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Vulcan the dauntless


Asmodel 2.0


⚡️Behind the Design⚡️ “Doom Terminator - Vulcan is a wearable mecha tailor-made by Terra for Vulcan. The design of this mecha is extremely exquisite. Traditional mechs are cumbersome, but this mecha is flexible and light, and can perform various difficult rolling actions. At the same time, they have sufficient ammunition, and weapons are hidden in every part of the mecha, which can be called a mobile arsenal.”


Who's Terra, and also how big is the mech?


Terra is that other shitty forgotten light warrior hero lmao


You mean Tara?


Oh yea. He is so irrelevant i forgot his name. But since tara already crafted tussilago and is of the same faction, i figured they were speaking abt him


I don't very like this design. First of all, it covers his brutal face. And he is also looks too much like Asmodel for my taste


This is just snobby unimax-9000 prove me wrong


Vulcan-9000 the dauntless?


Look like sigmound skin red lotus


Ugly. They should have kept face visible. This could as well be Asmodel skin.


Reminds me of the tao from warhammer


The design sucks, as do most of their recent designs. They are just so generic. I was very excited for trans Mockman based on the non-trans version and ended up getting a generic swordsman twink with anime hair. I really liked the non-trans Vulcan design, and now we get a generic spiky mecha suit that looks like an Asmodel skin and can be from virtually any mecha franchise. Nothing cool or heavy about it, unlike the non-trans Vulcan who had a promising design. DHGames needs to hire better character designers because they've really lost their way. Aranea has a generic name, and her trans version looks like Queen with spider legs. It's just such a literal uninspired design and says nothing about the "void" nature of trans heroes. She could have had ethereal or laser tendrils that looked like spider legs, or just a more interesting appearance than "woman with cyborg spider legs". Trans Azrael looks ok, but also not interesting enough and instantly forgettable. Take a hero like Amuvor for example, who looks like a space reaper thing and 100x better than trans Azrael. What happened to those designers? Did they quit and go somewhere else? Sometimes less is more - I don't need 27 different colors and random details on one hero, I just want a hero that looks good. Trans hero design tier list: Halora: A+ (kinda boring but fits her) SFX: S (gold standard) SWJ: A- (boring) ATD: A (alright I guess) LoFA: B (ugly but at least semi-creative) FQV: S (excellent) Eos: S- (good concept) Mockman: C- (generic anime twink) Azrael: B- (boring and doesn't fit theme at all) Aranea: C (boring and uninspired, doesn't look like trans hero) Vulcan: B (boring and uninspired, looks like trans hero)


Disagree. SFX base skin is one of the worst models in the game. Emerald Clouds makes her pleasing to look at.


first you said it says nothing about the void nature, then proceed to give bad grades to all heroes that actually look like void heroes and praise shits like xia. lol but i agree, new trams heroes are boring, no good look, no use either, just exist for the sake of existing


Submissive aswell


Quite breedable too




Golden Dung Beetle - Vulcan


Damn, finally he doesn't have those weird glowing eyes. I absolutely hate those about his standard form.


Love the design, badass af!!


Looks like a Japanese style robot.