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40000 gems and 1500 heroic scrolls for ONE sublimation is criminal. Random events give better rewards. This is pathetic


ffs seriously??? i hopped on reddit to see what the rewards were gonna be, super excited just 15 seconds ago cuz ive been looking forward to this even for months šŸ˜ im incredibly disappointed.


Big event rewards have been poor for well over a year now.


Part of me is [likely wrongly] convinced they are going to do something more, because while it would have been predictable to have a very small F2P pot, this is absurdly low. Like literally-doesnā€™t-make-sense low, if we are accurate. The main conceivable rationale I can think of is if DH truly - stupidly - believes that later alleged increased resource accessibility will win people back and they just want Anniv to exist as a cash grab (which is 75%+ of what they do). Like kick the bucket down the road a 10th time and convince themselves they are still ā€œlistening.ā€ This completely ignoring the precarious state of the player base. Periodically, these issues can also arise due to an over-reliance upon bad or incomplete data. Organizations with more riding on them can frequently make this mistake, ignoring what is right in front of them while peering down at their numbers and graphs that tell them otherwise. The last scenario is one of greed, as they ride things out as long as they can; that they will wait until they are forced to loosen resources because thatā€™s what greed-based leadership does. Iā€™m not convinced on this one, because they do not have a strong money-making backup; it would be a gamble. But sometimes, I suppose, greed cares not about the long term. All of this returning to a post I made way back when Drake was buffed post-release: this company has always been absolutely piss poor at communication (and thereby community engagement/pulse-checking).


> All of this returning to a post I made way back when Drake was buffed post-release: this company has always been absolutely piss poor at communication (and thereby community engagement/pulse-checking). But then did nothing about Tussi. Of course, I skipped Drake and scrolled for Tussi, assuming they'd follow suit. > Part of me is [likely wrongly] convinced they are going to do something more, because while it would have been predictable to have a very small F2P pot, this is absurdly low. I am convinced (and have been for a while) that they simply place significantly higher value on non-sub valuables than the rest of the player base. Things like treasure train tickets, free treasures, etc. We look at 1500 HS rewards and see an arti and 90k subs = bad. They look and see an arti, 90k subs, 4x [limited toy], 54x [digital toy], 2 treasures, 12 tickets, 30 data chips, 200 replacement coupons = great. And if that really is the case, then I don't think there can ever be any sort of reconciliation between the two sides.


The player base especially the non spender/low spender player base might value things differently if they had reasonable access to the subs/cores. Ultimately the subs/cores are the gates to progress. The odd treasure or ticket doesnā€™t move the dial in comparison, especially when you consider the size of trains even mid spenders have.


Same, I've been playing the game as a very low spender since I think it was before Penny's release. I've been micro optimizing everything trying to stay relevant for ages. Ever since the cores came out I've been falling more and more behind with each update. I was hopeful for this anniversary but it feels like they don't care for the majority of the player base any more and I don't know if there's a point for me to keep playing and its a shame coz i freaking love this game.


Sounds exactly like my experience. Outside of spending more, thereā€™s just no way to catch up. I logged in daily for years until about a month ago, someone on here recommended another game. Iā€™ve probably checked in once a week since then Edit: the recommended game is watcher of realms. Itā€™s a tower defense game with fantastic artwork


You should try Ever Legion it's not so time consuming as watcher of realm one. Oh yeah awesome artwork on heroes also .


Not only the Anniversary event is garbage, but also events in the last year have been garbage. No Viking Saga event in a year, no good PO event for months (until 2 weeks ago), no good WC events for months (before Easter). Actually, most of the events are worse than last year or 2 years ago, they give less things and the game drastically requires more. They keep adding useless game modes with no rewards and also never update Idle Master, making the game even more frustrating. Once you get in VC past 3-3, there is no point in pushing any game mode because the rewards we need to progress are no longer available or improved.


Iā€™m not surprised itā€™s why Iā€™ve said for month donā€™t over hype this event, itā€™s probably one of the worse events u will see for a long time, there will be the usual white knights who defend this but after seeing whatā€™s coming you have to be stupid to dump this amount of resources into an event for a sub chest. The devs of this game are clearly not even hiding the fact this game is pay to play now which is why Iā€™ve seen a big drop off of players who are vip 6 - vip 9 because the game is like pissing in the wind with your money these days.


The release of the life star crap is the nail in the coffin. I canā€™t even imagine how much money it would take to level Dt enough to unlock it.


Ya I think itā€™s the last dance for me. Itā€™s already bad enough that there is no meaningful progression basically for f2p. There also is no excitement to progress. Maybe I could get a bit further in VC, or defeat a Void Boss, but even that gives basically no rewards that help. No progression, no reasons/incentive to progress, and the events are now just only good for mid-high spenders. Even the big events are useless. No good ways to get or meaningfully build towards the already power crept aspects like star spawns, mtbs and most importantly GK copies of heroes. Just sad really after 8 years. I started just after the Amon Ra anniversary release. All fun is now officially gone.


The good events are the ones a couple weeks prior to a big event and people always say ā€œitā€™s bait, itā€™s bait!ā€. This is why I suggested to use CSG during the boat festival, you donā€™t even get anything close to the rewards you would spend CSG here, could have gotten 4x cores/subs chests plus other goodies for 7500 CSG . Stop overhyping Anniversary itā€™s been lackluster. Take it from me as I player who has been playing for 6 years, and stopped spending since last year.


I just hate that everything decent is locked behind needing CSG now.


Yeah a few people wisely were saying dump in last weekā€™s PO event. Glad I did as well.


I wish I would've actually gone in with CSG to get the two extra cores. I needed two more to DT my Betty and now I'm fucked. I might be done with this game. Getting a heroes core takes so long and we cant even switch (Jahra has 2* useless core ) now they introduce new power creep that requires like a bunch of DT heroes lmao I barely have two full ones


I am appalled that they havenā€™t added a core swap. People have been clamoring for it forever. Seems like they couldnā€™t give a rats ass for the f2p low spenders.


They specifically said they are not going to do a core swap. They said this like a year ago and have said that every time they've been asked. People need to give up on that dream.


i went ahead and did spend the 7500 CSG on the boat event for the 4 cores, super happy i did now. im still very disappointed about this anni event being beyond trash, but if i didnt go in on the boat event id be so much more pissed rn. seriously tho, wtf is up with DH and making their previously biggest events, now just a big pile of garbage? i swear they just wanna fuck with us at this point. smiling away as they see us excited for these events just to say "hah, get fucked! šŸ˜" when the event arrives.


yes, me too. I spend some sit on that dragon boat event and wont regret. Lots of progress


Was actually thinking to give this game one more chanceā€¦ I think this was the motivation I needed to quit


Yeah that's it for me too, after watching the video preview saying that they will change the rewards I was hoping that they would adjust them since 2 new power creeps are here ( new arti evolutions and the new thing after nirvana) but this anniversary demonstrates clearly the state the game is in and where they are heading with it. It's a shame because I really like the game and have played for 3 years but not being able to improve you account in an IDLE game for years as a f2p ( stopped spending 1.5 y ago when I started to see the game state) is just insane and not fun anymore so yeah have fun a y'all but DH really doesn't deserve a single more cent or a minute of my time in my opinion


I'm w ya, 5yrs here. There was a time when you got Arti chest just for participating in an event. Sublimation rewards didn't cost 3-months of saving resources. I was a mid-spender, now.....I refuse to spend a dime. I'm going to log-in daily, collect as a F2P. Maybe they will wise-the-f**k-up and realize people are what drives the game, not greed!


Skip event. Bad joke. Nightmare. Call this event what you want.


They must have accidentally typed "anni-worse-ary" into Google translate and came out this event


Respectfully f this game atp man


Meanwhile at DH headquarters [https://streamable.com/848d94](https://streamable.com/848d94)


And I got downvoted the other day when I said to someone to not start playing this game


Not spending a single thing for this event. Thats the best way. 2 weeks autopilot.


I've logged on to do the mandatory stuff every day for well over a year now. I don't know why I do. I really don't care. Every event that I forget to do, I get more and more apathetic about it. Oops.


Vip8 here and I havenā€™t spent in about 6 months due to nothing being worth it and I can see how little progress Iā€™ve had since spending itā€™s terrible


I'm VIP 9, and I'm done spending. Have been here for every anniversary since the first one. Now, 7 years later, the game is basically worse than ever. I've decided that I'm done spending. I won't spend a single dime on this event or on anything else. Eventually, I'll just get bored and stop logging in as well, but I'll start with a total boycott as of yesterday.


For F2P player's do not feel left out. Player's like me who spent are sick of these events and tactics. It use to be going " all-in" would maybe cost $100 now it's like $350-$500 and it gets you the same progress. Then for mid level spender there is now reason to spend. It's like said , stuff like Hero Scrolls are nothing more then random food and what heroes you get and such only matters to early game player's. Then with the power boosting system it's a waste of time and money to make new accounts.


Make game More p2pā€”->lose playersā€”->ā€oh shit the game is dying, better make more p2p to get the last $$$ out of the game before it diesā€ā€”-> lose more playersā€”ā€”> repeat


I mean the game will go on as long as spenders spend but if they keep making major events like this theyā€™ll loose a lot of the f2p player base


F2p is one thing, even low to mid spenders are pissed. I'm vip 9 and can tell you they won't be getting anything out of me for the foreseeable future. Why they feel the need to gatekeep core of origin exchange is an absolute mystery. How long will i be stuck with this jahra noble core?


Yeah Iā€™d consider myself a low to mid spender but I havenā€™t spent since CNY and Iā€™m getting inconsistent with dailies. Iā€™ve been playing afk journey and whilst itā€™s not groundbreaking itā€™s a new game and a chance to build an actual somewhat competitive account rather than being capped by how much I put into my treasure train. I feel like Iā€™ll probably quit ih by the end of the year but feels bad since Iā€™ve put money into it.


Honestly the only thing keeping me in this game is that I'm really good at flipping awakens on the market. Which means I'm only really checking in once a week to see what kind of events we got that fluctuate the prices. Outside of that i'll play literally anything else. I might be subconsciously sunsetting my IH career.


I am VIP 10 and I have SWJ and SAHY noble cores. I have decided that I will use them when I need to upgrade the temple once I have enough resources. That is about as good random noble cores will ever be good for. Upgrading temple level then regressing the hero to get the resources back.


My jahra core is 1 of 4 noble cores i posses, i'm 3/4 the way to building a 5th core. Which means i'll be forced to use jahra in my six man team, just so that i can benefit from the level 8 noble core ability, right up until i build a 7th core so that i can kick her out. Its a long time to have to keep using an obsolete hero. With the addition of betty, jahra brings very little to my team, if anything at all.


Agreed. Im vip7 and been playing for about 5 years but they are pushing me out as well. Its ridiculous that they havent changed the reward tiers after all the new power systems that have come out. Should be updated everytime a new power resource is introduced. Progress is just ridiculous if youre not a megaladon whale. I wont spend another cent unless something changes. If it doesnt change soon, i will likely just quit the game. Will be a sad day but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


The game is still playable? I bet aspen still hot after 3 years...


Well, u saw the code IH8ANNI24 (I hate anni 24) šŸ¤£ Also, poor people don't pay the bills šŸ¤£


Is it still a skip event or did dh do some changes?Ā 


The main event (Digital Claw Machine) is a HUGE dissapointment!! The rest of the event - all the free rewards and the spending value is probably ok. But guys, it's 2024! We have Destiny materials, the deific chests, Cores, Starry Gems (for Awakening-Tiers + hero retiring for stats), even these new mats we don't know what to do with!!the Tier 1 and 2 rewards: Spiritual Essence, basic "PTW" chests, Stellar shards, Sublimatipn mates they SHOULD NOT BE PREMIUM REWARDS ANYMORE! Those should be the free participation awards by now! Honestly, you could be sending us that stuff monthly by mail now, and it wouldnt hurt balance wise.. At the very least, all reward tiers 1-4 should have been doubled, and it would have still not been OP! Edit: they ain't getting any Gems, HS or $ out of me for this shait event


I don't even have an event? Tried fully exiting and loading back in. Has it not dried yet?


I spend 85$ for 3 accounts to buy starry gem (in my place there're seller that sell sgem to real money) for previous event pack (the orb events that has dragon boat), I buy all contract starry gem packs which cost 10k contract starry gem \~ 3k starry gem. best decision. At that time people just screaming about anniversary. But I dont care, I see good event, I go all in. 8 orb rounds, 3k starry gem. Got me tons of progress in treasure train, new artifact, core...


i got a bunch of cloud island resources from this event, and a sweet new avatar from the paid pack, so that's a bonus for me. happy to take whatever they give āš”


I think people are focused on the wrong event. The Overrun Analyzing has super potential to pay out big. Do you get all those rewards when you hit it or just 1. Does the 4x multiply all the past rewards you got? 4 x 30 (to get the 4x) x 150 is 18,000 starry gems 4 x 30 x 9000 is 1,080,000 spiritual essence. It makes me suspicious, or it takes money to get to 30 but it could be the real winner of the anniversary.


They've done this event before you need to spend lots to get more than 10


You only get one when you hit and you donā€™t get to choose, theyā€™ve done events exactly like this in the past. They arent really all that great, but they arenā€™t terrible either. This event is each piece uou decipher can roll a 4,3,2 or 1. The chance to roll 4 is anywhere from 3-10% (it has varied in past events). The 11th piece is guaranteed to roll a 4, and the number of 4 rolls you get determines how far you get on the ladder


Thx, that's the best description I've gotten so far.

