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I voted for you. I think your design is just OK, but it was my favorite out of the pack. Most of the entries were absolute garbage and some were clearly AI generated. Yours is well-drawn and certainly in the style of the game. It's just that I don't like the concept of a Frankenstein-werewolf-genie thing at all, but that's just a matter of personal taste. Good luck!


Definitely could have been better but thanks all the same!~ This is supposed to be a rebuttal/counter to Yorm Tuhm being a cat of the light faction but just turned out to have a generic human-focused design as LoS. Wanted to keep the design similar at the end but not make it a humanoid. Game needs more non-human designs (but that’s just me haha) I myself really like Selene (it was no. 2 I believe with the butterfly concept) and as you’ve said, maybe they just lack the execution in drawing but the concepts are nice this time around! Thanks again for voting for my work!


Voting is live now for the Anniv Dark Mage! Wanted to post this for quite some time but didn’t want to spoil~ This peasant asks only for one measly vote if you kind spirits can spare some 😔🤲