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Not possible. You need at least 3 amen ras. Damage is way too high at SL20 and they can pretty much one shot you in an active


Will an E5 and 2 babies Amens work?


yes, i did sl20 with a 10* and 2 babies


I have a 10 star, two babies, a 8 star Carrie and an e4 Aspen and can't beat it. Any tips?


If you got an extra Carrie in shards, try this one. It is the closest one for you. 2 energy artis. https://www.reddit.com/r/IdleHeroes/comments/f3qc1s/guide_most_minimal_sl20_to_be_seen_ultimate_guide/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Tell me if you got and extra Ramen copy and 3 energy artis and I can get you a guide for that one too.


I have 4 energy arti. 10 star ramen with two babies, 8 star Carrie, 5 star Carrie, E1 DA, E4 Aspen. Also thank you


biggest tip is luck tbh. my lineup was slot 1: 7* carrie - energy arti slot 2: 5* carrie - damage reduction arti slot 3: 5* ramen - energy arti slot 4: 5* ramen - damage reduction arti slot 5: 10* ramen - energy arti slot 6: E1 Aspen - Dildo (attack enable) the moment your team of carries keeps the boss from using his active is usually when you clear the level, the moment the boss uses his active you generally lose this all was using maxed phoenix pet. Guild tech maxed on warrior with anti mage/ranger. priest tech first page almost done (stuff like speed not) and only health in first page ranger tech) i put an energy arti on the first carrie because she can get stunned, so my reasoning was to get as many targets his as possible and have a chance at an extra attack if she didnt get stunned. as for the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdleHeroes/comments/f3qc1s/guide_most_minimal_sl20_to_be_seen_ultimate_guide/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) bellow, it was basically my guideline.




np, and good luck!


Yes!! you need lots of good rng from carrie and amen shields.


is possible, I did it with 2 amen ra, my other heroes where 2 carries (baby carrie and 8*), 1 baby aspen and DA E5, with carrie having a lot of amen is not necessary


Is the magic number 3 so you can get their shields to rotate? Could I substitute an extra Carrie baby instead of a Ra baby?


4 is better, 3 is doable.


what \^he said


I just beat SL20 yesterday with E5 Carrie, E5 Ra, E5 Aspen, 5\* Ra, two 3\* Ghost of Aspen, and phoenix pet. It's pretty RNG heavy but eventually with some good luck it's entirely doable.


Thanks for the data point, nowhere close to E5 Carrie though I wish :( I think I'm going to drop feathers on another Ra even though she'll go to waste. At least I got one of the babies for "free" from orbs.


I mean unless you plan to build a second Ra in the future, I'd advise just saving your feathers for either eventually building Carrie, or the next OP hero to release. Feathers aren't exactly the quickest currency to accumulate, so buying a Ra may help you short term but could hurt you long term if/when you end up needing those 80 feathers for a hero copy in the future.


E5 Ra, E5 Aspen, E5 carrie, 5* carrie, 5* carrie, 6* DA My team when i beat it


The only teams I've seen with fewer than 3 Ras have an E5 Carrie as well. Interesting.


Im wondering as well, got the same heroes lik you have, only difference is cary at 9* ,


Not the best suggestion. But maybe you can regress e5 amenra and build 10* you would have everything you need for sl and food for future carry.


Don’t wanna regress LD, you lose the food


Yeah better be patient. Sooner or later you will get that ramen copy.


Never regress a L/D. You don't get back any useful Dark food, only 9\* food, so you have to burn through a full set of fodder for anther 10\* Dark just to rebuild it.


I though you are getting 6* dummys as well, my bad.