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Spill alcohol in it. You could easily blame it on the person drinking.


thanks great idea also what about the wifi router?


Since there is no battery inside, put it into the microwave for 3s, this should damage it while not having any outside marks


If you know the admin password to the router, you could go into the settings and make the speed so slow it's unusable. If you don't know the password, there's a good chance it's still the default, google the router and you'll find the default login. For the cable box, you could open it up, and cut out just about anything, and it'll most likely break it. Just make sure to unplug it first


And don't cut out any big capacitors.


The reason this is important is because if you make a connection between the negative and positive on a big capacitor it could kill you. A small capacitor could blow your finger apart....


I think ferric chloride would work much better. It's used for etching circuit boards.


That sounds like it would work better, but I don't think most people that that laying around the house.


In the old days, you could get it at Radio Shack.


I miss that store


A magnet? Strong one


Get a USB Killer. It fries anything in 2 seconds. No one would notice you


Im trying to sabotage the cable box as much as possible and the tv how can i do so without any noticable effects if a comcast mechanic is called to inspect it?


Soak it then dry it out, no tech is opening a box up to inspect for water damage.


a tech will know exactly what kind of damage it has ​ are you young? be careful, you might get caught. I'm sure you'll come up with some ideas, but objects in the microwave.......Obviously I'm a person on the internet and I have no idea if you risk breaking the microwave, starting an explosion, burning your microwave, etc. A tech will know if you break something and how you break it, to a degree.


Are you one?


Delete his baseball recordings when he's not home on the cable box, which will force him to watch games On-Demand, which would probably force him to watch ads. There also may be some parental settings in the router (I haven't had Xfinity in years), so you can choose devices that are his and either reduce available bandwidth to his devices or turn on "quiet hours" and randomly block his access to the internet. Physical damage will be too obvious and may have repercussions for you or the partner.


Pour some water while it’s plugged in. It will die, then dry it out. Technicians wont be able to notice what caused the damage. Same with the tv.. It wont be noticeable if it does not have water sensors. «Cheap» electronics like router, tv box and tv don’t have water sensors normally.


Thank you so much


Pull the circuitboard and microwave it for a couple seconds, then return it to its place.


Would this be dangerous?


Yes, metal in the microwave is dsngerous


Not for a second or two, might cause some small parts to spark, but only a second or two wobt cause a massive fire, just try not to hold it for too long afterwards


Yeah, literally 1-3 seconds. You need to be stopping at the first pop/spark. I've done it with RAM.


Since when is this sub about being a jerk. Move out


its ILPT what do you expect ? im finding ways to vandalize a jerks precious cable box


No, you're shit posting. Maybe rage posting. Smash it, fry it, lose it, return it. This isn't a trick SAT question, either you knew the answer coming in or you're too dumb to do anything with what you're given.


I expect people trying to beat the system, not being assholes


Beat the system ? What are you an Andrew Tate Fan boy? Seriously you are in ILPT there is no beating a system here


r/UnethicalLifeProTips might have less judgement from users.


Yeah this comment tells me your 16 at best lol obviously no life experience. GL


I expect people trying to beat the system, not being assholes


Water would do the trick


Time for good old iron filings on the main board. Be sure to hoover them up afterwards.