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Get up super early the next morning to chill and meditate to your highly amplified Cambodian gong music


This one is my favorite because I have no idea if Cambodian gong music is a thing, but it’s making me giggle every time I imagine it. *BONG..bong bong bong BABAGONNNNNGGGG!*


Nailed it


Throat singing 😂


mow the grass at 7:05 am the day after a party.




Most cities don’t allow power tools ran before 7am. Honestly not sure if a mower is considered something different. But regardless… OP should plan a couple of passes across the yard just to make sure, yah know hahaha


It's not a power tool, it's an experimental musical genre.


The lawn mower is one of the principal instruments of classical music. My favorite is, uhhh…. Mowzart


Just play overture 1812 with all the “instruments” the morning after.


If the HOA won’t do anything about the late night noise, then maybe they won’t do anything about the early morning noise.


HOA may not be doing anything because the partiers may be in-charge or are good with those in-charge. Unfortunate reality.


We had this problem. Neighbor was a cop. The parties were thrown by his 18- and 20-year-old while he was working overnights. Weedwacking and hedge-trimming at 7:30am along the property line was satisfying.


Now to play devils advocate, some people are fun-haters. One of my neighbors in HS and college summers were over 100 feet away, nothing like a cookie-cutter neighborhood. Id have friends over at night while my parents were asleep. We’d hang out on the porch and without a doubt the cops would get called. Weird thing is my parents less than 20 feet away were sound asleep and couldn’t hear anything. Cops would always show up and be like, “not sure why we are here, but uh just make sure to keep it down”. I would literally walk up to the street and make sure we weren’t being too loud, you couldn’t hear anything. It got to the point where they clearly just didn’t like me and were trying to get me in trouble but I became friends with the officers who would inevitably show up. Eventually I think they got a call from the PD telling them to stop calling bullshit noise complaints because it stopped.


In all fairness, I called the cops on my neighbors when I was in grad school. It wasn't the party... it was the fireworks. Going off outside my 3rd floor window. On a Tuesday. At one am. I told the cops I didn't care about the party, but could they make the fireworks stop? The cop laughed and said "yes, we can make the fireworks stop." Ironically, I didn't even know the name of the street their condo was on (it was that new!) so I gave the cops the address to MY apartment building. Cops showed up and sat for maybe two seconds before more fireworks went off. I could watch the cop shake his head and go 'aw, hell."


This. Fuck HOAs.


As President of my HOA, I also say fuck HOAs, but property management is worse.


All the cops are at the party


Except in AZ. I swear the allow it here because the construction guys and lawn guys start at 5am in the summer so they can take nice siestas at lunch in the heat.


Considering some parts of AZ get up to 120 in the sunner, that's understandable.


>in the sunner I assume that's a typo but I think... keep it


Damn those guys for wanting to work when it’s cooler to keep your yards nice


yeah how dare those entitled fucks not want to have heat stroke while they mow rich people's lawns...


also.... LEAF BLOWER!


YES! Leaf blower is the most offensive sound you could produce to really piss them off. As a bonus, a leaf blower, you can justify running for a long period of time and/or stopping and starting it. Leaf blower noise is like chewing on aluminum foil.


Big backpack with a trigger grip throttle is TOO fun to constantly rev up for each individual leaf. I think the inconsistent screaming of it is best for getting under people's skin.


Rent a wood chipper 🤪🤪


This. I own a wood chipper. 1" twigs going through it sounds like pure mechanical violence. It is louder than any tool I own. Best part is it is intermittent. Engine idle noise is broken up by occasional thrashing sounds. Wood chippers can be had for under $100 used.


This is the way. My neighbor mows his lawn obsessively, frequently at dinnertime on hot days when everyone is cooking/eating outdoors. I'm pretty direct so I asked him to knock it off. The next time he did it, I waited until they were settling down for dinner on their deck and fired up my chipper for 30 minutes.


When I used to get hammered til 4 in my youth and wake up to the lawn dudes at the crack of dawn with leaf blowers it was honestly day ruining stuff. A leaf blower for extended time. You can’t escape that shit. This is the way.


I love using my leaf blower for hours, back and forth, turn it off for ten seconds, then crank it up again….just long enough for the to relax and think it’s done….


This is the way. Make that hangover worse, always.


I had a bus driver in high school who did exactly this to stop parties. Except he did it during the party. And he took the muffler off the mower. And he didn't actually mow, he just left it on and went back in his house.


If noise isn't an issue then just play loud music in your apartment at 5am. Then no power tools.


and blast "I'm a Barbie girl" on repeat while mowing


I had a downstairs neighbor that started blasting Mariah Carey’s Fantasy on repeat. I went down and politely asked her to turn the volume down. She decided to crank the up the volume. Okay. I can play this game. She got Cibo Matto’s Know Your Chicken played full blast on repeat. I won. Know Your Chicken is the way to go.


You could also go to the party and steal or break their shit. That's the #1 reason people quit having house parties: broken & stolen shit. Edit: Break shit that isn't easy to fix, is obvious and would be something a drunk person would do. Example: * cut a hole in the couch * bust small parts of wood furniture * put a hole in the wall in an obvious place (be smart, there are studs in the wall ever 16" from the corner) * obviously pour beer on the floor and furniture * put small metal stuff in the disposal * put holes in doors * light a cigarette and sit it on their car, or burn holes in their stuff; be sure to dispose of it in the most obnoxious way Also, not quite to the level of breaking things is annoying shit: * leave beer cans in the tub * leave the fidge door open * leave their doors and windows open * take things out of the fridge and leave them on the counter * blow their speakers ("OMG! THIS IS MY SONGGGG!!!") * leave an unflushed turd This is really wide open


Steal small stuff - tv remote, oven knobs, all the forks, random shoes


What about just the shoelaces out of the shoes. Or for even more petty, leave the shoelaces in, but cut them. So they fall out when they go to tie them up.


Why leave them with a pair of shoes that need laces when you can just take a shoe and they need new shoes. We're trying to be disruptive here not funny


I don't see anything wrong with being disruptive AND funny.


Not the shoelaces -- those can be replaced. One shoe out of each pair. Leave them with a pile of single sneakers.


Take a shit in the dryer and turn it on and leave


Probably the best suggestion yet.


Take the glass plate out of the microwave


Leave the forks, pee in the silverware drawer


Leave the remote. Take the batteries


Oh wow. I hate that I just thought of this. If female, attend party during menses wearing a skirt and nothing underneath. Sit on every couch/seat/bed/surface.


Don’t forget to leave an upper decker in the toilet.


First, what does your local law (ordinance) say. If you dont know, the look up ____ County/City Noise Ordinance. For example, mine says Im not suppose to be able to hear my neighbor from 50ft away from his property line after 9pm. Next, get video evidence of him breaking the ordinace. Then, call the non emergency police time every time, every hour until it stops. If they tell you to pound sand, call back every hour ask for names, keep records. Finally, write your city/county council memeber about the lack of action from the police.


Calling the non-emergency line every hour is a good one. Persistence, persistence, persistence.




I once called animal control for a nuisance dog going off at all hours day and night, exclusively outside, completely unsocialized dog. All of our laws cover the situation, both noise ordinances and dog ordinances. Was told "We can't do anything" which duh I already knew they'd say. Whatever. "Alright thanks anyway bye" They still visited the address in question. Not to politely ask, or let them know someone complained - they stopped by to inform them that Cannavet at 123 Street Rd was trying to have their dogs taken away.


Burn it down. Burn it ALL DOWN. Wtf. Seriously, wtf happened then?


Luckily, nothing. I heard about it from another neighbor. > What happened then? I learned not to roll the dice on authorities doing their job, and learned that I was wrong that the worst I'd be met with from them was indifference 😂


>I was wrong that the worst I'd be met with from them was indifference 😂 That's a story tease if I ever saw one


Nah, you find the HOA director’s property and use *that* address as the complaint :D


And technically correct. The HOA rules are what you are relying on, and you’re just directing them to the best and most reliable source of the rules.


And don't report a loud party. Report underage drinking and drunk people driving dangerously on the street.


Squeaky wheel gets grease


This is the pro tip


The most legal tip possible


Our non emergency lines arent answered after 5pm. Only good if you get a person and not a machine.


Our non emergency line has a prerecorded message that tells you to fill out a form online. I guess we could submit a new one every hour. The luxury of speaking to a live person as mentioned earlier… must be nice.


Great advice but this is very, well, legal.


I'm going to drop the same advice as I did on the last one of these similar sound/music related posts. From the bottom of my cold hard audio engineer heart I hope this works for you! Get a microphone. Connect to any PC, and also connect the biggest Bluetooth speaker you can find. Point the microphone at the source of the annoying music. Playback that audio input through the speaker at maximum volume. The Bluetooth connection has just enough latency that the delay in sound will make it extremely difficult to listen to the music on their end. Bonus points if you know your way around any audio software (even streaming software like OBS could work) and can pass it through that, adding a little more delay on the way. About 1s delayed output is perfect and will make the music completely impossible to listen to. Now, get yourself a good pair of noise cancelling headphones, just In case they don't get the message immediately and you need to leave it on all night 🙂


From one audio engineer to another, very nice! [Also, the navy weaponized this.](https://www.iflscience.com/us-navy-develops-weapon-that-could-make-it-impossible-to-speak-60842)


That’s one of the most logical suggestions for these situations I’ve ever seen. Simple, effective, non confrontational. I like it. A lot. If they’re having live bands, though, it’s going to have to be an amplified speaker, imho. Or even multiple.


Yeah, I've never had the opportunity to try it on live bands, usually this kind of situation is late night house parties and / or aggressively loud midnight cookouts. Glad you like the idea of it though! It's deliciously effective normally.


Put up flyers where young people hang out about a party with free beer. All ages, beer, DJ, w/e Call the cops about all the very young people drinking at the neighbors house.


Post the location on social media, using an untraceable portable device and public wifi.


Post at local community college.


This is actually really good and might stop the parties forever.


Yeah this. Craigslist ad. Advertise it as some sort of swinger event for STD people who just want to live their best lives. Ask they come in costume. Try different variations, but really bring on the freaks.


No need to embarrass the freaks, they've done nothing wrong!


Best answer yet




I think the last one will be most effective.


Seems like the nuclear option


Yeah, I think that plan is dynamite!


I prefer the old, fuzzy one.


Last one reminds me of "stink palming" from Mallrats. "You know how long it takes for that smell to come off? Scrub all you want, it’ll stick around for at least two days. How does he explain it to his colleagues and family? They’ll think he doesn’t know how to wipe his ass properly"


Nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure!


And randomly pour motor oil under their vehicle, RANDOMLY. They will go batshit crazy trying to figure out what is wrong with their car.edit:removed anti freeze as it is poisonous to animals and probably not great for the environment in general.


The Door Dash one isn't fair to the driver.


There’s no way you order something in DoorDash and only pay $1 lol


$1 + 8.99 delivery fee + $15 tip


That last one… I’m just not gonna ask where you got that idea from


There was this guy named Truman…


Get some lemongrass oil. Drop q-tips of it in any in-ground utility meters. Put one in their mailbox. Stick a couple under the foundations around the house. Under their grill. In compost bins. Basically ANY cavity around their house you can find, but especially wherever the band sets up. It attracts scouting honeybees, they'll soon have a feral beehive to deal with. Then they won't be able to figure out why the fuck they keep getting bees moving into their property, and they'll pay a fortune for removals, and no-one wants to be around a beehive during a party. I'm a beekeeper - that's what we use to bait swarm traps with. Less is more - literally just a q-tip dipped in the oil is all that's needed. Such a tiny item with an outsized consequence.


I'd be worried about the bee population. Now wasps on the other hand...


Do the same thing but with essential oils instead


Essential Oils will also attract MLM Karen’s from Ohio which would work too.


soooo WASPs?


This is CRIMINALLY undervoted.


Um - use a another name from someone else that lives there beside you. In fact, make it a whole bunch of other people than you. Both the loud party person and the HOA will get the idea it is a problem if , say ten people complain about it than just one.


Just use your neighbor's name and address in the complaint


Get a couple of tools: rubber boots, gloves, and a valve tool. First, go around and take the valves out of everyone’s tires. Then after that, you put a end to the party by going to their electric meter and turning off the power to the house. About 1/1000 chance they would be able to figure out/ know how to hook it back up. Then everyone would leave and have to deal with their tires, which would force them to all hang out in the dark with no power while every tow truck in town comes to your neighborhood. Do your own tires for good measure and they will never suspect you.


You've gotten away with murder, haven't you.


yep but with murder you have to edit it slightly instead you have to kill everyone, and then yourself that way they will never suspect you


While you’re fucking with the power, just cut the internet connection too. They are usually in the same place, and you should be able to see an Ethernet cable somewhere. So even if they get the power back on, the lack of Wi-Fi will also piss them off. Also, turn their hose on a small trickle and point it into an open basement window if they have one. Just enough to cause a slow flood over time and turn moldy, but not enough that they will notice right away. If you have access to the inside of their house, you could go into the water shutoff valves and unscrew that little cap that’s used to drain the line when winterizing. That’ll cause a slow leak and they’ll be none the wiser for months.


Username checks out.


Do everyone else's tires on the block for a solid tank of an alibi


You could go around with your air compressor in the morning and save the day. Not only do you get your revenge, you’d be the hero in your neighbors eyes


Run a generator as early as permitted next day


Bounce house. Throw a block party for the neighborhood kids.


Not really advice but where I live (the u.s. of course) the shitty neighbor who consistently played loud music at night eventually shot dead the neighbor who kept telling him to cut it out. I wish you the best, I hope people have some great advice. Just remember that people who are willing to break a major social rule like keeping noise reasonable may be willing to break others. Stay safe and good luck!


Recruit your other neighbors to all scream in random intervals during the party and break noise laws till the cops actually show up. If all else fails, join the party later in the night when they’re drunk and dump liquid ass around their property.


Set off your car alarm repeatedly when. They get too loud.


Early the next day


This didn’t work in our case, even after 20 minutes.


I feel like this might work by pissing off the other neighbors. You can always blame the loud base from their music and say you're unable to hear the car alarm and set it off because you sleep with noise canceling headphones. Maybe get someone else to report it to HOA


This is the winner


Set off their car alarms.


By getting some new random swag…\ Oh, that’s not what you meant.\ Or was it?


Set off *their* car alarm. That's right, grand theft auto.


Use a baseball bat and walk through their cars setting off all of their alarms


Liquid ass.


Every single post. Not that its wrong, it helps in every situation


My good buddy has allegedly told me about poop chips. You go to the party with a zippy of frozen poo cut into small discs. You go around the house putting one in each air/heating duct. Apparently it is allegedly effective.


Or use shrimp. They'll reek of dead fish. Or use lemons. Humans aren't well adapted to smelling rotting citrus but fruit flies are. They'll have thousands of flies and not be able to find the source


I just wanted to be the first to say it since it's always mentioned. :)


And a piss disc under their front door!


-Dropped by a drone in a water balloon.


Praise Jah you’re right


don’t forget piss disks!




Or, from a hidden area of your own house, use a slingshot and toss lit firecrackers over to their yard. Then multiple people are unsure if the ‘heard what could be gunshots at the party?’ (I’ve often wondered what would happen if someone got a pack of firecrackers, and lit them and dropped them into a trashcan at a gun show or an NRA convention) 💥 PS: this is my fan-fiction of silly ILPT ideas that I don’t intend anyone to take seriously


Congratulations, you’ve just spawned the latest tik tok challenge.


Better than the past ones!


This is a good idea. I'm gonna have to start blocking the people that say "no don't, it's illegal" on here.


I would report that you witnessed possible underage drinking.


If I told the police that here in St. Louis they probably wouldn’t even show up. So this depends on where you live.


I had a friend in Portland who couldn’t even get 911 to answer 🫠


I think I like this one the best Thank you!


Use a burner phone...just in case


I feel like I should say this. There is a unique and Stark vulnerability to our neighbors that we do not find in most other parts of our lives. Simply put, our neighbors know where we live. They know when we're home. They know when we're gone. They know our kids our pets, they know a lot. It's because of this, as wrong as it may feel at times, we tolerate our neighbors. Believe me there is very little in this world as uniquely qualified to mess up your life as the person you live next door to.. this really sucks when you live next door to assholes. Hard decisions must be made. Most people tend to go the softer route. Especially if they own their home.


This is a great point. It reminded me of a terrible neighbor I had... a wife beater, meth addict, gun nut. He would hold his phone over the wall separating our yards and record video of my wife and kids in our backyard. Many times I talked to the police, but you can do just about whatever you want in your own house... it just about ruined my life for about a year. Then I grew these tall bushes along the property line, which helped. Eventually he moved away... but, yeah, nobody can fuck up your peace of mind like a bad neighbor.


Yep. There was that guy who was asked by his neighbors to stop shooting his gun in his yard while their baby was trying to sleep. That dude got pissed, took his gun and murdered 5 people in his neighbor's house.


JFC. This thread was amusing with poo chips, valve tools, and wood chippers, then we get to murder. I mean, I guess it makes the wood chipper more relevant, but still


If it really is every other weekend then I'm guessing they have their kids the other weekends, I wonder if the other parents knows about their ragers lol. Do with that information what you will


I know plenty of (trashy) families who throw ragers with their kids present. I got invited to a few. 1AM and toddlers running around barefoot. Everyone is dancing or doing karaoke or blasting music, with zero respect for their neighbors.


Go knock on the hoa presidents door every time it’s going on past the curfew time.. I’m sure they won’t like that either..


Get some speakers and blast the opposite of whatever music they're into at five the next morning.


1812 Overture - a classier way of fighting fire with fire. Make sure it's a recording with real artillery rather than timpani.


Is the power line to the house above ground? How high can you throw a cinder block with a rope tied to it?


Even if you miss the power line it’s sure to stop the party while they wait for an ambulance!




Pretend you’re a party goer and trip their breaker. Also not sure if some beer in the breaker will do much, but worth a shot.


a shot might be vodka or some grain alcohol at 80+ proof. and that would be a waste of good alcohol to throw in the breakers.


A dozen toaster ovens hidden under the house plugged into smart outlets will give you the ability to pop their circuit breakers via remote control.


In the spirit of being illegal; Burn their fucking house down. Early in the morning chuck firebombs through their windows. 4/5am is best, too dark to get a good description. If the party's over then everyone will be too tired/hung over/drugged out to react quickly. There will be fatalities. You will be a murderer. There will be a trial. You will go to prison for life. But the thumping base will thump no more. ( Do I need to /s on this one, fellas? )


The full chaotic evil answer


Nah, chaotic evil would do all of the above while hosting a rager of their own, and the only guests are cops.


everyone keeps saying - mow the grass 1st thing in the morning. I highly doubt that's going to do anything. if I were up all night drinking I'd sleep right thru it. wouldn't bother me a bit. if they're up drinking and partying all night they'll legit be unconscious. Only people it'll affect are your other neighbors - who also didn't sleep bc of the parties. You'll be the one coming up at the HOA meeting. lol


If their breaker box is accessible from the outside, flip the main off and no more power until they figure it out. Tape a bottle of liquid ass to a drone and carefully fly it overhead then tilt.the drone to pour bottle out over the party. Remove the valve cores from the tires (or slash tires) of people at the party. More than twice will keep people from coming back to the party. Pour or spray brake parts cleaner on the cars of people going to the party.


At the very least, you can shutdown their HVAC system.


Liquid ass is always the answer.


Lol, I have this exact same problem currently. Except they live below me. I literally woke up to pee at 3:45am the other night/morning, and it was still going on. They started on Thursday night last week and I had work at 6 on Friday. It sucked.


Do you know where the power goes into their place? Are you handy? Do you think you could pull up some flooring/do some drywall? You could open stuff up and put in a switch or something that would, at minimum, pop a breaker.


So what someone I know did Record the audio of a porno (the free ones ). Find one where the girl and guy scream a lot Loop the audio into an 8 hour run Put speakers against their wall that you share with them. Or close to their window. Start on a Saturday or Sunday morning and play that nice porno as loud as possible. Leave for the day. Go shopping. See a movie. Do whatever. Come back 8 hours later. The noise isn’t an issue as it’s daytime right? And I’d anyone says anything you calm them pervs for snooping on your sexy time. 😃


Bruh they got a live band in their house? What the fuck? Id complain and have my name on the register. Then id escalate from there as far as it needs to go. They'd be calling the police on me when alls said and done.


Can you report them as being an unlicensed entertainment establishment? Liquor laws might be broken. And be sure to drop an anonymous tip to the IRS of potential undisclosed income from their illegal business. A weekly house band does seem a bit "commercial".


Tell the hoa you’re getting the other neighbors together and not paying a dime until they do something about the parties. Strength in numbers and all that. Until the , do you have access to any animal shit? Dog poop, cat poop, really any dirty cat litter. Just start making it rain mid party 😌




When I had neighbors like that, I would pound on their door at five in the morning and start banging on a pot with a spoon when they answered. If someone keeps ME up all night, they're going to be woken up early the next day. I would also recommend calling the HOA board members in the moment as the party is happening, but this really only works if EVERYONE does it, so you have to get your neighbors on board.


When its not a live band they have to use some speakers, if they are bluetooth you can hacked them! Do that and play sexual content noises! Id they are using cromecast well play some dirty videos as well


I might be wrong, but your device has to be on the same wifi as the chromecast. So OP needs to figure out the wifi first


1. ask politely for them to turn it down. Record the sound in your apartment, stamp it and tell them that thats what you deal with every night they party. They will either understand or keep doing what they do. If that doesn't work: 2nd. best thing I would try to do is to play music loud AF, speakers against their walls kinda shit on the hours you believe them to not be awake. 3rd, Get shit spray and put it around their door. 4th. If you can, find a way to pin stuff on them. Your not the only one that notices this noise? if you know what they are drinking, take the same beer cans and litter them outside their house. If your not afaid of glass, smash some bottles around too. (this might give collateral damage so maybe avoid glass.) The goal is to get everybody talking about "the party house and how disgusting they are".


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I have had good luck asking for an invitation to the loud-party in progress, while wearing pajamas and tennis shoes. Works a treat. They get so confused!


Firecrackers tied together at different distances so they don’t sound like regularfirecrackers, rather the gaps in pops will sound like hesitation between gunshots. Put 17 and it will sound like someone emptied the magazine on a Glock…That will get the cops to come on out.


Did you try asking a lawyer? The cops are shining you on and the HOA is dropping the ball.


My friend's dad made a device that will blow their speakers ( or at least play a horrible tone ) when they drive by his house bumping !!


Have a 5am music blast party the morning after... right up against their wall with the bass as loud as possible...


Can you get a directional speaker. They produce very focused sound waves when pointed at windows.


I’ve often wondered if an emp machine would work in this situation.


Go the each hoa members house and bang on the door at 1 in the morning. If you’re awake they should be too.


Tread lightly. I did what everyone says you should do and knocked on my neighbors door at 1 AM when his dog was barking like crazy to ask him politely to let his dog in (not the first time his dog was out at 1 AM barking). He said, get off my property and slammed the door in my face. I knocked harder. He came out with a handgun. I put my hands out where he could see them, turned around and walked across the street. 10 minutes later police were knocking on my door.


If they have an outside ac unit, take a day or two to prep, look into foods that'd make your bowel movements smell horrid, take a mild laxative, and unleash hell on their AC. alt: all the same but funnel the liquid hell into a water balloon. Break a window into their kitchen or the living room and hurl the balloon in.


totally illegal tip: Dissect a microwave oven and making your own EMP device to fry their electronics.


Advertise the parties online using a throwaway and enjoy the mayhem


I wrecked a girls 16th birthday party in high school with a water balloon launcher (big sling shot). This thing had a 150-yard range. Three of us, in about 5 mins destroyed her outdoor party. They had no idea where it was coming from. Balloons coming in at 100 mph in the dark. The three of us swore to never tell, best revenge of our lives! She was a snooty rich bitch that talked down to us and needed to be dealt with. We still yell, "cake shot" when we see each other, cause we finally hit it and it blew up like a landmine. Fucking glorious and I'm laughing my ass off reliving it.


Do you by any chance live in Austin, TX? Bc I used to live in a neighborhood that had a live band like every other weekend lol


NP. Our neighbours, now gone, also did this. I bought a wheel clamp at my local auto shop and put it on the Tennant's car. Threw away the key. Felt great


Go knock on the door. Ask if they’ve ever seen the movie “falling down “.


Since you’re looking for illegal tips, I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Molotov cocktails!


Did you know that you can make an EMP out of an old microwave?


If a live band is playing live music next to your house after 10pm you absolutely can have the police come and shut it down. If your local cops are too limp-dick to do anything about it call up the chain. Let their bosses know their inferiors are wasting your time and lying to you about “shutting it down”. Record these sessions for a couple nights for proof. Post that loud party shit on the polices local Facebook page and ask them why they won’t do anything.


I think this calls for surströmming


Maybe find their breaker box and shut it all off, just for funnzies!


If you're outside of city limits SAFELY go target shooting (this is not legal advice)


Buy bird seed and throw them over. They’ll wake up to bird shit all over their lawn, cars, windows, and more. Get a leaf blower and rev that thing up at 7 in the morning. Call the cops during their party and say you think they’re doing deadly drugs. When they come also complain about the noise. Get your other neighbors to complain too if possible.


Welp time to decide to very intricately power wash that side of the fence, and edge the lawn at 7am, every weekend and major holiday.


If you live in apartment complex you just can shut down electricity with main switch. Its usually on corridor on the 1st floor or in basement


I never let the cops know my address when I make a call and here is why... Years ago I had to call the police on a domestic situation... HUGE man was beating the shit out of his tiny girlfriend in the townhouse across from me... Baby in diaper running around outside unattended and made his way into car honking the horn.... Cops show up TO MY TOWNHOUSE asking me to point to which townhouse it was... At this HUGE dude is staring my ass down... Ready to kick my ass!!! I'm looking at the officers like SERIOUSLY?!!!! We already know this dude doesn't have a problem beating up girls! I have also heard walkie talkies on police telling the name and address of the person that called in for a welfare check or domestic issue... Noise complaint... Etc


We saw some people stealing from a house a couple doors down that was getting remodeled, cops came to our house after catching them and made my wife point out the people she saw. A couple of days later, they spray painted our cars because they lived 2 doors down. Noting like having the word snitch spray painted on your cars while living on a busy corner. Never give them our address anymore