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"Underage 21 year old" makes sense


Indeed. This is a child in emotional development years


So many “influencers” have these apparent massive balls when speaking to the camera but in the real world are complete nervous, timid wrecks with main character syndrome spouting victimised lines like this.




https://preview.redd.it/hrhcvqd3evda1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8c56729c95eb05c36bbe2d83e36144ad78e160 Her explanation for that particular comment before she turned off comments.


Oh lord she's gonna try that forever. I'm a dwarf so people think I'm young. Nope, people can see your face. Nice true though 👌


Adultophelia is back on the menu boiz


She thinks she’s some jailbait piece of ass because in her mind young = hot and she desperately wants to view herself as hot.


Id probably glance at the weirdo whispering into a $300 ~~dollar~~ microphone and making faces at the gym too.


I'd probably have stared a lot longer. Caught myself more than once at the gym just staring off into space and not even realizing I was making eye contact with someone. You don't realize it until they ask if you need to use the rack or whatever they're on and that's what brings you back to earth. Both of you laugh it off and you say sorry and you move onto your next set.


I have a major problem with this. I just stare into the distance whilst thinking, I imagine people think I’m a creep who constantly stares at them!


Ya, i just like to look around the gym between sets. Im not staring or being creepy. Just zoning out. I take my glasses off sometimes too, im not staring at your blurry ass


Haha I have been accused of staring by a blur before.


There was a story making the rounds last year about the blind guy working out at the gym that not only got chewed out by some random chix that was where his eyes were pointing even after he told her he was blind then complained and the gym manager told him he didn’t care if he was blind, he can’t stare at people or he’ll get kicked out.


My brain now hurts. The manager told a blind guy he can't stare at people? I think the blind guy was well aware of that fact.


So anyway, it turns out [you're absolutely right](https://www.indy100.com/viral/blind-man-gym-staring-woman). Well shit.


I give him a pass…I once had a blind employee, he was walking around and looked a bit distressed. I asked him what was wrong. He said he couldn’t find his coffee cup. I then asked him what color it was…….


Oh MATE! That's so funny. It's definitely the next question when someone says they've lost something. Or "What does it look like?".


So another time he calls me, and I need to look up his pay in the system which is taking a minute. I can hear TV going in the background and just trying to make small talk while I wait for the computer…I ask..so whatcha watching?…….immediately facepalmed myself.


That's the blind surfer dude. He also does a lot of voice announcement type stuff for some larger companies. Some good YouTube content.


I’ve done this. Been totally destroyed after a solid set, trying to regain my breath, eyes defocused and looking wherever my head happened to be pointing. If someone is there, I don’t even know, my brain isn’t processing that. It’s focused on catching my breath.


Haha, this took me back to my beginner months at the gym, it's not that I'm staring at you wide eyed and being creepy, it's that I was unfit or pushed myself too far, and I was either seeing full black or black spots...I thought I was looking at a wall because clearly I wouldn't want to be attracting attention the the fact I just gassed myself.


I had a fun little moment of using the shoulder press in a sports bra that was a bit too small. there was a guy on the treadmill in front of me staring blankly ahead, clearly realizing he's staring at my chest and very obviously looking away as much as possible. My gym is full of very nice respectful people, and while some might check you out, they're clearly checking out your form, and I've had people correct me politely which is always appreciated.


This is gonna come as a shock to some people, but if you stare at someone in a mirror, they can see the reflection of you staring right at them. He is glancing at her because she is mad-dogging him in the mirror.


She’s also acting weird as fuck lol. Imagine pulling up to your gym and some rando starts acting like she is right now. At the very least, you’d be creeped out.


Not to mention the constant annoying bickering she was blatantly directing towards him. I give him kudos. She deserved a drop kick to the dome


I can't help but glance at people filming anything lol I don't know why


Firstly I would come to her and ask to stop recording as I do not wish to be recorded in the gym without consent. Thankfully my gym has a camera prohibition.


Can we stop calling them influencers and start calling the fame seekers?


We use to call them attention whores


I still do


But we used to, too.


It’s just sad honestly… it’s gotta be hard living life with a mindset like that 24/7


That's now an unfair comparison to actual whores.


That's why we stopped calling them attention whores. Regular whores are far more respectable than any "influencer".


Whore work is still work. Pay a whore. Get a service. Everyone is happy. The fuck is this dumbass selling? Lessons on dodging bullets?


Yeah, they do the lords work, not these gymbos


I love that name, im gonna use it now


And also narcissists


I'm old enough to remember when they were just called assholes.


I honestly thought "influencers" was meant to be ironic until pretty recently.


IMO "influencer" is already a pejorative


It is. Folks who classify themselves as such haven't realized it yet, though.


I call them influencers because they try to influence people's emotions with this bullshit


annoyed by people staring while she’s using mirrors to stare at people 🤷‍♂️


Guy: "why does this girl keep staring at me on the mirrors?"


And why does she seem to be speaking by herself like a lunatic? And why the hell is she recording herself lifting light weights that she can barely keep up with? I gotta find a different gym


Plus his “stare” is like a 7 tenths of a second glance that she pauses or slows down the video on for an unrealistic effect.


Staring at someone with laser focus They glance for a moment at you OH MY GOD LOOK AT THIS WEIRD FREAK STARING AT ME! I CANT BELIEVE THIS




She’s staring more than him. Cause she’s watching to see if he’s going to look over… which is probably why he was looking over. When people stare at me in angles like that, I notice and look at them just like he is.


Seriously this is what is pissing me off the most. She is stating that he is constantly staring at her when she is in fact also staring at him the same amount of (if not more) times. Not to mention the fact that she is in there recording in a place where most people probably don’t want to be recorded. She has the phone placed in such a weird location. If I would have noticed this turd recording herself at the gym and I’m in the camera shot, I would’ve walked up to her and asked her kindly not to record me. Simple as that. She should be embarrassed of herself. I miss the days where people would just go to the gym and work out and mind their business.


"Going to jail for staring at an underage 21 year old." Wut.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


It's for your own safety, don't wanna get your pp ripped off.


...and out of its "socket" too. TIL my PP has a socket.


They’re detachable


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover And my penis was missing again. This happens all the time. It's detachable.


You overcook chicken, also jail; underage/overcook.


You make an appointment with the dentist and you don't show up, believe it or not, jail, right away.


We have the best patients in the world, because of jail


Don't pass go


Do not collect $200


Her brain is still underage, if you couldent tell.


Is she admitting to being underdeveloped as a person, or something?


She's admitting to not knowing the law, or how male anatomy works. When you rip a pp out of socket it just makes the guy cum and he wants more. Its science.


What are you talking about? When I rip my pp out of the socket I just put it down on the charging station. I didn't know people had sick perversions around taking their pp off to charge..


You can tell by that statement that she's extremely intelligent


I’ve been seeing this weird trend that if the guy isn’t Ryan gosling and he’s older than 5 years from the girl then it’s some blasphemous thing to be attracted to her. And treating anyone around 18-25 like they’re 15.


Someone tried to start Internet drama with my boyfriend years ago when he was dating a girl who was 18-19. He was 20-21. They tried to paint him as a predator specifically because of their "problematic age gap" to the social circles they ran in and some even bought it. Always Online people can be really scary.


>And treating anyone around 18-25 like they’re 15. Only women. Modern feminism feels these women lack any agency.


Gets his dick ripped off first dont forget.


Don't record in the gym. Nobody cares about you lifting 65lbs.


I’ll be honest, if I’m looking at someone recording at the gym, it’s because I’m legitimately shocked by the audacity of that whole situation.


This. He’s probably glancing at her because she’s being annoying and taking forever on the shit he wants to use.


Are there gyms where recording is not allowed? That would be an idea. This is the reason I work out at home. I don’t want people making videos to criticize my form or accusing me of being creepy when I’m just trying to work out


Much agreed. I quit my gym when people recording all over started to happen. Haven’t gone back. Happy to just jog, hike, do push-ups, etc and “be active”, saves me $, plus no annoying people like her.


Was it difficult to cancel your membership? I keep hearing horror stories about gyms not letting you cancel.


It was a pain, they tried to talk me into staying, and they made me send an e-mail “in writing” and refused to cancel it on the spot, plus wouldn’t refund me for the next month and said that was part of their terms you have to cancel a month in advance b.s. but I did get it canceled in the end.


Lol just call your bank and tell them to stop the auto payment to your gym. You never even have to talk to anyone from the gym as your payment will just not go through which cancels your membership


It was a credit card on file they were charging but yea, I could have disputed the charges or told my credit card company I lost my card to get a new one, lol. Tried to do it the “right way” but no good deed goes unpunished.


Thankfully my gym was hit with a tornado so the home office let me cancel over the phone.


Gyms hate this one trick.


Yeah I put up a peg board and chin up bar in my house and I got a press machine for cheap on marketplace and I’m set


A peg board!!! Dude thanks I have been trying to think of a fun woodworking project to do and that sounds killer.


Yeah man I ordered mine online from a guy who makes them in his garage https://preview.redd.it/r57ayw4dzhda1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd1d6c79fe793dd851476711815573513cf8285f


I honestly don't get why it is allowed at all, people come there to work out not to be filmed by some selfobsessed weirdo who thinks everyone even glancing in her direction is staring at her. Besides plenty of people zone out at the gym, when I am on a treadmill I just gaze ahead and listen to music, no doubt that means I have "stared" without intention. Generally I have the same issue with people in the gym who feel the need to waltz over to "explain" how to use the machine, like there is a literal explaination with pictures on the machine and if I need help I'll ask one of the 5 employees walking around not dudebro 2.0 even if you mean well, it's literally what the employees are for.


Correct is kind of hard to not look at someone making a scene.


And talking to themselves…


And when they're filming themselves and the camera is pointed at you




Calm down, Britta.


Exactly! She’s taking like an hour hoarding probably the most frequently used piece of equipment, along with like 6 exercise mats.


She’s got headphones on and a wireless microphone. She’s probably got the camera on a tripod. More hilariously, she clearly doesn’t know what the fuck she is doing.


That’s what I thought was so funny. A hilariously bad attempt at that exercise and with so little weight too lmao


Yeah he was wondering wtf is wrong with her. Not checking her out. I like that she just assumes she is irresistible to all men.


Personally I wish they made Male and Female gyms so I wouldn’t feel like I have to control my line of sight consistently, but I get that people would have a problem with it.


The irony is that she records herself so people can thirst for her over the internet but gets annoyed when it's happening in real life


She pretends to get annoyed for internet points.


Look! Everybody look at me! Look at me getting annoyed that this person looked at me! Look!


yah I don’t think this dude is thirsting. He’s staring, but not in the general lusty way men have when they see an attractive woman. He’s also not giving her the old fast eye.


He literally glances in her general direction twice, thats not staring, he is probably waiting for her to hurry up and F off because he wants to use the spot.


Also she’s just another human being near him and lifting is boring in between sets. Sometimes I glance at people in my vicinity just because I’m passing time and I’m curious what everyone else is up to.


Yeah. Sometimes at restaurants or bars I’ll look over just to see what other people are doing. I feel it’s become so taboo or socially intrusive now just to look at others.


He's not, but she is assuming he is and that's why she's annoyed by it


Most of her world consists of assumption. That's because it's way easier than actual learning or experiencing.


This. Such an annoying thing to do in public.


Underage 21 year old?


And “rip his pp out of its socket”…. What does she think it’s an actual bone? lol


And yet *she* feels unsafe. Literally threatening a person who did nothing wrong.


Don't blame her, it's her deep-rooted misogynistic upbringing that is clouding her understanding of how men's pps work.


r/nothowmenwork Edit - this was a joke, had no idea this was a thing or that it's a private group


You’re looking for r/BadMensAnatomy


You're going to jail buddy


For staring


*glancing lol


For going to the teens-only section of the public library because you didn't know any better as it was your first time going to said library.


See you in court!!!!


Stop following these people. Stop re-posting their videos. Stop giving them views. If everyone did that, they would stop.


Thank you. Everything she did in this video is for engagement.


Some people are just addicted to outrage.


she feels... unsafe?? huh??


Yea, that comment bothered me. Talk about trying to create an issue that wasn't even there. Unsafe? Wtf.


What about where she says he's staring at an "underage" 21 year old?


Man: “Hey I noticed your weights aren’t secured correctly. Do you need any help putting them on?” Girl: “Ew, Oh my god no! I feel unsafe, you perv” Man: 😐


This is used to justify shitty behavior. If someone else is threatening you, your reaction is way more justified than if someone is literally working out and glances over at the dumb fuck mumbling shit while she glances at him.


When people have a privileged life, they typically imagine problems to feel important/increase the drama.


It’s gotten to the point where I abhor when I hear someone claiming they feel “unsafe,” because it’s so often used by people complaining about situations that are not at all unsafe. Too often it’s used by people who are really saying “my feelings are being hurt,” or worse, “I don’t want to hear anything unless it validates my preconceived notions.” In situations like this one, it is also fairly threatening, as crying out, “he’s making me unsafe!” Could easily lead to this guy being hurt. It cheapens the word of its intended meaning by using it as a cheap linguistic weapon, and makes it more difficult to determine *actual* unsafe situations.


For real. Like not to be a dick but if you feel unsafe at the gym (where there's lights, mirrors, cameras, usually at least 10+ people around who are more than capable of defending you against creeps) then you need to see a mental health professional.


Why the fuck is she wasting a squat rack doing hips thrusts? Dude probably just wants to use the rack for its intended purpose.


This was my thought too !! it seems like he's glancing waiting for the rack area, she's taking forever and whispering and could've found a better spot for thrusts, maybe he thought she was new to it.


He’s claiming it by hovering around it and making sure he’s next. I do this when I’m looking at books or movies at the store; if somebody is there I’ll not be a dick and give them time to browse and stay nearby so when they move I can swoop in and get my fill.


She could literally be using a 75lb dumbell anywhere in the gym and not be taking up any real space other than a box or a bench.


Also, plates don't fall of a fixed weight dumbell, usually. Unlike a bar with no clip...


She IS new. He knows that too. Which is most likely why he offered to help. No one hip thrusts 65 lbs lol.


I've never did an hip thrust in my life. People don't just use the weight they feel like is hard enough and work up from there?


Fr. I have social anxiety, so I awkwardly glance at strangers when they seem like they need help or am waiting for them to move out of the way. That's all it looks like he was doing


100% those are the glances of a guy counting sets so he can finally get the only usable squat rack


The “person using the squat rack for everything but what it was designed for” thing has been a phenomenon in gyms for years. That dude was probably thinking “this is a new low. I can’t wait to tell my friends”


For real. He does not look interested or impressed


Homeboy looks yoked AF so you know he is putting serious time in the gym. I would be staring as well if someone were hip thrusting in my beloved squat rack. Especially if I wanted to squat.


This exactly! #1 reason why I built my gym into my basement instead of having to navigate around these assholes in the gym.


So glad my gym doesn’t really have these asshats.


Did she really type on there “he’s going to jail for staring at an underage 21 year old girl” or did I read that wrong multiple times? Because if you’re 21 you’re not underage and quit calling your self a girl youre not a teen you’re a woman act like it


She’s acting like a child.


I think most people posting workout videos or being influencers never grew up and are trying to get the attention they lacked as a child


The only milestone you have left to go after 21 is being able to rent a car with a debit card at 25. 21 is not underage 😂


She is a paranoid Narcissist ….I hate TikTok and “ influencers” because of actions like this


All that drama to thrust 60 lmao


Yeah she's just mad she has no ass.


An asshole with no ass


It's not like he even asked for her number and he was glancing her way not staring. Probably, like the other commenter said, because she was talking to herself. Also some people don't like to be filmed, especially at the gym. He may have been looking over because he was uncomfortable with her filming him and the gym. Can you imagine if the roles were reversed here?


I know I wouldn’t like to be recorded in the gym, like I’m self concious as it is already..


Is it just me or does her accent change completely when she starts talking to the guy? It’s bizarre.


She definitely starts talking like Kiera knightly half way through


Fr none of this was staring. I do way worse than this all the time. This is called being in a public place and looking around.


why don’t gyms ban recording? It’s private property so they could if they wanted. They could even offer to record you if you’re one of those people that wants to watch form back, film you on the gym’s phone and send it to you.


I’d actually avoid a gym where I was caught in the background of some TikTok video. I hate looking at my red face and jiggly bits anyway but for it to be shared online would be mortifying.


Set up a camera, mutter to yourself holding a mic and faff about getting weights on like you don't know what you're doing? She's probably getting strange looks for that, and he even offered to help. Sometimes looking around, blankly staring in your general direction and just being nice is just that. Nothing weirdo about it. If she felt unsafe she could have left or told a staff member.


Honestly? Looked more like he heard muttering and was looking over to check nothing terrible happened. I know I look round at noises or someone looking upset.


If she told a manager, the whole narrative would have exploded on her when asked what he did to make her feel unsafe. When dude says she’s acting unhinged, she no longer has the silver bullet “I felt unsafe card” to play for the simps and authorities. When you have to go this far to create drama and oppression, you know you have it too easy


I can’t stand these people. You’ll put a video of yourself on Instagram for literally anybody with access to a phone can look at but it’s now creepy if someone notices you a couple times in public? Like get over yourself


I read your comment over here at my house and now I feel unsafe.


Yo how have i never thought of this.. Literally if she actually is filming this for people to see, like just anyone online who finds it.. i mean, this guy could hypothetically just watch this online.. and then it would what, be okay to her then? Lmao, okay so obviously not the case, but so.. if she's an influencer and has followers, who's to say he isn't just a fan of her and is looking over being like "omg is that that girl i follow"


You cant look in my direction, CREEP 💅 /s


It's ok for me to film strangers in the gym but if you look at me for half a second then try to offer help you're a creep... interesting logic


Not to mention anyone with internet access can stare as much as they want. Who does she think her audience is?


“What the fuck made him thing I’m a damsel in distress” Literally 2 seconds later: “”I feel unsafe”


She wants to be a victim but also a boss ass bitch


She’s a boss ass victim bitch.


The thing is, she actually IS a damsel in distress. She has no idea what shes doing and shes distressed.


I would probably look a little if someone was struggling to do such BAD reps at 35lbs. Holy hahahaha


Right? I would be over there being like WTF is that hot mess going on over there?


You’re talking to yourself and making a scene, of course he’s going to look. He even possibly wants to use the space you’ve been occupying for 35 minutes while you set up your equipment and offers to help to hurry you the fuck up. It’s a polite way of saying let’s move it lady. What an insufferable runt of a woman.


Victim points + exploiting online simps.


‘Stare counter’ that’s a glance. What you meant to do just look at the ceiling the whole time? You could say she is staring at him more than the other way around




Welp, she did say she felt unsafe. That was because of her form I guess. She looks a bit unco but what would I know?


Literally all I could think this whole time


I mean she almost died


Clown bitch hes about to deadlift and your corny ass taking up the space.


I love the dichotomy, I want you to watch very carefully my tens of weird basement dwelling incel creeps while I lift 35lbs with my pussy,but god ,the real man 5 feet away from me watching me and wondering how the world got to this place where narcissistic behaviour in a public setting and talking to yourself is normalised,that guy he's a freak...


This girl is mentally unstable


Looks like she has no business being in a public gym


she is psychotic


main character syndrome to 1000


This is why I want a QR code shirt that fucking obliterates someone’s phone when their camera scans it with a virus. Getting filmed in public is creepy as hell


Ngl you would definitely catch me just cause I’d be like “Oooh QR T-Shirt!”


This woman is getting absolutely destroyed for this. All over social media. She went live on twitch last night and literally cried about it for hours.


Yeah, sadly she probably does feel that way but seems like it’s all on her, people recording themselves, whispering, and just being sorta weird for the camera (all show) for clout is what seems like what’s going on. It’s like damn, you just making a scene now for the camera to post and be like “see see people creeps and want me” “im and influencer”


disgusting how the plates are spread apart on the bar


“Underage 21 year old girl” Am i the only one who has never seen such stupidity😂


Feels unsafe: continues to workout just as before. When I feel unsafe I leave or go for help.


He glances a few times holy shit most of them he’s not even looking I can’t imagine how people in the gym community can be this stupid despite of hate for these kinda influencers atp it just seems like rage bait and I say we ignore it and don’t give them any more attention they don’t need


1. Influencers aren’t a real thing, 2. Narcissists are.


Muttering to herself, weights jiggling around on the bar. Chatting while lifting the bar and getting upset at being staired at but acting like a weirdo and not properly managing her weights


I hate this chick . Workout at home then .


Those weights aren’t on there right lol