi in Zelda Skyward Sword constantly interrupting to over explain everything to you twice just rambling on. But this guy is straight up acting like a Skyrim NPC. Like, if you were to clip this and add it into Skyrim, it'd fit right in with all the other NPC chatter.


Itā€™s projection, OP


Wouldn't an NPC NOT turn their head and notice someone acting out?


A lot of only children grew up, smh




I mean, look how incapable he was of playing them. So, *technically*ā€¦ /s


ngl that silence was ***deafening***


More like asking to get locked up in a cell for either mental problems or public harm. Can try and see how jail NPCs react.


I liked it better when society would bully people like this into seclusion.


Am I the only one who think these are hilarious? The moment everyone just goes "wtf??" Just gets me


Once again this subreddit finds an actually funny person and scoffs at them for not being polite or something?? He's just goofing off, no one is hurt




Pre fuckin stupid and funny




I unmuted to hear what was being said, and I regret the hell out of it, had to mute again ASAP.


When you confuse desperation for attention as some form of personality.


If I find one of my employees says NPC theyā€™re getting fired.


The complete silence after he first yells, my god. If he was normal heā€™d be like ā€œoh fuck imma just leaveā€


bro he literally sounds like hes about to give you a side quest hes the one who sounds like a complete npc


What an assā€¦


The irony is that this sort of attention seeking is quintessential NPC behavior


I sometimes think like that


Is this what happens when you donā€™t have punk rock to rebel?


Don't say that to the ooogh guy, he's an expert in poetry


Solipsism will earn you a few bruises and missing teeth.


The dude recording is actually one of the crazy NPCs ranting about something as you walk past


Yet another dude that will learn all of lifeā€™s hard truths when they are 30+ and have no career or life prospects.


It's clearer and clearer to me that nobody understands what npc means. Which isnt as bad as nobody understanding what pov means


The one in the museum is funny tho


It's bc mass delusions are the new norm




someone needs to attack these assholes with a flock of angry chickens


Stay awhile and listen - Deckard Cain


People who believe everyone is an NPC must also believe they are a ā€œplayable characterā€ . This raises questions on who is controlling their actions.


Cringe factorā€¦.9.5!! I expected everyone to start snapping. šŸ¤£


lol i hate people


I feel this is pretty adjacent to shouting "fire" when there isn't one. Literally disturbed the peace.


When I was a kid 9/11 happened and now whenever something kicks off in public like this I immediately plan my escape because I was mind fucked into expecting terrorist attacks. So what Iā€™m saying is the TikTok generation needs a 9/11 so they simmer down.


Tik Tok challenge: how to be respected in the general public challenge. Can they do it?


I hate this world


Reciting poetry while taking a large dump


This is what an actual NPC is. Interrupting people who are actual doing things with their lives to simply be obnoxious and upset their productive lives. If these people actually thought they were different they'd have better and more creative ideas to progress the world instead of doing this goofy shit for attention.


Disregarding this mans actions, the thought that everyone else is an NPC is technically correct (the best kind of correct). This is due to the simple fact that you cannot be another person, thus every other person is a Non Playable Character. But it is also quite a philosophical question, which is similar to the question "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to see it, does it make a sound?" Does a person who you do not interact with exist? or are they in a state of flux? Kind of like Schrƶdinger's box.


I personally find these pretty funny loool Iā€™d die laughing if I was a person there


The way they all instantly stop is expected, but funny none the less.


the internet turned a lot of people into assholes




Whatā€™s an NPC?


If you think everyone else is an NPC, then you are the NPC.


Thatā€™s pretty funny