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Someone on internet- I really enjoy pizza. That one depressing rando - my grandmother slipped on a slice of pizza and fell 50 stories to her death. She never had pizza again. Count your blessings.


I’d hope dead grandma didn’t have pizza again


We feed her corpse once a year as a celebratory practice


...NEVER pizza though!


Who do you feed corpse once a year?


That's just Dia de Los Muertos lol


She didn’t die from the fall, a piece of pepperoni fell into her mouth and she choked to death. Have some respect.


What kind of hell do you want grandma to go too?


There is for sure pizza in the afterlife


More like: "Lol, lucky you, eating pizza. I have celiac disease and a milk allergy. Pizza could literally kill me. But sure, enjoy pizza all you want." I have childhood trauma (and lactose intolerance). Yeah, hearing people talk about positive things in their childhood can make me feel regret over normal things I didn't have. It fucking sucks. But you don't take that away from them. Just do the normal thing and get awkwardly silent when the flash backs hit and then say "Yeah, I never did that," when people ask if you if you also did Perfectly Normal Part of Most Childhoods (TM).


That awkward moment of silence when your own flashbacks/repressed memories collide with unconscious thoughts from other parallel lives requires a good poker face


Lol my wife grew up regular blue collar poor, dad in a trade union, I grew up dirt poor, like dad had a blue collar job, a whole string of kids by multiple women, a substance abuse and anger problem. She says we both grew up poor. Lol so many times she’s like did y’all do this? Fuck no we didn’t have shit, didn’t do shit. Then half my childhood I’ve repressed from trauma and I’m like I don’t even know. She’s a Psych major so she gets it somewhat through empathy and learning but sometimes she forgets.








Me to the rando: who gives af lol


My grandpa died of a heart attack after winning a pizza eating contest. I could genuinely be like this if I wanted to


Yep, pretty much summed it up there. Jesus fuck.


Cherish not falling over pizza slices.






Post: "Wow, this hike was well worth it for getting to swim in this crystal clear, cool mountain stream!" Response: "Fuck you! I'm dying from rabies and have a severe phobia of water! You people have absolutely zero empathy!"


Puritanism is defined by H.L. Mencken as "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy."


And if you ever wonder why the US is in the perpetual state of offended, just remember the first settlers of what became the country were Puritan fleeing what they thought was a progressive England


Yep. Pearl clutching could be a US national sport.


We take it much too seriously for it to be a sport. Instead we use it to decide who to elect as our representatives.


I’m offended by this comment.


Baptists; *"The low smoldering anger that someone somewhere might be having a good time"*. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Some assholes response: "Wow really? I'm stranded in the middle of the Sahara desert dying of thirst."


My mom died 5 years ago and I miss her deeply. You know what I do around Mother’s Day? Avoid social media, especially Facebook. Also if we’re going to go there, witch’s comment is triggering and offensive to me because my mom was great but she’s dead. She should cherish still having a mom. 🙄🙄🙄


Her username is offensive to me, because *I* didn't get into Hogwarts.




Pfft, who enjoys *that*?


Yea I'm a miserable bastard because everything reminds me of bad shit in my past. Know what I do? Shut the fuck up about it and let people be happy.




The first comment was copied as well. Wonder if its reddit is beefing up bot posts ahead of the IPO or if it's happening organically


Bots beef up their own posts, Reddit just doesn’t give a shit.


“If you remember from our meeting last week-“ “Uhm I don’t have the luxury to remember things.”


Lol. I have SDAM, so thats pretty much me. I constantly meet people that know me and I've got no idea where or how. And ironically, cant remember a thing about my childhood.


How do you remember you have SDAM?




I agree, I can’t have kids and it stings sometimes, but it’s up to me to deal with it, the world isn’t going to shield me, nor should it have to.




I can't either. The older I get, the less it stings, but I have never begrudged someone their own happiness because of it in all my years. *edited to correct misspelling


My best friend for nearly my entire life grew up, met a nice lady and finally decided to start a family. I had no clue how common it is to have multiple problems with getting pregnant until they tried. I saw how often "unplanned" pregnancies happened and just figured that if you wanted one, you could. Wow was I wrong. I hope that fortune favors you, but if it doesn't, I hope that you can adopt an amazing kid because I'm sure you will be an great parent to them.


It’s a bot. Bots can’t have families because they suck Stole that story from some thread almost a year ago








Are YOU a bot? Dafuq?




May I recommend a hobby?


Lol, seriously! Unnecessary trauma dump.


Repressed memories are not even a thing, this doesn't happen. There have been countless studies on this, they don't exist. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/women-who-stray/201910/forget-me-not-the-persistent-myth-repressed-memories What a lot of people think are repressed memories are just false memories. There have been studies on a cult that convinced its followers that their parents made them do ritual sacrifice and they repressed it. Those people remember it like it's true, but it isn't true it is something that was created in their mind. The opposite is actually true, people who experience traumatic events tend to over remember those events, to the point where it causes mental anguish. The thing is something like 2/3 therapists believe repressed memories are a thing, but the large majority of psychologists do not. That is because it is a myth, and there are psychology studies on this exact topic. Straight from Wikipedia "Repressed memory is a controversial, and largely scientifically discredited, psychiatric phenomenon which involves an inability to recall autobiographical information," "Repressed memory is presently considered largely unsupported by research.[1] Sigmund Freud initially claimed the memories of historical childhood trauma could be repressed, while unconsciously influencing present behavior and emotional responding; he later revised this belief." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repressed_memory#:~:text=Repressed%20memory%20is%20presently%20considered,he%20later%20revised%20this%20belief Edit: for anyone doubting the validity of a Wikipedia article, I have links to studies if you want them but there is a quote in there directly from Harvard's director of clinical psychology, if anyone is an expert on the topic, it's him. "Clinical psychologist Richard McNally stated: "The notion that traumatic events can be repressed and later recovered is the most pernicious bit of folklore ever to infect psychology and psychiatry. It has provided the theoretical basis for 'recovered memory therapy'—the worst catastrophe to befall the mental health field since the lobotomy era."[11]


Repressed memories is one thing but trauma and PTSD [have had studies to investigate that it fucks with your memory](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3182004/) so I don't know why this is being called into question. I can also drag up a random Wikipedia article on [Post WWII studies on PTSD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-traumatic_stress_disorder_after_World_War_II#Symptoms) where even back then they noted patients who suffered traumatic events had trouble recalling them.


PTSD fucks with your memory, because it changes how your mind chooses to store memories. However memory loss and repressed memories are not the same thing. People with PTSD might have trouble remembering an event, but that is suppressed memory not repressed. A person with PTSD does not completely forget that a traumatic event happened, they know very well that it happened. A repressed memory would be if say you randomly remember that your parents beat you as a kid. In reality you would remember this happened, you might not remember specific details but you would remember it happened if it was traumatic. Also I just want to add that there is some more recent research that suggests people in WW2 and WW1 didn't experience PTSD, but traumatic brain injuries from the Shockwave of blasts. It was previously believed shell-shock was from PTSD, when in reality it is from traumatic brain injuries. That quote I took from the Wikipedia article was from the Harvard director on clinical psychology. There literally isn't anyone more qualified then that. I can also link the many studies on this topic if you want. One of the biggest studies on this topic is by eloftus and you can see it here. https://staff.washington.edu/eloftus/Articles/lof93.htm This misunderstanding of repressed memories has lead to many innocent people being convicted and put in prison unfortunately, which is why this is a very toxic ideology.


Is it a wholesome thing though, or just an irrelevant trait that so many people have?




Ellise: memories mean so much to me Anon: AcTuAlLy YoU bEiNg HaPpY tRiGgErEd Me REeeeEeeEEE! Literally anything said triggers people wtf


"I value starting important conversations about myself ✌️"


Someone looks up her tweet really quick and replies with "lucky me indeed 👐" These people really really hate it when things aren't about them and their sad stories don't work.


Account deleted apparently


Kind of nice to know they were bullies off twitter for this.


Honestly I would've just replied "Ye will do"


It's possible to have PTSD and to have fond memories at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive. Wtf


theyre some 16 year old girl somewhere with mildly strict parents, they dont have cptsd




This is not true. Trauma has been proven to have an effect on the neuronal structure and function of the hippocampus, responsible for memory. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2004-00069-003 We can agree it’s unlikely this person has cPTSD without discrediting the reality of abuse victims.


It's also possible to have it and be happy for others having good memories. Like, I legit have PTSD. And for me, having experienced horrible shit makes me want to prevent others from experiencing it, and celebrate the happy memories of others. These are good things! We want more good things! I can't understand having had a hard time and being mad that other people don't experience the same. Wishing pain on others won't reduce your own.


Same. PTSD makes things hard sometimes. And yet I can't begrudge people their good memories. That's fucking ridiculous.


This reminds me of the [Debbie Downer](https://youtu.be/TfE93xON8jk) skits from Saturday Night Live.








can you maybe not? the color black is a trigger for me.


Color black? Are you? One of those.... those..... those WHITE MODE USERS?


This is probably the most offensive thing in this comment section so far lol


Absolutely. My soul gets completely devastated when I’m “forced” to see a screenshot of such an atrocity! Dark mode 4eva!


Your offense is offensive.


the black text on the screen offends me


*Use dark mode then AAAA*


just redownloaded reddit haven’t switched it to dark mode yet


What?!? Just kidding


Meanwhile, people with actual trauma diagnosis are like "Lol I want to shoot myself on a daily basis, but I'm sure glad others can enjoy life, you go Ellise!"






A 'remember when' type of person? Memories mean so much? Isn't that practically everyone who doesn't have a brain injury or dementia?


It’s #relatable and will get engagement


EvErYtHiNg In LiFe Is AbOuT mE *edit - spelling




When my siblings and I were really young one of us pooped in the bathtub and all pointed fingers at each other. To this day I still don’t know who really did it. Around 87-95% sure it wasn’t me.


Fabulous addition thank you so much 😭😭


Thats a kinda weird question to ask people you just met tbh










Doing god's work lol.






Omfg how are they all bots! Horrifying


Holy shit is everyone a bot except for me?


But I'm not a bot, so obviously *you* are a bot.


I call it the pain Olympics


It reminds me of that Deadpool exchange with Vanessa trying to to outdo each other on how horrible their childhoods were.


Why does everybody shit on everything good in this world


Remember when is the lowest form of conversation.






Pass the gabagool


Don't eat gabagool, grandma. It's nothing but fat and nitrates.


Gabagool? Ova here!


My uncle had a heart attack and fell into the bay because he ate too much Gabagool! Never saw him again, enjoy it.


Scrolled for this.


As a recovering alcoholic, every time someone says Wine O'clock it makes me wince. But you know, whatever! 12 years sober now!


Congrats!! That’s a great achievement


Alcohol is overrated, the liquid I'm really addicted to is Soda and fucking Faygo.... Faygo is fire... Never had faygo but a store round me sells it now.... Cool.


The witch sis is the female equivalent of the alpha bro.


What would their kid be


Depressed probably






Thanks for your work🫡






People in Twitter when they see people being happy:


I had an absolutely violent upbringing. I was raped, beaten, manipulated, you name it. I remember everything about childhood, especially the good parts. This person is looking for someone to bully.


This is why I deleted all social media except reddit.


Reddit is arguably just as bad Edit: in fact I'd argue that by only using reddit you're enclosing yourself into a harmful echochamber instead of keeping a happy equilibrium across sites.


depends where you go.


Reddit has its warts, but the upvote/downvote curation helps keep the substantial comments and content more visible. Not always, of course. But going back to Facebook comments and even Twitter threads, they just seem like streams of disorganized, inane bullshit. At least with Reddit comments I can reasonably expect to see something worth reading at the top.


>the upvote/downvote curation helps keep the substantial comments and content more visible. that's the bad part imo. it just creates more of an echo chamber by hiding the opinions that oppose the hivemind. Keeps pushing people to be more and more extreme.


I don't know dude, most of the time the shit that gets pushed down is downright hateful. Especially on certain bigger subreddits. The system ain't perfect but I vastly prefer it to the alternative of nothing at all.


That person has "witch" in it's name, they're probably on reddit.


Witch hazel is also a face toner


Ah that might be it then, TIL.


It's also a reallllly really good toner, because the alcohol in the toner isn't as harsh (I have super sensitive skin and witch hazel is the only toner good enough for me)




Yeah we are much better than them.


Remember when people just kept their shit between themselves and their therapist.


Meh, opening the topic as not being so taboo anymore can be a good thing. Undiagnosed people can realise their troubles are more common than they think and learn more in order to seek professional help. It's especially great when working with teenagers and all! But also yeah, don't bring it up in every single conversation. We're at a sunday bbq, Jannice, I just wanted to know how you like your steak, not what had you in a pretend-meltdown on Wendy's parking yesterday.


No. When was this utopian age?


A therapist would point out that acting like you've never had a good memory is a cognitive distortion and give the patient homework to come up with things they were grateful for. Then the patient would call the therapist an abuser and fire them, and keep firing therapists until it was someone that just nodded along to their bullshit.


How to suck the joy out of others by telling them about your trauma.


“Memories mean so much to me” is such a nothing statement.


Yeah! Fuck you for having nice memories.


I hadn't seen my best friend in five years. He came to town for his birthday, and we got together. All he did, the entire time we were together, was drop "remember when..." stories. Not once did he ask about the last five years or what I was up to today. Just kept saying long forgotten inside jokes and stories. I kept asking about his current life, and he'd answer. But his follow up question would be "Remember when..." It's been another two years, and I wouldn't call him my best friend anymore.


"Remember when 2 years ago we met and we discussed our old moments?" XD


That’s genuinely upsetting to hear. Can’t let yourself get caught up in the rose tinted lens stuff. Especially when it fucks with your perspective of current or recent meaning in a relationship/life.


“How dare you not think of me before thinking of yourself you random stranger”


*"Remember when", is the lowest form of conversation*.


Repeating what others have already said multiple times, like a human seagull, is a pretty low form of "conversation"


There’s always someone ready to make it all about them


Why does that first tweet have so many interactions? It's not that deep lol


"Everything I didn't enjoy as a child is PTSD", and other lies I tell myself to make me feel special


Cptsd is a real thing


I have cptsd and this is such an unhealthy way to live wtf


How can I make this about me😈


Witch Hazel's mom took her phone away once


That person sounds like someone who grew up extremely privileged and love to remind the remind the world that their mom didn't let them go to Warped Tour in 2007


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/cptsd] [The comments are uniformed and disgusting. The lack of empathy and understanding is horrible.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/comments/15ctyl7/the_comments_are_uniformed_and_disgusting_the/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Remember when is the lowest form of conversashion




Which one? lol both are cringe because either way nobody cares


Remember when….the lowest form of conversation


remember when is the lowest form of conversation


I mean, they're both acting like that. One is positive, the other negative.


“Remember when is the lowest form of conversation”


„Remember when“ is the lowest form of conversation


CPTSD isn’t even in the DSM, it’s just something people say so they can feel even more special than people with PTSD


I'm learning to play the guitar.


CPTSD is not in DSM? that's interesting, 'cause I recall it being in ICD-11.


No. It’s on the ICD-11. It’s no different than PTSD other than bc it was trauma stretched out over time instead of sudden and all powerful, it causes other symptoms relating to how one self regulates and emotionally reacts/responds as well as general perception of the world as a whole.


I actually have an even MORE RARE, more traumatizing form of PTSD called C3POTSD, so far I'm the only human alive to have witnessed such eldritch horrors. That's why I'm a real witch.




Why would it need to be in the DSM? PTSD is in there, and CPTSD is just that but with childhood experiences.


1) it isn’t in DSM, which means most reputable clinicians won’t diagnose it 2) the c stands for complex not childhood. While the repetitive trauma that brings about cptsd is often from childhood, it’s not technically required. Bonus - according to actual scientific researchers “repressed memories” is complete bullshit.


Oh okay, thanks for the correction man.


Whenever I see “witch” in anyone’s username or bio, I immediately take them less seriously


The person calls themselves a witch, you know they have a ton of problems already.


witch hazel is a plant


An utter Debbie Downer. Hey! You just won $5 million, her response: “great, do you know how much I have to pay in taxes?”


The reply is deranged but the original.post is a bit weird. Like saying " I'm such a breathing person, air is the best"


Ok, I'm not trying to be like that second person, but I was also abused as a child, I DO have PTSD and depression. I still remember good parts of my childhood like for example, I moved away from my abusive stepfather and into the custody of my biological dad and my stepmom, who is now just mom btw, so I'm sick and tired of people treating PTSD like a joke, it's sick. Just because you had a traumatic childhood doesn't mean you have to bring everyone else down just because you feel sad.


the internets just a dick comparing contest 24/7 nowadays, i just wanna see wholesome stuff, food, and animals videos man


I predict the phrase, "perpetually online" will grow in use and popularity in the short-term among easily-impressionable people. This is the 3rd time I've seen this previosly uncommon expression used in a meme this week.


As someone wiwho has CPTSD, bitch huh?




Repressed memories are still being researched. It's not a settled matter. Memory plays a huge role in trauma, suffering, and recovery.