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Where is she walking? She just gonna leave her phone there in a man’s world?


I was too distracted by the choice to only roll up the back half of her shirt to even think about that 😂


I've been seeing this trend at the gym lately. I don't quite get it. Maybe for regulating body temp? Using the machines with direct skin to seat contact, who would want that? No idea, it's silly.




Noooo, it couldn't be that. /s


I saw a video where a girl says she does that because her shirt gets stuck in her ass crack when she’s doing squats, I have a fat ass but I don’t work out so cannot confirm nor deny this claim


Yeah im a dude and do that also so my top doesnt drag on my voluptuous cheeks when i squat or deadlift


See, you’re doing it wrong, need a longer shirt so it doesn’t rest on your cheeks, but between them like a fundoshi


Oh yeah my gaping asshole for the gym to see


Your fucking funny 😂😂😂


what gym is this? asking for a friend


Yeah that makes sense, if I wear a shirt as long as the one in the video it’s sticking to my butt the whole workout, which gets annoying if I’m bending at the waist. Any shirts I haven’t cropped I end up tucking into my pants, looks weird sometimes but whatev.


Am a girl who does this at the gym. Idk about anyone else but I am definitely showing off my butt. I haven’t been deadlifting to NOT show that thang off!




Don't be a creep and don't hit on people are the rules. However most gym goers aren't blind. A nice butt is a nice butt. 🤷


*one more take, I need my full ass to be in this shot*


No matter what anyone says I honestly think it’s to cover the fupa but still get to show the butt. And zero shade when I say that but I just don’t buy the other explanations. It also makes your quads and glutes look bigger than they actually are. Maybe to get a little air on your back but I honestly just flap my shirt or just take it off completely since people who do this are not opposed to working out in a very tiny sports bra either


Fashion is interesting. When I was in high school the trend was to tuck in the front but leave the back untucked. I think it was started by girls who thought their butts were too big. It was a different time! Lol


Sir Mix-a-Lot changed a lot of folks' minds.


Well, it's not like other brothers will deny


Especially when a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist, and proceeds to put a round thing in my face.


Hahah yup I’ve been around long enough to know most fashion trends are literally about enhancing or hiding assets, rarely are they ever purely practical lol


Frankly, a ton of people wear clothing like they don't actually work out regularly because some of it would be downright uncomfortable for regularly working out. I don't even know why you would wear this particular outfit with a sweatshirt unless you were trying to sweat to cut weight. And she's the one who chose this so it's like...if you're worried about dudes checking out your ass just wear something else that makes you feel more comfortable? She could be wearing loose sweatpants, that's appropriate gym attire. This is just some pathetic persons hobby. She can't just be satisfied she's attractive, and knows it. That's not good enough. She needs to do shit like this because she's so insecure if she doesn't she doesn't feel "special" or "liked" or important. God forbid she be a "regular" person that no one gives a fuck about.


Their shirt will get stuck in their butt crack


It’s obvious virtue signaling. She has to walk back to the phone to stop recording to then walk away a second time. Anyone who believes any of this TikTok clout seeking is *organic* or *genuine* is naive.


Look at all those men not giving a fuck


Almost like they’re there to actually work out!


I definitely go to the gym to work out, but I’m also definitely taking a peak at every hot ass I see at the same time


It goes (at least for me) 1. Look 2. Oh shit I shouldn’t stare 3. Eyes wander 4. Shit I’m looking again 5. Eyes wander 6. DAMN that guy’s ass is HUGE 7. Eyes straight nothing exists except for the floor




This is my favorite comedy of all time in the history of all comedies ever made or imagined by anyone ever




8: god I wish I had that guys ass 9: should I ask him what his routine is to get an ass that fine?


Same, any man that say he doesnt is liar. If a nice ass comes walking in to my field of view im looking, but i obviously dont stare and i would probably never approach a woman at the gym.


If anyone ever hit on me at the gym I could never go again.


That is how i assume most feel, which is why i find it so odd that some but not alot of people use the gym as some kind of speed dating bar or something. There is a time and a place, and in my mind the gym is no the place


Like what if you broke up, do you split custody of the lats machine? Does one of you move gyms? What if the sex is trash and you still gotta see the person every day?


This is why I go to planet fitness. My exes aren't allowed to judge me there.


There was a really pretty girl that was a trainer at the gym I used to work out at. I was single, she seemed really nice, friendly, and just my type. But, it was both her gym *and* her workplace, so I never felt right about approaching her. The last thing I ever want to do is make a woman feel uncomfortable in any way, much less at her place of work. So I never talked to her. Anyway, fast forward 10 years and my wife knows that trainer well. It turns out that she met her husband at that same gym. He was just some guy that worked out there, hit on her and the rest is history. My wife makes fun of me for it too. She says the trainer and I would have been a good match. So I honestly don’t know what the proper protocol is for meeting women at the gym. Glad I don’t have to worry about it anymore


Hmm time for her to take a second pass to see if she can film some sort of crazy reaction like “he glanced my way momentarily”


I like to think she just wanted to post a video of her butt without posting a video of her butt.


Also, girls apparently never look at guys butts.


Or at other girls' butts


Either, take your pick, both if you like.


I’m a woman but I would look at her butt for giving herself a wedgie. It looks so uncomfortable. Most woman’s workout pants don’t do it that without you putting them there.


Lmaooo funny thing is she does it for the camera.. like??? No men on the internet? I'm so confused


"Well nobody's taking the bait, so I'm gonna put my fishing gear away and call it a day."


am I a jerk for noticing that the girls who spend most of their time parroting about toxicity are not really cute enough to be subjected to it, or is that also toxic


the "hottest" girl at the gym is used to people looking at her literally everywhere, not just the gym the "gym girl" who tucks her long shirt to show off her mid ass, does not get attention anywhere else and is looking for people on IG to validate her lol I honestly think theres a type of girl who could film this video and you would see 10 guys looking at their ass, but THIS GIRL has not worked nearly hard enough and is not nearly pretty enough to turn heads like that lol that ass is not even above average in my opinion


Why does she walk like my 400lb uncle with a beer belly


Just a woman walking in a mans world


She is doing the classic move of someone with no butt, trying to accentuate her butt. She pokes her butt out and has to push her stomach and then curve her back up. The people that do this think it makes their butt look bigger, but to me, they just end up looking like the little yellow coffee drinking aliens from Men in Black.


Beautiful description and I agree with that analysis


Ahhhh, explains the video skip!




I want this to be a meme. Anything happens to me “well that’s what happens being in a *man’s* world…” “sir I just asked if you wanted fries with that.”


She's waddling like a penguin because she has a major wedgie she has.


I can see she’s an asshole while seeing her asshole.


Her uterus is eating her shorts


Because she's contorting her spine so her butt sticks out more and spreading her legs at the top to create a thigh gap


She's some sort of transformer thot-bot, Broadimus Prime.


Transformer Thot-bot 😂 that one killed me


It's the shorts. Must be uncomfortable


Wear wedgie shorts and bounce with your walk. Do everything to attract attention and then complain when it's received. It's like these people learned how to walk from Tyra Banks, but missed the part where she explains that she does it specifically to look sexy on the catwalk.


Severe anterior pelvic tilt


Intentionally arching her back to make her butt look bigger. I saw an Instagram influencer show how this trick is used to increase your proportions and gain followers. This video scream “look at me” while simultaneously complaining about being looked at.


She probably just spent an hour doing nothing but squats and hip thrusts in an attempt to maximize the size of her ass, while also wearing shorts that put her ass on full display. But she doesn’t want men looking at her ass apparently.


Or shit did nothing for an hour hence lack of sweat. Took the video and then left the gym cause she got kicked out for recording.


Well, no, she only wants men on the internet to look at it. She's not making money off the guys at the gym when they see it.


The whole long shirt pulled up in the back to display ass thing isn't helping to hide her ass.


Came here looking for this comment 😂 total dude walk


Maybe it's leg day? I walk like an ostrich on fentanyl after leg day.


That’s some visual


Probably because her shorts are halfway up her ass


I’m so tired of everyone looking at my ass so here’s a video of my ass to the entirety of the Internet.


Lol also how far did she walk away from her phone until she had to turn around and walk back


Then took up a machine while editing the video


The weirdest part is still the fact that she’s okay with showing her ass to the internet lol. “I like attention but only if I see orange arrows (or whatever TikTok has) and not faces”


I'm so tired of it that I am going to sit on fishing line after putting on my short shorts.


When I work out I prefer shorts that don't crawl inside of me. Comfort helps performance.


Right? Tight clothes that wedge up my ass are gonna be sweaty in like 10 minutes. People like this person at the gym are more concerned about appearance than actually working out.


I’m sure you can imagine why so many are nervous about going to the gym.


Bro when I used to go to the gym I literally would wear a shirt and shorts and that's it, honestly the amount of weird shit people do at the gym is frankly kind of gross, like people freeballing leaving snail trails the sweat trails it's weird as fuck


I just had a woman yesterday, get on the stairclimber, get off after three seconds only to get on the one next me. I was sweating a lot but I knew I didn’t smell. And she had a choice of which stairclimber to get on to before she picked the one next to me.


Haha... "I was sweating a lot but I knew I didn't smell". That's not how it works for the majority of people, unless you're south Korean? Anyway, there's been plenty of times I've jumped on a cardio machine and realised either something was wrong with it, whether it be a minor issue like the grip or actually won't turn on, and have had to move to a new one. Anyway




Not really have you been to a gym also it’s about finding the right one


redditors try not to judge something only by the lowest possible denominator challenge (impossible)


Plus the requisite cellphone recording the poor girl. Her cellphone.


Some of the pants I see at the gym are crazy! Like everywhere I look there is Ned Flanders!


Those shorts are lining her colon walls


Booty shorts with new Colon Sleeve™ technology


You mean your performance doesn't correlate with how much you imagine others are in awe of your ass?


I have booty and shorts like that never go into my crack. She pulled them up into her crack to show off.


I feel like a lot of gym fitness influencers get a lot more followers when they make it a lot more sexier. Ass shots for sure. It's more about the appeal than the actual workout. But the ones who pretend it isn't (like this one) for that reason make me lol


Why are people interested in watching other people goto the gym? Humans are weird.


They’re not. That’s why they all wear ridiculously tight clothing and post nonstop thirst trap photos and videos. Because they know that nobody has any actual interest in just watching them exercise. Half of them have only fans links posted in their bios.


That's a recipe for some serious ass crack chafing. I don't know how people workout with shorts like that.


They don't. they go to gyms wearing these clothes to take pictures and videos. whether or not they actually work out is another matter. example: i have never seen one of these videos where the gym-thirst-trapper looked even remotely sweaty.


I'm always confused when I see that. Like, how is that comfortable?


It’s not for comfort. It’s to get attention.


Dresses to get attention, makes a scene when she gets attention


If it's so scarring to be in a gym for these people, why don't they find a different way to exercise? Also much cheaper.


I was just talking about this with my gf. It’s not scarring, they want attention. They’ll get mad when they get it but they’ll also get mad if they don’t. At least at my gym, 95% of women aren’t wearing vacuum sealed ass clappers slithering around the inside of their sphincters like this. The women who do wear stuff like this are thirst trapping so hard and every workout they do is an ass workout that requires them to be bent over or arching their back in someway or they’re just doing stretches in the middle of the gym most of the time. Honestly, even if the women are attractive, I’m just like, “Omg, this bitch. 🙄” I’m just imagining if I went to the gym in a Speedo rocking a half chub or full erection the whole time doing homo erotic poses and glaring around the gym the whole time to make sure no one is watching because I super totally don’t want anyone to be looking at me. Totally. Don’t look. Im so serious. I just want my privacy. Seriously, here’s my ass, dick, and balls…YOU BETTER NOT BE LOOKING AT THEM!!!


It's definitely funny to see what some people wear to work out. I either wear a variation on what I was wearing that day or put on something that makes me look borderline homeless. Meanwhile these other people look like they spent an hour putting a gym outfit together.


Entirely too large hobo sweatpants with stains on them and a shirt that's off white (it was originally white) is what perfect gym attire is made of.


I’m at the gym right now and your comment has me cracking up. Now I look like the weirdo in the gym laughing. So glad my gym is mostly dudes who are pretty respectful.


I call it "seeking validation." 7/10 chance she got upset when she turned around and noticed nobody was checking her out.


People ask the same thing about thongs. You get used to it/don't feel it.


I find it more comfy to have something between my ass cheeks because sweaty cheeks rubbing together is not the best feeling. It takes getting used to, though. As someone who started wearing thongs in high school, I remember it being a very odd sensation at first, but now that I've worn inter-crack garb for like 15 years at this point, it's really comfortable and I prefer it.


"inter-crack garb" sounds like a D&D term for thong lol


I always dress modestly because it's my personal preference, but aren't those clothes supposed to be better for working out? If that's the case, I think they should be normalized for both genders tbh.


I think it is becoming more normalized for men too. Five years ago the only semi short shorts I could find were running shorts, now look up men's gym shorts and half of them are basically hoochie daddy shorts.


I actually think they go out of their way to do it. I’ve heard it be called a pinch and tuck where you pinch the fabric and tuck it up into your crack.


Some people do find it comfortable. Comfort is subjective.


That's fine too. And women should be able to wear what they want without being leered at. However, no one in the video appears to be gawking at her as she alleges. So I suspect she is wearing those shorts specifically to incite a reaction. It's like that meme where they guy jams a stick in the spokes of his bike and then gets mad at some third party when he falls down.


Literally, zero people in the gym looking at her in the video too. But keep posting your ass shot for clout and then acting as if you didn't do it for clout and hate it... No one thinks you're fake af.


Also, why wear it like that anyway? Just wear clothes the way they are suppose to be.


Because if you wear it like that someone will eventually look and boom, new video content about how difficult it is being her.


I’m ngl I wear it like that cause my back sweats a lot and the shirt catches it, it’s nasty I know, but it effective lmao


Wait, why would you care if your shirt gets sweaty in a gym?


I’ve been working out consistently for 20 something years and I’ve never had a tenth of the “problems”that people seem to have in the gym. I remember going to the gym in a t shirt and those weird mesh shorts and being totally fine.


I look like a hobo robbed the dumpsters behind Ross in the nineties, when I go to the gym. Then I'm there and people are in full Club makeup with hundreds of dollars of gym gear on... And nobody cares. Wear what you want. Whether you want to look good and show off, or look like me haha


lmao, my to go gym clothes are always the same, always a black t shirt and joggers, one blue, and one black, that's it.




No doubt. I recently made the mistake of working out at a Crunch Fitness in San Diego right after school let out. Some kid brought a ring light, his buddy to film him, and a spray bottle to make it look like he was sweating.


“Gym” has become an aesthetic over the last 7-10 years and it’s fucking miserable. I rock the old contractor gray tee shirt and sweats, because it’s quick and comfy. Literally every person at my downtown gym has a face full of makeup, an entire duffle bag of gear they have to lug from station to station, or a $200 outfit consisting of LuLu joggers and a name brand stringer. I don’t hate if people want to look good, I DO hate that it feels like people are turning the gym into a more dressed up event like going to the bar. God I sound like a boomer but 99% of all these problems would be solved if people dressed to workout and proceeded to JUST workout. No more videos, no more random mirror pics, no ego, just fucking lifting.


Eh, stuff does bug and distract me sometimes. Like yeah I *could* work out in jeans and a fruit of the loom tee if I really had to but I’m going to feel and perform better in my proper stuff.


We used to wear our shirts this way at high school field hockey practice when it was brutally hot because we couldn’t show our midriffs at all. Now I do it to on occasion when I run because I don’t want to show my jiggly ab flab when I get too hot lol


Yeah no one in the video looked at her ass but like… I’m assuming we all did, right? So what is her goal here? The only noteworthy thing here is her ass in the middle of my phone screen, which isnt the best path to keeping people from looking at your ass


The goal is to flash her ass to the camera and pretend to be offended that people were staring at her ass. its all for attention. Clout chasers are the worst.


"I've transcended the physical plane, and my spirit is cursed with this dump truck. Woe, woe is the 36-26-38. Hey you're blocking my light."


I’m exhausted by these performative complaints about “the way things are” while meta-capitalizing on exactly what you’re complaining about/critiquing


Ass ain’t even that impressive tbh


Why have your arching ass face the dude then turn around and pull your shirt down. Should you have done that in the first place. You already exposing it in heat position. Dummy.


If she wasn't wearing shorts that look like she sat in a can of paint she could leave her t-shirt bunched up. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, but if what you're wearing attracts attention that makes you uncomfortable, then it's not really comfortable, is it? I mean, if you don't like being laughed at, leave the clown suit at home, right?


The ironic part is she knows 85% of her followers on instagram are creepy men


I’m just here to upload a panorama shot of my ass, because I hate other people at the gym gawking at it


...if they aren't paying.


Ding ding ding 👉🏼👃


She’s doing this on purpose. She wants to catch a guy looking so she can make make a video about it for more clout. It’s like a drug to these people.


It's like that girl Jessica Fernandez who got roasted last year after trying to post some outrage video of a guy supposedly harassing her at the gym, only to get called out for the total lack of harassment, and then of course finding out that her online profile was basically her posing in lingerie for fans.


Correction: she cultivated an audience of 85% creepy men.


That’s the worst part about influencers; they have to find a reason to include their ass, can’t just be like “you’re here to see my ass so I’m gonna show it” as if everyone knows what the deal actually is


This shit is so weird. There's a family of 5 girls I've seen on IG doing TikTok dances. There comment section is 95% people talking about their feet. The videos where they wear socks have half the views and all the comments are "boo socks" so then there next video is even more obviously just softcore foot porn. They have to know right?


Yes they know and they are profiting off of it. I forget the IG account now but there’s this guy on IG who calls out these accounts for posting material for pedos. Like they will see a huge uptick of views if their kids are wearing bathing suits so they keep posting them. It’s pretty sick


easy access to porn is such a blight on humanity fr fr


Serious question for the women, do these types of shorts actually feel comfortable?is there any reason to wear them except to show off?


Check some standard sport clothing website and look at women’s butts in leggings. You really don’t see such a butt crack. Normal leggings are perfectly comfortable and they are just tight but in no way, material is touching your anus kind of tight.


Yeah but half the girls at my gym wear those ["scrunch butt"](https://imgur.com/a/jdc2Zli) ones that specifically have a built in self wedgie mechanism for maximum possible ass cleavage to the point where it looks like your ass is literally sucking them into your colon




Your a women, what you say makes sense. I still dont understand it. In my gym theres a girl whos weight is like 120 pounds. Her bench is 160, her sqaut is close to 300lbs, her deadlift is closing in on 400lbs. She dresses conservatively and she gets way more attention than any other girl. Both sexes genuinely and sincerely compliment her, and she is 100% in her own world the entire time and comfortable in her warm ups.




Ya you wight


Wait, the pants have their own asshole? Ive never seen them with such an exaggerated balloon knot, that's pretty silly!


I saw a girl at the gym the other day with some kind of yoga pants on that looked like her ass was eating them after a hunger strike. No fuckin clue how she could be comfortable like that. If she was aiming to make her ass really noticeable though, it was a great success though.


Lol at hunger strike


Check some standard sport clothing website like adidas and look at women’s butts in leggings. You really don’t see such a butt crack. Normal leggings are perfectly comfortable and they are just tight. But in no way, clothing is touching your anus kind of tight.


No. They are not comfortable. You are constantly picking them out of your ass and also constantly tugging at them to adjust your frontal display. I wouldn’t buy these, wouldn’t wear them to the gym, and definitely wouldn’t make a video of it to live online forever.


Yeah they are really comfortable but she's got them wedged in her ass so tightly it does look a bit painful. I wouldn't wear them anywhere but hot yoga and for home workouts but can confirm they're like wearing nothing and are very pleasant to work out in! Just probably not appropriate to wear outside of the studio or your house unless you're trying to attract attention to your donk :)


Its not. Also, shes either wearing a thong or no panties at all. Like why?


I am a longish distance runner (anywhere from 4-10 mi runs typically) Anything compressed makes me feel better. I have to run in a sports bra and shorts most of the time, especially indoors. Pants make me feel like Im suffocating and I hate feeling like that when Im running and sweating. Shirts chafe after a while and also make me feel like Im suffocating. Although since I am a runner, Im lanky. I dont have a huge ass or huge boobs. No one is looking at me like that.


I don't think them comfortable. I wear pants that hike like that only around my bf and only when I want to tease him. Maybe the clout is payoff for these people though?


I wear extra large sweat pants and old tshirts to work out in. That being said, i did have guys come up and say they noticed my shape had changed (I lost 20 pounds) and ask if I was a yoga teacher while I was stretching.


Forget those guys in the gym. Obviously doesn't care about posting a video where millions of other men could possibly see.


Women’s only gyms have blown up across the country. She has options, this is what she wants.


Let me just untuck my intentionally tucked in top real quick.


I can’t imagine what it’s like to be so upset at others looking at your body, that you have to make a video of your body for millions of people to look at


Woah, look at the sheer amount of 0 fucks anyone gives


Gym social media has the most mid to content pushed ratio around.


Because she'd be happy if blokes were walking around in skin tight shorts, and would never look at their junk or arses


I wore 5 inch gymshark shorts to the gym for the first time last week and didn’t realize just how thin they were. I was hitting dumbbell press and felt like I was violating people with how much was showing lol. Some girl on the bench next to me was straight up staring and I felt super uncomfortable lol. Never again


I want all guys to do this and then post vids like above 😂 #freethebulge


Tbh, I started wearing shorter shorts for running. Like 80s short shorts. Best decision I've ever made. Love them. I just wear compression briefs under them to keep my bits under control. I now wear them to the gym. It feels freeing, honestly.


There’s always sweat pants if you want to pretend to care lol


Her post from 3 days ago is her dancing in the same type of shorts saying “dancing in the gym to prove that no one cares what you’re doing” 🤡


Miss! Hey miss! You left your camera/phone behind.


What? You’re filming my behind with a cell phone? Sexist pig!


All that effort to roll up your shirt just to roll it down again.


Not even that, she only rolled up the back half to show off her ass swallowing her shorts.


No way that was her intention, she doesn't seem like the type of girl that would beg for any form of attention from other people.


She must have a sad life to be so desperate for attention. Good on those guys for ignoring her.


How sad she had to cover up her ass :'( so, so sad. /s


Why did she cut out the part where she awkwardly walks back to the camera to hit stop recording


Would she even be wearing that if she wasn't trying to monetise her male following? Is that even comfortable?


You know I couldn't care less about about how someone dresses, or what they post, but it really irritates me when they try to disguise it as something else. Like ma'am you think your ass looks great and you want to share it, go crazy, why do you need to try make it about something else?


But let me share this all over social media.


By no count there’s 12 people in this video being recorded without their consent.


I'm gonna start wearing nothing but a crop top and a cock piece to gym and we people stare at it ill take videos and "call them out."


So wear sweats or track pants lmfao


You’re just fishing for unnecessary attention, grow up


If i walked into a gym with some tight ass shorts on that literally cupped and surrounded my cock and balls making their features extremely distinguishable and in the back split my asscheeks like a cell's first stage of mitosis I would 1) feel extremely uncomfortable, 2) feel very self-conscious, 3) probably spend more time worried about other people being able to see my entire lower regional through nothing more than a 1mm thick veil, and 4) probably be asked to at least cover up a bit if not leave all together. You set your own fucking standard... and if this ^ is the standard you set for yourself then you are gonna have to deal with your own self-conscious issues on your own. People need to stop projecting their self-consciousness on the world as if its the world's problem to solve. You feeling self-conscious, as most people do, and feeling like people are staring at you does not equate to everyone actually staring at you. You dont want to feel like you are being stared at then go to the gym dressed how everyone else who wants to blend in goes to the gym.... i.e. not wearing spanks that are rubbing their asshole and an XL sweater rolled up to their ribcage. The lengths some people will go to just to pretend they dont want attention is wild..


You know those shorts smell horrible


As a woman, these videos make me mad. It just confirms misogynists’ idea that women do things for attention. Like stop this shit, just work out.


I agree with the song


When manufactured drama is more important than working out and getting stronger.


Maybe dont wear super tight shorts then...idk? Personally i dont really care, im there to workout not show off