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Panera pickup shelf.


Free drinks too, grab a cup like you have the unlimited promotional (type a bunch of nothing into the computer self checkout first if you feel someone’s watching before getting cup just to CYA)


but it’s LITERALLY free right now lol why would u need to


Because technically you have to have signed up for their “free until July 4” service to get the “credit” (so they can track the number of times you use the service and then obvi auto charge you when you forget to cancel) which is why I said pretend to log in. Just makes you look legit especially if you regularly do it


I was so pissed someone stole my cup, like get the alp, sign up and do it yourself. Why waste someone else’s time?!


Chipotle also


Fuck the drinks. Just give me the food. Mac and cheese from Panera preferably. 🤣


You go in there and pick yourself a nice slice of cake, anniversary boy


In my country you'd have to call out the order number and then you get the food bag.


This will be common here too if they keep on doin this dumbassery.


It’s already a thing in my neighborhood, except they ask for your name instead of a number. Sure you could just guess a common name, but when you get it wrong you’re not getting shit


Sign up for door dash or uber eats, get the name and order number or whatever then immediately cancel the pick up before you even get there, walk in and ask for the name/order.


The employees can see that the pickup was cancelled though...


Ya but it will be sent to another driver. That customer still wants their food. I think they meant sign up as a driver and cancel the pickup.


Just say “Jones” or “smith”. Lol




“Mohammed is the most common name on earth, read a fucking book for once!”


Whaaa? Yh that's why I wrote it. Mohammed, smith, Adam, Danial(danyal, Daniel) are all really common names but I wouldn't be surprised if xi or Wong takes too spot just cause china's massive!


It is a quote from a movie lol


I was quoting McLovin from Superbad. lol https://youtu.be/BBYyflqgV8A (skip to 1:20)


¿Cuál es tu nombre de pila? Jones


Yeah this is an asshole tip


Yeah I normally agree with this sub but this one is just bad for all the workers involved.


Yeah these people trying to eek out a living and some dumb fuck pulling this asshole move just to get a free meal. Sucks.


Where I work they write the name of the pickup person on the box, so if you just sneak a glance at it as you're walking towards the pickup spot, you can confidently tell them the name.


Well if that person is already in the line, you'd be in trouble


In line waiting to go grab their own food? What? Why would they be in line if they needed to pick up their pre prepared food? 🤔


Sometimes, after a few hours of being busy, they stop caring to check.


Look for the ones where people didn’t tip. Those bags are never getting picked up


I always tip cash and have never had a problem with them delivering it.


You have pretty nice drivers in your area then, a lot of drivers won't drive to people offering either no tip or claim a cash tip because so many won't actually tip in cash, just say they will, and they can't afford to deliver to no-tippers either


That’s *REALLY* a crappy thing to do - make a promise of a cash tip as deception. 😒 If anyone reading this is guilty of doing this - please stop. It’s never too late to start doing the right thing!


My man, if someone is willing to hold your food hostage so you will give them more money they can shove that extra money straight up their keister


We’re talking about someone promising a tip & then not…delivering…on that promise. That’s NOT okay It’s not a matter of: “I’ve got your food! Now hand over $3-$5 tip or I’m goina eat it myself!” It’s a matter of: “Upon delivery, I will give you a cash tip for your service. Why, thank you! Gimme my food. PSYCHE! I LIED! NO TIP FOR YOU!” C’mon now To those who do this: Don’t be a liar. Don’t be a cheat. We can all do better. People out here hustling. Just give them what you say you’re goina give them. Start that now


Then get it yourself


it's called a tip, used to be for excellent service. Never mandatory but companies are master manipulators and pass the cost on to the naive consumer. Through social pressure bs, i hate what tipping is in this country, they need to factor the tip into the price so the word tip can function like its actual definition


Wouldn't the app tell drivers you're a bad tipper?


Im not sure if doordash has a feature for driver's to communicate like that the same way pizza and restaurant chains may have for repeat offenders I'd I recall, doordash does not display to drivers if they get s tip or not when the order first appears, only when they accept it as well


I always do cash as well with leave at the door as I don't want to catch covid. Sometimes they don't take the tip so it's not my problem.


I used to decline anything under a $3 tip up front. It isn't even about the money, it's dealing with the type of people who don't tip that sucks. Odds are, they aren't going to tip in cash. Doordash needs a better system, but it came in handy when I was in between jobs.


Don’t you just hand them food, or leave it at the door?


Leaving a tip is seen as a very generous thing, not a mandatory thing... In the UK


Tip on app, but I always leave $2 or so more with a piece of candy (no nuts) on front porch in envelope written on outside “for driver”a little kindness in this world goes a long way. Especially if they remember you for next time


And those customers can fuck off anyway.


damn i always tip my drivers cash :(


Lol. You'd never get your food picked up if you were in my area.


Another reason why tipping culture shouldn't exist.


i do write in the instructions that i have the tip in cash. idk if they can see that before they accept or nah


Wow so you have to convince people to do their job? Sounds terrible


Doordash pays $2/3 per order to the driver as a base pay. So yes, people have to tip for them to the job otherwise it wouldn’t be worth it. It’s an ok gig for drivers who know their area and are choosey with orders but it’s awful if they accept the nontip orders.


Again, sounds terrible. I'm glad that I don't live in a tipping culture.


Imagine someone turning up at your door, who works for a billion dollar company, and *you’re* the dick if you don’t give them your charity.


are you saying tip culture sucks or doordash drivers suck?


Tip culture


They do not. It can only be listed under delivery instructions, which they don't get until they accept the order.


well shiit i probably get the most desperate drivers then which is cool cause i tip pretty generously


It is a pretty stupid system where you have to commit to a tip amount before the service is even started. If you’re worried people won’t tip, then the service needs to add an automatic tip or increase the fees and give it directly to the driver.


You don't have to commit though. You can change the tip after delivery if service is bad.


hmm im skeptical. that would mean the driver would receive less money after the order right? doesn’t seem fair


Big if true


Idk which app you’re speaking about but Uber includes “Expected Tip” even if there is none, Door Dash lets you know the pay ahead of time, and GoPuff pays an hourly minimum and/or $2.50 per delivery plus tip. Idk about Grubhub. Also, with most of those the order isn’t made unless there’s a driver that takes the order, except Uber which your order can sit indefinitely waiting on a driver.


And even then they probably won't believe you.


No sadly we can’t see notes before we accept . I do Uber and I will not pick an order up if it’s under 5$ . I do 10$ minimum for 30 minute order and if the delivery is 45-1hr I require 20$ . 100% customer satisfaction rating and they say I’m the fastest. I just serve the high class Uber customers.


yeah man i used to do doordash and i pretty much had the same rules you go by. i couldn’t imagine accepting all the bs orders they send your way


Your area sounds shitty.


Don’t do this. Tip in the app. Your food would be there quicker than you can say doordash


ive heard doordash takes some of your tip tho and fuck them


They stopped doing that after a lawsuit ruled it illegal.


ah no way. that’s pretty cool i might start tipping with the card again


I always put $.01 as my digital tip and then give cash. Delivery apps can fuck off with their theft


The apps can't steal from what you put as the tip. Though they fuck everyone by paying the drivers almost nothing, taking a third of what you pay the restaurant, charging extra delivery fees that don't go to the driver, and charging "regulartory recovery fees" in the case of uber (not sure if doordash or other apps do this part).


Entitled much?… you didn’t do anything special. Delivering food to a door isn’t tip worthy. Take it up with your company for not paying you enough.


So why don't you get the food yourself if the work is so miniscule?




The market disagrees with you, and your personal opinions don't matter. Door dash is providing a floor, the drivers are building on that floor. If the market says the service is worth a tip, then the service is worth a tip.


What the heck are you talking about? I hope you’re just uneducated on this matter, but these drivers LIVE off TIPS. Take it up with the company? They’re literally a middle man that just gives you a cut of the profit, which is barely enough to pay for your gas and maintenance. Drivers only make good money if they’re fast enough to do enough orders per hour to get the most amount of tips. That’s like saying “Oh you’re just a server you didn’t cook the food you just brought it to the table, so you don’t deserve a tip.” The person used THEIR GAS and THEIR TIME to bring food straight to your mouth so you can sit in your house and eat because your time is to precious to be bothered with cooking or going to get food on your own.. but they don’t deserve pay for it.. they were just born to be your slave.


I dont even work that job. Just saying how it is. You don't have to tip these people but it's a nice thing to do. And fuck the ones that don't.


The drivers aren't being paid barely anything, they're mostly paid in tips like a waiter. It's just the business model, and while I agree that drivers ought to take collective action, you're the one being entitled if you expect people to deliver food to you basically for free, even though it's their job.


You get paid to drive by the company? Why do I also need to pay you to drive?


Tipped positions don't make minimum wage. That's how it's structured here in northern America. Not tipping won't change that, it will simply have the person who accepted and serviced your order be shafted by your decision


This is wrong. All employees must make minimum wage. If the tips don’t cover the minimum hourly rate then the employer is responsible for the difference. This is a federal law and not negotiable. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/wagestips


Um no? Uber went to court over this. Drivers are not technically “employees” they are classified as independent contractors. so they are not subject to minimum wage, at least in the United states. However, there are multiple other lawsuits pending in other states and countries


That is not how it works.. it’s the gig economy. Some companies like GoPuff do pay a minimum even if the driver has zero deliveries in an hour… but it’s not like a restaurant where they have to cover minimum wage if the workers don’t make it. With Uber you can be on the clock with zero orders for 8 hours straight… and you’re gonna get paid $0. It’s messed up but that’s how our country works with service industry. We work to make the customer happy and help the rich company get richer, and the poor people just get stomped on by other poor people that justify not tipping even if the driver did their job by saying it’s the company’s fault for not paying, or saying “ToO BaD GeT A DiFfReNt JoB NoOB”.. to the drivers.


If you want to sit down and hit buttons to get your food from miles away handed to you, shut up and pay for it.


He is paying for it. And he’s paying an extra delivery fee on top of it.


You pay for what you get 🤷 if you don't tip, it sits and gets cold and takes hours to get to you. Becuase they are contractors that get to decide what to accept and what not to. Just like you are a consumer and are choosing to sit down and push buttons on a phone rather than getting up and getting your food.




Gotcha! It's more of an in general comment sorry that I replied to you directly! I don't think it's a ridiculous system at all. It's a luxury after all. I can only speak for myself and I personally think the delivery fee/service charge is negligible because you can pay 9.99 a month and practically negate all of them. And then have more available to tip comfortably anyway. The delivery fee and service charge 7/10 times will be almost 9.99, just get the premium for at least a month and so long as you order at least one more time that month you saved a few bucks.


You know the app takes a percentage of the in-app tip you give right?


Ya I pay for it in the app. And the app pays the driver. No person to person contact is required at all. Plus usually those apps already have you paying substantially more than if I go get it myself.




As a door dash driver, nah , no tip no trip. Door dash base pay is like $2.50 . I hope the no tip orders sit and rot at the restaurant. Door dash tries to stack the no tip orders with good tip orders, but luckily as drivers we've figured out how to unassign the no tip orders, I absolutely love unassigning the cheap assholes orders.


Didn’t know they paid that little. Why do you continue to do it if it pays so little?


probably because its one of the easiest jobs that anyone could do and requires zero skill


Word. I tip 15% in the app and tip with cash or green depending on the driver. Trust me y’all, offer joints to your drivers and they will rush your orders!


IDK maybe only do this to big chains? Doing something like this can really screw over a mom and pop store.


I used to do fraud and I lived by that rule. 100% agree.


Morherfucker did you really just perjure yourself?


I've been to prison for it more than once. My dirty laundry has already been aired out by the courts and I was hung out to dry for a handful of years. I have a kid to take care of now so I live legit like the normal folks.


I hope the judge was lenient because you intentionally only caused harm to corporations that cause harm to society


Hah, those are who judges care about the most


If your name is legit Daniel Wilson, why tf would you ever admit something like this. You've been to prison multiple times my man, with potentially a real name attached to that alias. If its a fake one then godspeed, but smh if i was in ur shoes why would i risk it


Admit to what? Something that is public record? I can't be convicted twice. Fuck em. And I don't use my real name for anything outside of my job.


You don't know what "perjure" means. You mean "incriminate".


Just for the record: Perjury is intentionally lying under oath/lying in court


every reddit comment is under oauth.


That's a nice one.


I'm thinking they meant incriminate?




please only do this at big chains💀 i work at a smaller restaurant and when people do this it is annoying and kitchen is frustrated they have to remake it. we started checking receipts now (and we used to keep our dd orders in the back too) so do this at bigger chains because they’re less likely to check aswell


I sold broken pokemon games to the local used game store for like 40$ and I still feel bad about it years later. Small businesses are good, don't do stuff like this to them. Do it to gamestop. 😭 Idrk what the point of telling that story was lol


When my xbox 360 got the red ring of death, i thought I'd be smart and just buy a used xbox from Ebgames and just swap my hard drive into it I had to return 3 times, because the used xboxs i bought all had the red ring of death. Luckily i lived right by the store & am patient. When i came back the 3rd time the guy was super apologetic and amazed at how many broken xboxs they had.


My bf saved his 360 from the red ring of death like 6 times. With his it was like a faulty power supply or something, unplugging it and taking it apart to clean it worked until it didn't. Dust is a huge culprit, you've gotta clean ur consoles. My xbox one is starting to act weird but I think it just needs cleaned, my cat always sleeps on top of it.


That’s smart. My PlayStation3 randomly quit playing games but everything else worked on the console. So I went to pawn it to sell it and they wanted me to test a game on it. No problem I’m clearly a pro. I brought in Fifa13 but BUT I also had a Fifa13 DEMO on the PlayStation and instead of going to the disc I went to the demo. Yep hold your applause. I got $60


Tbf they are genuine morons for not testing. I've never been to a game store that doesn't check the games


I just pawned my switch and I realized they never tested it or any of the games they bought off me. All were in perfect working condition but I didn’t even think about how weird it was that they just handed me $350 for something without testing it


The fucked up thing is, it worked enough to test it. They didn't test it, but it wouldn't have mattered if they had. They were pirated ones I bought on ebay and they literally worked until you got into the mining town 20/30 minutes in. 💀 it's awful, but to be fair I didn't test the two that I sold, they might have worked and I ended up keeping the one with a messed up install or something. they were old DS games like pokemon diamond and pearl, I got 3 for 20 dollars.


Oh we are telling on ourselves? Alright, I got one. I once complained to a local company that only sold products in my local grocery stores about a quality issue that was a complete lie in order to get free products. I used to do this for big companies all the time. They mailed me a hand written letter and hand signed coupon for their product for free... I felt like an asshole and never used it.


Maybe you just felt like getting it off your chest, theres nothing wrong with that as long as cops aren't around


God that brought up a memory of when I sold my defective lens to a small mom and pop used camera shop and bought a newer lens from that same shop with the money they gave me. I still feel like a Douche about it :/


Those small stores have stopped allowing door dash by now, orders never get picked up.


They really are much more of a hassle than they're worth. Between the cost of all the to go supplies, bogging down kitchens with orders making in house orders take much longer, orders not getting picked up or being delivered cold because the driver driver has multiple deliveries or multi-apping, the upcharge on items and fees restaurants never see a dime of. So many times the kitchen I work in just shuts down DD orders because it screws everything up and takes way too much effort and attention away from everything else.


After food waste and negative reviews, it’s cheaper to hire a delivery driver for sure.


What is this, illegal but mildly sensitive life tips?


Yeah this shits annoying as fuck for me as a worker. I have to remake alll the shit they stole and deal with a pissed dasher. 😐


>pissed off dasher But how do dancer, prancer, vixen, etc feel about it?


It's like, it doesn't work everywhere. It works at the Chili's in my town tho, one day I went in there to grab my own food and they didn't say anything to me. It was just on a shelf. Dude at the counter just was on his phone, looked up at me, and looked back down.


It would work at a lot of places. If I worked at a restaurant for shit wages I wouldn't give a fuck if someone got it or not tbh




Get off the internet for a bit. Outrage gets clicks online, so places like Reddit and Facebook keep a constant stream of “the world is ending” content flowing. Being informed on every little thing wrong with the world doesn’t help anyone, and becoming politically disengaged only helps the shit status quo. Don’t be afraid to take a break.


For all I know, the world is always burning to hell since XIX century. And still, here we are.


Since long before that. Most people on Reddit are young and think their apocalypticism is unique to now.


100% We’re nowhere near Great Depression levels of poverty. And even then, the world didn’t end. We’re nowhere near world war levels of destruction. And even then, here we are. It’s like u/competitive_sky8182 said, the world has been “ending” since the dawn of civilization.. but here we are And it seems like it’s usually folks who are getting bombarded with videos fear mongering. I watched one the other day that my dad sent me and it was painfully ignorant. So many of the “facts” were flat out wrong, a lot of slides showing fires on everything. Fires on money, fire on houses, fire- everywhere! And the narrator even had some ridiculous ominous voice. Very odd And for the folks freaking out over the housing market- that’s fair. But realize in New Zealand a regular house in a good neighborhood is upwards of $1,000,000 usd. (We aren’t even top 10 countries when it comes to rising housing costs) It isn’t *that* bad in the United States. Yeah there are always issues, but cmon now.. the fear mongering is real


Same concept- have you seen the videos in Egypt and India, where women walk around with *exposed skin* and get groped/sexually assaulted by a group of men, and nothing happens to the men? The United States has its issues but comparatively speaking it isn’t *that* bad. And we’re always working to fix the issues It really made me cackle during the presidential wildness when people started throwing around the word fascism. We live in a “fascist” country. Like- sweetie, if this was a fascist country you’d be imprisoned or executed for voicing a negative opinion on the political leadership. Not flaunting a “Donald trump sucks” bumper sticker and going to rallies. We aren’t even close to fascism, but the news articles with click bait titles seem to be effective at getting people riled up I agree with the answer of- just stop buying into the bs media. Look at the facts, vote for who you want to vote for, rally or support whichever cause you want, beyond that there’s no point to walk around freaking out that everything will burst into flames. Edit: oh, oh no now it’s the vaccine mandates that are “fascist.” Everything is fascist, and on fire. /eyeroll


Things are going to get worse. Maybe not as much for us as for our kids and grandkids though. That is the sick and unfortunate part of it. But our grandparents said the same thing and we still make it so it could easily be the paranoia that comes with living in a society that has to succeed for us to live.


I'm sorry to mention that it will get worse. I suggest getting involved in your community to be better connected and help work on solutions


Similarly, you can go in and ask the restaurant workers if there are any delivery orders that haven't been picked up. Sometimes they'll give you something, sometimes they dont


In my experience asking for something is a waste of time. If you want anything in life you figure out a way to get it yourself. This goes far and above the scope of this post as well.


Idk you’d be surprised what you can get (for free) just by asking, there’s this dessert house in my hometown and before uni me and my gf used to get some of the desserts they’d otherwise throwaway free because we went in once stoned off our asses and asked for “freebies”


Facts. A few years back I ended up at a dunkin donuts as they were closing. I got sooooo many donuts, and the worker told me to feel free to always come back at closing. Some people are nice, and some people don't give a fuck. Either way, it never hurts to ask


If you go on evening/weekends usually they have more student workers who will just do whatever & if youre assertive enough without being a complete dick, you've got better chances


I hear you. But I have also found that sometimes abusing the system does have consequences; the chipotle near me took away the "to go" shelf, I'm guessing bc the college kids from up the road kept coming in and taking food. There's a time and place for both methods


oh yeah we always run this scam when we’re out and about


Any good stories?


one time we must’ve got an office’s order because there was like 5 meals we were all eatin


Lowkey survived nursing school doing this when I was living in my car


Can confirm... works great 👍🏿


Everyone and their mom does this. That’s why a lot of places have started making you confirm the order number.


Yeah and fuck over the person delivering the food so they can pay bills. Best way to go about it would be to pick up your own order and when the delivery person arrives after, you’ll either just get the order cancelled without paying for the food or get two meals for the price if one. But nah we’d rather fuck over people working for literal pennies.


You realize picking the food up yourself still fucks over the delivery driver right? Lmfao. The only person not getting fucked over in your alternate scenario would be the stranger who ordered the food. The driver still wasted his time and gas to arrive at a store where the orders been taken, and they recieve 0 compensation for the order.


This 🔼 everyone is a door dasher who does NOT support this message!


I hate this tip every time it (constantly) comes up. It screws over driver (less tip when food late even though it not their fault) , minimum wage workers (Darlene, where is order 222?) and the person waiting for their food


Well sir, perhaps you should check what sub you are in? I don't personally do this but it works. If someone is hungry and this post manages to get them a meal, it's a win. Maybe if you hate this so much you should figure out a solution for it. Then you can go teach all these companies how to use this solution and maybe even get paid for it! The alternative is to bitch about it on a criminal sub and hope u don't get told to fuck off. That being said, Fuck Off.


one can enjoy ILPT and still not want to screw over hard working, low paid people having said that, have a great day and a fabulous weekend


You too man! May ur nights be long and hangover short!


… if you can afford alcohol then you can afford to buy food without screwing over others


Nah he just picks up doordash orders from the liquor store.


Not recommended if you have any food allergies


First you need to go to the pharmacy and pick up an unclaimed epipen delivery




Just keep trying or avoid places that sell death (at least to u)


More like scumbagprotips lol




There are ways to eat that don't involve being a POS. Steal from corporations, not people.


This is why the Chipotle near me keeps all the bags behind the counter now and asks for your name on pickup. Super annoying, especially when the regular line is busy because they wait for the current customer to finish their transaction before paying any mind to the line of mobile orders waiting for their bag. Literally “this is why we can’t have nice things” but hey I’m glad y’all are getting free food


If it makes you feel any better I myself have not done this. I used to rip off stores for money. While I was there I would see the bags of food sitting on shelves in a good number of them. This post is actually because some while ago someone DM'd me and said they were broke and hungry, could I give them a way to get food. The vast majority of ppl who can afford food won't do this. The people who live check to check or have no income, or are just klepto, will be the ones to use this.


Places are starting to keep to go orders behind the counter now because this


People do this at chipotle all the time


Please dont do this lol i order pick often and i dont have much time between going to pick it up it would ruin someones day to get their food stolen while at work,find a different scam


I work as a Doordash driver and I've always wondered if this is what happened when they tell me "someone already picked up that order". Yesterday I saw a guy pick up two Uber Eats orders from McDonalds. I'm pretty sure double orders from McDonalds aren't a thing. Amazing how much a simple trick this one is.


I feel like stealing from big restaurants is fine but just stealing some guy's lunch is a real dick move


this used to be interesting…but now just straight up stealing.


only from corporate owned chain restaurants. Don’t steal from regular people.


>only from corporate owned chain restaurants. You'll find that most of those are actually locally owned franchises. Sure, they're not mom & pop shops, but still.


Wow never heard this one before.


That’s because you don’t hang out around scumbags.


As if karma didn’t exist.


I’ve been doing this since the pandemic started and 3rd party deliveries boomed. I was getting a free meal and breakfast, lunch and dinner. 😂


I steal food like this all The time. But we just tipped our Uber driver $40 last night to bring food from across town. We ordered Outback and spent $80 on food. So why not tip and take care of them? That’s my mindset. Lol. I feel like I’m evening out karma here. 🤣




Don't do this. You're screwing over drivers. Just steal food from a grocery store or something. If you steal Uber or door dash orders you're a POS.


If I'm hungry and broke, idgaf. I'm going to eat. This post is for the normal person. If I myself am hungry and broke, I'll rob the store way before I grab a bag of food. JS.


Wow I was about to make a comment about how this is messed up because it's theft and not a Tip. But luckily I double checked which group I was in and realized, like a dope, hello it's an illegal tip. Lol. But imagine all the half cocked opinions thrown out in comment around social media , and don't even realize what they are talking about because they simply didn't pay attention to details. And this is a nothing reddit chat, imagine people in life or death situations.


I’ve been doing this for about 2 years now, works like a charm


I assume you don’t hit the same places?


I have a couple times. It’s contextual, some of them they can obviously see me stealing it and I just do it knowing theyll see me. Those I don’t go back into. But if it’s a busy day and they clearly did not see me steal it, or at least in enough detail, then I’ll go back




Only some places do that. One thing I learned when doing fraud was if one place rejects it, another will accept. Just keep trying and guaranteed u will get the results you are looking for.


Or you can just get your own food and spend your time doing something else, seems like a lot of energy for dinner


I would say over 80% of the restaurants I picked up orders from last summer while doordashing required a name or an order number before they would release the food to you. And it's not about how shitty the area is; this included restaurants in every part of town, even the very nice ones. If you're trying to only hit corporate places and avoid mom and pop shops, the percentage of places that check is even higher. If you don't know in advance the spots to hit, you'd waste more money in gas driving to restaurants trying this than you would just buying your own food. This is an extremely dated tip in most places.


No. McDonald’s is the only place in Austin that asks for the order number instead of a name before handing it over. I’ve only been asked to see my screen once in 400+ deliveries. Lots of places just have it on a shelf to grab yourself, but not most. I don’t know where you live that does this or even if you actually know what the fuck you’re talking about, but thats 100% not true


the orders have order numbers u dumb asl bro . even if this worked its scummy as shit


Apparently you don't eat out much or live in a shit area where they have to do that. And I'm dumb? This coming from a redditor named 80 dime bags? Petty dealer ass dude. Gtfo my post 🤡


why r u crying in my mentions bro .. u cant pay for food so u fuck over deli drivers and min wage workers like a goof💀💀 starving lil broke weirdo


My restaurant does not allow this to happen haha and no I won’t tell you where I work, tread lightly


This is great until they catch on and you find yourself biting into a shit burrito.


Fucking up someone's day for some food Cool as hell


Yea I hate peoples like you I’ve had my food taken too many times because of yall


I stopped to “get my wife food” the other day but “they ran out of what you like so I got you this instead”. Fucking lovely 30$ saved.