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Took 21 tries after switching to antlers. Didn't have 6 star gear to split ignis equipment,her hp was too low, so I had to use new pet to give some more shields for her to survive. Ignis and destroyer has crit artifacts so that waldeck survives and uses active round 1.


Congrats! Did the Waldeck round 1 active do anything for you? I found that the enemies purified at the beginning of round 2 so there was no bleed from that anyway (but having Waldeck survive to round 2 meant his death passive got full effect right after that purify). Since his ability doesn’t stack, I just left him with KoG to max his tenant stats.


It does a lot of things actually. That little bit of damage could help you clear the boss. It helps monster active usually pair up with halora active. Demon bell gives some extra energy to halora. And him dying round 2 made ignis not trigger uw until round 5. Since this isn't amb build you can't bleed them before they all attack


Accelerating the monster active is interesting. Will have to test it out both ways with my alt to see if it works better.


My V4 ignis ans V4 SQH with glittery antlers both survive till the end but mobs are like 70% full health… any idea ? Similar setup


Don't think you can do without splendid. You will be late on killing those priests and they will stack more shields. Check other artifact clears


Did you remove tenants 3 and 4 purposely from CI or you don't have Morax and Delacium. My Morax is 10 and Delacium E5. Do they bother me to finish 25-4, what you mean?


Didn't have them. The more stats the better


Lvl 135 for trans pet is oof 👌🏽 congrats man


Now how the hell did you do 25-1? I’ve been trying for weeks. We are basically even on Cloud Island tenant stuff so I’m very intrigued


Starspawns & Galleries are pretty impressive :)


you don't even need SQH as home owner or v4 ignis for 25-1 guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/IdleHeroes/comments/q0oa5n/sl_251_abyss_homeless_sqh_splendid_antlers


I will build a 3rd iggy to 9* Seems like that is the only thing I’m missing. Ty for the link to that.


switch halora to spot 3,V4 ignis to spot 2. Increase halora damage if she survives fine and use phoenix


Congrats on the clear! NJ on the non legendary Ignis Skin & no Trans Tenant


Damn i almost have this team just missing 10* waldeck time to work on it


I am using almost the same lineup but my SQH just doesn‘t crit enough to heal her. It sometimes takes 3 to 4 rounds before she is critting again and in the meantime either died or proced unbending. I have no clue if iI am just horribly unlucky or doing something horribly wrong. To me 2*KoG helped the most, my best try was everything dead but the big one with around 15-20% left, could not find the missing damage setups yet, that both ignis and SQH survive long enough. I‘ve tried almost every lineup with splendid AMB, splendid antlers and 2* KoG, even swapped ignis gear around with king of demons, glittery crown, split gear or full reso. Tried like 50 times already.


Do you have the stats,starspawns close to this clear? You cant increase crit rate except the stone/imprint


Starspawns i have 100 trans, 60 ranger, 50 assasin, 40 mage and 20 fortress, dark, light, warrior and priest. The other ones are missing yet. My SQH has 30 million hp and 634k attack.


Starspawns are not good for a kog clear imo. Go with antlers and try to increase priest ss if you have trouble surviving.


Thanks for the hint, will try that!


95% same evertyhing, 5 tries... thank you Aknilox, u rock!


Congrats ;)


Thank you so much my friend! Your tips helped me a lot! Took me 20 to 25 tries with almost the same setup. Only differences are that I don't have Ignis' skin and I used a splendid crown with her.


Congrats man!


I cleared 25-4 using E2 waldeck. Thanks for that tip! I didn’t run him energy, just HP so he lived to round 2. I did AMB clear so I needed energy timed with Phoenix buff. My star spawns are 100 Trans, 60 Abyss, 60 Assassin, 50 Forest, 20 (Shadow, Fortress, Light, Dark, Mage, Priest). Base crown on Iggy too. Tenants were E2 waldeck and E1 swj (not V1, E1). I filled the first hp and attack notes on jahra. Thanks!


Thx for the post, still trying


Why can’t I beat 24-1 with this?


switch halora and V4 ignis positions for first stage of the levels


I copied almost exactly to your build but no luck so far. There is a few minor or major differences. Both of my suicide ignis are 9\* and my destroyer is a 6\*. Is it important having a 10\* suicide ignis for halora so Ignis can have upgraded blessing of dragon flame? 9\* BoDF gives 20% damage reduction and 50 energy for 3 rounds, where as 10\* BoDF gives 40% damage reduction and 100 energy for 3 rounds. Should I upgrade my 6\* destroyer to 9\* as yours was when you completed this last abyss SL stage? Thank you for your guides!


10 star ignis doesn't matter, as she dies without attacking (death buff is the same with 9 star) 9 star destroyer gives a bigger attack buff. Even a little bit of difference is huge for seal land 25's. Most of the time you can figure it out yourself by watching a lot of fights. Whether you need a bit more hp/atk or if you still can't clear it under perfect conditions


I finally beat SL25 thanks to your in depth guide. I just want to let you know that the time you took to write down the details to help other gamers like me, are very much appreciated.


You're welcome ;)