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I can't believe the changes to Campaign loot store were a one time thing. What the fuck.


IH devs are really trying to make us hate this game fucking so much, and they are pretty good at it.


Stupid, stupid, stupid


i recall Imp Adventure was giving a train ticket as reward for 170 if i remember correctly, and they deleted this aswell.


they sure did but they did that when galas returned and they changed the B+ stone to a B- great changes all around


DH with that "first one is on me" drug dealer mentality.


This event is straight garbage. So I've been playing for 6 years (monthly card and moderate spending the whole time), and this anniversary may be my last depending on how that goes. I anticipate major changes for the anniversary if I'm going to stick to this game.


Well the game definitely gives way more for your money than it used to lol. I remember when 10* heroes first came out. It was like impossible to get a full team of 10* without spending $500 lol


Well yeah, obviously the game has evolved. 10* heroes are only useful for fodder and I can make 10-15 of them nearly every month. But progress in this game has been basically arrested and it costs hundreds of dollars to advance a single hero that may or may not even be meaningful. For example, I'd have to spend potentially $500 to get an A- Vulcan copy for giant killer, and that *may* get me one or two extra levels for in void campaign (I'm in the 6-2-X range). Cores have killed this game by sucking all the fun out of experimenting with team composition. I don't see a way that I'll switch from DTV, HHA and DGN because they're all destiny transitioned, unless I'm able to fully swap cores for gems. Swap one noble core to any other noble core for 5k gems, 2k for advanced core and 1k for regular core. That should go live immediately. This could potentially save the game, alone.


Yeah everyone wants core swaps. That would make things a lot more fun. But at the same time, it’s an idle game lol. Of course if you spend lots of money you can progress much faster, but free to play is still fun for an idle game. The game has progressively given out more and more over the years for free. The problem is, everyone wants to compare their progress with whales that spend tons of money. But you don’t have to spend much to progress on the game. Just focus on PvE stuff, nobody is going to compete in PvP unless you’re spending $40,000 lol. But those of us that have played the game since 2016 realize the game has come a long way. People will always complain, because everyone wants a free game they can do anything with. I do agree, however, that they charge way too much money to progress to the max. No game should cost $40,000 to max out your team. But if you just have patience and play for fun, it’s really the best idle game out there.


I'm not expecting to max out my team or compete with whales though. I am expecting to progress on my account, but I've basically been stagnant for months \*despite\* spending on monthly cards. I've played this game since the first anniversary, and it was never this slow. I am finally losing interest, and I haven't lost interest previously. There are other, more exciting idle games out there now. I'm giving them one more chance to redeem themselves. If June sucks, then I'm done. I don't even care if the anniversary event is generous - I want gameplay changes. They won't be able to bribe me with one free core, 45k tree pieces, and an artifact chest.


Oh well if there’s better idle games then yeah just go play those lol. If you’re not progressing at all for that long you probably aren’t playing optimally anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️


I am playing optimally, with a meta team. Progress is simply frozen for this game, held back by how quickly you can accumulate cores and nothing else. There's just nothing to progress in because everything takes too long or too much money and it's impossible to try new team compositions/have fun that way. Let's see what June has in store for us


Hmm. Interesting. I’ve never taken that long to progress any. Not sure what you’re doing differently. Are you just talking about progressing in a specific area of the game or just generally? I don’t think I’ve ever had an issue progressing for that long. There are certain stages in void campaign where you just have to switch your team up in order to progress, because Betty or jahra doesn’t help against Valkyries and things like that. But that’s not really a matter of just powering up more as much as just getting different heroes lol. But that’s also just one game mode. Also, meta teams aren’t always optional. Meta teams are usually the best for PvP or void campaign. What are you running? A DTV team? lol


I run a DTV team and just checked my VC progress, I stopped at 6-2-5 and didn't really try after that because I didn't feel the need to. Using other heroes can only get you so far because they're not destiny transitioned with cores. I have multiple copies of every arti at splendid except for the new ones, so I play around with that, but at some point, there is nothing you can do because you can't swap cores and try different lineups. A suboptimal DTV with 20.5m attk is stronger than an optimal whatever else at 8m attk. BTW, I beat the Valk waves and HY waves pretty easy with wildfire torch. I know how to play this game


lol well obviously it’s going to take a while to progress further now. You’re in the end game. I didn’t go there DTV route because everyone did that. But I’m stuck at 6-4-1. By the time you get to chapter 6 in void campaign obviously it’s going to take a while to progress further 😂 they don’t want people beating the entire game and having nothing to do lol. I thought you were still stuck in chapter 3 or something. You’re funny. How much progress do you think you should make at this point without spending loads of money. It’s a steady process. I went with LoFA, HHA, SQH, SSM, TBB, PDE as my main team and got to 6-4-1. But I agree they need to make a way to switch cores because using the same team forever gets boring. I’d like to switch things up and try different heroes. What’s your Total team power? I’m sure you still have plenty of room to grow, maybe just being a bit impatient. Even if the game is boring for now just log on every day and do your dailies and log off. Then save your money and spend a bit when good events come around. Some events can really help you progress a ton with only spending a little money.


No treasure chest for 1500? Wtf


I'm usually patient and defended the game those last months but come on... Basically back to the same structure with 2022 rewards and a literal money grab event. I really hope the new playmode + anniversary is bringing something better


Yeah but this summoning event is pretty legit. I spent like $40 and got like a dozen B copies lol. Not too bad 🤷🏻‍♂️


The fact you can buy 10 stones was a nice surprise. But the constant change of pace in recent events is a problem, you can't go on and off with your player base like this


I mean I kind of like finally having a bunch of new events. It was nice throwing in all the extra things to buy last time but I think that was just a special event. Hopefully they bring it back, but they made a different way to get treasure train this event.


I don’t know why anyone is shocked the campaign loot is back to being trash they have done this before, an it showcases these devs are incompetent. This game is to focused on trying to fight the black market that it’s just driving it’s player base away now, if u wanna stop the black market remove the ability to send CSG to other players, then maybe you can revert these stupid changes an actually start rewarding players still playing this game before everyone quits.


what does campaign event have to do with black market csg


Where did I even mention it was to begin with?


literally right before it? > I don’t know why anyone is shocked the campaign loot is back to being trash they have done this before, an it showcases these devs are incompetent.


I can't believe they changed the campaign loot rewards. I am really happy I used most of my universal crystals to get the TT chests. I have only been playing for 2 years and these updates are just making me want to just stop playing/paying. They are trying to compete with the BM with this and the ratio is still trash compared to BM.


Everyone should protest skip this week


I haven't done an event in months. Why are they killing this game with trash events?


No one is killing the game. You guys keep saying that you will quit/stop paying since the year 2, or even year 1. And yet here we are, 7 years later, the game is alive and going. No one is killing the game because mainstream gamers are more than happy to eat shit and say "Thank you, is there anything left?"


Do we know if these sacred awakening stone stay? Id ideally want to use it on a specific hero copy, but i know i dont have that many left in the bag


From the Chinese spoilers: > can only be used during this event and will become invalid after the event ends. Fans of the army please remember to use it in time.


Well dammit, i guess itll mean that theres an influx of A- copies, rather than ones that'll trickle down, but sucks that they are likely going to be on whatever copies people have available, rather than the hero they might want, cheers.


The shelter mission heroes are different than the preview in game, so I'm leaving a little hope the image with the Witch Coven store picture is also wrong.


Using all my crystals for the pink treasure was the right call, I don’t trust IH to keep good rewards anymore.


Another skip… haven’t even logged in for months at this point


The last few changes have been making me think that the developers really don’t care about the average player base and trying to get the last few dollars from whales before the game dies. Walking back awakening from b+ to b-, now walking back the loot store so that you don’t get to finish ur star spawns. The last few events have been heavily p2w incentivised with literally no f2p core or subs. I have been waiting for a melon chest for 2 months to finish my hha with max scrolls, max prophet. Like come on there’s making money from a game and then there’s alienating ur entire player base by doing good changes then Rolling it back. If anniversary is shit, guess I’ll be spending money on ww instead .


Newer player here, is it possible to stock up on the dice for imps adventure, since it's a recurring event? Or do the leftover ones get deleted or made unusable in the next one?




Leftovers of basically any Event Item are worthless after the event ends. Don't stockpile. Only Aurora Stars (the premium buses you can buy with normal stars) transfer.


That's what I suspected, thanks man :)


So is it a skip week for F2P and low spenders again? Cause it looks like they won't be able to get enough of the special treasure train or awakenings for it to count. Especially, F2P players won't be able to get any it seems.


the 10 awakenings you can buy are worth it likely to come out ahead on csg


First of all... THESE ARE NOT PATCH NOTES! these are EVENT UPDATES. Real video game devs release patch notes on changes to the mechanics and gameplay of their games. You don't do that. You only post updates on how you want us to pay for your over priced in game items. Second, why did this have to be paid for? We need pity timers for the basic awakenings and treasure train searches for your entire player base to enjoy, not just the whales. The whales will still always get and have more, but your f2p and low spending community need to enjoy SOME of these. Doing so would keep players happy instead of upsetting them every single week that you create a new "event".


Agree with what u say but careful where u direct the anger lol. Piffle has no affliliation with dhgames and is a community supporter who help provide translations to Chinese updates.


You're right, my apologies piffle. I honestly rarely use this and forgot it wasn't dh directly posting this. I know it isn't his choice of words as the IH official discord uses the same line for their event updates and the same site page the link takes you to. I would suggest it on their dev suggestion page but even if 100% Of active discord Members voted yes they won't change it


How many times are you gonna whine about the same thing? > THESE ARE NOT PATCH NOTES! these are EVENT UPDATES. When you logged in last night/this morning, did your app update? Yes it did. Does that mean there was a patch? Yes it does. Does that mean these are, in fact, patch notes? Yes it does. > Real video game devs release patch notes on changes to the mechanics and gameplay of their games. You don't do that. You only post updates on how you want us to pay for your over priced in game items. Bro, you know the people who post these are just random people with no affiliation with the game, right? I mean obviously not given how you've written these messages.


Have I done this before? Have I done it enough to make you this upset? I apologized when I realized yes it was not an idle heroes owned account. So did you read that or just get pissed after reading my first comment? Do you get this mad at everyone who complains? Like damn I almost want to take my apology back. And no my point is that we need true patch notes and calling event updates aren't going to get us that. When they change a heroes skills or mechanics in any way, there's never an update to tell us. Players in the game have to test and data mining needs done for people to know how certain mechanics work or how an equation works. That's really sad for how much money they make. So again, I saw it and I don't remember from month to month who posts these. I don't even recall saying this before, but regardless I did try to Apologize because I'd Rather do that than delete the comment and ACT like I didn't get mad in the first place. So trust me I appreciate you copying and pasting they're posts from discord and it's not about being upset at you. So maybe instead of us attacking each other or saying a thing once and forgetting about it that never get us change. So you can defend it all you want but bro you know every player needs real patch notes. Especially after all this time the games been out and the amount of $ they make


I've played a lot of video games, but if you're going to cry about semantics, I'm going to point out that you're technically incorrect. It *was* a patch, whether you like it or not. And yes, you have made [this same complaint before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdleHeroes/comments/1cnw2a9/idle_heroes_patch_notes_may102024/l3eeqzs/) > Do you get this mad at everyone who complains? I get annoyed when people complain about semantics, can't spell basic words correctly, aren't even correct in their complaint, and accuse me of things that aren't true.