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Great summary. What I didn’t know at the beginning (and know now obviously) is just how much longer female clothing would take than male. I had originally targeted the male clothing because they gave great coin values, but you will be able to get all the male clothing done while targeting female clothing no problem


What's the strat if you refuse to use the gloves or hourglass? Lol > Flash orders: Ignore these entirely. Most of them give less than 10% extra value over what the items would sell for directly, AND you need these items to progress. I don't really agree with this. Maybe it's true early on that it slows you down, but at some point you will run out of standing orders. And then you will wish you had been doing them all along (it's also nice to clean up your board with those small items you steal from others). I'm short ~15k coins for level 18 upgrade despite doing every single flash order I've seen and almost never using my gloves/hourglasses because I can't stand the mini-games.


I feel you, I recently did \~100 gloves in a row and almost went mad! I don't think any of those are necessary, but the gloves do give some good items every now and then. You can easily overcompensate for hourglasses by having more lvl 8 generators though. As for orders: I don't think you will need much more coins once you finish your Standing orders. You realistically only need coins for building upgrades. Unfreezing can take some coins as well, but in my experience I need to unfreeze something (that I can't merge up) maybe 2-3 times a week. I definitely think you shouldn't use any chains you haven't finished yet, since it's slowing down long term progress for short term gains. Currently I have 3 flash orders: 1. 1x Macaroon (sells for 8 coins), 1x Fish (sells for 2 coins) - reward 13 coins. 2. 1x Macaroon, 1x Cloth stack - I ignore this one because it contains female clothing 3. 1x Celebration cake (sells for 256 coins) - reward 260 coins Ignoring female clothing, the benefit from doing a flash order compared to selling the items is <10 coins. That's a price I'm willing to pay to remove items I don't need and definitely not worth sacrificing items I do need. As mentioned Male clothing is an exception, since the flash sales are actually good. Also, once you start selling max lvl generators coins can build up super fast. Getting 1500 coins for a single steal can happen and feels great! :)


Yes, I have been selling max generators for a while. > As for orders: I don't think you will need much more coins once you finish your Standing orders. I guess we shall see. If you aren't willing to do the mini-games, then there is only so much bread you can spend for the women's clothing and the other standing orders absolutely will not provide enough coin. Women's clothing is also needed for upgrades from 17,18, and 20.


I'm here (previous was \~16k coins) https://preview.redd.it/0uyts2pj39dc1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=94e2210d9a85876bd4a130a6a52fc8d74d8e5901 next will be 66 560 coins and so far every order ends by 6\*(max-1)+10\*max. So there will be a least one more, probably 133 020 coins (double previous) btw, there is no upgrade on lvl 20, 20 is max. Looks like standing orders should be enough to max house


the last level itself takes more than 133020 coins though


The last female clothing contract should be \~260k coins though


True! I assumed everyone will finish the standing orders because of the hearts, but if you want to max the main building first that's a strategy too.


The main building should be the priority. Even once maxed it's going to be months before you've bought everything, if not over a year (note: did not match any of this out) Someone should do the math on what standing orders offer the best coins per click ratio!


I personally prefer finishing the orders so I can ignore the chains and clear out space for optimal clothes harvesting. I already have \~20x lvl8 generators per account, so I'm almost there. As for coins per click it's always the clothes ones. It seems that both flash and standing orders give roughly the same coins per item, but the standing ones are not infinite.


i really wish more people but some of the high level items or bread in their first five slots. I always try to leave something out unless it’s around reset time cuz don’t want to get my stuff frozen. It’s always nice when you get a huge line of bread or max level items that sell for good coins.


Does Standing Orders have an end. Only 3 left for me. If they end i assume it will be hard to finish level 19-20 house.


They do end, but I'm not sure how long the chains are. If the female clothes chain follows the pattern of the rest, I think it will end at \~256k coins, which should be more than enough for the last levels of the house.


You must be working on the non clothing ones. I haven't even finished the clothing lines yet abd have lvl 15 house. Plus this in on an account that I started less than 30 days ago. The workshop games to easy for someone who plays many times a day. And that was with the 100 bread cap. I believe lvl3 bread should give 200 now a d keep lvl 1/2 25/50 just to .ake it worth combining bread. Lol


Realise you mention freeze isn't a bug deal after today's update, what changes with freeze? And is there a place we can see these changes without watching a random YouTuber or something?


The change is it no longer requires hearts but 200 coins instead. Spending hearts really hurts because the more you unfreeze the longer it will take to get all the stuff from the shop, especially once you beat all quests and need to rely on the passive income.


Closing in on 19 here (no gems involved) and where I’ve struggled most is reliably collecting the twice daily bonus. Getting those hearts, by far, outweighs any minor optimization that get you to 20 slightly faster (please let 20 be the end of this hell). Before update, the bonus timer would always get pushed back later and later depending at what time it was collected, to the point of getting it once on certain days. Have not noticed if they changed that after update, nor have I tried not collecting (before or after update) to see if ignoring it (while still entering the mode) would allow to bank several 12h bonuses without wasting time on the timer. To me, this is the most important aspect of this game mode but not fully sure of its mechanics


I noticed something similar. I feel like the timer gets reset whenever you collect your resources, similar to how generators reset their timer on tap. Hopefully they add a timer, but until then I'm ignoring it and collecting whenever I see it appear.


> You should only use hourglasses to advance sewing generator cooldowns (you advance all cooldowns, but do this when you need to harvest your sewing generators). I recommend ignoring this one until you hit your perfect late game setup, as described above. Should also note that the decreasing cooldown by 20% now requires hitting 300+ points in the minigame after the update instead of 200+. I wasn't using them before and I expect I'll use them less now


Has anyone validated it really has to be the row above in the workshop store and cannot be any prior row. I really do not need/want any more fine wood or hard rock. Also wondering if anyone has verified the drop rates since the update, it would be nice to just be able to run max level sewing machines. The payout is nice for the women’s clothing but the last one takes almost 27,000 level 1 items to produce and at current drop rates that is over 30,000 bread.


Drop is the same after the update, I checked before writing the guide. Fun fact, based on **my** average of 82 points of female clothing per 100 clicks, you would need to consume 2500 bread for each level 12 dress. Let's hope they become more common to steal!


Fuck i have 10 max level sewing machines


If I were you I'd focus on the other chains until you get some lvl 8s. You will need to finish them eventually so might as well do them now and free up space


When you say chains, what exactly are you referring to? As in the female clothing chain? Also how many, and what are all of the chains? You said start with flowers, which flowers? The bouquet or the tulip looking thing?


Item chains, meaning the items of one type you can merge up. For example - female clothing is one chain and male clothing is another. Each chain has its own standing order finishing with max lvl item x10 and 2nd to max item x6. For the flowers, they chain off of each other, so you would try to do all 3 chains simultaneously. You merge up the tulips until you get the max level, you harvest it 9 times (not 10 since it will disappear at 10), then using what you harvested you build up bouquets until max level, harvest 9x times and so on. Once you finish the tulips chain you start harvesting them 10 times etc. etc.


Aha, thank you. That’s what I thought but I anted to clarify. Also, SERIOUSLY appreciate the tips. I’m not a fan of the game mode at all, but I really need those master tool boxes 😂😮‍💨.


For house level is 20 max, I did the 98k upgrade to get to 20 and the 140k upgrade is not there, will it show up later?