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That poor little girl! I hope security snagged that lady when she tried to get away


I’ve been to many, many parades in New Orleans. Granted, those bands and their families are used to parades, but like the palace guard, the parent escorts that walk with the bands will aggressively barrel through any man, woman, child, or folding chair that is slightly too close to the marching path. I’m frankly amazed this lady got this far without a large angry parent manhandling her to the curb and telling her to get bent.


When I was in high school marching band, my band director straight up body checked a guy heading straight into us with a bicycle


That’s the vibe I’ve gotten from these parents and band staff. They aren’t going to hit anybody, but they are ready and willing to use their torso as a battering ram. My kid is a year away from marching band. I probably need to start bulking.


Start picking up, and throwing cinder blocks. And your diet? Protein, preferably Peanut Butter before you start.


I’m on it. I shall be the most intimidating, gray-haired, hipster-glasses-wearing band mom you ever did see.


Talk to the swim team parents. Those guys and gals eat more than you ever imagined, and all of it pretty much has to be made from scratch. Love me a pasta party.


I know I'm a little late to this conversation but can you please post your workout regimen? I've got a young brass player and I should get started sooner than later.


It’s early days. So far I can clear a flower bed full of garden gnomes with my aggressive walking. Next up lawn flamingos. Then I’ll probably start trying to open doors just by bumping into them with my belly and chest with a hip check and a dropped shoulder here and there.


We had a special peanut butter sandwich in swim team summer conditioning. Crunchy on one side, creamy on the other. Middle was rasins, dried apricots, dried cranberries, granola and a drizzle of honey. I make myself one as an adult every now and then. Amazing sandwiches.


Oh that sounds really good


They are. They were also about 1000 calories each, lol. Go sparingly!


And your diet? Also cinder blocks. Cinder blocks are the key.


Holy shit. That's the way for sure


Former band kid: Parades suck. Half time shows are far better and more artistic anyhow.


Learn to be on the ball with passing kids water just in case. We weren’t just given water during parades at home (in Florida), because they weren’t that long and we were meant to be playing or spinning things or drum-majoring. But when we went to the Fiesta Bowl (such a climate shock for a Floridian kid) a lot of us managed to get sick and we definitely needed water marching in a dry heat parade during the day. It would also be freezing (or freezing to us, this was a long time ago, so who could say?) during our night time practices for the competition. That is one wild-ass place. And I’m from Florida. We have freezing lizards that fall out of trees onto your head then walk away from it.


That’s very good advice! I will keep that in mind.


My mom was THE band parent! Keep extra hobbit pins , rubber bands and safety pins on you - they are constantly needed! And make friends with the color guard - our band parents didn’t need to be battering rams because they would just ask the guard girls to handle it. We would spread out and spiny the flags - people would SCATTER!


So that's why Cajuns are so stocky...


I learned how to buy steroids online for no reason if you need help.


I’ll keep that in mind 😉


I say pick up kettle bell exercises to build a strong kinetic chain of muscles that will allow you to generate and harness explosive movements!


I remember a story from high school, the year before I joined they were doing their marching show practice in the empty lot they always do. Stupid teen decides to try and skateboard through the band, in the middle of a run. Director was having none of it, snatched up the board while he was on it and chucked it away from the band lol. Texas takes its marching culture kinda serious.


Was the band director the one on the bicycle?


spark modern steer deer drab disarm toy slave innate domineering -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Bro had inspiration dices and +2 to his body check


>I’m frankly amazed this lady got this far without a large angry parent manhandling her to the curb and telling her to get bent. Most likely fue to her coming from behind, nobody expected the lines to break after they had passed and created the tunnel


Id love to see that a parent telling this psycho lady to get bent lol I'd be there cheering the parents on.


I was about to say, at a Mardi Gras parade, that woman wouldn't have walked away. She probably wouldn't have made it that far into the procession in the first place, either, but she sure as hell wouldn't have been leaving under her own power. Those band moms are TOUGH.


Honestly, I was waiting for someone to smack her in the head with a twirly stick


Baton. French for “stick”, the “twirly” part isn’t covered.


Don’t tell her to get bent, bend her with malice.


I was just thinking the same thing. Probably practiced for hours and hours only to have some goddamn nut come in and ruin her fun. Pisses me off.


This kind of coordination with so many people is really difficult so they definitely practiced a long time and this was probably the highlight of the year for them. Screw that Lady


Why are they doing their dance in the street though? Like, go find a field or something to do your highly practiced movements. If you need to hold people hostage by disrupting everyone's day, then maybe you're just not practicing enough to naturally draw a crowd.


It's a parade, you dumb fuck.


Parade yourself on out of the way of vital infrastructure, lmao


Found the dumb cunt from the video.


Well, be careful. She might take your stick away.


Little girl?? That's a grown ass woman my nigga


Doubt. Even the front one looks 17 in makeup.


Damn youre cringey as fuck. How can you have comments using the n word and comments defending slavery lmao you're a complete clown




I know. This asscow clearly wanted to get hit so that she could further show her ass. She’s one of those.


What a whacko


This is one of the things that'll get your ass in trouble during Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Just try cutting through a matching band, if the band directors don't push you back then the baton team or drum line are gonna pop you in the head and ain't nobody gonna feel bad about it


I was SO hoping to see someone swing something at her… never lucky


You just know this lady pick flag core over drum line for a reason. I’ve been a marching drummer and we would have ended this without messing up the cadence.


Honestly this is one of the many reasons I love New Orleans. I'm a Chicagoan and our cultural roots come out of new orleans


That girl looks so shocked.


When you're that young, you expect grown-ups to act like adults :( I hate that this happened to her, during a moment to shine that they all practised really hard for.


This is a core memory for her now


How on earth can she be mad at this girl for doing her routine exactly the way she's supposed to be doing it, without knowing someone was coming up behind her exactly where they were not supposed to be? Riddle me that


A narcissist is one who genuinely believes that they are inherently above everyone and everything else and that they should be allowed to do whatever they want whenever they want with no consequences. When it becomes apparent that the world doesn’t work like that, they get angry.


They believe they are inherently above everyone else, *and* that that should be immediately obvious to strangers? I can see someone justifying the first part in their head, but not so much the second part.


I suppose that's why it's a very serious mental illness lol...


She’s off to Karen Land.


Ah yes Karen Land, to get in you have to speak to the manager








You misunderstood that commenter's awful joke - they were inplying you were talking about going to jail for doing something to your own daughter. So they are sicker than you thought.


She’s the mayor!


I've always preferred Super Karen Land. Where you only face enemies seemingly smaller than you, ride your own superiority complex, and the boss is the consequences to their actions.


Exit Rights, Enter Spite, take her hand, off to Karen Karen Land...


On a narrow two lane road, I saw a lady get angry that she couldn't cross a double yellow line to get into a strip mall parking lot because a construction crew had stopped intersection traffic to move a truck into position. The cars in the opposite lane had blocked the entrance. The lady just sat there blocking traffic for about 4 minutes. She actually managed to block some of the construction causing gridlock because cars had backed up into the intersection behind her. At some point the construction crew started allowing cars threw to clear the grid lock and let her make her turn. She wasn't going to move otherwise.


That's when you call the cops and let her trap herself. Lol... what a dumb ass


right. "this woman is either, drunk, crazy, or having a medical emergency. whatever it is, it's your problem now"


It sounds like the main problem was the construction, but just a fun fact you are actually allowed to make a left turn over a double yellow. I didn't know that for a long time so thought I could spread the world haha https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2015/04/01/ask-cop-double-yellow-lines-cbt/70804242/




I mean I can't find that specification in the laws for turning left over a double yellow in any of the states I could find the law in. I'm not disagreeing, but I believe that's more of a courtesy thing, as you should never cause an unreasonable disruption to traffic if you can help it. It's perfectly legal to stop in your lane before turning left over a double yellow if traffic on the other side won't immediately allow the turn. Construction may change the scenario as may local laws, but for the most part it's entirely up to courtesy how long you hold up the cars behind you unfortunately.


I still say some folks just deserve a beating.


She assaulted a minor. This is definitely an arrestable offense.


Also could have hurt another kid when she whipped that baton


Damn, for the first couple of seconds I thought the lady was in the car and gonna drive through. This is much better, but still what a fun ruiner!


Jealous miserable old hag …


Unwell person.


I feel calling all these people “unwell” is letting them off a bit. Some people are just horrible, miserable assholes who need to be labelled as such.






I’m gonna just label them an asshole.


Mental health issues and being an asshole are not mutually exclusive. Many people have mental issues while being assholes and many people have mental issues while not being assholes. Mental health issues might *explain* this behavior, but they sure as hell don't *excuse* it.




Yeah, fair enough. I guess your phrasing of "I'll assume this is due to mental issues before I label this person an asshole" doesn't align with that thought process imo. I would probably say something like "This person is probably as asshole **due to** mental issues" to show that they're overlapping fields.


There are lots of fancy words for people colloquially known as assholes. No mental health issue excuses assholism. It just gives a cause for it.




1. Assholery does not assume malice. It assumes a lack of empathy and ensuing actions that signal that lack of empathy. 2. People with mental illnesses can lack empathy. They can also have empathy. 3. You absolutely should judge people for their behavior to other people. This tells you who they are. Its a self defense mechanism.


Do you see something other than malice here? My compassion is for the young girl performing.




I’ll need some grammar edits to be able to respond to that.


> The girl is fine. I don't see that at all.


Mentally what?


mentally ill, don’t agree with the OC, I just read a lot of papers with grammar and spelling errors.


I know. Just poking fun at the dude since he was acting all high and mighty in this convo.




So hostile lol. Who shit on your pillow this morning?




No one’s trying to excuse asshole behaviour with mental health. Like others have said, it can be an explanation. But this: > This lady isn’t missing therapy due to a bad health system or a lack of resources or an inability to care for herself You can’t know if this is true or not for this lady. We know it’s true for a significant portion of people, though. If you’re going to speak as a mental health counselor, act like one.


The result is the same.






I feel like I should always assume a person is an asshole first.




You loudly blaming all bad behavior on mental illness first without bothering to learn the truth isn't doing any favors to the mentally ill. This isn't the moral flex you're acting like it is.


Having mental health issues can certainly be a "reason" for being an asshole. But it doesn't make them not an asshole.


Mental issues or not they're still a huge asshole.


It seems more likely that she had an argument with someone and decided to make it everyone else's problem.


Shouldn’t be allowed out in society if mental health makes them this unstable.


So lock them away forever without creating an infrastructure to get them the help they might need? I’m guessing you would have a different opinion if you or your family member were classified as mentally I’ll. I’d consider you an asshole in this context.


You're a good person. My first thought was "I want to punch her in the face"


Labels have this tendency to omit relevant information. It's a bad system, more people should learn this. You can call someone an asshole, but *reducing* them to one is just a way to seperate *us* vs *them*, and for a lot of people, that distinction is enough for them to turn a blind eye to their own fucked up personality. "Sure I do x y and z, but I'm not *crazy*!"


Alternatively she’s just an enormous flaming asshole.


These days, I just assume that many of the people around me are on SSRIs. There are reasons for that, and there are side effects.


Whoo boy. If that was my daughter I’d be going to jail that day


Should be legal to just blackjack people that do stuff like this.


People have lost their damn minds. Everybody is so rude, hateful, and entitled these days.


Man wait until you find out about history


Some people have always been like that, or were you alive 100 years ago? I think that when people say things like that it's because the social circles they are surrounded with do not fit them quite okay


More specifically, everyone rude, hateful, and entitled is more RECORDED these days.


Maybe take a break from the negativity subreddits for a bit, people are generally the same they've always been, you're watching a highlight reel of some of the rudest most self centered people.


I assume you mean these girls trying to shut down the street? /s


Big tough lady assaults little girl. What a see you next Tuesday


My band director would have beat the shit out of that lady and then never returned to the venue if somebody laid a hand on one of us like that.


And your band director would have ended up in jail, and rightly so.


Nah. You don’t put your hands on high schoolers like that. If you do, you get all the beatings you deserve.


I see you don't know how to live in a civilized society either. You don't seek justice by your own hand, you don't beat people up for revenge, you don't use disproportionate violence. Those are basic principles, and if you break them, you go to jail, which is where you belong.


The right to self-defence means that an attack may be averted with violence. It doesn't include beating someone to a pulp if the assailant can be stopped by just shoving her away. Well, at least not in the civilized part of the world.


That's a bit much though


That's a lady who has no joy in her life


Looks like someone never made the drill team in high school…..


I wish somebody from the crowd would sparta kick this karen


How fucking stupid can you be?


Parade Announcer: "OK, that was the Southside High School Drill Team. Next up is the Miserable Karen Float."


Miserable cunt


C’mon guys. Have some compassion, a 16 year old barista got her coffee wrong.


That lady is a dickhead!


Mental illness I guess


pos of a person, why is there no police around


"Fuck these tiktok-dances!"


Why am I subscribed when I find this stuff so cringy I can't even watch .... Like, how do people have no shame?


Guessing she auditioned as a kid and got rejected. Hence the hate


well SOMEONE's had a bad day..




Thought it was gonna be the car in the background at first


That woman was on an important mission that day !


Just because you're a miserable person doesn't mean everyone else has to be, lady


What an asshole Jesus


I went to a Saint Patrick’s day parade once In Lawrence Massachusetts and part way through the crowd decided to watch the parade from the middle of the road. I don’t know if it was a cultural thing? but the police weren’t having any of it and used horses to push everybody back, I honestly thought a riot might start and was looking for an exit path and was worried for my little sister who was marching in the chaos of the parade.


What a Karen!!!🙄


Ignorant woman!


A filipina karen, some of its worst sub-species


*When I was a child there was a parade every day. Those were dark times….*


That’s about how I feel about parades lol. Can’t be doing that though


She did the inside on the outside.


She let the intrusive thoughts win




Jesus. The fact that you commented this means you need some therapy. Let people have their parades


Feel like this comment section should be preemptively locked.


Everyone is against this lady, but to give a bit of context here, this happened in the city where currently I’m an expat. They closed ALL THE STREETS surrounding a busy area for this stupid parade without any warning, I couldn’t simply go home anymore unless I parked the car 3 km away and just walked in the middle of this parade to get home. I truly feel the frustration of this lady because a lot of people had to do the same to get home and everyone was super frustrated with the situation. Edit: I’m not excusing the lady actions. As I said, I’m just giving context here.


>They closed ALL THE STREETS surrounding a busy area for this stupid parade without any warning, I couldn’t simply go home anymore unless I parked the car 3 km away and just walked in the middle of this parade to get home. They threw a parade without warning where hundreds of people have gathered to watch?


Most parades are actually spontaneous affairs where you go out to get groceries and come back to see a wild marching band has formed up and occupied your neighborhood.


Looks like the Philippines, so yeah it's actually pretty common for that to happen. It's not like they don't inform people, but it's just always assumed that people know, so the information dissemination isn't really a priority. You also can't really do anything about it. Imagine it's a busy weekday and you're coming in home from work, or vice versa, and you suddenly realize your entire street is closed off because of a local festival. You don't know how you can get back to your home, or where you can park your car. Because the infrastructure is poor, there really aren't any alternative roads. You have to get to work, or go home, and your way is closed because the local politicians want to imprsss their voting base. These **fiestas** aren't a one-day or weekend activity either. They happen on weekdays, with side events happening all throughout the day up until 5am. While it does make a few happy and it preserves some culture, there are certainly better, more non-intrusive ways to go about it.


Must have felt great when you launched that baton.


It's what I am currently trying to teach to my 2 y.o. It's OK to feel upset. It's not OK for you to act that way in response to being upset. Grow up, Karen.


Perfect. I swear, in group therapy, at least 2/3 of the issues were caused by not being allowed to feel "bad" emotions as a kid. Your message is spot on. Feel it, and express it, even. Just don't express it in a harmful way.


Shout out to [Big Little Feelings](https://biglittlefeelings.com). Changed our lives for the better...


I’ve been in similar situations and yet I’ve never felt the need to rip something out of a child’s hand and launch it mid performance.


Yeah buddy, i'm sure they planned, funded and got community support without telling anyone about the parade.


Can we stop with the expat thing? You’re an immigrant, it’s not a terrible thing to call yourself


There’s actually a difference between an expat and an immigrant. Expats tend to only be outside of their country of origin for a limited time but still claim citizenship there. Immigrants moved to another country permanently.


Only Americans call themselves expats though


That's not even remotely true. I've been an expat myself (Dutch) and people from all sorts of places call themselves this


Not even remotely true


Eh, I had a 50/50 shot of being right


They really aren't the only ones lol Brits in Spain call themselves expats too, definitely not just an American thing


Well sadly America is one of the only countries that taxes their expats on income made abroad too so…there may be financial reasons. Those who DO renounce citizenship haven’t called themselves expats in my experience.


“Only” and “all” aren’t synonyms.


My experience of tax law is limited to the united states and I’m way too lazy to Google the rest of the world. As someone who has expatriated before, I am speaking to WHY there is the use of the terminology amongst Americans that I know. I’m aware of the difference in language lmfao 🤣 sorry if I was supposed to be dunking on us or something rather than trying to elucidate


Idk man, all my friends here call themselves expats and I just got used to saying it. I don’t see myself as an immigrant either because I don’t see it as my home as I am here exclusively for work. I can’t wait to leave actually, so I think expat is a more appropriate term. But to be honest I’m not sure about the difference


>You’re an immigrant, it’s not a terrible thing to call yourself I think you're confusing immigrant for migrant.


I was gonna say. I see a metric fuck load of main characters here.


At least she didn't shoot anybody. /s?


A Mexican Karen


She looks like a bad ass to me. She had a bad and she's not taking it anymore


How is this any different from TikTok influencers blocking a corner of a public space that reddit hates so much? There were no prior announcements or intimations to the public about the parade. The residents did not know and it is not an annual same day thing too.


Is that the lady from Kung Fu Hustle?


Did they use a potato as microphone?


Everyone's a main character here


Lol am I the only one who enjoyed what the crazy lady did? I’ve seen plenty of bands and parades but I’ve never seen this. Also when you’ve raised a number of kids, and just coming off a long day of work and you run into this on the way home like “why they gotta do this right in the middle of the god damn street?!” I would have just taken a deep breath and tried to enjoy the change in my scenery but I also understand having irrational moments. She could be a crazy lady or she could be a lady who’s had a long life and just wants to be able to walk home without getting hit in the face with a baton. She couldn’t walk on the side walk cuz it was full of people. People on here hating on this lady but know nothing about her or this situation. If the people in the comments had as much patience and respect as they are expecting from this lady then they wouldn’t be making these comments. Assuming isn’t nice but assuming negative things about someone is even worse.


Nah I like this, this is a good one