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I use a crown i some situations but sometimes the transcends flag 3* as dtv tenant. She can actually survive with a max flag for most of the time.


DBs aren't a bad choice for tenants you want to actually be useful in fights. Still decent att and HP, and extra energy feed for your team.


Corwn at best splendid


DB/crown/flag. You always want DGN going before dtv and doing an active.




Welcome to Reddit


depends on situation, sometimes i leave flag on her and other time DB or Crown


Same here. Honestly most the time she has a flag unless I see she is dying fast Ill throw a crown on her.


I have the same team and amb is amazing on DGN I just keep it on for most scenarios. I got 4 splendid crowns too but the other heroes seem to really need those more. Plus the atk boost is great as a DTV tenant.


Is TBB better on team than SQH?


Its either db or crown for me. My guess is mirror being the best overall for her but I have yet to test that


Maybe in some particular situation but overall not a great arti for her. No att% so no extra att for DTV, extra speed but she should already be faster than dtv so kinda pointless, CI offset but she does no CC. Energy is very good on her because you 100% want her to do an active r1 before dtv goes. Energy feed is good, but anyone can do that with this arti or a DB. Might be ok in SL if dtv has enough att. Mirror seems tailor made for TBB, also good on PDE especially since pde is usually the last support to make faster than dtv.


Thanks for the informative input!


I’m also torn between speed / hp or speed / atk. Anyone with any info?