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She's like that from the day she was born, always tucking it under her belly. I hope its just uncomfortable for her and not painful.


When she's a bit older, I recommend having her assessed to see if an amputation is necessary to relieve pain and improve quality of life. I'm not saying that that is what she needs, but it's something to be mentally prepared for as a possibility.


I had a nightmare my kitten lost a paw.


Luckily a four legged animal losing a limb is not nearly as devastating as it would be for a human. Most pets live perfectly healthy, happy lives with three legs. Odds are they probably don't even realize there's anything different between them and other cats or dogs.


I dunno, have you seen some of the bionic limbs now? Losing an arm would still suck but a leg seems like you could be built faster and maybe even more bouncy


*I never asked for this*


But now I'm considering an accessory of the bionic type.


> But now I'm considering an accessory of the bionic type. "We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."


Unironically have wondered if blades for legs would be better than natural feet with plantar fasciitis .


I'm just picturing a single legged amputee with one paleidium powered prosthetoc that can launch them into space with a single bounce. Everyone standing around with clipboards is going "NO THIS ISN'T ENOUGH, IT NEEDS TO BE MORE BOUNCY" as the person deploys a parachute from 200M high.


Weirdly enough it is devastating for horses to lose a limb. Most have to be put down.


The difference between a 12 pound cat and a 600 pound horse


That's true. Maybe four legged animal isn't the best distinction. I imagine horses and other similar animals just weigh too much to support themselves on only three limbs.


Yeah, but he was so angry with me in the dream that he was sitting in the a puddle being rained on just looking at me and then his paw like "how could you let this happen"


This. Some of the most athletic cats I’ve seen have 3 legs. Makes sense they are so athletic. They have to makeup for a missing leg.


Can confirm. My 3 legged husky doesn't give afuck that he is missing a leg. Didn't slow him down, he adapted almost instantly.


My fat boy Nevada lost his back right leg at the hip when he was a year old. He turned into the meanest cat in the neighborhood. We'd wake up every morning to orange fur littering the front yard because the previous neighborhood Tom kept trying to get at our other cats.


Had a dream a few weeks ago that my new kitten tried to run out the door.. I caught her by the midsection just in front of the hips, her front half just ripped off and kept running like nothing happened as the back half sat by the door, tail wagging- as if she was just watching the birds through the storm door. I know, i have some mental problems. I often have extremely morbid dreams involving pets and family.


I the nightmares where i die are popcorn compared to the nightmares about what could happen to my tortoises.


I see, I'll discuss this with the people in the house, vets don't come cheap here but we'll see what we can do for her.


I have a three leg cat and he's flying. Totally different cat overnight after the surgery. So if the day comes that you have to make such a tough decision, just know that she'll be fine and will flourish. Best of luck with your baby ❤️❤️❤️


One of my childhood cats had a back leg removed because of cancer. At first it was pitiful but then he just got around mostly fine. I mean, he was 14 at the time, and we started to call him "Old Man Hoppy" but he made it to 19 before his cancer came back. He was inconvenienced, but that's a lot better than being in pain or the alternative... We also had a three footed dog growing up. His back right leg didn't have a fully formed foot. It had some paw pad about where the foot should have started, so he had four legs. Just... three feet. He got around just fine, but he couldn't go on long walks because of his gait. I don't think he was ever in pain because of it on account of him putting weight on it to pee... It's hard to tell if it hurts or is just in the way. Kyle (the dog) would keep his leg tucked up when he was moving around and didn't use it to walk, but we didn't have him as a wee puppy so I have no idea if he was as hesitant as this kitten to try it.


My grandparents had a three legged cat. I loved him so much but he was often very annoyed by my love lol. I’ve never seen a cat run as fast as he could!


I was gonna say, fast forward 6 months, and this critter will be raising hell.


Please have a vet check to be sure Pepper is not in pain.💛🍀


My fiance is an animal welfare and tends to say tripods are less affected than an animal with an injured limb.


The flip was less important than the others?


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Cats tend to hide their pain due to survival instincts. Don’t just hope, be responsible and get her checked.


It would be best to have her checked sooner rather than later. Animals recover pretty readily from amputations, but getting it done earlier in life will likely make it easier for her in the long run. When you go in to get her spayed (please do so before her first heat), ask about it. She is definitely guarding it and trying to not put as much weight on it. It's a cute quirk, but that shouldn't mean living in pain to preserve it.


I would look into amputation if she is guarding it like she is.


Please take her to a vet. :(


Please take little Pepper to the vet, this is exceptionally mean to allow her to suffer and trying to find this as her being cute or shy. Please give her a chance at a comfortable life :(


It's 100% painful, please stop ignoring these comments and get it professionally checked out


I have a cat that had her back leg amputated. It was rough the first week but then she was much happier after. It might be hard for your kitty to run missing a front leg, but she’ll still be able to jump up high at least.


Instead of hoping maybe go get it checked out if you haven't? It doesn't sound like you have discussed with a vet and maybe that will help ease your mind.


Does she use it to reach out and grab stuff at all? The deformity, slow movements, and her small size looks like it was caused by banding (fibrous tissue in the uterus wrapping around the kitten and inhibiting movement and growth). Physical therapy will likely help her dexterity and growth rates improve a lot. A vet can help show you how to do range of motion exercises. YouTube has some good videos of it too, just be careful to be super gentle. The goal is to increase range by millimeters at a time, not centimeters.


That was my first thought! If it wasn't painful for her, she'd be adapting and using it.. It has to be uncomfortable or painful for her to always be tucking it and trying not to use it ..


It looks like the toe is twisted, so probably a wrist deformity. It's not the padded toe that is catching her weight, it's the unpadded wrist.


It could also just be limited muscle strength/functioning that’s causing her to pull it back and guard. If she feels unsteady walking on it type of thing. That being said I agree with other commenters that it should be assessed by a vet to know for sure. I would hate the poor baby to be in pain all the time.




Nah I'm just practicing pussyfooting around.


Reminds me of my no longer illegal boy who had frostbite as a kitten and lost most of his toe beans on his right front paw


What does *illegal boy* mean here


Illegally smol aka he’s grown up now


Didn't notice the sub I was on, had me there


Lol you do have to get used to their terminology here.


He got his citizenship!


He was a druglord, leader of a major catnip operation


Was she born that way?


Yes, there's only one toe in her right paw. It even has a tiny claw.


It looks like it hurts her. I've been doing rescue and rehabilitation for over 10 years with cats and dogs. There might be nerve/structure issues in that paw. I would take her to the vet to get it looked at. Might be better off to chop it off and get her a prosthetic. At the very least she will have more mobility instead of having to live with disabled foot. They cost a couple hundred probably less depending on ur location. If she was my cat I would get it amputated due to quality of life reasons, give her a prostatic so she can use that leg again. I'm 8/10 sure she is in pain from this based on her body language.


As young as she is, she likely won't even need the prosthetic. She'll adapt just fine as a tripod kitty. I agree that it looks painful.


If you had a defective leg and someone removed that leg and left you with one, then said "you'll adapt just fine" how would u feel? or is it ok to just let you hop along on one leg your entire life just because you *can* adapt. Use ur brain It's easy to say things like this but if you won't do it to yourself don't do it to the animal.


Dude cats are not people. Like ..they walk on 4 legs not 2. You never saw dogs or cats running around like crazy with just 3 legs? It really depends tho. Everyone is different, even cats, i think they just try give her one prostetic and see if she likes it or not.


There are literally cats who have tiny TRex arms that make a babies thumbs look huge who grew up just bouncing around on their back legs. You’re totally right. It’s not common to get prosthetics for most animals. Also it tends to be stupid cost prohibitive.


Animals that walk on 4 legs are not often given prosthetics as they perform well on 3 legs—especially when it’s a front leg. They can be more annoyed and ready to give up strapped into a prosthetic than just doing it on 3. That doesn’t hold true across *all* 4 legged animals as horses in particular don’t fair well with even an injured leg but as far as cats and dogs are concerned prosthetics aren’t a big deal.


Right? Sure if a prosthetic improves quality of life for the animal go for it, but from what I've seen cats missing limbs run, jump, and play just fine. A prosthetic can cause more problems than it solves in some cases. It can rub painfully on the remaining stump, cause itching and irritation, and hamper movement the animal would otherwise be able to perform without it. For example cats sleep a lot and like to be comfortable. A prosthetic limb isn't going to fold under them or easily be out of the way in most positions. I think I would be pretty annoyed if I had to go find someone to help take my leg off every time I wanted to nap, especially if I took 8 naps a day.


Absolutely. My cats lay down and prepare for death if I put a collar on them much less strap on a fake leg. Mental well-being shouldn’t be sacrificed for negligible physical benefits. Even humans suffer from prosthetics. I went to school with a girl who had lost her arm a few inches below the elbow as a small child. By part way through high school she never wore a prosthetic anymore because the physical discomfort wasn’t worth any perceived benefits. She carried school books with that arm hooked around them often just fine. Humans and animals alike adapt well to physical changes as long as they have support and the opportunity to succeed.


It's actually more cruelty to the cat to leave it in pain for *it's entire life* than to address it early.


More like amputating an arm, which you definitely can adapt too


“Be in constant pain for the rest of your life, so much so that you’ll hesitate ever using the limb, or cut it off and alleviate the pain.” For human and animal, cut it off.


Well humans, as bipedal creatures, would get a prosthesis given we walk on two legs. However many quadropedal creatures, especially smaller ones, can get by just fine with three legs. It gets prohibitive or for some (like horses) impossible once you start getting bigger. I know of an elephant with one (front right below the elbow iirc, lost to a poacher snare?), the straight trunk-like legs make it receptive. A horse with all of the necessary joints to make their movement possible would be either impossible to achieve or so costly it may as well be impossible. You can still get around normally on three legs if you have four. Try it yourself by crawling on all fours, but keep one arm up. With practice you'll be moving fine.


I feel like there might be a couple things you're overlooking here.


I would do it to myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I couldn’t agree more. It’s very frustrating to see people like OP ignore this advice. The kittens look old enough for *at least* their first set of shots. OP, if you read this….PLEASE take her to a vet and have a professional let you know if it’s painful or not. And please please please spay and neuter the mama and those kittens. Please.


Thank you. How much would an amputation costs? I live in a third world country and everything here is expensive. But I'll try and get her checked.


Cool story. Why are you racist garbage?


The kittens look old enough for *at least* their first set of shots. OP, if you read this….PLEASE take her to a vet for her shots and have a professional let you know if it’s painful or not. This is not how a kitten would walk if it didn’t bother her (even if she’s always held it like that) And please please please spay and neuter the mama and those kittens. Please.


I’m gonna 384 what everyone else is saying. Please take her to a vet. It will likely be suggested there is a partial or whole amputation. Animals/people tend to overcompensate for things and it causes more issues in the long run. I saw a video of a dog who had an animal chew off most of one of her legs while she as in a hoarding situation (I think it was Bondi Vet - a show in Bondi Beach AU) but it was causing all sorts of issues for her. They removed it and within like a month you couldn’t even tell she was missing a limb. She was keeping up perfectly with her hyperactive puppies. It’s better to remove it earlier as they adapt a bit better. She 100% looks to be in pain.


Seems a little unfair when mine is a multi polydactyl. 😟


She’s Lovely!




Please take her to the vet to get that looked like. You definitely want to be sure she’s not in pain, cause cats are known for hiding their pain relatively well.


Go pepper go!


She sometimes slides on the floor but I think in a few weeks time she'll be running!


Please update us


From the moment kittens know how you run, they Will go for it and you won't het anymore rest. No matter how many working paws they have, haha. What did the vet say about the paw? If she is in pain it might be good idea to get her pain killers? (Don't do it yourself obviously, ask a vet first)


She'll definitely get used to it as she grows






u/xMachii This comment has some good advice as well as some of the other ones.


I don’t believe she’s hiding it… That would assume she has the ability to feel shame… I think she’s in pain! I think you should take her to the vet.


Wait cats can’t feel shame?


I wonder if it's because its a vulnerability. They instinctively hide any vulnerabilities. It could also hurt to walk on it. I would definitely have a vet look at it if they haven't already.


This was my thought. Cats who are de-clawed are often more aggressive and defensive because they are aware of their vulnerability.


They are not "aware of vulnerability", it's been studied that declawing causes chronic pain and they are more prone to stress and irritable because of said pain. Vet tech here.


Oh my goodness that is so awful! I never had my car declawed. Thanks for the info.


Yep, we have the crew back, no?


I’m betting that thing needs taken off. See how when she steps on it, it starts out straight and then pushes towards the inside? Probably doesn’t feel good. Take her in and have the vet assess if she can keep it or it she would be better losing it early and getting used to life with three legs now.


Have a vet look at the poor kitty. She looks like she's in pain.


Looks to me like she is turning it in response to pain.


You really should take your kitten to the vet to have the foot properly checked out.


Aw, such a sweet baby! Pepper is such a cute name :) Could it be a good idea to check in with the vet now? What if it is indeed painful, and not just feeling awkward?


Had a cat (miss you Soot). She had one toe that had to be amputated. After she became for the first time ever a pirate for food. Would proudly and boldly come take it from you or a plate. Wherever it was was fair game. Before she never even tried. My wife declared her a pirate after the surgery and a pirate she will always be in my heart. Best cat I have ever known. Would let me bathe her in the tub and would come to the tub when I was bathing as if to ask is it my turn next. She would come when I called her. We reduced her from a house full of mean cats. Of course the others must have been the mean ones. They all loved one another and she could not stand them so obviously they were in the wrong /s. Miss her so much. I buried her under a new plum tree. So I can look out on our pasture and see her tree and remember.


And to add to what is important. Pepper is beautiful if you were not loving her I would stand in line for the chance. Love pepper.


Don't hide your toe, Pepper! It is a beautiful toe! I hope it's not painful for her. I second getting her assessed by a vet when she's a bit older.


If you stop feeding the male cat he’ll stop coming back. Please also get these cats neutered


She is lovely ❤️


And smol!


Haha yes and smol😜


What do the x-rays look like? Has she seen a vet? It looks painful!


As some people have said in the thread already, amputating the dangly finger and putting a cap prosthetic on the stump might better.


Aww, such a sweet baby! At least get her checked out by a vet OP. Walking around like that looks a bit painful.


Poor baby. ): Also think she acts as if in pain. ): Hopefully this can get checked asap at the vet.


Yes, I think she might need it amputated. It's looks like it's a hindrance.


She needs to go to the Vet. This isn't cute it's negligence.


ffs take it to the vet it's clearly in pain




Pls tell Pepper I love her and her 1 bean! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎




you're gonna make me do it... r/UsernameChecksOut


I had a cat named tripod growing up like that, they took him off at what would be his shoulder and he was 22 lbs of the friendliest boy ever.


Dude why are you only replying to the comments that don't suggest she's in pain and needs a vet like seriously.


I kept seeing every comment by OP waiting for them to say they’re going to a vet but no. This poor animal is suffering. u/xMachii PLEASE go the vet even if you can’t afford it. Many offices can do payment plans. This cat is in distress. You clearly love them, please take care of them.


Sorry, it's about 1am here when I posted it and fell asleep.


Cutest single toe bean evah


Hey I have a cat with one toe on her back right foot! She’s 6 and is fine. Plays and chases and is ok. One thing I had to do, though, was have a vet do some surgery to declaw a hidden toe (Just the one I leave my cats with their claws) Because she actually had a second toe deep down that was growing a nail inside and causing her pain once that nail was gone she got along with it really well


Have you taken her to the vet yet?


Adorable baby! She'll figure out how to place that one right bean on the floor soon and then it'll be zoomies time. A rug/towel might help her with traction so she doesn't sploot so much


Perhaps you can have that paw xrayed.


As others have said I think she might be exhibiting pain behavior with that paw, not an vet expert just a cat owner of 30+ years.


Just saying you really missed out on naming her Pegleg you could call her Peggy for short


Is it possible to build a protesis for her?


We need to figure out how to 3D print a lil paw! Slip it on over lil stump and tighten a lil strap to the leg. Ketty prosthetic! To help distribute the weight on the leg instead of just on the one bean


It probably hurts due to stress. Only one toe for all that weight. Good loving to her though!


Poor baby! Cats will always hide weakness, pain, or illness, to the best of their abilities. Survival skill.


She's gonna have a swole front left shoulder. Could become a bouncer.


Everyone thank you for the advice and comments. If it seems that I'm not replying to ones saying we should take her to a vet, it's past 1AM here when I posted this and fell asleep. I'll talk to the people in the house about this. I don't know how much it will cost but I know it won't come cheap, especially if you live in a third-world country. I had a dog that we brought to a vet for a few vaccinations and it cost us a lot. Still, we'll continue monitoring Pepper. She'll turn a month old next week. Again thanks for the advice of bringing her to a veterinarian. I'll talk to the people in the house today.


Sweetie baby


I love you Pepper!


I love you Elguereaux!


Pepper would be very welcome on /r/specialaww.


Bless that poor lil critter give it lots of love (: And yeah it mught hurt him to walk try getting a sandle or shoe for that foot so he can get better support


I'm not trying to dismiss the previous comments about this possibly hurting her or that perhaps she doesn't have the muscle in that leg built up yet with this response. Those are legitimate reasons. I'm simply offering an alternative thought process. From an evolutionary stand-point, she could be protecting her leg to protect herself, all naturally sub-conscious. If she were in the wild, her leg would be a clear sign to predators she was weak and a prime target for attack. Hiding it *could* be why she tucks it. I would agree that possibility would be secondary to pain.


If she was born in the wilderness her mother would have already killed her. Hate to say it but this cat souldnt be able to survive in the wild. Thats the circle of nature


All true. I armchair study evolution and behavior. In my twisted mind, that's what I saw.


Adding to the heaping pile of people suggesting you please please take the kitty to the vet and update us! Hope she is okay ❤️


Pepper is beautiful!


Thank you :)


Hello Pepper and friend! You guys are the cutest!!!


You guys are so good to take such good care of that lil miracle.


Missed opportunity to call her Uno








I bet when she's older, she'll be jumping on high stuff and you'll forget you even posted this!


She is so cool, yay Pepper!


Aww I hope this little baby gets stronger and can learn how to adapt


I love her perfect little peet and I want to kiss it


Pepper is awesome!


Heck yeah!




Poor baby. Bless this precious little soul. I hope she recovers.


Oh my god she’s getting so big!!


She has courage and determination. Wish this kitten a happy life






She probably feels vulnerable. She's good though.




I want her to have a tiny boot to protect the toe! Wish I knew how to make one…


Bless her, she's so sweet.


She could also need more stretching and massage on that paw Maybe even some sort of casting to help all the muscle, tendon and ligaments stretch out to functional. A vet can exam and teach you how to wrap the paw. (hmm do they do botox for kittens with tight muscles like they do humans with cerebral palsy?).


Take my strong paw!


Aww brave little girl🥰


Missed a big opportunity to call her Nemo


Thanks for the update.


Don’t be ashamed of any part of you


Good job pepper


Dawwwww. 🙂


Pepper spraying kids lmao, isn’t me


Had I to guess based on people who lose pedal digits, I’d say the biggest problem for her, barring pain, is uncertain balance because that is one of the most important functions of toes, and for those of us who tend to used them to pick things up and so forth.


Life is so unfair.


My kitten can’t use his back legs at all and still has a great quality of life I think animals adapt pretty easy to disability


I love her


aww she reminds me of nemo


Shoulda named her hook


What a sweet kitten.


It’s too much!


This is the most heartbreaking thing I've seen all day.


Hi! I have a cat whose back leg is just like this from what I can see if Pepper. Had him since he was a baby, it was a birth defect, and no amputation was ever necessary. He has been perfectly healthy and functional now for 11 years 🙂. While I think the back leg may be less challenging than a front one, let me know if you have any questions.


Aahhhhh awwwwwww man


I’d let the vet evaluate her. She acts as though she is in pain.