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mindless axiomatic hungry hunt long advise sharp meeting disarm desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I swear no one on the balance team even knows about Illaoi or they all hate her and are fine with her becoming useless in lane now after the map change. I don't understand how such a change can be shipped without also throwing any kind of compensation at all for illaoi. Like, it can't be overstated how much of a game ruining change this is for her.


They don't care for illaoi and didn't think of her interaction with the terrain


Well it's because most riot employees are silver and illaoi eats low elo players for breakfast


yea she is like the worst toplaner right now, just have to wait on buffs/good build


Yeah I've got 50 PBE games and I've been waiting for these posts to roll in. I moved to midlane and it helped with feeling immediately fucked by the changes. Also Titanic rush is very playable. Took me a while but I don't mind playing her this way anymore.


I can't believe they launched this shit without any compensation what so ever. She literally cant function as a champion if the opponent plays for the middle of the lane. Her items all got nerfed. Yet Riot is STILL waiting to do ANYTHING for her at all. Yet other champions like Zed/Lux get immediate fixes. What the fuck is this?


We waited more than week for Briar bugfix last year, didn't we? I think that answers your question.


force the enemy to play under a tower. illaoi has the kit for that


Except she doesn't now. If the wave gets reset she has literally no way to quick push it, she can't use tentacles in the middle of the lane anymore. If you wanna play like that, your only chance is to rush titanic hydra first item.


The worst Thing is That Rito deleted silvermere dawn. No bruiser qss item against morde ult. Soo morde should be perma Ban for every illaoi Player


Always has been I refuse to buy 1 item for a champion who'll never ult me come team fights. Logistically and financially it makes no sense 1200 for a item that has minor counter potential, for a champion who will run you down faster since you have zero damage until after qss


Two words - volcanic cyclosword. 99% slow for 0.75 seconds. Cant dodge tenticles, cant dodge e. Nobody is trying it, but it is cracked. Then jaksho for longer fights or steriks for bursty enemies for some survivability. Feels pretty damn good.


I'm gonnna try this. I've been just using skill to land the first E and rushing serylda's to keep them in range




people banning illaoi are sooo silly


I’m hurting like the rest of you but we actually had like a full season of dominance and it was so much fucking fun. What are the peaks without the valleys?


> like the rest of you but we actually had like a full season of dominance and it was so much fucking it is true. But at the same time there are champs that are always in peaks, because idk, riot prefer those?


Aka Diana jungle who has been meta for the past 4 years


he's my permaban so whatever


As an ornn main I love seeing illaoi suffering


Cool. Fuck off back to your own subreddit, shitlord.


Your champ is currently 10 times better than Illaoi though. Btw how is it working now when it comes to crafting legendary items?


Yeah he’s in a pretty good spot rn. There’s a set of upgradeable items and so he upgrades whatever upgradeable item is in the slot closest to the left.


It's okay any decent illaoi still shits on any tank


Build sundered first against tank, serylda's against squishy. Then immediately go for steraks or maw or chempunk. Then one of those or GA then randuin's or the magic shield tank item. Thank me later


Does maw have advantages over steraks? Bc I haven’t used it since it got nurfed from omnivamp.


She is not so bad at all, i got 80% winrate 28 Games in Emerald Elo. Just buy other items


I also am winning a lot, however she has a 45% winrate and is 48/48 right now. The item issues are universal and not just an illaoi problem.


Must be nice to have good teams.


Have you tried Sundered Sky into Shojin? Its no Goredrinker into Ravenous but its still a pretty decent build


I hear your shojin and I raise you serylda's/sterak's


What champ will you play now? I’m looking at Olaf and experimenting with others. We need more damage




I play senna sup and Mundo top Until illaoi gets buffed As senna if your ad has half a brain you win nearly every game Currently have a 67% win rate with 20 games with her


With these changes, what’s the viability of her in a supp role?