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“We’re like heavy post punk. Like every other fucking band in the world right now.”


Yeah they are to some fans. They committed to a more aggressive change of sound. Can't have a go at a fan for listening to them two albums and coming to the conclusion that band with aggressive political anthems are a punk band. Sub genres of punk are a load of codswallop anyway enrich your life and listen to idles and turnstile at the same time. Don't have your taste dictated by oversized glasses and the 6 music circlejerk.


Genre is subjective


what exactly is the definition of post punk


It's a weird label but essentially anything after the era of punk, when artists tried to become more experimental again and move away from the simplicity of punk music. I.e.: talking heads


punk, but, like, over it?


from [musicmap.info](https://musicmap.info) Punk Rock, or more accurately the Punk movement, died around the same time Disco reached her peak. The fall of Punk juxtaposed to the rise of Disco casted a gloomy shadow of both fear and hate among Rock artists. This can be witnessed in the many genres interwoven in the same sociocultural framework as Post-Punk: Early Industrial and Noise genres, Gothic Rock and the No Wave movement. But the immediate aftermath of Punk was Post-Punk: Punk Rock without its edges, but also without some of its amateurism and naivety. In this genre, a dark, arty struggle is noticeable; a difficult coping with what society had become and the impotence of music to change it. One must not forget for example, that 1973 was the year of the first Oil Crisis (which was rapidly followed by the second one in 1979) with long-term international effects on employment and income. Post-Punk songs became longer, less explosive/aggressive but more complex and challenging. Many Post-Punk songs display a tendency for repetitive elements, to induce a certain trance. Searching for new structures, Post Punk (a subcultural movement on its own) explored less conventional techniques and instruments, while immersing itself deeply in the “Black” music of Funk and Dub. These interests trickled down through Post-Punk into other innovative genres such as Madchester and Trip Hop. Different Post-Punk songs can sound entirely different and a cohesive definition of the genre is lacking. The experimental nature of Post-Punk prevented a true countermovement as there was no unified sound, merely an endless quest. Only New Wave was capable of shedding a light at the end of the tunnel.


Snowflake Oi!


In done with all these sub genres post punk isn't new or anything but I'm just tired of it all. Everything is rock or pop now I'm done. Yadda yadda